Fixed a couple more cases.  $FOO/bar ${FOO} and such now work
without wordexp.  Of course for stuff like ${1:-foo} you still
need wordexp for them to work.
diff --git a/lash.c b/lash.c
index 34dca04..8f19e52 100644
--- a/lash.c
+++ b/lash.c
@@ -1014,7 +1014,6 @@
 	 * wordexp can't do for us, namely $? and $! */
 	src = command;
 	while((dst = strchr(src,'$')) != NULL){
-		printf("dollar '%s'\n", dst);
 		var = NULL;
 		switch(*(dst+1)) {
 			case '?':
@@ -1057,14 +1056,25 @@
 		} else {
 			/* Looks like an environment variable */
 			char delim_hold;
-			src=strpbrk(dst+1, " \t~`!$^&*()=|\\{}[];\"'<>?.");
+			int num_skip_chars=1;
+			int dstlen = strlen(dst);
+			/* Is this a ${foo} type variable? */
+			if (dstlen >=2 && *(dst+1) == '{') {
+				src=strchr(dst+1, '}');
+				num_skip_chars=2;
+			} else {
+				src=strpbrk(dst+1, " \t~`!$^&*()=|\\[];\"'<>?./");
+			}
 			if (src == NULL) {
-				src = dst+strlen(dst);
+				src = dst+dstlen;
 			*src='\0';  /* temporary */
-			var = getenv(dst + 1);
+			var = getenv(dst + num_skip_chars);
+			if (num_skip_chars==2) {
+				src++;
+			}
 		if (var == NULL) {
 			/* Seems we got an un-expandable variable.  So delete it. */