*: --help tweaks

function                                             old     new   delta
packed_usage                                       33589   33552     -37

Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux@googlemail.com>
diff --git a/coreutils/chmod.c b/coreutils/chmod.c
index d2988c4..e260ada 100644
--- a/coreutils/chmod.c
+++ b/coreutils/chmod.c
@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@
 //usage:#define chmod_trivial_usage
 //usage:       "[-R"IF_DESKTOP("cvf")"] MODE[,MODE]... FILE..."
 //usage:#define chmod_full_usage "\n\n"
-//usage:       "Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the\n"
-//usage:       "symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst\n"
+//usage:       "MODE is octal number (bit pattern sstrwxrwxrwx) or [ugoa]{+|-|=}[rwxXst]"
+//usage:     "\n"
+//next 4 options are the same for chmod/chown/chgrp:
 //usage:     "\n	-R	Recurse"
 //usage:	IF_DESKTOP(
 //usage:     "\n	-c	List changed files"
-//usage:     "\n	-v	List all files"
+//usage:     "\n	-v	Verbose"
 //usage:     "\n	-f	Hide errors"
 //usage:	)