Make it possible to select "sh" and "bash" aliases without selecting ash or hush

The same can be done for msh, but we are probably better off just deleting it
in a next versio or two.

Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <>
diff --git a/coreutils/Kbuild.src b/coreutils/Kbuild.src
index 8e2c097..d9a4487 100644
--- a/coreutils/Kbuild.src
+++ b/coreutils/Kbuild.src
@@ -10,12 +10,16 @@
-lib-$(CONFIG_MORE)      += cat.o   # more uses it if stdout isn't a tty
-lib-$(CONFIG_LESS)      += cat.o   # less too
-lib-$(CONFIG_CRONTAB)   += cat.o   # crontab -l
-lib-$(CONFIG_ADDUSER)   += chown.o # used by adduser
-lib-$(CONFIG_ADDGROUP)  += chown.o # used by adduser
-lib-$(CONFIG_ASH)       += echo.o  # used by ash
-lib-$(CONFIG_HUSH)      += echo.o  # used by hush
-lib-$(CONFIG_FTPD)      += ls.o    # used by ftpd
+lib-$(CONFIG_MORE)          += cat.o   # more uses it if stdout isn't a tty
+lib-$(CONFIG_LESS)          += cat.o   # less too
+lib-$(CONFIG_CRONTAB)       += cat.o   # crontab -l
+lib-$(CONFIG_ADDUSER)       += chown.o # used by adduser
+lib-$(CONFIG_ADDGROUP)      += chown.o # used by adduser
+lib-$(CONFIG_ASH)           += echo.o  # used by ash
+lib-$(CONFIG_SH_IS_ASH)     += echo.o  # used by ash
+lib-$(CONFIG_BASH_IS_ASH)   += echo.o  # used by ash
+lib-$(CONFIG_HUSH)          += echo.o  # used by hush
+lib-$(CONFIG_SH_IS_HUSH)    += echo.o  # used by hush
+lib-$(CONFIG_BASH_IS_HUSH)  += echo.o  # used by hush
+lib-$(CONFIG_FTPD)          += ls.o    # used by ftpd
 lib-$(CONFIG_ASH_BUILTIN_PRINTF) += printf.o
diff --git a/coreutils/test.c b/coreutils/test.c
index 9e18ee9..288f665 100644
--- a/coreutils/test.c
+++ b/coreutils/test.c
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
 //kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_TEST2) += test.o test_ptr_hack.o
 //kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_ASH_BUILTIN_TEST) += test.o test_ptr_hack.o
 //kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_HUSH) += test.o test_ptr_hack.o
+//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_SH_IS_HUSH) += test.o test_ptr_hack.o
+//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_BASH_IS_HUSH) += test.o test_ptr_hack.o
 /* "test --help" is special-cased to ignore --help */
 //usage:#define test_trivial_usage NOUSAGE_STR