Major build system updates...
diff --git a/sh.c b/sh.c
index 9e467dc..498f437 100644
--- a/sh.c
+++ b/sh.c
@@ -39,293 +39,306 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
-#define MAX_COMMAND_LEN 250     /* max length of a single command 
-                                   string */
+#include "cmdedit.h"
 #define JOB_STATUS_FORMAT "[%d] %-22s %.40s\n"
 struct jobSet {
-    struct job * head;      /* head of list of running jobs */
-    struct job * fg;        /* current foreground job */
+    struct job *head;		/* head of list of running jobs */
+    struct job *fg;		/* current foreground job */
 struct redirectionSpecifier {
-    enum redirectionType type;  /* type of redirection */
-    int fd;                 /* file descriptor being redirected */
-    char * filename;        /* file to redirect fd to */
+    enum redirectionType type;	/* type of redirection */
+    int fd;			/* file descriptor being redirected */
+    char *filename;		/* file to redirect fd to */
 struct childProgram {
-    pid_t pid;              /* 0 if exited */
-    char ** argv;           /* program name and arguments */
-    int numRedirections;    /* elements in redirection array */
-    struct redirectionSpecifier * redirections;  /* I/O redirections */
-    glob_t globResult;      /* result of parameter globbing */
-    int freeGlob;           /* should we globfree(&globResult)? */
-    int isStopped;          /* is the program currently running? */
+    pid_t pid;			/* 0 if exited */
+    char **argv;		/* program name and arguments */
+    int numRedirections;	/* elements in redirection array */
+    struct redirectionSpecifier *redirections;	/* I/O redirections */
+    glob_t globResult;		/* result of parameter globbing */
+    int freeGlob;		/* should we globfree(&globResult)? */
+    int isStopped;		/* is the program currently running? */
 struct job {
-    int jobId;              /* job number */
-    int numProgs;           /* total number of programs in job */
-    int runningProgs;       /* number of programs running */
-    char * text;            /* name of job */
-    char * cmdBuf;          /* buffer various argv's point into */
-    pid_t pgrp;             /* process group ID for the job */
-    struct childProgram * progs; /* array of programs in job */
-    struct job * next;      /* to track background commands */
-    int stoppedProgs;       /* number of programs alive, but stopped */
+    int jobId;			/* job number */
+    int numProgs;		/* total number of programs in job */
+    int runningProgs;		/* number of programs running */
+    char *text;			/* name of job */
+    char *cmdBuf;		/* buffer various argv's point into */
+    pid_t pgrp;			/* process group ID for the job */
+    struct childProgram *progs;	/* array of programs in job */
+    struct job *next;		/* to track background commands */
+    int stoppedProgs;		/* number of programs alive, but stopped */
 struct builtInCommand {
-    char *cmd;              /* name */
-    char *descr;            /* description */
-    char *usage;            /* usage */
-    int (*function) (struct job *, struct jobSet * jobList);   /* function ptr */
+    char *cmd;			/* name */
+    char *descr;		/* description */
+    char *usage;		/* usage */
+    int (*function) (struct job *, struct jobSet * jobList);	/* function ptr */
 /* Some function prototypes */
-static int shell_cd(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_env(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_exit(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_fg_bg(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* jobList);
-static int shell_help(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_jobs(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* jobList);
-static int shell_pwd(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_set(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk);
-static int shell_source(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* jobList);
-static int shell_unset(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk);
+static int shell_cd(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_env(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_exit(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_fg_bg(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *jobList);
+static int shell_help(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_jobs(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *jobList);
+static int shell_pwd(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_set(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk);
+static int shell_source(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *jobList);
+static int shell_unset(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk);
-static void checkJobs(struct jobSet * jobList);
-static int getCommand(FILE * source, char * command);
-static int parseCommand(char ** commandPtr, struct job * job, int * isBg);
-static int setupRedirections(struct childProgram * prog);
-static int runCommand(struct job newJob, struct jobSet * jobList, int inBg);
+static void checkJobs(struct jobSet *jobList);
+static int getCommand(FILE * source, char *command);
+static int parseCommand(char **commandPtr, struct job *job, int *isBg);
+static int setupRedirections(struct childProgram *prog);
+static int runCommand(struct job newJob, struct jobSet *jobList, int inBg);
 static int busy_loop(FILE * input);
 /* Table of built-in functions */
 static struct builtInCommand bltins[] = {
-	{"bg", "Resume a job in the background", "bg [%%job]", shell_fg_bg},
-	{"cd", "Change working directory", "cd [dir]", shell_cd},
-	{"env", "Print all environment variables", "env", shell_env},
-	{"exit", "Exit from shell()", "exit", shell_exit},
-	{"fg", "Bring job into the foreground", "fg [%%job]", shell_fg_bg},
-	{"jobs", "Lists the active jobs", "jobs", shell_jobs},
-	{"pwd", "Print current directory", "pwd", shell_pwd},
-	{"set", "Set environment variable", "set [VAR=value]", shell_set},
-	{"unset", "Unset environment variable", "unset VAR", shell_unset},
-	//{"echo", "Echo arguments on stdout", "echo arg1 [...]", shell_echo},
-	{".", "Source-in and run commands in a file", ". filename", shell_source},
-	{"help", "List shell built-in commands", "help", shell_help},
+    {"bg", "Resume a job in the background", "bg [%%job]", shell_fg_bg},
+    {"cd", "Change working directory", "cd [dir]", shell_cd},
+    //{"echo", "Echo arguments on stdout", "echo arg1 [...]", shell_echo},
+    {"env", "Print all environment variables", "env", shell_env},
+    {"exit", "Exit from shell()", "exit", shell_exit},
+    {"fg", "Bring job into the foreground", "fg [%%job]", shell_fg_bg},
+    {"jobs", "Lists the active jobs", "jobs", shell_jobs},
+    {"pwd", "Print current directory", "pwd", shell_pwd},
+    {"set", "Set environment variable", "set [VAR=value]", shell_set},
+    {"unset", "Unset environment variable", "unset VAR", shell_unset},
+	{".", "Source-in and run commands in a file", ". filename",
+     shell_source},
+    {"help", "List shell built-in commands", "help", shell_help},
 static const char shell_usage[] =
-	"sh [FILE]...\n\n"
-	"The BusyBox command interpreter (shell).\n\n";
+    "sh [FILE]...\n\n" "The BusyBox command interpreter (shell).\n\n";
 static char cwd[1024];
 static char *prompt = "# ";
-/* built-in 'cd <path>' handler */
-static int shell_cd(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
-	char *newdir;
-        if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) 
-            newdir = getenv("HOME");
-        else 
-            newdir = cmd->progs[0].argv[1];
-        if (chdir(newdir)) { 
-            printf("cd: %s: %s\n", newdir, strerror(errno));
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-	getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
-        return TRUE;
+/* built-in 'cd <path>' handler */
+static int shell_cd(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
+    char *newdir;
+    if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1)
+	newdir = getenv("HOME");
+    else
+	newdir = cmd->progs[0].argv[1];
+    if (chdir(newdir)) {
+	printf("cd: %s: %s\n", newdir, strerror(errno));
+	return FALSE;
+    }
+    getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
+    return TRUE;
 /* built-in 'env' handler */
-static int shell_env(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_env(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *junk)
-	char **e;
+    char **e;
-	for (e = environ ; *e ; e++) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", *e);
-	}
-	return (0);
+    for (e = environ; *e; e++) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", *e);
+    }
+    return (0);
 /* built-in 'exit' handler */
-static int shell_exit(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_exit(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
-        if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) 
-			exit TRUE;
-        else 
-			exit(atoi(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]));
+    if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1)
+	exit TRUE;
+    else
+	exit(atoi(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]));
 /* built-in 'fg' and 'bg' handler */
-static int shell_fg_bg(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* jobList)
+static int shell_fg_bg(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *jobList)
-	int i, jobNum;
-	struct job* job;
+    int i, jobNum;
+    struct job *job;
-        if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] || cmd->progs[0].argv[2]) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s: exactly one argument is expected\n",
-                    cmd->progs[0].argv[0]);
-            return FALSE;
-        }
+    if (!jobList->head) {
+	if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] || cmd->progs[0].argv[2]) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: exactly one argument is expected\n",
+		    cmd->progs[0].argv[0]);
+	    return FALSE;
+	}
+	if (sscanf(cmd->progs[0].argv[1], "%%%d", &jobNum) != 1) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad argument '%s'\n",
+		    cmd->progs[0].argv[0], cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
+	    return FALSE;
+	}
+    } else {
+	job = jobList->head;
+    }
-        if (sscanf(cmd->progs[0].argv[1], "%%%d", &jobNum) != 1) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad argument '%s'\n",
-                    cmd->progs[0].argv[0], cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
-            return FALSE;
-        }
+    for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next)
+	if (job->jobId == jobNum)
+	    break;
-        for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next) 
-            if (job->jobId == jobNum) break;
+    if (!job) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown job %d\n",
+		cmd->progs[0].argv[0], jobNum);
+	return FALSE;
+    }
-        if (!job) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown job %d\n",
-                    cmd->progs[0].argv[0], jobNum);
-            return FALSE;
-        }
+    if (*cmd->progs[0].argv[0] == 'f') {
+	/* Make this job the foreground job */
-        if (*cmd->progs[0].argv[0] == 'f') {
-            /* Make this job the foreground job */
+	if (tcsetpgrp(0, job->pgrp))
+	    perror("tcsetpgrp");
+	jobList->fg = job;
+    }
-            if (tcsetpgrp(0, job->pgrp))
-                perror("tcsetpgrp");
-            jobList->fg = job;
-        }
+    /* Restart the processes in the job */
+    for (i = 0; i < job->numProgs; i++)
+	job->progs[i].isStopped = 0;
-        /* Restart the processes in the job */
-        for (i = 0; i < job->numProgs; i++) 
-            job->progs[i].isStopped = 0;
+    kill(-job->pgrp, SIGCONT);
-        kill(-job->pgrp, SIGCONT);
+    job->stoppedProgs = 0;
-        job->stoppedProgs = 0;
-        return TRUE;
+    return TRUE;
 /* built-in 'help' handler */
-static int shell_help(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_help(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
-	struct builtInCommand *x;
+    struct builtInCommand *x;
-	fprintf(stdout, "\nBuilt-in commands:\n");
-	fprintf(stdout, "-------------------\n");
-	for ( x=bltins; x->cmd; x++) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%s\n", x->cmd, x->descr);
-	}
-	fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
-	return TRUE;
+    fprintf(stdout, "\nBuilt-in commands:\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "-------------------\n");
+    for (x = bltins; x->cmd; x++) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%s\n", x->cmd, x->descr);
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
+    return TRUE;
 /* built-in 'jobs' handler */
-static int shell_jobs(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* jobList)
+static int shell_jobs(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *jobList)
-	struct job * job;
-	char * statusString;
-        for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next) {
-            if (job->runningProgs == job->stoppedProgs)
-                statusString = "Stopped";
-            else
-                statusString = "Running";
+    struct job *job;
+    char *statusString;
+    for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next) {
+	if (job->runningProgs == job->stoppedProgs)
+	    statusString = "Stopped";
+	else
+	    statusString = "Running";
-            printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, statusString,
-                    job->text);
-        }
-	return TRUE;
+	printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, statusString, job->text);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
 /* built-in 'pwd' handler */
-static int shell_pwd(struct job* dummy, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_pwd(struct job *dummy, struct jobSet *junk)
-	getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
-	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", cwd);
-	return TRUE;
+    getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
+    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", cwd);
+    return TRUE;
 /* built-in 'set VAR=value' handler */
-static int shell_set(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_set(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
-	int res;
+    int res;
-        if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) { 
-		return (shell_env(cmd, junk));
-	}
-	res = putenv(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
-	if (res)
-		fprintf(stdout, "set: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-	return (res);
+    if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) {
+	return (shell_env(cmd, junk));
+    }
+    res = putenv(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
+    if (res)
+	fprintf(stdout, "set: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+    return (res);
 /* Built-in '.' handler (read-in and execute commands from file) */
-static int shell_source(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_source(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
-	FILE *input;
-	int status;
-	if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) 
-		return FALSE;
+    FILE *input;
+    int status;
-	input = fopen(cmd->progs[0].argv[1], "r");
-	if (!input) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "Couldn't open file '%s'\n", cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+    if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1)
+	return FALSE;
-	/* Now run the file */
-	status = busy_loop(input);
-	return (status);
+    input = fopen(cmd->progs[0].argv[1], "r");
+    if (!input) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "Couldn't open file '%s'\n",
+		cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
+	return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Now run the file */
+    status = busy_loop(input);
+    return (status);
 /* built-in 'unset VAR' handler */
-static int shell_unset(struct job* cmd, struct jobSet* junk)
+static int shell_unset(struct job *cmd, struct jobSet *junk)
-        if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) { 
-		fprintf(stdout, "unset: parameter required.\n");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	unsetenv(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
-	return TRUE;
+    if (!cmd->progs[0].argv[1] == 1) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "unset: parameter required.\n");
+	return FALSE;
+    }
+    unsetenv(cmd->progs[0].argv[1]);
+    return TRUE;
 /* free up all memory from a job */
-static void freeJob(struct job * cmd) 
+static void freeJob(struct job *cmd)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < cmd->numProgs; i++) {
-        free(cmd->progs[i].argv);
-        if (cmd->progs[i].redirections) free(cmd->progs[i].redirections);
-        if (cmd->progs[i].freeGlob) globfree(&cmd->progs[i].globResult);
+	free(cmd->progs[i].argv);
+	if (cmd->progs[i].redirections)
+	    free(cmd->progs[i].redirections);
+	if (cmd->progs[i].freeGlob)
+	    globfree(&cmd->progs[i].globResult);
-    if (cmd->text) free(cmd->text);
+    if (cmd->text)
+	free(cmd->text);
 /* remove a job from the jobList */
-static void removeJob(struct jobSet * jobList, struct job * job) 
+static void removeJob(struct jobSet *jobList, struct job *job)
-    struct job * prevJob;
+    struct job *prevJob;
-    freeJob(job); 
+    freeJob(job);
     if (job == jobList->head) {
-        jobList->head = job->next;
+	jobList->head = job->next;
     } else {
-        prevJob = jobList->head;
-        while (prevJob->next != job) prevJob = prevJob->next;
-        prevJob->next = job->next;
+	prevJob = jobList->head;
+	while (prevJob->next != job)
+	    prevJob = prevJob->next;
+	prevJob->next = job->next;
@@ -333,56 +346,62 @@
 /* Checks to see if any background processes have exited -- if they 
    have, figure out why and see if a job has completed */
-static void checkJobs(struct jobSet * jobList) 
+static void checkJobs(struct jobSet *jobList)
-    struct job * job;
+    struct job *job;
     pid_t childpid;
     int status;
-    int progNum=0;
+    int progNum = 0;
     while ((childpid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
-        for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next) {
-            progNum = 0;
-            while (progNum < job->numProgs && 
-                        job->progs[progNum].pid != childpid)
-                progNum++;
-            if (progNum < job->numProgs) break;
-        }
+	for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next) {
+	    progNum = 0;
+	    while (progNum < job->numProgs &&
+		   job->progs[progNum].pid != childpid) progNum++;
+	    if (progNum < job->numProgs)
+		break;
+	}
-        if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
-            /* child exited */
-            job->runningProgs--;
-            job->progs[progNum].pid = 0;
+	if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+	    /* child exited */
+	    job->runningProgs--;
+	    job->progs[progNum].pid = 0;
-            if (!job->runningProgs) {
-                printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, "Done", job->text);
-                removeJob(jobList, job);
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* child stopped */
-            job->stoppedProgs++;
-            job->progs[progNum].isStopped = 1;
+	    if (!job->runningProgs) {
+		printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, "Done", job->text);
+		removeJob(jobList, job);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    /* child stopped */
+	    job->stoppedProgs++;
+	    job->progs[progNum].isStopped = 1;
-            if (job->stoppedProgs == job->numProgs) {
-                printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, "Stopped", job->text);
-            }
-        }
+	    if (job->stoppedProgs == job->numProgs) {
+		printf(JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, job->jobId, "Stopped",
+		       job->text);
+	    }
+	}
     if (childpid == -1 && errno != ECHILD)
-        perror("waitpid");
+	perror("waitpid");
-static int getCommand(FILE * source, char * command) 
+static int getCommand(FILE * source, char *command)
     if (source == stdin) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "%s %s", cwd, prompt);
-        fflush(stdout);
+	fprintf(stdout, "BBSHELL %s %s", cwd, prompt);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	cmdedit_read_input(fileno(stdin), fileno(stdout), command);
+	return 0;
-    if (!fgets(command, MAX_COMMAND_LEN, source)) {
-        if (source == stdin) printf("\n");
-        return 1;
+    if (!fgets(command, BUFSIZ - 2, source)) {
+	if (source == stdin)
+	    printf("\n");
+	return 1;
     /* remove trailing newline */
@@ -391,46 +410,48 @@
     return 0;
-static void globLastArgument(struct childProgram * prog, int * argcPtr,
-                        int * argcAllocedPtr) 
+static void globLastArgument(struct childProgram *prog, int *argcPtr,
+			     int *argcAllocedPtr)
     int argc = *argcPtr;
     int argcAlloced = *argcAllocedPtr;
     int rc;
     int flags;
     int i;
-    char * src, * dst;
+    char *src, *dst;
-    if (argc > 1) {             /* cmd->globResult is already initialized */
-        flags = GLOB_APPEND;
-        i = prog->globResult.gl_pathc;
+    if (argc > 1) {		/* cmd->globResult is already initialized */
+	flags = GLOB_APPEND;
+	i = prog->globResult.gl_pathc;
     } else {
-        prog->freeGlob = 1;
-        flags = 0;
-        i = 0;
+	prog->freeGlob = 1;
+	flags = 0;
+	i = 0;
     rc = glob(prog->argv[argc - 1], flags, NULL, &prog->globResult);
     if (rc == GLOB_NOSPACE) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "out of space during glob operation\n");
-        return;
-    } else if (rc == GLOB_NOMATCH || 
-               (!rc && (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i) == 1 && 
-                !strcmp(prog->argv[argc - 1], 
-                        prog->globResult.gl_pathv[i]))) {
-        /* we need to remove whatever \ quoting is still present */
-        src = dst = prog->argv[argc - 1];
-        while (*src) {
-            if (*src != '\\') *dst++ = *src;
-            src++;
-        }
-        *dst = '\0';
+	fprintf(stderr, "out of space during glob operation\n");
+	return;
+    } else if (rc == GLOB_NOMATCH ||
+	       (!rc && (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i) == 1 &&
+		!strcmp(prog->argv[argc - 1],
+			prog->globResult.gl_pathv[i]))) {
+	/* we need to remove whatever \ quoting is still present */
+	src = dst = prog->argv[argc - 1];
+	while (*src) {
+	    if (*src != '\\')
+		*dst++ = *src;
+	    src++;
+	}
+	*dst = '\0';
     } else if (!rc) {
-        argcAlloced += (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i);
-        prog->argv = realloc(prog->argv, argcAlloced * sizeof(*prog->argv));
-        memcpy(prog->argv + (argc - 1), prog->globResult.gl_pathv + i,
-                sizeof(*(prog->argv)) * (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i));
-        argc += (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i - 1);
+	argcAlloced += (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i);
+	prog->argv =
+	    realloc(prog->argv, argcAlloced * sizeof(*prog->argv));
+	memcpy(prog->argv + (argc - 1), prog->globResult.gl_pathv + i,
+	       sizeof(*(prog->argv)) * (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i));
+	argc += (prog->globResult.gl_pathc - i - 1);
     *argcAllocedPtr = argcAlloced;
@@ -442,27 +463,28 @@
    the beginning of the next command (if the original command had more 
    then one job associated with it) or NULL if no more commands are 
    present. */
-static int parseCommand(char ** commandPtr, struct job * job, int * isBg) 
+static int parseCommand(char **commandPtr, struct job *job, int *isBg)
-    char * command;
-    char * returnCommand = NULL;
-    char * src, * buf, * chptr;
+    char *command;
+    char *returnCommand = NULL;
+    char *src, *buf, *chptr;
     int argc = 0;
     int done = 0;
     int argvAlloced;
     int i;
-    char quote = '\0';  
+    char quote = '\0';
     int count;
-    struct childProgram * prog;
+    struct childProgram *prog;
     /* skip leading white space */
-    while (**commandPtr && isspace(**commandPtr)) (*commandPtr)++;
+    while (**commandPtr && isspace(**commandPtr))
+	(*commandPtr)++;
-	/* this handles empty lines or leading '#' characters */
-    if (!**commandPtr || (**commandPtr=='#')) {
-        job->numProgs = 0;
-        *commandPtr = NULL;
-        return 0;
+    /* this handles empty lines or leading '#' characters */
+    if (!**commandPtr || (**commandPtr == '#')) {
+	job->numProgs = 0;
+	*commandPtr = NULL;
+	return 0;
     *isBg = 0;
@@ -491,177 +513,185 @@
     buf = command;
     src = *commandPtr;
     while (*src && !done) {
-        if (quote == *src) {
-            quote = '\0';
-        } else if (quote) {
-            if (*src == '\\') {
-                src++;
-                if (!*src) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "character expected after \\\n");
-                    freeJob(job);
-                    return 1;
-                }
+	if (quote == *src) {
+	    quote = '\0';
+	} else if (quote) {
+	    if (*src == '\\') {
+		src++;
+		if (!*src) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "character expected after \\\n");
+		    freeJob(job);
+		    return 1;
+		}
-                /* in shell, "\'" should yield \' */
-                if (*src != quote) *buf++ = '\\';
-            } else if (*src == '*' || *src == '?' || *src == '[' || 
-                       *src == ']')
-                *buf++ = '\\';
-            *buf++ = *src;
-        } else if (isspace(*src)) {
-            if (*prog->argv[argc]) {
-                buf++, argc++;
-                /* +1 here leaves room for the NULL which ends argv */
-                if ((argc + 1) == argvAlloced) {
-                    argvAlloced += 5;
-                    prog->argv = realloc(prog->argv, 
-				    sizeof(*prog->argv) * argvAlloced);
-                }
-                prog->argv[argc] = buf;
+		/* in shell, "\'" should yield \' */
+		if (*src != quote)
+		    *buf++ = '\\';
+	    } else if (*src == '*' || *src == '?' || *src == '[' ||
+		       *src == ']') *buf++ = '\\';
+	    *buf++ = *src;
+	} else if (isspace(*src)) {
+	    if (*prog->argv[argc]) {
+		buf++, argc++;
+		/* +1 here leaves room for the NULL which ends argv */
+		if ((argc + 1) == argvAlloced) {
+		    argvAlloced += 5;
+		    prog->argv = realloc(prog->argv,
+					 sizeof(*prog->argv) *
+					 argvAlloced);
+		}
+		prog->argv[argc] = buf;
-                globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
-            }
-        } else switch (*src) {
-          case '"':
-          case '\'':
-            quote = *src;
-            break;
+		globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
+	    }
+	} else
+	    switch (*src) {
+	    case '"':
+	    case '\'':
+		quote = *src;
+		break;
-          case '#':                         /* comment */
-            done = 1;
-            break;
+	    case '#':		/* comment */
+		done = 1;
+		break;
-          case '>':                         /* redirections */
-          case '<':
-            i = prog->numRedirections++;
-            prog->redirections = realloc(prog->redirections, 
-                                sizeof(*prog->redirections) * (i + 1));
+	    case '>':		/* redirections */
+	    case '<':
+		i = prog->numRedirections++;
+		prog->redirections = realloc(prog->redirections,
+					     sizeof(*prog->redirections) *
+					     (i + 1));
-            prog->redirections[i].fd = -1;
-            if (buf != prog->argv[argc]) {
-                /* the stuff before this character may be the file number 
-                   being redirected */
-                prog->redirections[i].fd = strtol(prog->argv[argc], &chptr, 10);
+		prog->redirections[i].fd = -1;
+		if (buf != prog->argv[argc]) {
+		    /* the stuff before this character may be the file number 
+		       being redirected */
+		    prog->redirections[i].fd =
+			strtol(prog->argv[argc], &chptr, 10);
-                if (*chptr && *prog->argv[argc]) {
-                    buf++, argc++;
-                    globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
-                }
-            }
+		    if (*chptr && *prog->argv[argc]) {
+			buf++, argc++;
+			globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
+		    }
+		}
-            if (prog->redirections[i].fd == -1) {
-                if (*src == '>')
-                    prog->redirections[i].fd = 1;
-                else
-                    prog->redirections[i].fd = 0;
-            }
+		if (prog->redirections[i].fd == -1) {
+		    if (*src == '>')
+			prog->redirections[i].fd = 1;
+		    else
+			prog->redirections[i].fd = 0;
+		}
-            if (*src++ == '>') {
-                if (*src == '>')
-                    prog->redirections[i].type = REDIRECT_APPEND, src++;
-                else 
-                    prog->redirections[i].type = REDIRECT_OVERWRITE;
-            } else {
-                prog->redirections[i].type = REDIRECT_INPUT;
-            }
+		if (*src++ == '>') {
+		    if (*src == '>')
+			prog->redirections[i].type =
+			    REDIRECT_APPEND, src++;
+		    else
+			prog->redirections[i].type = REDIRECT_OVERWRITE;
+		} else {
+		    prog->redirections[i].type = REDIRECT_INPUT;
+		}
-            /* This isn't POSIX sh compliant. Oh well. */
-            chptr = src;
-            while (isspace(*chptr)) chptr++;
+		/* This isn't POSIX sh compliant. Oh well. */
+		chptr = src;
+		while (isspace(*chptr))
+		    chptr++;
-            if (!*chptr) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "file name expected after %c\n", *src);
-                freeJob(job);
-                return 1;
-            }
+		if (!*chptr) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "file name expected after %c\n", *src);
+		    freeJob(job);
+		    return 1;
+		}
-            prog->redirections[i].filename = buf;
-            while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) 
-                *buf++ = *chptr++;
+		prog->redirections[i].filename = buf;
+		while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr))
+		    *buf++ = *chptr++;
-            src = chptr - 1;                /* we src++ later */
-            prog->argv[argc] = ++buf;
-            break;
+		src = chptr - 1;	/* we src++ later */
+		prog->argv[argc] = ++buf;
+		break;
-          case '|':                         /* pipe */
-            /* finish this command */
-            if (*prog->argv[argc]) argc++;
-            if (!argc) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "empty command in pipe\n");
-                freeJob(job);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            prog->argv[argc] = NULL;
+	    case '|':		/* pipe */
+		/* finish this command */
+		if (*prog->argv[argc])
+		    argc++;
+		if (!argc) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "empty command in pipe\n");
+		    freeJob(job);
+		    return 1;
+		}
+		prog->argv[argc] = NULL;
-            /* and start the next */
-            job->numProgs++;
-            job->progs = realloc(job->progs, 
-                                 sizeof(*job->progs) * job->numProgs);
-            prog = job->progs + (job->numProgs - 1);
-            prog->numRedirections = 0;
-            prog->redirections = NULL;
-            prog->freeGlob = 0;
-            argc = 0;
+		/* and start the next */
+		job->numProgs++;
+		job->progs = realloc(job->progs,
+				     sizeof(*job->progs) * job->numProgs);
+		prog = job->progs + (job->numProgs - 1);
+		prog->numRedirections = 0;
+		prog->redirections = NULL;
+		prog->freeGlob = 0;
+		argc = 0;
-            argvAlloced = 5;
-            prog->argv = malloc(sizeof(*prog->argv) * argvAlloced);
-            prog->argv[0] = ++buf;
+		argvAlloced = 5;
+		prog->argv = malloc(sizeof(*prog->argv) * argvAlloced);
+		prog->argv[0] = ++buf;
-            src++;
-            while (*src && isspace(*src)) src++;
+		src++;
+		while (*src && isspace(*src))
+		    src++;
-            if (!*src) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "empty command in pipe\n");
-                return 1;
-            }
-            src--;              /* we'll ++ it at the end of the loop */
+		if (!*src) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "empty command in pipe\n");
+		    return 1;
+		}
+		src--;		/* we'll ++ it at the end of the loop */
-            break;
+		break;
-          case '&':                         /* background */
-            *isBg = 1;
-          case ';':                         /* multiple commands */
-            done = 1;
-            returnCommand = *commandPtr + (src - *commandPtr) + 1;
-            break;
+	    case '&':		/* background */
+		*isBg = 1;
+	    case ';':		/* multiple commands */
+		done = 1;
+		returnCommand = *commandPtr + (src - *commandPtr) + 1;
+		break;
-          case '\\':
-            src++;
-            if (!*src) {
-                freeJob(job);
-                fprintf(stderr, "character expected after \\\n");
-                return 1;
-            }
-            if (*src == '*' || *src == '[' || *src == ']' || *src == '?')
-                *buf++ = '\\';
-            /* fallthrough */
-          default:
-            *buf++ = *src;
-        }
+	    case '\\':
+		src++;
+		if (!*src) {
+		    freeJob(job);
+		    fprintf(stderr, "character expected after \\\n");
+		    return 1;
+		}
+		if (*src == '*' || *src == '[' || *src == ']'
+		    || *src == '?') *buf++ = '\\';
+		/* fallthrough */
+	    default:
+		*buf++ = *src;
+	    }
-        src++;
+	src++;
     if (*prog->argv[argc]) {
-        argc++;
-        globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
+	argc++;
+	globLastArgument(prog, &argc, &argvAlloced);
     if (!argc) {
-        freeJob(job);
-        return 0;
+	freeJob(job);
+	return 0;
     prog->argv[argc] = NULL;
     if (!returnCommand) {
-        job->text = malloc(strlen(*commandPtr) + 1);
-        strcpy(job->text, *commandPtr);
+	job->text = malloc(strlen(*commandPtr) + 1);
+	strcpy(job->text, *commandPtr);
     } else {
-        /* This leaves any trailing spaces, which is a bit sloppy */
+	/* This leaves any trailing spaces, which is a bit sloppy */
-        count = returnCommand - *commandPtr;
-        job->text = malloc(count + 1);
-        strncpy(job->text, *commandPtr, count);
-        job->text[count] = '\0';
+	count = returnCommand - *commandPtr;
+	job->text = malloc(count + 1);
+	strncpy(job->text, *commandPtr, count);
+	job->text[count] = '\0';
     *commandPtr = returnCommand;
@@ -669,63 +699,64 @@
     return 0;
-static int runCommand(struct job newJob, struct jobSet * jobList, 
-               int inBg) 
+static int runCommand(struct job newJob, struct jobSet *jobList, int inBg)
-    struct job * job;
+    struct job *job;
     int i;
     int nextin, nextout;
-    int pipefds[2];             /* pipefd[0] is for reading */
+    int pipefds[2];		/* pipefd[0] is for reading */
     struct builtInCommand *x;
     /* handle built-ins here -- we don't fork() so we can't background
        these very easily */
-    for( x=bltins ; x->cmd ; x++) {
-		if (!strcmp(newJob.progs[0].argv[0], x->cmd)) {
-			return(x->function(&newJob, jobList));
-		}
+    for (x = bltins; x->cmd; x++) {
+	if (!strcmp(newJob.progs[0].argv[0], x->cmd)) {
+	    return (x->function(&newJob, jobList));
+	}
     nextin = 0, nextout = 1;
     for (i = 0; i < newJob.numProgs; i++) {
-        if ((i + 1) < newJob.numProgs) {
-            pipe(pipefds);
-            nextout = pipefds[1];
-        } else {
-            nextout = 1;
-        }
+	if ((i + 1) < newJob.numProgs) {
+	    pipe(pipefds);
+	    nextout = pipefds[1];
+	} else {
+	    nextout = 1;
+	}
-        if (!(newJob.progs[i].pid = fork())) {
-            signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
+	if (!(newJob.progs[i].pid = fork())) {
+	    signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
-            if (nextin != 0) {
-                dup2(nextin, 0);
-                close(nextin);
-            }
+	    if (nextin != 0) {
+		dup2(nextin, 0);
+		close(nextin);
+	    }
-            if (nextout != 1) {
-                dup2(nextout, 1);
-                close(nextout);
-            }
+	    if (nextout != 1) {
+		dup2(nextout, 1);
+		close(nextout);
+	    }
-            /* explicit redirections override pipes */
-            setupRedirections(newJob.progs + i);
+	    /* explicit redirections override pipes */
+	    setupRedirections(newJob.progs + i);
-            execvp(newJob.progs[i].argv[0], newJob.progs[i].argv);
-			fatalError( "sh: %s: %s\n", newJob.progs[i].argv[0], 
-                    strerror(errno));
-        }
+	    execvp(newJob.progs[i].argv[0], newJob.progs[i].argv);
+	    fatalError("sh: %s: %s\n", newJob.progs[i].argv[0],
+		       strerror(errno));
+	}
-        /* put our child in the process group whose leader is the
-           first process in this pipe */
-        setpgid(newJob.progs[i].pid, newJob.progs[0].pid);
+	/* put our child in the process group whose leader is the
+	   first process in this pipe */
+	setpgid(newJob.progs[i].pid, newJob.progs[0].pid);
-        if (nextin != 0) close(nextin);
-        if (nextout != 1) close(nextout);
+	if (nextin != 0)
+	    close(nextin);
+	if (nextout != 1)
+	    close(nextout);
-        /* If there isn't another process, nextin is garbage 
-           but it doesn't matter */
-        nextin = pipefds[0];
+	/* If there isn't another process, nextin is garbage 
+	   but it doesn't matter */
+	nextin = pipefds[0];
     newJob.pgrp = newJob.progs[0].pid;
@@ -733,16 +764,16 @@
     /* find the ID for the job to use */
     newJob.jobId = 1;
     for (job = jobList->head; job; job = job->next)
-        if (job->jobId >= newJob.jobId)
-            newJob.jobId = job->jobId + 1;
+	if (job->jobId >= newJob.jobId)
+	    newJob.jobId = job->jobId + 1;
     /* add the job to the list of running jobs */
     if (!jobList->head) {
-        job = jobList->head = malloc(sizeof(*job));
+	job = jobList->head = malloc(sizeof(*job));
     } else {
-        for (job = jobList->head; job->next; job = job->next);
-        job->next = malloc(sizeof(*job));
-        job = job->next;
+	for (job = jobList->head; job->next; job = job->next);
+	job->next = malloc(sizeof(*job));
+	job = job->next;
     *job = newJob;
@@ -751,165 +782,177 @@
     job->stoppedProgs = 0;
     if (inBg) {
-        /* we don't wait for background jobs to return -- append it 
-           to the list of backgrounded jobs and leave it alone */
+	/* we don't wait for background jobs to return -- append it 
+	   to the list of backgrounded jobs and leave it alone */
-        printf("[%d] %d\n", job->jobId, 
-               newJob.progs[newJob.numProgs - 1].pid);
+	printf("[%d] %d\n", job->jobId,
+	       newJob.progs[newJob.numProgs - 1].pid);
     } else {
-        jobList->fg = job;
+	jobList->fg = job;
-        /* move the new process group into the foreground */
-        if (tcsetpgrp(0, newJob.pgrp))
-            perror("tcsetpgrp");
+	/* move the new process group into the foreground */
+	if (tcsetpgrp(0, newJob.pgrp))
+	    perror("tcsetpgrp");
     return 0;
-static int setupRedirections(struct childProgram * prog) 
+static int setupRedirections(struct childProgram *prog)
     int i;
     int openfd;
-    int mode=O_RDONLY;
-    struct redirectionSpecifier * redir = prog->redirections;
+    int mode = O_RDONLY;
+    struct redirectionSpecifier *redir = prog->redirections;
     for (i = 0; i < prog->numRedirections; i++, redir++) {
-        switch (redir->type) {
-          case REDIRECT_INPUT:
-            mode = O_RDONLY;
-            break;
-          case REDIRECT_OVERWRITE:
-            mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; 
-            break;
-          case REDIRECT_APPEND:
-            mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND;
-            break;
-        }
+	switch (redir->type) {
+	    mode = O_RDONLY;
+	    break;
+	    mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
+	    break;
+	    mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND;
+	    break;
+	}
-        openfd = open(redir->filename, mode, 0666);
-        if (openfd < 0) {
-            /* this could get lost if stderr has been redirected, but
-               bash and ash both lose it as well (though zsh doesn't!) */
-            fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s: %s\n", redir->filename,
-                        strerror(errno));
-            return 1;
-        }
+	openfd = open(redir->filename, mode, 0666);
+	if (openfd < 0) {
+	    /* this could get lost if stderr has been redirected, but
+	       bash and ash both lose it as well (though zsh doesn't!) */
+	    fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s: %s\n", redir->filename,
+		    strerror(errno));
+	    return 1;
+	}
-        if (openfd != redir->fd) {
-            dup2(openfd, redir->fd);
-            close(openfd);
-        }
+	if (openfd != redir->fd) {
+	    dup2(openfd, redir->fd);
+	    close(openfd);
+	}
     return 0;
-static int busy_loop(FILE * input) 
+static int busy_loop(FILE * input)
-    char command[MAX_COMMAND_LEN + 1];
-    char * nextCommand = NULL;
+    char *command;
+    char *nextCommand = NULL;
     struct jobSet jobList = { NULL, NULL };
     struct job newJob;
     int i;
     int status;
     int inBg;
+    command = (char*) calloc(BUFSIZ, sizeof(char));
     /* don't pay any attention to this signal; it just confuses 
        things and isn't really meant for shells anyway */
     signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
     while (1) {
-        if (!jobList.fg) {
-            /* no job is in the foreground */
+		if (!jobList.fg) {
+			/* no job is in the foreground */
-            /* see if any background processes have exited */
-            checkJobs(&jobList);
+			/* see if any background processes have exited */
+			checkJobs(&jobList);
-            if (!nextCommand) {
-                if (getCommand(input, command)) break;
-                nextCommand = command;
-            }
+			if (!nextCommand) {
+			if (getCommand(input, command))
+				break;
+			nextCommand = command;
+			}
-            if (!parseCommand(&nextCommand, &newJob, &inBg) &&
-                              newJob.numProgs) {
-                runCommand(newJob, &jobList, inBg);
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* a job is running in the foreground; wait for it */
-            i = 0;
-            while (!jobList.fg->progs[i].pid ||
-                   jobList.fg->progs[i].isStopped) i++;
+			if (!parseCommand(&nextCommand, &newJob, &inBg) &&
+			newJob.numProgs) {
+			runCommand(newJob, &jobList, inBg);
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* a job is running in the foreground; wait for it */
+			i = 0;
+			while (!jobList.fg->progs[i].pid ||
+			   jobList.fg->progs[i].isStopped) i++;
-            waitpid(jobList.fg->progs[i].pid, &status, WUNTRACED);
+			waitpid(jobList.fg->progs[i].pid, &status, WUNTRACED);
-            if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
-                /* the child exited */
-                jobList.fg->runningProgs--;
-                jobList.fg->progs[i].pid = 0;
-                if (!jobList.fg->runningProgs) {
-                    /* child exited */
+			if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+			/* the child exited */
+			jobList.fg->runningProgs--;
+			jobList.fg->progs[i].pid = 0;
-                    removeJob(&jobList, jobList.fg);
-                    jobList.fg = NULL;
+			if (!jobList.fg->runningProgs) {
+				/* child exited */
-                    /* move the shell to the foreground */
-                    if (tcsetpgrp(0, getpid()))
-                        perror("tcsetpgrp");
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* the child was stopped */
-                jobList.fg->stoppedProgs++;
-                jobList.fg->progs[i].isStopped = 1;
+				removeJob(&jobList, jobList.fg);
+				jobList.fg = NULL;
-                if (jobList.fg->stoppedProgs == jobList.fg->runningProgs) {
-                    printf("\n" JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, jobList.fg->jobId, 
-                                "Stopped", jobList.fg->text);
-                    jobList.fg = NULL;
-                }
-            }
+				/* move the shell to the foreground */
+				if (tcsetpgrp(0, getpid()))
+				perror("tcsetpgrp");
+			}
+			} else {
+			/* the child was stopped */
+			jobList.fg->stoppedProgs++;
+			jobList.fg->progs[i].isStopped = 1;
-            if (!jobList.fg) {
-                /* move the shell to the foreground */
-                if (tcsetpgrp(0, getpid()))
-                    perror("tcsetpgrp");
-            }
-        }
-    }
+			if (jobList.fg->stoppedProgs == jobList.fg->runningProgs) {
+				printf("\n" JOB_STATUS_FORMAT, jobList.fg->jobId,
+				   "Stopped", jobList.fg->text);
+				jobList.fg = NULL;
+			}
+			}
+			if (!jobList.fg) {
+			/* move the shell to the foreground */
+			if (tcsetpgrp(0, getpid()))
+				perror("tcsetpgrp");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free( command);
     return 0;
-int shell_main(int argc, char ** argv) 
+int shell_main(int argc, char **argv)
-    FILE * input = stdin;
+    FILE *input = stdin;
     if (argc > 2) {
-		usage( shell_usage);
-    } 
-	/* initialize the cwd */
-	getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
+	usage(shell_usage);
+    }
+    /* initialize the cwd */
+    getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
-	//if (argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-') {
-	//	shell_source("/etc/profile");
-	//}
-	if (argc < 2) {
-		fprintf(stdout, "\n\nBusyBox v%s (%s) Built-in shell\n", BB_VER, BB_BT);
-		fprintf(stdout, "Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.\n\n");
-	} else {
-        input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
-        if (!input)
-			fatalError("A: Couldn't open file '%s': %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno));
-//		else
-//			fatalError("Got it.\n");
-		//exit(shell_source(argv[1]));
-    } 
+    //if (argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-') {
+    //      shell_source("/etc/profile");
+    //}
-	return (busy_loop( input));
+    if (argc < 2) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "\n\nBusyBox v%s (%s) Built-in shell\n", BB_VER,
+		BB_BT);
+	fprintf(stdout,
+		"Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.\n\n");
+    } else {
+	input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
+	if (!input)
+	    fatalError("A: Couldn't open file '%s': %s\n", argv[1],
+		       strerror(errno));
+//              else
+//                      fatalError("Got it.\n");
+	//exit(shell_source(argv[1]));
+	/* Set terminal IO to canonical mode, and save old term settings. */
+	cmdedit_init();
+    }
+    return (busy_loop(input));