Tito writes:
Hi to all,
I'm sorry but I didn't spot this big fat bug until now,
Matteo Croce emailed me about it.
Please apply this patch as the devfsd applet is broken
and works only on a system booted with a standard devfsd
( the test I mostly did :-( ), but if used at boot time
Thanks in advance and please apply
diff --git a/miscutils/devfsd.c b/miscutils/devfsd.c
index e6316d6..e5d5508 100644
--- a/miscutils/devfsd.c
+++ b/miscutils/devfsd.c
@@ -1426,15 +1426,14 @@
static int make_dir_tree (const char *path)
/* [SUMMARY] Creating intervening directories for a path as required.
- <path> The full pathname (including he leaf node).
+ <path> The full pathname (including the leaf node).
[RETURNS] TRUE on success, else FALSE.
msg_logger( NO_DIE, LOG_INFO, "make_dir_tree()\n");
- if (bb_make_directory( (char *)path, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH , FILEUTILS_RECUR )==-1)
+ if (bb_make_directory( dirname((char *)path), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ,FILEUTILS_RECUR )==-1)
msg_logger( NO_DIE, LOG_ERR, "make_dir_tree(): %s: %m\n", path);