- # Set upper limit of the graphs to 20% bigger than largest limit to have more space above the plot
- limit=$(cut -d, -f2 "$dataFile" | sort -n | tail -n 1)
- limit=$(echo "$limit * 1.2" | bc)
+ y_max=$(findMaxPlotRange "$dataFile")
# Create a temporary Gnuplot script
cat <<EOT >
set output "${chartFileName}"
set xlabel "Build"
set ylabel "${units}"
-set yrange [0 : ${limit} < *]
+set yrange [0 : ${y_max} < *]
set xtics rotate
plot '$dataFile' using 1:3:xtic(sprintf("%d", column(1))) with linespoints title "measured", \
'$dataFile' using 1:2 with lines linestyle 2 title "limit"
+# Set upper limit of the graphs to 20% bigger than largest value to have more space above the plot
+findMaxPlotRange() {
+ dataFile="$1"
+ awk -F, '{
+ if ($2 > max) max = $2;
+ if ($3 > max) max = $3;
+ } END {
+ print max * 1.2;
+ }' "$dataFile"
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