bzip2: size reduction, to just below 9k.

diff --git a/archival/bz/blocksort.c b/archival/bz/blocksort.c
index 7d2856b..ec8a2a5 100644
--- a/archival/bz/blocksort.c
+++ b/archival/bz/blocksort.c
@@ -25,6 +25,34 @@
 /* #include "bzlib_private.h" */
+#define mswap(zz1, zz2) \
+{ \
+	int32_t zztmp = zz1; \
+	zz1 = zz2; \
+	zz2 = zztmp; \
+/* No measurable speed gain with inlining */
+void mvswap(uint32_t* ptr, int32_t zzp1, int32_t zzp2, int32_t zzn)
+	while (zzn > 0) {
+		mswap(ptr[zzp1], ptr[zzp2]);
+		zzp1++;
+		zzp2++;
+		zzn--;
+	}
+int32_t mmin(int32_t a, int32_t b)
+	return (a < b) ? a : b;
 /*--- Fallback O(N log(N)^2) sorting        ---*/
 /*--- algorithm, for repetitive blocks      ---*/
@@ -64,29 +92,6 @@
-#define fswap(zz1, zz2) \
-{ \
-	int32_t zztmp = zz1; \
-	zz1 = zz2; \
-	zz2 = zztmp; \
-#define fvswap(zzp1, zzp2, zzn) \
-{ \
-	int32_t yyp1 = (zzp1); \
-	int32_t yyp2 = (zzp2); \
-	int32_t yyn  = (zzn); \
-	while (yyn > 0) { \
-		fswap(fmap[yyp1], fmap[yyp2]); \
-		yyp1++; \
-		yyp2++; \
-		yyn--; \
-	} \
-#define fmin(a,b) ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)
 #define fpush(lz,hz) { \
 	stackLo[sp] = lz; \
 	stackHi[sp] = hz; \
@@ -102,7 +107,6 @@
 void fallbackQSort3(uint32_t* fmap,
 		uint32_t* eclass,
@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@
 				if (unLo > unHi) break;
 				n = (int32_t)eclass[fmap[unLo]] - (int32_t)med;
 				if (n == 0) {
-					fswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[ltLo]);
+					mswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[ltLo]);
@@ -165,7 +169,7 @@
 				if (unLo > unHi) break;
 				n = (int32_t)eclass[fmap[unHi]] - (int32_t)med;
 				if (n == 0) {
-					fswap(fmap[unHi], fmap[gtHi]);
+					mswap(fmap[unHi], fmap[gtHi]);
 					gtHi--; unHi--;
@@ -173,15 +177,15 @@
 			if (unLo > unHi) break;
-			fswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[unHi]); unLo++; unHi--;
+			mswap(fmap[unLo], fmap[unHi]); unLo++; unHi--;
 		AssertD(unHi == unLo-1, "fallbackQSort3(2)");
 		if (gtHi < ltLo) continue;
-		n = fmin(ltLo-lo, unLo-ltLo); fvswap(lo, unLo-n, n);
-		m = fmin(hi-gtHi, gtHi-unHi); fvswap(unLo, hi-m+1, m);
+		n = mmin(ltLo-lo, unLo-ltLo); mvswap(fmap, lo, unLo-n, n);
+		m = mmin(hi-gtHi, gtHi-unHi); mvswap(fmap, unLo, hi-m+1, m);
 		n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
 		m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;
@@ -196,11 +200,8 @@
-#undef fmin
 #undef fpush
 #undef fpop
-#undef fswap
-#undef fvswap
@@ -209,11 +210,11 @@
 /* Pre:
  *	nblock > 0
  *	eclass exists for [0 .. nblock-1]
- *	((UChar*)eclass) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ *	((uint8_t*)eclass) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  *	ptr exists for [0 .. nblock-1]
  * Post:
- *	((UChar*)eclass) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ *	((uint8_t*)eclass) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  *	All other areas of eclass destroyed
  *	fmap [0 .. nblock-1] holds sorted order
  *	bhtab[0 .. 2+(nblock/32)] destroyed
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
 	int32_t H, i, j, k, l, r, cc, cc1;
 	int32_t nNotDone;
 	int32_t nBhtab;
-	UChar* eclass8 = (UChar*)eclass;
+	uint8_t* eclass8 = (uint8_t*)eclass;
 	 * Initial 1-char radix sort to generate
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
 		r = -1;
 		while (1) {
-	 /*-- find the next non-singleton bucket --*/
+		/*-- find the next non-singleton bucket --*/
 			k = r + 1;
 			while (ISSET_BH(k) && UNALIGNED_BH(k))
@@ -340,7 +341,7 @@
 		while (ftabCopy[j] == 0)
-		eclass8[fmap[i]] = (UChar)j;
+		eclass8[fmap[i]] = (uint8_t)j;
 	AssertH(j < 256, 1005);
@@ -360,133 +361,83 @@
-Bool mainGtU(
+int mainGtU(
 		uint32_t  i1,
 		uint32_t  i2,
-		UChar*    block,
+		uint8_t*  block,
 		uint16_t* quadrant,
 		uint32_t  nblock,
 		int32_t*  budget)
 	int32_t  k;
-	UChar  c1, c2;
+	uint8_t  c1, c2;
 	uint16_t s1, s2;
+/* Loop unrolling here is actually very useful
+ * (generated code is much simpler),
+ * code size increase is only 270 bytes (i386)
+ * but speeds up compression 10% overall
+ */
+#define TIMES_8(code) \
+	code; code; code; code; \
+	code; code; code; code;
+#define TIMES_12(code) \
+	code; code; code; code; \
+	code; code; code; code; \
+	code; code; code; code;
+#define TIMES_8(code) \
+{ \
+	int nn = 8; \
+	do { \
+		code; \
+	} while (--nn); \
+#define TIMES_12(code) \
+{ \
+	int nn = 12; \
+	do { \
+		code; \
+	} while (--nn); \
 	AssertD(i1 != i2, "mainGtU");
-	/* 1 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 2 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 3 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 4 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 5 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 6 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 7 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 8 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 9 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 10 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 11 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
-	/* 12 */
-	c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-	if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-	i1++; i2++;
+	TIMES_12(
+		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
+		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
+		i1++; i2++;
+	)
 	k = nblock + 8;
 	do {
-		/* 1 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 2 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 3 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 4 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 5 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 6 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 7 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
-		/* 8 */
-		c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
-		if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
-		s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
-		if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
-		i1++; i2++;
+		TIMES_8(
+			c1 = block[i1]; c2 = block[i2];
+			if (c1 != c2) return (c1 > c2);
+			s1 = quadrant[i1]; s2 = quadrant[i2];
+			if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2);
+			i1++; i2++;
+		)
 		if (i1 >= nblock) i1 -= nblock;
 		if (i2 >= nblock) i2 -= nblock;
-		k -= 8;
+		k -= 8;
 	} while (k >= 0);
 	return False;
+#undef TIMES_8
+#undef TIMES_12
@@ -504,7 +455,7 @@
 void mainSimpleSort(uint32_t* ptr,
-		UChar*  block,
+		uint8_t*  block,
 		uint16_t* quadrant,
 		int32_t   nblock,
 		int32_t   lo,
@@ -527,8 +478,6 @@
 		i = lo + h;
 		while (1) {
 			/*-- copy 1 --*/
 			if (i > hi) break;
 			v = ptr[i];
@@ -541,6 +490,8 @@
 			ptr[j] = v;
+/* 1.5% overall speedup, +290 bytes */
 			/*-- copy 2 --*/
 			if (i > hi) break;
 			v = ptr[i];
@@ -557,14 +508,14 @@
 			if (i > hi) break;
 			v = ptr[i];
 			j = i;
-			while (mainGtU (ptr[j-h]+d, v+d, block, quadrant, nblock, budget)) {
+			while (mainGtU(ptr[j-h]+d, v+d, block, quadrant, nblock, budget)) {
 				ptr[j] = ptr[j-h];
 				j = j - h;
 				if (j <= (lo + h - 1)) break;
 			ptr[j] = v;
 			if (*budget < 0) return;
@@ -580,36 +531,17 @@
  * Sedgewick and Jon L. Bentley.
-#define mswap(zz1, zz2) \
-{ \
-	int32_t zztmp = zz1; \
-	zz1 = zz2; \
-	zz2 = zztmp; \
-#define mvswap(zzp1, zzp2, zzn) \
-{ \
-	int32_t yyp1 = (zzp1); \
-	int32_t yyp2 = (zzp2); \
-	int32_t yyn  = (zzn); \
-	while (yyn > 0) { \
-		mswap(ptr[yyp1], ptr[yyp2]); \
-		yyp1++; \
-		yyp2++; \
-		yyn--; \
-	} \
-UChar mmed3(UChar a, UChar b, UChar c)
+uint8_t mmed3(uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c)
-	UChar t;
+	uint8_t t;
 	if (a > b) {
 		t = a;
 		a = b;
 		b = t;
+	/* here b >= a */
 	if (b > c) {
 		b = c;
 		if (a > b)
@@ -618,8 +550,6 @@
 	return b;
-#define mmin(a,b) ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)
 #define mpush(lz,hz,dz) \
 { \
 	stackLo[sp] = lz; \
@@ -636,8 +566,7 @@
 	dz = stackD [sp]; \
-#define mnextsize(az) (nextHi[az]-nextLo[az])
+#define mnextsize(az) (nextHi[az] - nextLo[az])
 #define mnextswap(az,bz) \
 { \
@@ -653,7 +582,7 @@
 void mainQSort3(uint32_t* ptr,
-		UChar*    block,
+		uint8_t*  block,
 		uint16_t* quadrant,
 		int32_t   nblock,
 		int32_t   loSt,
@@ -687,7 +616,6 @@
 		med = (int32_t)	mmed3(block[ptr[lo          ] + d],
 		                      block[ptr[hi          ] + d],
 		                      block[ptr[(lo+hi) >> 1] + d]);
@@ -736,8 +664,8 @@
-		n = mmin(ltLo-lo, unLo-ltLo); mvswap(lo, unLo-n, n);
-		m = mmin(hi-gtHi, gtHi-unHi); mvswap(unLo, hi-m+1, m);
+		n = mmin(ltLo-lo, unLo-ltLo); mvswap(ptr, lo, unLo-n, n);
+		m = mmin(hi-gtHi, gtHi-unHi); mvswap(ptr, unLo, hi-m+1, m);
 		n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
 		m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;
@@ -746,24 +674,21 @@
 		nextLo[1] = m;   nextHi[1] = hi;  nextD[1] = d;
 		nextLo[2] = n+1; nextHi[2] = m-1; nextD[2] = d+1;
-		if (mnextsize(0) < mnextsize(1)) mnextswap(0,1);
-		if (mnextsize(1) < mnextsize(2)) mnextswap(1,2);
-		if (mnextsize(0) < mnextsize(1)) mnextswap(0,1);
+		if (mnextsize(0) < mnextsize(1)) mnextswap(0, 1);
+		if (mnextsize(1) < mnextsize(2)) mnextswap(1, 2);
+		if (mnextsize(0) < mnextsize(1)) mnextswap(0, 1);
 		AssertD (mnextsize(0) >= mnextsize(1), "mainQSort3(8)");
 		AssertD (mnextsize(1) >= mnextsize(2), "mainQSort3(9)");
-		mpush (nextLo[0], nextHi[0], nextD[0]);
-		mpush (nextLo[1], nextHi[1], nextD[1]);
-		mpush (nextLo[2], nextHi[2], nextD[2]);
+		mpush(nextLo[0], nextHi[0], nextD[0]);
+		mpush(nextLo[1], nextHi[1], nextD[1]);
+		mpush(nextLo[2], nextHi[2], nextD[2]);
-#undef mswap
-#undef mvswap
 #undef mpush
 #undef mpop
-#undef mmin
 #undef mnextsize
 #undef mnextswap
@@ -775,11 +700,11 @@
 /* Pre:
  * 	nblock > N_OVERSHOOT
  * 	block32 exists for [0 .. nblock-1 +N_OVERSHOOT]
- * 	((UChar*)block32) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ * 	((uint8_t*)block32) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  * 	ptr exists for [0 .. nblock-1]
  * Post:
- * 	((UChar*)block32) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ * 	((uint8_t*)block32) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  * 	All other areas of block32 destroyed
  * 	ftab[0 .. 65536] destroyed
  * 	ptr [0 .. nblock-1] holds sorted order
@@ -792,7 +717,7 @@
 static NOINLINE
 void mainSort(uint32_t*   ptr,
-		UChar*    block,
+		uint8_t*  block,
 		uint16_t* quadrant,
 		uint32_t* ftab,
 		int32_t   nblock,
@@ -800,10 +725,10 @@
 	int32_t  i, j, k, ss, sb;
 	int32_t  runningOrder[256];
-	Bool   bigDone[256];
+	Bool     bigDone[256];
 	int32_t  copyStart[256];
 	int32_t  copyEnd  [256];
-	UChar  c1;
+	uint8_t  c1;
 	int32_t  numQSorted;
 	uint16_t s;
@@ -813,7 +738,8 @@
 	j = block[0] << 8;
 	i = nblock-1;
-#if 0
+/* 3%, +300 bytes */
 	for (; i >= 3; i -= 4) {
 		quadrant[i] = 0;
 		j = (j >> 8) |(((uint16_t)block[i]) << 8);
@@ -842,11 +768,12 @@
 	/*-- Complete the initial radix sort --*/
-	for (i = 1; i <= 65536; i++) ftab[i] += ftab[i-1];
+	for (i = 1; i <= 65536; i++)
+		ftab[i] += ftab[i-1];
 	s = block[0] << 8;
 	i = nblock-1;
-#if 0
 	for (; i >= 3; i -= 4) {
 		s = (s >> 8) | (block[i] << 8);
 		j = ftab[s] -1;
@@ -940,8 +867,8 @@
 							ptr, block, quadrant, nblock,
 							lo, hi, BZ_N_RADIX, budget
-						numQSorted += (hi - lo + 1);
 						if (*budget < 0) return;
+						numQSorted += (hi - lo + 1);
 				ftab[sb] |= SETMASK;
@@ -980,14 +907,12 @@
-		AssertH((copyStart[ss]-1 == copyEnd[ss])
-					 ||
-					/* Extremely rare case missing in bzip2-1.0.0 and 1.0.1.
-					 * Necessity for this case is demonstrated by compressing
-					 * a sequence of approximately 48.5 million of character
-					 * 251; 1.0.0/1.0.1 will then die here. */
-					(copyStart[ss] == 0 && copyEnd[ss] == nblock-1),
-					1007)
+		/* Extremely rare case missing in bzip2-1.0.0 and 1.0.1.
+		 * Necessity for this case is demonstrated by compressing
+		 * a sequence of approximately 48.5 million of character
+		 * 251; 1.0.0/1.0.1 will then die here. */
+		AssertH((copyStart[ss]-1 == copyEnd[ss]) \
+		     || (copyStart[ss] == 0 && copyEnd[ss] == nblock-1), 1007);
 		for (j = 0; j <= 255; j++)
 			ftab[(j << 8) + ss] |= SETMASK;
@@ -1062,11 +987,11 @@
 /* Pre:
  *	nblock > 0
  *	arr2 exists for [0 .. nblock-1 +N_OVERSHOOT]
- *	  ((UChar*)arr2)[0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ *	  ((uint8_t*)arr2)[0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  *	arr1 exists for [0 .. nblock-1]
  * Post:
- *	((UChar*)arr2) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
+ *	((uint8_t*)arr2) [0 .. nblock-1] holds block
  *	All other areas of block destroyed
  *	ftab[0 .. 65536] destroyed
  *	arr1[0 .. nblock-1] holds sorted order
@@ -1075,11 +1000,11 @@
 void BZ2_blockSort(EState* s)
 	/* In original bzip2 1.0.4, it's a parameter, but 30
-	 * should work ok. */
+	 * (which was the default) should work ok. */
 	enum { wfact = 30 };
 	uint32_t* ptr    = s->ptr;
-	UChar*    block  = s->block;
+	uint8_t*  block  = s->block;
 	uint32_t* ftab   = s->ftab;
 	int32_t   nblock = s->nblock;
 	uint16_t* quadrant;
diff --git a/archival/bz/bzlib.c b/archival/bz/bzlib.c
index 3125bb0..57a6974 100644
--- a/archival/bz/bzlib.c
+++ b/archival/bz/bzlib.c
@@ -40,25 +40,27 @@
-#ifndef BZ_NO_STDIO
-static void bz_assert_fail(int errcode)
+void bz_assert_fail(int errcode)
 	/* if (errcode == 1007) bb_error_msg_and_die("probably bad RAM"); */
-	bb_error_msg_and_die("bzip2 internal error %d", errcode);
+	bb_error_msg_and_die("internal error %d", errcode);
 void prepare_new_block(EState* s)
-	int32_t i;
+	int i;
 	s->nblock = 0;
 	s->numZ = 0;
 	s->state_out_pos = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) s->inUse[i] = False;
+	/* inlined memset would be nice to have here */
+	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+		s->inUse[i] = 0;
@@ -97,9 +99,11 @@
 	s->mtfv  = (uint16_t*)s->arr1;
 	s->ptr   = (uint32_t*)s->arr1;
 	s->arr2  = xmalloc((n + BZ_N_OVERSHOOT) * sizeof(uint32_t));
-	s->block = (UChar*)s->arr2;
+	s->block = (uint8_t*)s->arr2;
 	s->ftab  = xmalloc(65537                * sizeof(uint32_t));
+	s->crc32table = crc32_filltable(NULL, 1);
 	s->state             = BZ_S_INPUT;
 	s->mode              = BZ_M_RUNNING;
 	s->blockSize100k     = blockSize100k;
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@
 	strm->state          = s;
 	/*strm->total_in     = 0;*/
-	strm->total_out = 0;
+	strm->total_out      = 0;
@@ -118,31 +122,28 @@
 void add_pair_to_block(EState* s)
 	int32_t i;
-	UChar ch = (UChar)(s->state_in_ch);
+	uint8_t ch = (uint8_t)(s->state_in_ch);
 	for (i = 0; i < s->state_in_len; i++) {
-		BZ_UPDATE_CRC(s->blockCRC, ch);
+		BZ_UPDATE_CRC(s, s->blockCRC, ch);
-	s->inUse[s->state_in_ch] = True;
+	s->inUse[s->state_in_ch] = 1;
 	switch (s->state_in_len) {
-		case 1:
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			break;
 		case 3:
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			/* fall through */
+		case 2:
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			/* fall through */
+		case 1:
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->inUse[s->state_in_len-4] = True;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
-			s->block[s->nblock] = ((UChar)(s->state_in_len-4));
+			s->inUse[s->state_in_len - 4] = 1;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; s->nblock++;
+			s->block[s->nblock] = (uint8_t)(s->state_in_len - 4);
@@ -164,17 +165,16 @@
 	uint32_t zchh = (uint32_t)(zchh0); \
 	/*-- fast track the common case --*/ \
 	if (zchh != zs->state_in_ch && zs->state_in_len == 1) { \
-		UChar ch = (UChar)(zs->state_in_ch); \
-		BZ_UPDATE_CRC(zs->blockCRC, ch); \
-		zs->inUse[zs->state_in_ch] = True; \
-		zs->block[zs->nblock] = (UChar)ch; \
+		uint8_t ch = (uint8_t)(zs->state_in_ch); \
+		BZ_UPDATE_CRC(zs, zs->blockCRC, ch); \
+		zs->inUse[zs->state_in_ch] = 1; \
+		zs->block[zs->nblock] = (uint8_t)ch; \
 		zs->nblock++; \
 		zs->state_in_ch = zchh; \
 	} \
 	else \
 	/*-- general, uncommon cases --*/ \
-	if (zchh != zs->state_in_ch || \
-		zs->state_in_len == 255) { \
+	if (zchh != zs->state_in_ch || zs->state_in_len == 255) { \
 		if (zs->state_in_ch < 256) \
 			add_pair_to_block(zs); \
 		zs->state_in_ch = zchh; \
@@ -187,114 +187,117 @@
-Bool copy_input_until_stop(EState* s)
+void /*Bool*/ copy_input_until_stop(EState* s)
-	Bool progress_in = False;
+	/*Bool progress_in = False;*/
-//vda: cannot simplify this until avail_in_expect is removed
 	if (s->mode == BZ_M_RUNNING) {
 		/*-- fast track the common case --*/
 		while (1) {
-			/*-- block full? --*/
-			if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
 			/*-- no input? --*/
 			if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;
-			progress_in = True;
-			ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK(s, (uint32_t)(*((UChar*)(s->strm->next_in))));
+			/*-- block full? --*/
+			if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
+			/*progress_in = True;*/
+			ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK(s, (uint32_t)(*(uint8_t*)(s->strm->next_in)));
-	} else {
+	} else
+	{
 		/*-- general, uncommon case --*/
 		while (1) {
-			/*-- block full? --*/
-			if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
 			/*-- no input? --*/
 			if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;
-			/*-- flush/finish end? --*/
-			if (s->avail_in_expect == 0) break;
-			progress_in = True;
-			ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK(s, (uint32_t)(*((UChar*)(s->strm->next_in))));
+			/*-- block full? --*/
+			if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
+		//#	/*-- flush/finish end? --*/
+		//#	if (s->avail_in_expect == 0) break;
+			/*progress_in = True;*/
+			ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK(s, *(uint8_t*)(s->strm->next_in));
-			s->avail_in_expect--;
+		//#	s->avail_in_expect--;
-	return progress_in;
+	/*return progress_in;*/
-Bool copy_output_until_stop(EState* s)
+void /*Bool*/ copy_output_until_stop(EState* s)
-	Bool progress_out = False;
+	/*Bool progress_out = False;*/
 	while (1) {
 		/*-- no output space? --*/
 		if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) break;
 		/*-- block done? --*/
 		if (s->state_out_pos >= s->numZ) break;
-		progress_out = True;
+		/*progress_out = True;*/
 		*(s->strm->next_out) = s->zbits[s->state_out_pos];
-	return progress_out;
+	/*return progress_out;*/
-Bool handle_compress(bz_stream *strm)
+void /*Bool*/ handle_compress(bz_stream *strm)
-	Bool progress_in  = False;
-	Bool progress_out = False;
+	/*Bool progress_in  = False;*/
+	/*Bool progress_out = False;*/
 	EState* s = strm->state;
 	while (1) {
 		if (s->state == BZ_S_OUTPUT) {
-			progress_out |= copy_output_until_stop(s);
+			/*progress_out |=*/ copy_output_until_stop(s);
 			if (s->state_out_pos < s->numZ) break;
 			if (s->mode == BZ_M_FINISHING
-			 && s->avail_in_expect == 0
+			//# && s->avail_in_expect == 0
+			 && s->strm->avail_in == 0
 			 && isempty_RL(s))
 			s->state = BZ_S_INPUT;
 			if (s->mode == BZ_M_FLUSHING
 			 && s->avail_in_expect == 0
 			 && isempty_RL(s))
 		if (s->state == BZ_S_INPUT) {
-			progress_in |= copy_input_until_stop(s);
-			if (s->mode != BZ_M_RUNNING && s->avail_in_expect == 0) {
+			/*progress_in |=*/ copy_input_until_stop(s);
+			//#if (s->mode != BZ_M_RUNNING && s->avail_in_expect == 0) {
+			if (s->mode != BZ_M_RUNNING && s->strm->avail_in == 0) {
-				BZ2_compressBlock(s, (Bool)(s->mode == BZ_M_FINISHING));
+				BZ2_compressBlock(s, (s->mode == BZ_M_FINISHING));
 				s->state = BZ_S_OUTPUT;
 			} else
 			if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) {
-				BZ2_compressBlock(s, False);
+				BZ2_compressBlock(s, 0);
 				s->state = BZ_S_OUTPUT;
 			} else
 			if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) {
-	return progress_in || progress_out;
+	/*return progress_in || progress_out;*/
@@ -302,82 +305,75 @@
 int BZ2_bzCompress(bz_stream *strm, int action)
-	Bool progress;
+	/*Bool progress;*/
 	EState* s;
-	if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
 	s = strm->state;
-	if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
-	if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
-	preswitch:
 	switch (s->mode) {
-		case BZ_M_IDLE:
 		case BZ_M_RUNNING:
 			if (action == BZ_RUN) {
-				progress = handle_compress(strm);
-				return progress ? BZ_RUN_OK : BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+				/*progress =*/ handle_compress(strm);
+				/*return progress ? BZ_RUN_OK : BZ_PARAM_ERROR;*/
+				return BZ_RUN_OK;
 			if (action == BZ_FLUSH) {
-				s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
+				//#s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
 				s->mode = BZ_M_FLUSHING;
-				goto preswitch;
+				goto case_BZ_M_FLUSHING;
-			if (action == BZ_FINISH) {
-				s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
+			/*if (action == BZ_FINISH)*/ {
+				//#s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
 				s->mode = BZ_M_FINISHING;
-				goto preswitch;
+				goto case_BZ_M_FINISHING;
-			else
-				return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
 		case BZ_M_FLUSHING:
-			if (action != BZ_FLUSH) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
-			if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
-				return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
-			progress = handle_compress(strm);
+			/*if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
+				return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;*/
+			/*progress =*/ handle_compress(strm);
 			if (s->avail_in_expect > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) || s->state_out_pos < s->numZ)
 				return BZ_FLUSH_OK;
 			s->mode = BZ_M_RUNNING;
 			return BZ_RUN_OK;
-			if (action != BZ_FINISH) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
-			if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
-				return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
-			progress = handle_compress(strm);
-			if (!progress) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
-			if (s->avail_in_expect > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) || s->state_out_pos < s->numZ)
+		/*case BZ_M_FINISHING:*/
+		default:
+			/*if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
+				return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;*/
+			/*progress =*/ handle_compress(strm);
+			/*if (!progress) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;*/
+			//#if (s->avail_in_expect > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) || s->state_out_pos < s->numZ)
+			//#	return BZ_FINISH_OK;
+			if (s->strm->avail_in > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) || s->state_out_pos < s->numZ)
 				return BZ_FINISH_OK;
-			s->mode = BZ_M_IDLE;
+			/*s->mode = BZ_M_IDLE;*/
 			return BZ_STREAM_END;
-	return BZ_OK; /*--not reached--*/
+	/* return BZ_OK; --not reached--*/
-int BZ2_bzCompressEnd(bz_stream *strm)
+void BZ2_bzCompressEnd(bz_stream *strm)
 	EState* s;
-	if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
 	s = strm->state;
-	if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
-	if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
-	if (s->arr1 != NULL) free(s->arr1);
-	if (s->arr2 != NULL) free(s->arr2);
-	if (s->ftab != NULL) free(s->ftab);
+	free(s->arr1);
+	free(s->arr2);
+	free(s->ftab);
+	free(s->crc32table);
-	strm->state = NULL;
-	return BZ_OK;
@@ -418,11 +414,11 @@
 	return BZ_OK;
-	output_overflow:
+ output_overflow:
-	errhandler:
+ errhandler:
 	return ret;
diff --git a/archival/bz/bzlib.h b/archival/bz/bzlib.h
index 805e9b3..602aab9 100644
--- a/archival/bz/bzlib.h
+++ b/archival/bz/bzlib.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 static void BZ2_bzCompressInit(bz_stream *strm, int blockSize100k);
 static int BZ2_bzCompress(bz_stream *strm, int action);
-static int BZ2_bzCompressEnd(bz_stream *strm);
+static void BZ2_bzCompressEnd(bz_stream *strm);
 /*--- end                                           bzlib.h ---*/
diff --git a/archival/bz/bzlib_private.h b/archival/bz/bzlib_private.h
index 24ffbee..02f177e 100644
--- a/archival/bz/bzlib_private.h
+++ b/archival/bz/bzlib_private.h
@@ -25,31 +25,30 @@
 /* #include "bzlib.h" */
-#define BZ_DEBUG 0
-//#define BZ_NO_STDIO 1 - does not work
 /*-- General stuff. --*/
 typedef unsigned char Bool;
-typedef unsigned char UChar;
 #define True  ((Bool)1)
 #define False ((Bool)0)
 static void bz_assert_fail(int errcode) ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;
 #define AssertH(cond, errcode) \
-{ \
+do { \
 	if (!(cond)) \
 		bz_assert_fail(errcode); \
+} while (0)
+#define AssertH(cond, msg) do { } while (0)
 #define AssertD(cond, msg) \
-{ \
+do { \
 	if (!(cond)) \
 		bb_error_msg_and_die("(debug build): internal error %s", msg); \
+} while (0)
 #define AssertD(cond, msg) do { } while (0)
@@ -79,35 +78,8 @@
 #define BZ_MAX_SELECTORS (2 + (900000 / BZ_G_SIZE))
-/*-- Stuff for randomising repetitive blocks. --*/
-static const int32_t BZ2_rNums[512];
-#define BZ_RAND_DECLS \
-	int32_t rNToGo; \
-	int32_t rTPos \
-#define BZ_RAND_INIT_MASK \
-	s->rNToGo = 0; \
-	s->rTPos  = 0 \
-#define BZ_RAND_MASK ((s->rNToGo == 1) ? 1 : 0)
-#define BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK \
-{ \
-	if (s->rNToGo == 0) { \
-		s->rNToGo = BZ2_rNums[s->rTPos]; \
-		s->rTPos++; \
-		if (s->rTPos == 512) s->rTPos = 0; \
-	} \
-	s->rNToGo--; \
 /*-- Stuff for doing CRCs. --*/
-static const uint32_t BZ2_crc32Table[256];
 #define BZ_INITIALISE_CRC(crcVar) \
 { \
 	crcVar = 0xffffffffL; \
@@ -118,9 +90,9 @@
 	crcVar = ~(crcVar); \
-#define BZ_UPDATE_CRC(crcVar,cha) \
+#define BZ_UPDATE_CRC(s, crcVar, cha) \
 { \
-	crcVar = (crcVar << 8) ^ BZ2_crc32Table[(crcVar >> 24) ^ ((UChar)cha)]; \
+	crcVar = (crcVar << 8) ^ s->crc32table[(crcVar >> 24) ^ ((uint8_t)cha)]; \
@@ -152,24 +124,28 @@
 	int32_t  state;
 	/* remembers avail_in when flush/finish requested */
-	uint32_t avail_in_expect; //vda: do we need this?
+/* bbox: not needed, strm->avail_in always has the same value */
+/* commented out with '//#' throughout the code */
+	/* uint32_t avail_in_expect; */
 	/* for doing the block sorting */
+	int32_t  origPtr;
 	uint32_t *arr1;
 	uint32_t *arr2;
 	uint32_t *ftab;
-	int32_t  origPtr;
 	/* aliases for arr1 and arr2 */
 	uint32_t *ptr;
-	UChar    *block;
+	uint8_t  *block;
 	uint16_t *mtfv;
-	UChar    *zbits;
+	uint8_t  *zbits;
+	/* guess what */
+	uint32_t *crc32table;
 	/* run-length-encoding of the input */
 	uint32_t state_in_ch;
 	int32_t  state_in_len;
 	/* input and output limits and current posns */
 	int32_t  nblock;
@@ -194,18 +170,18 @@
 	/* map of bytes used in block */
 	int32_t  nInUse;
-	Bool     inUse[256];
-	UChar    unseqToSeq[256];
+	Bool     inUse[256] __attribute__(( aligned(sizeof(long)) ));
+	uint8_t  unseqToSeq[256];
 	/* stuff for coding the MTF values */
 	int32_t  mtfFreq    [BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
-	UChar    selector   [BZ_MAX_SELECTORS];
-	UChar    selectorMtf[BZ_MAX_SELECTORS];
+	uint8_t  selector   [BZ_MAX_SELECTORS];
+	uint8_t  selectorMtf[BZ_MAX_SELECTORS];
-	UChar    len     [BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
-	int32_t  code    [BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
-	int32_t  rfreq   [BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
-#ifdef FAST_GROUP6
+	uint8_t  len  [BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
+	int32_t  code [BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
+	int32_t  rfreq[BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
 	/* second dimension: only 3 needed; 4 makes index calculations faster */
 	uint32_t len_pack[BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE][4];
@@ -218,16 +194,16 @@
 static void
-BZ2_compressBlock(EState*, Bool);
+BZ2_compressBlock(EState*, int);
 static void
 static void
-BZ2_hbAssignCodes(int32_t*, UChar*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
+BZ2_hbAssignCodes(int32_t*, uint8_t*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
 static void
-BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths(UChar*, int32_t*, int32_t, int32_t);
+BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths(uint8_t*, int32_t*, int32_t, int32_t);
 /*--- end                                   bzlib_private.h ---*/
diff --git a/archival/bz/compress.c b/archival/bz/compress.c
index 54426dc..4bd364e 100644
--- a/archival/bz/compress.c
+++ b/archival/bz/compress.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 void bsFinishWrite(EState* s)
 	while (s->bsLive > 0) {
-		s->zbits[s->numZ] = (UChar)(s->bsBuff >> 24);
+		s->zbits[s->numZ] = (uint8_t)(s->bsBuff >> 24);
 		s->bsBuff <<= 8;
 		s->bsLive -= 8;
@@ -60,13 +60,14 @@
-/* Forced inlining results in +600 bytes code,
- * 2% faster compression. Not worth it. */
+/* Helps only on level 5, on other levels hurts. ? */
 void bsW(EState* s, int32_t n, uint32_t v)
 	while (s->bsLive >= 8) {
-		s->zbits[s->numZ] = (UChar)(s->bsBuff >> 24);
+		s->zbits[s->numZ] = (uint8_t)(s->bsBuff >> 24);
 		s->bsBuff <<= 8;
 		s->bsLive -= 8;
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
-void bsPutU32(EState* s, uint32_t u)
+void bsPutU32(EState* s, unsigned u)
 	bsW(s, 8, (u >> 24) & 0xff);
 	bsW(s, 8, (u >> 16) & 0xff);
@@ -89,9 +90,10 @@
-void bsPutUChar(EState* s, UChar c)
+void bsPutU16(EState* s, unsigned u)
-	bsW(s, 8, (uint32_t)c);
+	bsW(s, 8, (u >>  8) & 0xff);
+	bsW(s, 8,  u        & 0xff);
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@
 void makeMaps_e(EState* s)
-	int32_t i;
+	int i;
 	s->nInUse = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
 		if (s->inUse[i]) {
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@
 static NOINLINE
 void generateMTFValues(EState* s)
-	UChar   yy[256];
+	uint8_t yy[256];
 	int32_t i, j;
 	int32_t zPend;
 	int32_t wr;
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@
 	 * After sorting (eg, here),
 	 * s->arr1[0 .. s->nblock-1] holds sorted order,
 	 * and
-	 * ((UChar*)s->arr2)[0 .. s->nblock-1]
+	 * ((uint8_t*)s->arr2)[0 .. s->nblock-1]
 	 * holds the original block data.
 	 * The first thing to do is generate the MTF values,
@@ -140,14 +142,14 @@
 	 * The final compressed bitstream is generated into the
 	 * area starting at
-	 *	(UChar*) (&((UChar*)s->arr2)[s->nblock])
+	 *	&((uint8_t*)s->arr2)[s->nblock]
 	 * These storage aliases are set up in bzCompressInit(),
 	 * except for the last one, which is arranged in
 	 * compressBlock().
 	uint32_t* ptr   = s->ptr;
-	UChar*    block = s->block;
+	uint8_t*  block = s->block;
 	uint16_t* mtfv  = s->mtfv;
@@ -159,12 +161,12 @@
 	wr = 0;
 	zPend = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < s->nInUse; i++)
-		yy[i] = (UChar) i;
+		yy[i] = (uint8_t) i;
 	for (i = 0; i < s->nblock; i++) {
-		UChar ll_i;
+		uint8_t ll_i;
 		AssertD(wr <= i, "generateMTFValues(1)");
-		j = ptr[i]-1;
+		j = ptr[i] - 1;
 		if (j < 0)
 			j += s->nblock;
 		ll_i = s->unseqToSeq[block[j]];
@@ -189,15 +191,15 @@
 				zPend = 0;
-				register UChar  rtmp;
-				register UChar* ryy_j;
-				register UChar  rll_i;
+				register uint8_t  rtmp;
+				register uint8_t* ryy_j;
+				register uint8_t  rll_i;
 				rtmp  = yy[1];
 				yy[1] = yy[0];
 				ryy_j = &(yy[1]);
 				rll_i = ll_i;
 				while (rll_i != rtmp) {
-					register UChar rtmp2;
+					register uint8_t rtmp2;
 					rtmp2  = rtmp;
 					rtmp   = *ryy_j;
@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@
 	int32_t nGroups, nBytes;
+	 * uint8_t len[BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
 	 * is a global since the decoder also needs it.
 	 * int32_t  code[BZ_N_GROUPS][BZ_MAX_ALPHA_SIZE];
@@ -295,7 +297,7 @@
 			if (ge > gs
 			 && nPart != nGroups && nPart != 1
-			 && ((nGroups-nPart) % 2 == 1)
+			 && ((nGroups - nPart) % 2 == 1)
 			) {
 				aFreq -= s->mtfFreq[ge];
@@ -324,7 +326,7 @@
 			for (v = 0; v < alphaSize; v++)
 				s->rfreq[t][v] = 0;
-#ifdef FAST_GROUP6
 		 * Set up an auxiliary length table which is used to fast-track
 		 * the common case (nGroups == 6).
@@ -337,7 +339,6 @@
 		nSelectors = 0;
 		totc = 0;
 		gs = 0;
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@
 			for (t = 0; t < nGroups; t++)
 				cost[t] = 0;
-#ifdef FAST_GROUP6
 			if (nGroups == 6 && 50 == ge-gs+1) {
 				/*--- fast track the common case ---*/
 				register uint32_t cost01, cost23, cost45;
@@ -395,11 +396,11 @@
 			 * Find the coding table which is best for this group,
 			 * and record its identity in the selector table.
-			bc = 999999999;
-			bt = -1;
-			//bc = cost[0];
-			//bt = 0;
-			for (t = 0; t < nGroups; t++) {
+			/*bc = 999999999;*/
+			/*bt = -1;*/
+			bc = cost[0];
+			bt = 0;
+			for (t = 1 /*0*/; t < nGroups; t++) {
 				if (cost[t] < bc) {
 					bc = cost[t];
 					bt = t;
@@ -413,8 +414,8 @@
 			 * Increment the symbol frequencies for the selected table.
-/* ~0.5% faster compress. +800 bytes */ 
-#if 0
+/* 1% faster compress. +800 bytes */ 
 			if (nGroups == 6 && 50 == ge-gs+1) {
 				/*--- fast track the common case ---*/
 #define BZ_ITUR(nn) s->rfreq[bt][mtfv[gs + (nn)]]++
@@ -429,7 +430,7 @@
 				BZ_ITUR(40); BZ_ITUR(41); BZ_ITUR(42); BZ_ITUR(43); BZ_ITUR(44);
 				BZ_ITUR(45); BZ_ITUR(46); BZ_ITUR(47); BZ_ITUR(48); BZ_ITUR(49);
 #undef BZ_ITUR
-				gs = ge+1;
+				gs = ge + 1;
 			} else
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@
-				/* already is: gs = ge+1; */
+				/* already is: gs = ge + 1; */
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@
 	/*--- Compute MTF values for the selectors. ---*/
-		UChar pos[BZ_N_GROUPS], ll_i, tmp2, tmp;
+		uint8_t pos[BZ_N_GROUPS], ll_i, tmp2, tmp;
 		for (i = 0; i < nGroups; i++)
 			pos[i] = i;
@@ -490,31 +491,34 @@
 	/*--- Transmit the mapping table. ---*/
-		Bool inUse16[16];
+		/* bbox: optimized a bit more than in bzip2 */
+		int inUse16 = 0;
 		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-			inUse16[i] = False;
-			for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
-				if (s->inUse[i * 16 + j])
-					inUse16[i] = True;
-		}
-		nBytes = s->numZ;
-		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-			if (inUse16[i])
-				bsW(s, 1, 1);
-			else
-				bsW(s, 1, 0);
+			if (sizeof(long) <= 4) {
+				inUse16 = inUse16*2 +
+					((*(uint32_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 0])
+					| *(uint32_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 4])
+					| *(uint32_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 8])
+					| *(uint32_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 12])) != 0);
+			} else { /* Our CPU can do better */
+				inUse16 = inUse16*2 +
+					((*(uint64_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 0])
+					| *(uint64_t*)&(s->inUse[i * 16 + 8])) != 0);
+			}
+		nBytes = s->numZ;
+		bsW(s, 16, inUse16);
+		inUse16 <<= (sizeof(int)*8 - 16); /* move 15th bit into sign bit */
 		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-			if (inUse16[i]) {
-				for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
-					if (s->inUse[i * 16 + j])
-						bsW(s, 1, 1);
-					else
-						bsW(s, 1, 0);
-				}
+			if (inUse16 < 0) {
+				unsigned v16 = 0;
+				for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
+					v16 = v16*2 + s->inUse[i * 16 + j];
+				bsW(s, 16, v16);
+			inUse16 <<= 1;
@@ -558,7 +562,7 @@
 		if (nGroups == 6 && 50 == ge-gs+1) {
 			/*--- fast track the common case ---*/
 			uint16_t mtfv_i;
-			UChar* s_len_sel_selCtr	= &(s->len[s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
+			uint8_t* s_len_sel_selCtr  = &(s->len[s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
 			int32_t* s_code_sel_selCtr = &(s->code[s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
 #define BZ_ITAH(nn) \
 	mtfv_i = mtfv[gs+(nn)]; \
@@ -580,7 +584,7 @@
 			/*--- slow version which correctly handles all situations ---*/
 			/* code is bit bigger, but moves multiply out of the loop */
-			UChar*   s_len_sel_selCtr  = &(s->len [s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
+			uint8_t* s_len_sel_selCtr  = &(s->len [s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
 			int32_t* s_code_sel_selCtr = &(s->code[s->selector[selCtr]][0]);
 			while (gs <= ge) {
@@ -599,7 +603,7 @@
-void BZ2_compressBlock(EState* s, Bool is_last_block)
+void BZ2_compressBlock(EState* s, int is_last_block)
 	if (s->nblock > 0) {
@@ -611,26 +615,27 @@
-	s->zbits = (UChar*) (&((UChar*)s->arr2)[s->nblock]);
+	s->zbits = &((uint8_t*)s->arr2)[s->nblock];
 	/*-- If this is the first block, create the stream header. --*/
 	if (s->blockNo == 1) {
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, BZ_HDR_B);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, BZ_HDR_Z);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, BZ_HDR_h);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, (UChar)(BZ_HDR_0 + s->blockSize100k));*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, BZ_HDR_B);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, BZ_HDR_Z);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, BZ_HDR_h);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, BZ_HDR_0 + s->blockSize100k);*/
 		bsPutU32(s, BZ_HDR_BZh0 + s->blockSize100k);
 	if (s->nblock > 0) {
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x31);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x41);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x59);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x26);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x31);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x41);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x59);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x26);*/
 		bsPutU32(s, 0x31415926);
-		bsPutUChar(s, 0x53);
-		bsPutUChar(s, 0x59);
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x53);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x59);*/
+		bsPutU16(s, 0x5359);
 		/*-- Now the block's CRC, so it is in a known place. --*/
 		bsPutU32(s, s->blockCRC);
@@ -653,13 +658,14 @@
 	/*-- If this is the last block, add the stream trailer. --*/
 	if (is_last_block) {
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x17);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x72);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x45);*/
-		/*bsPutUChar(s, 0x38);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x17);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x72);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x45);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x38);*/
 		bsPutU32(s, 0x17724538);
-		bsPutUChar(s, 0x50);
-		bsPutUChar(s, 0x90);
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x50);*/
+		/*bsPutU8(s, 0x90);*/
+		bsPutU16(s, 0x5090);
 		bsPutU32(s, s->combinedCRC);
diff --git a/archival/bz/huffman.c b/archival/bz/huffman.c
index d01af11..89e5460 100644
--- a/archival/bz/huffman.c
+++ b/archival/bz/huffman.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-void BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths(UChar *len,
+void BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths(uint8_t *len,
 		int32_t *freq,
 		int32_t alphaSize,
 		int32_t maxLen)
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 void BZ2_hbAssignCodes(int32_t *code,
-		UChar *length,
+		uint8_t *length,
 		int32_t minLen,
 		int32_t maxLen,
 		int32_t alphaSize)