File-copy from v4.4.100

This is the result of 'cp' from a linux-stable tree with the 'v4.4.100'
tag checked out (commit 26d6298789e695c9f627ce49a7bbd2286405798a) on

Please refer to that tree for all history prior to this point.

Change-Id: I8a9ee2aea93cd29c52c847d0ce33091a73ae6afe
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/dvb/osd.h b/include/uapi/linux/dvb/osd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880e684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/dvb/osd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * osd.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Ralph  Metzler <>
+ *                  & Marcus Metzler <>
+ *                    for convergence integrated media GmbH
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Lesser Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _DVBOSD_H_
+#define _DVBOSD_H_
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+typedef enum {
+  // All functions return -2 on "not open"
+  OSD_Close=1,    // ()
+  // Disables OSD and releases the buffers
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Open,       // (x0,y0,x1,y1,BitPerPixel[2/4/8](color&0x0F),mix[0..15](color&0xF0))
+  // Opens OSD with this size and bit depth
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on DRAM allocation error, -2 on "already open"
+  OSD_Show,       // ()
+  // enables OSD mode
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Hide,       // ()
+  // disables OSD mode
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Clear,      // ()
+  // Sets all pixel to color 0
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Fill,       // (color)
+  // Sets all pixel to color <col>
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_SetColor,   // (color,R{x0},G{y0},B{x1},opacity{y1})
+  // set palette entry <num> to <r,g,b>, <mix> and <trans> apply
+  // R,G,B: 0..255
+  // R=Red, G=Green, B=Blue
+  // opacity=0:      pixel opacity 0% (only video pixel shows)
+  // opacity=1..254: pixel opacity as specified in header
+  // opacity=255:    pixel opacity 100% (only OSD pixel shows)
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on error
+  OSD_SetPalette, // (firstcolor{color},lastcolor{x0},data)
+  // Set a number of entries in the palette
+  // sets the entries "firstcolor" through "lastcolor" from the array "data"
+  // data has 4 byte for each color:
+  // R,G,B, and a opacity value: 0->transparent, 1..254->mix, 255->pixel
+  OSD_SetTrans,   // (transparency{color})
+  // Sets transparency of mixed pixel (0..15)
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_SetPixel,   // (x0,y0,color)
+  // sets pixel <x>,<y> to color number <col>
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on error
+  OSD_GetPixel,   // (x0,y0)
+  // returns color number of pixel <x>,<y>,  or -1
+  OSD_SetRow,     // (x0,y0,x1,data)
+  // fills pixels x0,y through  x1,y with the content of data[]
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on clipping all pixel (no pixel drawn)
+  OSD_SetBlock,   // (x0,y0,x1,y1,increment{color},data)
+  // fills pixels x0,y0 through  x1,y1 with the content of data[]
+  // inc contains the width of one line in the data block,
+  // inc<=0 uses blockwidth as linewidth
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on clipping all pixel
+  OSD_FillRow,    // (x0,y0,x1,color)
+  // fills pixels x0,y through  x1,y with the color <col>
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on clipping all pixel
+  OSD_FillBlock,  // (x0,y0,x1,y1,color)
+  // fills pixels x0,y0 through  x1,y1 with the color <col>
+  // returns 0 on success, -1 on clipping all pixel
+  OSD_Line,       // (x0,y0,x1,y1,color)
+  // draw a line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 with the color <col>
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Query,      // (x0,y0,x1,y1,xasp{color}}), yasp=11
+  // fills parameters with the picture dimensions and the pixel aspect ratio
+  // returns 0 on success
+  OSD_Test,       // ()
+  // draws a test picture. for debugging purposes only
+  // returns 0 on success
+// TODO: remove "test" in final version
+  OSD_Text,       // (x0,y0,size,color,text)
+  OSD_SetWindow, //  (x0) set window with number 0<x0<8 as current
+  OSD_MoveWindow, //  move current window to (x0, y0)
+  OSD_OpenRaw,	// Open other types of OSD windows
+} OSD_Command;
+typedef struct osd_cmd_s {
+	OSD_Command cmd;
+	int x0;
+	int y0;
+	int x1;
+	int y1;
+	int color;
+	void __user *data;
+} osd_cmd_t;
+/* OSD_OpenRaw: set 'color' to desired window type */
+typedef enum {
+	OSD_BITMAP1,           /* 1 bit bitmap */
+	OSD_BITMAP2,           /* 2 bit bitmap */
+	OSD_BITMAP4,           /* 4 bit bitmap */
+	OSD_BITMAP8,           /* 8 bit bitmap */
+	OSD_BITMAP1HR,         /* 1 Bit bitmap half resolution */
+	OSD_BITMAP2HR,         /* 2 bit bitmap half resolution */
+	OSD_BITMAP4HR,         /* 4 bit bitmap half resolution */
+	OSD_BITMAP8HR,         /* 8 bit bitmap half resolution */
+	OSD_YCRCB422,          /* 4:2:2 YCRCB Graphic Display */
+	OSD_YCRCB444,          /* 4:4:4 YCRCB Graphic Display */
+	OSD_YCRCB444HR,        /* 4:4:4 YCRCB graphic half resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEOTSIZE,        /* True Size Normal MPEG Video Display */
+	OSD_VIDEOHSIZE,        /* MPEG Video Display Half Resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEOQSIZE,        /* MPEG Video Display Quarter Resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEODSIZE,        /* MPEG Video Display Double Resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEOTHSIZE,       /* True Size MPEG Video Display Half Resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEOTQSIZE,       /* True Size MPEG Video Display Quarter Resolution*/
+	OSD_VIDEOTDSIZE,       /* True Size MPEG Video Display Double Resolution */
+	OSD_VIDEONSIZE,        /* Full Size MPEG Video Display */
+	OSD_CURSOR             /* Cursor */
+} osd_raw_window_t;
+typedef struct osd_cap_s {
+	int  cmd;
+#define OSD_CAP_MEMSIZE         1  /* memory size */
+	long val;
+} osd_cap_t;
+#define OSD_SEND_CMD            _IOW('o', 160, osd_cmd_t)
+#define OSD_GET_CAPABILITY      _IOR('o', 161, osd_cap_t)