udpsvd: more work on it. works in limited testing.
diff --git a/include/libbb.h b/include/libbb.h
index b802e01..e5413b1 100644
--- a/include/libbb.h
+++ b/include/libbb.h
@@ -321,6 +321,17 @@
 } len_and_sockaddr;
+enum {
+	LSA_SIZEOF_SA = sizeof(
+		union {
+			struct sockaddr sa;
+			struct sockaddr_in sin;
+			struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
+		}
+	)
 /* Create stream socket, and allocated suitable lsa
  * (lsa of correct size and lsa->sa.sa_family (AF_INET/AF_INET6)) */
 int xsocket_stream(len_and_sockaddr **lsap);
diff --git a/include/usage.h b/include/usage.h
index cec2dd7..bab14f5 100644
--- a/include/usage.h
+++ b/include/usage.h
@@ -3326,32 +3326,41 @@
 #define tcpsvd_trivial_usage \
-       "[-hpEvv] [-c n] [-C n:msg] [-b n] [-u user] [-l name] ip port prog..."
+       "[-hEv] [-c n] [-C n:msg] [-b n] [-u user] [-l name] ip port prog..."
 /* with not-implemented options: */
 /*     "[-hpEvv] [-c n] [-C n:msg] [-b n] [-u user] [-l name] [-i dir|-x cdb] [ -t sec] ip port prog..." */
 #define tcpsvd_full_usage \
-       "tcpsvd creates TCP/IP socket, binds it to host:port\n" \
-       "and listens on in for incoming connections. For each connection\n" \
-       "it runs prog" \
+       "Creates TCP socket, binds it to host:port and listens on in\n" \
+       "for incoming connections. For each connection it runs prog" \
      "\n" \
-     "\nip		IP to listen on. '0' = 'all'" \
+     "\nip		IP to listen on. '0' = all" \
      "\nport		Port to listen on" \
-     "\nprog [arg]	Program to run for each connection" \
+     "\nprog [arg]	Program to run" \
      "\n-l name		Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)" \
      "\n-u user[:group]	Change to user/group after bind" \
      "\n-c n		Handle up to n connections simultaneously" \
      "\n-C n[:msg]	Allow only up to n connections from the same IP" \
      "\n		New connections from this IP address are closed" \
      "\n		immediately. 'msg' is written to the peer before close" \
-     "\n-h		Look up peer's hostname in DNS" \
+     "\n-h		Look up peer's hostname" \
      "\n-b n		Allow a backlog of approximately n TCP SYNs" \
      "\n-E		Do not set up TCP-related environment variables" \
      "\n-v		Verbose"
 #define udpsvd_trivial_usage \
-       "TODO"
+       "[-hv] [-u user] [-l name] host port prog"
 #define udpsvd_full_usage \
-       "TODO"
+       "Creates UDP socket, binds it to host:port and listens on in\n" \
+       "for incoming packets. When packet arrives it runs prog.\n" \
+       "When prog exits, it start to listen on the socket again" \
+     "\n" \
+     "\nip		IP to listen on. '0' = all" \
+     "\nport		Port to listen on" \
+     "\nprog [arg]	Program to run" \
+     "\n-l name		Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)" \
+     "\n-u user[:group]	Change to user/group after bind" \
+     "\n-h		Look up peer's hostname" \
+     "\n-v		Verbose"
 #define tftp_trivial_usage \
        "[OPTION]... HOST [PORT]"