Script that generates a script that will convert oddball variable names to K&R
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29f94a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# @(#) - generates a perl script that converts lexemes to K&R-style
+# How to use this script:
+#  - In the busybox directory type 'scripts/ files-you-want-to-convert'
+#  - Review the '' script generated and remove / edit any of the
+#    substitutions in there (please especially check for false positives)
+#  - Type './ same-files-as-before'
+#  - Compile and see if it works
+# BUGS: This script does not ignore strings inside comments or strings inside
+# quotes (it probably should).
+# set this to something else if you want
+$convertme = '';
+# internal-use variables (don't touch)
+$convert = 0;
+%converted = ();
+# prepare the "convert me" file
+open(CM, ">$convertme") or die " $!";
+print CM "#!/usr/bin/perl -p -i\n\n";
+# process each file passed on the cmd line
+while (<>) {
+	# if the line says "getopt" in it anywhere, we don't want to muck with it
+	# because option lists tend to include strings like "cxtzvOf:" which get
+	# matched by the javaStyle / Hungarian and PascalStyle regexps below
+	next if /getopt/;
+	# tokenize the string into just the variables
+	while (/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/g) {
+		$var = $1;
+		# ignore the word "BusyBox"
+		next if ($var =~ /BusyBox/);
+		# this checks for javaStyle or szHungarianNotation
+		$convert++ if ($var =~ /^[a-z]+[A-Z][a-z]+/);
+		# this checks for PascalStyle
+		$convert++ if ($var =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][a-z]+/);
+		if ($convert) {
+			$convert = 0;
+			# skip ahead if we've already dealt with this one
+			next if ($converted{$var});
+			# record that we've dealt with this var
+			$converted{$var} = 1;
+			print CM "s/\\b$var\\b/"; # more to come in just a minute
+			# change the first letter to lower-case
+			$var = lcfirst($var);
+			# put underscores before all remaining upper-case letters
+			$var =~ s/([A-Z])/_$1/g;
+			# now change the remaining characters to lower-case
+			$var = lc($var);
+			print CM "$var/g;\n";
+		}
+	}
+# tidy up and make the $convertme script executable
+chmod 0755, $convertme;