Bunches of fixes.  Typos, bugs, etc.
Added 'gunzip -t'.  inittab support _almost_ works (but it isn't
ready for prime time useage yet).
diff --git a/editors/sed.c b/editors/sed.c
index 8e5f695..2577724 100644
--- a/editors/sed.c
+++ b/editors/sed.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     "\t  /REGEXP/  Match specified regexp\n"
     "\t  (! inverts the meaning of the match)\n\n"
     "\tand COMMAND can be:\n"
-    "\t  s/regexp/replacement/[gp]\n"
+    "\t  s/regexp/replacement/[igp]\n"
     "\t     which attempt to match regexp against the pattern space\n"
     "\t     and if successful replaces the matched portion with replacement.\n\n"
     "\t  aTEXT\n"