fix substitution when replacing with &, we shouldnt check for an escape charcter. Its already been taken care of _somewhere_ else
diff --git a/editors/sed.c b/editors/sed.c
index db31718..912318c 100644
--- a/editors/sed.c
+++ b/editors/sed.c
@@ -722,9 +722,8 @@
 		 * fortunately, regmatch[0] contains the indicies to the whole matched
 		 * expression (kinda seems like it was designed for just such a
 		 * purpose...) */
-		else if (replace[i] == '&' && replace[i - 1] != '\\') {
+		else if (replace[i] == '&') {
 			int j;
 			for (j = regmatch[0].rm_so; j < regmatch[0].rm_eo; j++)