style fix (stray space before ';')

diff --git a/editors/diff.c b/editors/diff.c
index ef39623..88f8b22 100644
--- a/editors/diff.c
+++ b/editors/diff.c
@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@
 	for (pref = 0; pref < len[0] && pref < len[1] &&
 		 file[0][pref + 1].value == file[1][pref + 1].value; pref++)
-		 ;
+		continue;
 	for (suff = 0; suff < len[0] - pref && suff < len[1] - pref &&
 		 file[0][len[0] - suff].value == file[1][len[1] - suff].value;
-		 ;
+		continue;
 	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
 		sfile[j] = file[j] + pref;
 		slen[j] = len[j] - pref - suff;
diff --git a/editors/vi.c b/editors/vi.c
index 97efe0c..c4f3a83 100644
--- a/editors/vi.c
+++ b/editors/vi.c
@@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
 		format_line(buf, tp, li);
 		// skip to the end of the current text[] line
-		while (tp < end && *tp++ != '\n') /*no-op*/ ;
+		while (tp < end && *tp++ != '\n') /*no-op*/;
 		// see if there are any changes between vitual screen and buf
 		changed = FALSE;	// assume no change