- project: name: bmo # Default "type" of job is "pull", as in pull request, # and the default GINKGO_FOCUS is empty (all tests required in BMO PRs) type: pull GINKGO_FOCUS: " " # Default BMO branch to trigger the test in is "main" BRANCH_NAME: "main" # These jobs are triggered by prow for PRs (empty trigger here) or by timer (see below) triggers: [] jobs: - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}" # This job runs the "optional" set, which currently includes only "upgrade" tests - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}": type: optional-pull GINKGO_FOCUS: "upgrade" - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}": type: periodic triggers: # Run at 02:45 (UTC) every day - timed: "45 2 * * *" - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}": type: optional-periodic GINKGO_FOCUS: "upgrade" triggers: # Run at 03:45 (UTC) every day - timed: "45 3 * * *" # Pediodic jobs for release branches - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}": type: periodic-release-0.6 BRANCH_NAME: "release-0.6" triggers: # Run at 01:45 (UTC) every odd day - timed: "45 1 1-31/2 * *" - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}": type: periodic-release-0.5 BRANCH_NAME: "release-0.5" triggers: # Run at 01:45 (UTC) every even day - timed: "45 1 2-30/2 * *" - job-template: name: "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}" project-type: pipeline defaults: global disabled: False concurrent: True parameters: # Parameters set by Prow - string: name: BUILD_ID description: 'Used by Prow when triggering jobs' - string: name: PROW_JOB_ID description: 'Used by Prow when triggering jobs' - string: name: REPO_OWNER description: 'Project github repo org name' - string: name: REPO_NAME description: 'Project github repo name' - string: name: PULL_BASE_REF default: '{BRANCH_NAME}' description: 'Ref name of the base branch' - string: name: PULL_PULL_SHA default: '{BRANCH_NAME}' # Default set to branch name. This is needed when running periodic jobs description: 'Pull request head SHA' # End of Prow parameters - string: name: GINKGO_FOCUS default: '{GINKGO_FOCUS}' description: 'The focus test to run' properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 300 artifact-days-to-keep: -1 artifact-num-to-keep: -1 - github: url: https://github.com/metal3-io/baremetal-operator triggers: "{triggers}" pipeline-scm: scm: - git: url: "{ci_github_repo}" credentials-id: "{ci_github_jenkins_credentials_id}" branches: - "{branch|main}" name: 'origin' refspec: "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" wipe-workspace: True honor-refspec: True shallow-clone: False script-path: "jenkins/jobs/bmo_e2e_tests.pipeline" lightweight-checkout: False