halyard: spinnakerVersion: {{ spinnaker_app_version }} image: repository: {{ gcrio_image_repository }}/spinnaker-marketplace/halyard tag: {{ spinnaker_version }} pullSecrets: [] # Set to false to disable persistence data volume for halyard persistence: enabled: false # Provide a config map with Hal commands that will be run the core config (storage) # The config map should contain a script in the config.sh key additionalScripts: enabled: false configMapName: my-halyard-config configMapKey: config.sh # If you'd rather do an inline script, set create to true and put the content in the data dict like you would a configmap # The content will be passed through `tpl`, so value interpolation is supported. create: false data: {} additionalSecrets: create: false data: {} ## Uncomment if you want to use a pre-created secret rather than feeding data in via helm. # name: additionalConfigMaps: create: false data: {} ## Uncomment if you want to use a pre-created ConfigMap rather than feeding data in via helm. # name: ## Define custom profiles for Spinnaker services. Read more for details: ## https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/custom/#custom-profiles ## The contents of the files will be passed through `tpl`, so value interpolation is supported. additionalProfileConfigMaps: data: {} ## if you're running spinnaker behind a reverse proxy such as a GCE ingress ## you may need the following profile settings for the gate profile. ## see https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/1630 ## otherwise its harmless and will likely become default behavior in the future ## According to the linked github issue. # gate-local.yml: # server: # tomcat: # protocolHeader: X-Forwarded-Proto # remoteIpHeader: X-Forwarded-For # internalProxies: .* # httpsServerPort: X-Forwarded-Port ## Define custom settings for Spinnaker services. Read more for details: ## https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/custom/#custom-service-settings ## You can use it to add annotations for pods, override the image, etc. additionalServiceSettings: {} # deck.yml: # artifactId: gcr.io/spinnaker-marketplace/deck:2.9.0-20190412012808 # kubernetes: # podAnnotations: # iam.amazonaws.com/role: # clouddriver.yml: # kubernetes: # podAnnotations: # iam.amazonaws.com/role: ## Populate to provide a custom local BOM for Halyard to use for deployment. Read more for details: ## https://www.spinnaker.io/guides/operator/custom-boms/#boms-and-configuration-on-your-filesystem bom: ~ # artifactSources: # debianRepository: https://dl.bintray.com/spinnaker-releases/debians # dockerRegistry: gcr.io/spinnaker-marketplace # gitPrefix: https://github.com/spinnaker # googleImageProject: marketplace-spinnaker-release # services: # clouddriver: # commit: 031bcec52d6c3eb447095df4251b9d7516ed74f5 # version: 6.3.0-20190904130744 # deck: # commit: b0aac478e13a7f9642d4d39479f649dd2ef52a5a # version: 2.12.0-20190916141821 # ... # timestamp: '2019-09-16 18:18:44' # version: 1.16.1 ## Define local configuration for Spinnaker services. ## The contents of these files would be copies of the configuration normally retrieved from ## `gs://halconfig/`, but instead need to be available locally on the halyard pod to facilitate ## offline installation. This would typically be used along with a custom `bom:` with the `local:` prefix on a ## service version. ## Read more for details: ## https://www.spinnaker.io/guides/operator/custom-boms/#boms-and-configuration-on-your-filesystem ## The key for each entry must be the name of the service and a file name separated by the '_' character. serviceConfigs: {} # clouddriver_clouddriver-ro.yml: |- # ... # clouddriver_clouddriver-rw.yml: |- # ... # clouddriver_clouddriver.yml: |- # ... # deck_settings.json: |- # ... # echo_echo.yml: |- # ... ## Uncomment if you want to add extra commands to the init script ## run by the init container before halyard is started. ## The content will be passed through `tpl`, so value interpolation is supported. # additionalInitScript: |- ## Uncomment if you want to add annotations on halyard and install-using-hal pods # annotations: # iam.amazonaws.com/role: ## Uncomment the following resources definitions to control the cpu and memory # resources allocated for the halyard pod resources: {} # requests: # memory: "1Gi" # cpu: "100m" # limits: # memory: "2Gi" # cpu: "200m" ## Uncomment if you want to set environment variables on the Halyard pod. # env: # - name: JAVA_OPTS # value: -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.example.com customCerts: ## Enable to override the default cacerts with your own one enabled: false secretName: custom-cacerts # Define which registries and repositories you want available in your # Spinnaker pipeline definitions # For more info visit: # https://www.spinnaker.io/setup/providers/docker-registry/ # Configure your Docker registries here dockerRegistries: - name: dockerhub address: index.docker.io repositories: - library/alpine - library/ubuntu - library/centos - library/nginx # - name: gcr # address: https://gcr.io # username: _json_key # password: '' # email: 1234@5678.com # If you don't want to put your passwords into a values file # you can use a pre-created secret instead of putting passwords # (specify secret name in below `dockerRegistryAccountSecret`) # per account above with data in the format: # : # dockerRegistryAccountSecret: myregistry-secrets kubeConfig: # Use this when you want to register arbitrary clusters with Spinnaker # Upload your ~/kube/.config to a secret enabled: false secretName: my-kubeconfig secretKey: config # Use this when you want to configure halyard to reference a kubeconfig from s3 # This allows you to keep your kubeconfig in an encrypted s3 bucket # For more info visit: # https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/secrets/s3-secrets/#secrets-in-s3 # encryptedKubeconfig: encrypted:s3!r:us-west-2!b:mybucket!f:mykubeconfig # List of contexts from the kubeconfig to make available to Spinnaker contexts: - default deploymentContext: default omittedNameSpaces: - kube-system - kube-public onlySpinnakerManaged: enabled: false # When false, clouddriver will skip the permission checks for all kubernetes kinds at startup. # This can save a great deal of time during clouddriver startup when you have many kubernetes # accounts configured. This disables the log messages at startup about missing permissions. checkPermissionsOnStartup: true # A list of resource kinds this Spinnaker account can deploy to and will cache. # When no kinds are configured, this defaults to ‘all kinds'. # kinds: # - # A list of resource kinds this Spinnaker account cannot deploy to or cache. # This can only be set when –kinds is empty or not set. # omittedKinds: # - # Change this if youd like to expose Spinnaker outside the cluster ingress: enabled: false # host: spinnaker.example.org # annotations: # ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: 'true' # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" # tls: # - secretName: -tls # hosts: # - domain.com ingressGate: enabled: false # host: gate.spinnaker.example.org # annotations: # ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: 'true' # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" # tls: # - secretName: -tls # hosts: # - domain.com # spinnakerFeatureFlags is a list of Spinnaker feature flags to enable # Ref: https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/commands/#hal-config-features-edit # spinnakerFeatureFlags: # - artifacts # - pipeline-templates spinnakerFeatureFlags: - artifacts - jobs # Node labels for pod assignment # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ # nodeSelector to provide to each of the Spinnaker components nodeSelector: {} # Redis password to use for the in-cluster redis service # Enable redis to use in-cluster redis redis: enabled: true # External Redis option will be enabled if in-cluster redis is disabled external: host: "" port: 6379 # password: "" password: password nodeSelector: {} cluster: enabled: false # Uncomment if you don't want to create a PVC for redis master: persistence: enabled: false # Minio access/secret keys for the in-cluster S3 usage # Minio is not exposed publically minio: enabled: true imageTag: RELEASE.2019-02-13T19-48-27Z serviceType: ClusterIP accessKey: spinnakeradmin secretKey: spinnakeradmin bucket: "spinnaker" nodeSelector: {} # Uncomment if you don't want to create a PVC for minio persistence: enabled: false # Google Cloud Storage gcs: enabled: false project: my-project-name bucket: "" ## if jsonKey is set, will create a secret containing it jsonKey: '' ## override the name of the secret to use for jsonKey, if `jsonKey` ## is empty, it will not create a secret assuming you are creating one ## external to the chart. the key for that secret should be `key.json`. secretName: # AWS Simple Storage Service s3: enabled: false bucket: "" # rootFolder: "front50" # region: "us-east-1" # endpoint: "" # accessKey: "" # secretKey: "" # assumeRole: "" # Azure Storage Account azs: enabled: false # storageAccountName: "" # accessKey: "" # containerName: "spinnaker" rbac: # Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created create: true serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created create: true # The name of the ServiceAccounts to use. # If left blank it is auto-generated from the fullname of the release halyardName: spinnakerName: securityContext: # Specifies permissions to write for user/group runAsUser: 1000 fsGroup: 1000