docs: add VPP Container Testbench example and lab

Adding a "VPP container testbench" (pair of Docker containers plus
helper scripts to test Linux and VPP interfaces). Will be part of a
larger set of labs/exercises/tutorials. Putting this baseline setup up
for review first to see if the community sees use/value in it. If so,
additional exercises using the testbench will be added gradually.

Type: improvement
Signed-off-by: Matthew Giassa <>
Change-Id: I582310f7355419e907d575f640482ca49cbb282f
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 3a03eb0..3b3528d 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+   usecases/vpp_testbench/index
 .. toctree::
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+VPP Container Test Bench
+This project spins up a pair of Docker containers, both of which are running
+Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa" (x86_64) along with VPP. At run-time, the containers
+will attempt to create various links between each other, using both the Linux
+networking stack as well as VPP, and will then send some simple traffic
+back-and-forth (i.e. ICMP echo/ping requests and HTTP GET requests).
+The intent of this example is to provide a relatively simple example of
+connecting containers via VPP and allowing others to use it as a springboard of
+sorts for their own projects and examples. Besides Docker and a handful of
+common Linux command-line utlities, not much else is required to build this
+example (due to most of the dependencies being lumped inside the containers
+Instructions - Short Version
+The use of an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux distro, running on x86_64 hardware, is
+required for these labs. If your current workstation/PC/laptop/etc. is
+unable to run such a setup natively, the reader is now tasked with figuring out
+how to get such a setup in order. This can be accomplished, for example,
+through the use of virtual machines  via tools like VirtualBox, or ``vagrant``.
+As this can be a time consuming task for readers new to virtual machines, we
+leave it as an exercise for the reader, as it is impractical to provide support
+for such a task in this narrow/focused set of labs and tutorials.
+This being said, it's quite probable that one could use these labs on different
+flavors/distros of Linux, since the bulk of the work involved takes place
+inside containers which are always set to use an Ubuntu 20.04 baseline.
+However, for the sake of these labs, any other such setup is not supported.
+- Replicate the file listings at the end of this document
+  (:ref:`sec_file_listings_vpp_testbench`).  You can also directly acquire a
+  copy of these files by cloning the VPP repo, and navigating to the
+  ``docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src`` path to save yourself the hassle of
+  copy-pasting and naming the files. Once that's done, open a shell, and
+  navigate to the location housing the project files.
+- To build the project, simply run: ``make``
+- To start up the containers and have all the initialization logic take place,
+  run: ``make start``
+- To trigger some basic traffic tests, run: ``make poll``
+- To terminate the containers and clean-up associated resources, run ``make stop``
+- To launch an interactive shell for the "client" container, run ``make
+  shell_client``
+- To launch an interactive shell for the "server" container, run ``make
+  shell_server``
+Instructions - Long Version
+Directory Structure and File Purposes
+First, let's quickly review the purpose of the various files used in this
+* ````: shell variables and helper functions re-used in
+  other scripts in this project. Intended to be sourced (i.e. not intended to
+  be run directly). Some of the helper functions are used at run-time within
+  the containers, while others are intended to be run in the default namespace
+  on the host operating system to help with run-time configuration/bringup of
+  the testbench.
+* ``Dockerfile.vpp_testbench``: used to build the various Docker images used in
+  this project (i.e. so VPP, our test tools, etc.; are all encapsulated within
+  containers rather than being deployed to the host OS).
+* ``Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore``: a "permit-list" to restrict what
+  files we permit to be included in our Docker images (helps keep image size
+  down and provides some minor security benefits at build time, at least in
+  general).
+* ````: entrypoint script used by the "client" Docker
+  container when it is launched.
+* ````: entrypoint script used by the "server" Docker
+  container when it is launched.
+* ``Makefile``: top-level script; used to trigger the artifacts and Docker
+  image builds, provides rules for starting/testing/stopping the containers,
+  etc.
+Getting Started
+First, we'll assume you are running on a Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 setup (either on a
+bare metal host or in a virtual machine), and have acquirec a copy of the
+project files (either by cloning the VPP git repository, or duplicating them
+from :ref:`sec_file_listings_vpp_testbench`). Now, just run ``make``. The
+process should take a few minutes as it pulls the baseline Ubuntu Docker image,
+applies system/package updates/upgrades via ``apt``, and installs VPP.
+Next, one can start up the containers used by the project via ``make start``.
+From this point forward, most testing, experiments, etc.; will likely involve
+modifying/extending the ``poll_containers`` definition inside ``Makefile``
+(probably easiest to just have it invoke a shell script that you write for your
+own testing). Once you've completed various test runs, the entire deployment
+can be cleaned-up via ``make stop``, and the whole process of starting,
+testing, stopping, etc.; can be repeated as needed.
+In addition to starting up the containers, ``make start`` will establish
+variaous types of links/connections between the two containers, making use of
+both the Linux network stack, as well as VPP, to handle the "plumbing"
+involved. This is to allow various types of connections between the two
+containers, and to allow the reader to experiment with them (i.e. using
+``vppctl`` to congfigure or trace packets going over VPP-managed links, use
+traditional Linux command line utilities like ``tcpdump``, ``iproute2``,
+``ping``, etc.; to accomplish similar tasks over links managed purely by the
+Linux network stack, etc.). Later labs will also encourage readers to compare
+the two types of links (perhaps some performance metrics/profiling, or similar
+tasks). This testbench project is effectively intended as a baseline workspace
+upon which one may design and run the labs (or your own projects and examples,
+whichever works for you).
+.. toctree::
+   labs/intro_to_vpp/index
+Future Labs
+.. note::
+   Coming soon.
+- Lab: Writing your First CLI Application (Querying Statistics)
+- Lab: MACSWAP Plugin Revisited
+.. _sec_file_listings_vpp_testbench:
+File Listings
+.. literalinclude:: src/Makefile
+   :caption: Makefile
+   :language: Makefile
+   :linenos:
+.. literalinclude:: src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench
+   :caption: Dockerfile.vpp_testbench
+   :language: Dockerfile
+   :linenos:
+.. literalinclude:: src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore
+   :caption: Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore
+   :language: Dockerfile
+   :linenos:
+.. literalinclude:: src/
+   :caption:
+   :language: shell
+   :linenos:
+.. literalinclude:: src/
+   :caption:
+   :language: shell
+   :linenos:
+.. literalinclude:: src/
+   :caption:
+   :language: shell
+   :linenos:
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/labs/intro_to_vpp/index.rst b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/labs/intro_to_vpp/index.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+.. _sec_lab_vpp_intro:
+Lab: Taking the VPP Container Testbench for a Spin
+Assuming the reader has already acquired the test bench build scripts, let's
+start with building it.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> make
+   # Client image.
+   DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+                   --file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+                   --build-arg HEALTHCHECK_PORT=8123 \
+                   --tag vpp-testbench-client:local \
+                   --target client_img \
+                   .
+   ...
+   ...
+   ...
+   DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+                   --file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+                   --build-arg HEALTHCHECK_PORT=8123 \
+                   --tag vpp-testbench-server:local \
+                   --target server_img \
+                   .
+   ...
+   ...
+   ...
+    => exporting to image
+    => => exporting layers
+    => => writing image
+    => => naming to
+   0.0s
+   Done.
+Now, let's start up our newly built images as a pair of containers. The various
+hashes throughout this document will differ from those shown in your own
+console (perfectly fine). First, let's assume there are no running containers
+on your system. We'll verify via ``docker ps``:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> docker ps
+OK: good initial conditions. Now, let's launch the containers:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> make start
+   # Create Docker bridge network.
+   bash -c " .; host_only_create_docker_networks; "
+   6e071e533e239380b2fe92d6e0844c42736ec186226fbb20d89706f9a80f935f
+   # Launch the containers.
+   bash -c " .; host_only_run_testbench_client_container
+   vpp-testbench-client:local; host_only_run_testbench_server_container
+   vpp-testbench-server:local; "
+   720fed0a94fd715694d73a41317f05a3f36860a6d5ae54db2d7cb7f2dcaf7924
+   ccf166993d09e399f7b10d372c47cc9e72ce6092ef70ea206c699263da844e1b
+   # Entrypoint scripts will bring up the various links.
+   # Use "docker ps" to check status of containers, see if their health
+   # probes are working as expected (i.e. "health"), etc.
+Now, we can use ``docker ps`` to verify if the containers are up and running:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> docker ps
+   CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND            CREATED STATUS                                  PORTS     NAMES
+   7d8e3ab35111   vpp-testbench-server:local   "/"   3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds (health: starting)             vpp-testbench-server
+   cc01e64b12da   vpp-testbench-client:local   "/"   4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds (health: starting)             vpp-testbench-client
+Looking good so far. However, note the "health" status of the containers.
+They're not yet ready. We can re-execute the ``docker ps`` command occasionally
+until the containers are ready:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$>  while true; do docker ps; sleep 1; done
+   CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND            CREATED         STATUS                                     PORTS     NAMES
+   42e9bcea7c58   vpp-testbench-server:local   "/"   1 second ago    Up Less than a second (health: starting)             vpp-testbench-server
+   710287b40bd3   vpp-testbench-client:local   "/"   2 seconds ago   Up Less than a second (health: starting)             vpp-testbench-client
+   42e9bcea7c58   vpp-testbench-server:local   "/"   30 seconds ago   Up 29 seconds (health: starting)             vpp-testbench-server
+   710287b40bd3   vpp-testbench-client:local   "/"   31 seconds ago   Up 30 seconds (healthy)                      vpp-testbench-client
+   CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND            CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
+   42e9bcea7c58   vpp-testbench-server:local   "/"   31 seconds ago   Up 30 seconds (healthy)             vpp-testbench-server
+   710287b40bd3   vpp-testbench-client:local   "/"   32 seconds ago   Up 31 seconds (healthy)             vpp-testbench-client
+Not the most elegant approach, but it works. Onward.
+.. note::
+   How would one automate this step so that we're not having to manually watch
+   the console until the containers are ready? What's something that we could
+   put into a script our our ``Makefile`` to poll the containers until they're
+   ready to use?
+   .. raw:: html
+      <details>
+      <summary><a>Spoiler</a></summary>
+   .. code-block:: shell
+      # "Direct" approach.
+      while true; do
+          [ '"healthy"' = docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health.Status }}" vpp-testbench-client] && break
+      done
+      # Could also use awk/grep/etc. against the output of "docker ps".
+   .. raw:: html
+      </details>
+Now that our containers are up and running, let's drop a shell into the
+"client" container:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> make shell_client
+First, let's take a look at the default network configuration.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   root@478ab126035e:/work# ip a
+   1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
+       link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
+       inet scope host lo
+          valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+   2: vxlan-vid-42: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
+       link/ether 3a:2c:19:cb:ca:35 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+       inet scope global vxlan-vid-42
+          valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+   3: vpp-tap-0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
+       link/ether 02:fe:c5:52:63:12 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+       inet scope global vpp-tap-0
+          valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+   635: eth0@if636: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
+       link/ether 02:42:a9:fe:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
+       inet brd scope global eth0
+          valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
+Let's also enumerate the interfaces managed by VPP. For the help of the reader,
+there is a shell function, ``vc``, which just launches ``vppctl`` with some
+helpful default arguments.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   root@478ab126035e:/work# type vc
+   vc is a function
+   vc ()
+   {
+       vppctl -s "${VPP_SOCK}" "${@}"
+   }
+   root@478ab126035e:/work# vc
+       _______    _        _   _____  ___
+    __/ __/ _ \  (_)__    | | / / _ \/ _ \
+    _/ _// // / / / _ \   | |/ / ___/ ___/
+    /_/ /____(_)_/\___/   |___/_/  /_/
+   vpp# show int
+                 Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count
+   local0                            0     down          0/0/0/0
+   memif0/0                          1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                     7
+                                                                       rx bytes                     521
+                                                                       tx packets                     7
+                                                                       tx bytes                     503
+   tap0                              2      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets                     7
+                                                                       rx bytes                     503
+                                                                       tx packets                     7
+                                                                       tx bytes                     521
+   vpp#
+.. note::
+   One more exercise for the reader:
+   1. From the client container, how would you ping the server container on the
+   Linux-managed VXLAN interface?
+   2. From the client container, how would you ping the server container on the
+   VPP-managed TAP interface?
+   3. A couple trivial web servers (using ``netcat``) are running on the server
+   container. Besides looking at the ``Makefile`` recipes, how could one
+   determine what ports and interfaces these servers are bound to, and
+   how would one issue an HTTP GET query against them from the client
+   container? (hint: you're allowed to log-in to the server container via
+   ``make shell_server``, and the ``netstat`` command may be of use).
+   .. raw:: html
+      <details>
+      <summary><a>Spoiler</a></summary>
+   .. code-block:: shell
+      1. ping
+      2. ping
+      3. make shell_server
+           netstat -tulpn
+             tcp        0      0*
+             LISTEN      47/nc         
+             tcp        0      0*
+             LISTEN      34/nc 
+           exit
+         make shell_client
+           root@478ab126035e:/work# curl
+             HOST:14f0df855445
+             DATE:Fri Nov 19 16:36:57 UTC 2021
+             Hello from the Linux interface.
+           root@478ab126035e:/work# curl
+             HOST:14f0df855445
+             DATE:Fri Nov 19 16:37:04 UTC 2021
+             Hello from the VPP interface.
+           exit
+   .. raw:: html
+      </details>
+Now that we've done some quick exercises, let's clean-up the containers and
+their associated resources.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   :linenos:
+   vagrant@ubuntu-focal$> make stop
+   # Terminate the containers.
+   bash -c " .; host_only_kill_testbench_client_container vpp-testbench-client:local; host_only_kill_testbench_server_container vpp-testbench-server:local; "
+   vpp-testbench-client
+   Error: No such container: vpp-testbench-client
+   vpp-testbench-server
+   Error: No such container: vpp-testbench-server
+   # Cleanup Docker bridge network.
+   bash -c " .; host_only_destroy_docker_networks; "
+   vpp-testbench-net
+That's it for this section.
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e19fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @brief:       Dockerfile for building the VPP testbench project.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa <>
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Baseline image both client and server inherit from.
+FROM ubuntu:focal as baseline
+# System packages.
+RUN apt update -y && \
+    DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y tzdata termshark && \
+    apt install -y \
+        apt-transport-https \
+        axel \
+        bash \
+        binutils \
+        bridge-utils \
+        ca-certificates \
+        coreutils \
+        curl \
+        gnupg \
+        htop \
+        iftop \
+        iproute2 \
+        iptables \
+        iputils-ping \
+        netcat \
+        net-tools \
+        nload \
+        nmap \
+        procps \
+        python3 \
+        python3-dev \
+        python3-pip \
+        sudo \
+        wget \
+        tcpdump \
+        vim \
+        && \
+    apt clean -y
+# Python packages.
+RUN python3 -m pip install \
+    scapy
+# VPP.
+RUN bash -c "curl -L | apt-key add -" && \
+    bash -c "echo \"deb [trusted=yes] focal main\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" && \
+    apt update && \
+    apt install -y \
+        vpp \
+        vpp-plugin-core \
+        vpp-plugin-dpdk \
+    && \
+    apt clean -y
+# Used by client/server entrypoint scripts.
+ADD /
+# Client image.
+FROM baseline as client_img
+# Enable a health probe.
+HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail "http://localhost:$HEALTHCHECK_PORT_RUNTIME" || exit 1
+# Image-specific overrides.
+ADD ./ /
+# Server image.
+FROM baseline as server_img
+# Enable a health probe.
+HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail "http://localhost:$HEALTHCHECK_PORT_RUNTIME" || exit 1
+# Image-specific overrides.
+ADD ./ /
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a39eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# @brief:       Dockerfile permit/deny-list for building the VPP testbench
+#               project.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa <>
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Ignore everything by default. Permit-list only.
+# Entrypoint scripts and other artifacts.
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4433edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# @brief:       Makefile for building the VPP testbench example.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa.
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Constants and settings.
+# Image names.
+# TODO: semver2 format if we want to publish these to a registry.
+DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG               := vpp-testbench-client
+DOCKER_CLIENT_REL               := local
+DOCKER_SERVER_IMG               := vpp-testbench-server
+DOCKER_SERVER_REL               := local
+# Docker build-time settings (and run-time settings as well).
+DOCKER_HEALTH_PROBE_PORT        := $(shell bash -c ".; host_only_get_docker_health_probe_port")
+# Functions.
+# Cleanup running containers, Docker networks, etc.; from previous runs.
+define cleanup_everything
+	# Terminate the containers.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_kill_testbench_client_container $(DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG_FULL); \
+		host_only_kill_testbench_server_container $(DOCKER_SERVER_IMG_FULL); \
+		"
+	# Cleanup Docker bridge network.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_destroy_docker_networks; \
+		"
+# Launch our containers and connect them to a private Docker network for
+# testing.
+define launch_testbench
+	# Create Docker bridge network.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_create_docker_networks; \
+		"
+	# Launch the containers.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_run_testbench_client_container $(DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG_FULL); \
+		host_only_run_testbench_server_container $(DOCKER_SERVER_IMG_FULL); \
+		"
+	# Entrypoint scripts will bring up the various links.
+	# Use "docker ps" to check status of containers, see if their health
+	# probes are working as expected (i.e. "health"), etc.
+# Goals.
+# Default goal.
+.PHONY: all
+all: docker
+	@echo Done.
+# Build all docker images.
+.PHONY: docker
+docker: Dockerfile.vpp_testbench Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore \
+ \
+	# Client image.
+	DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+			--file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+			--target client_img \
+			.
+	# Server image.
+	DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+			--file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+			--target server_img \
+			.
+# Execute end-to-end test via containers.
+.PHONY: test
+	# Cleanup anything from previous runs.
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+	# Launch our testbench.
+	$(call launch_testbench)
+	# Final cleanup.
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# For manually cleaning up a test that fails partway through its execution.
+.PHONY: clean
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# For manually launching our testbench for interactive testing.
+.PHONY: start
+	$(call launch_testbench)
+# For manually stopping (and cleaning up) our testbench.
+.PHONY: stop
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# Create an interactive shell session connected to the client container (for
+# manual testing). Typically preceded by "make start", and concluded with
+# "make stop" after exiting the shell.
+.PHONY: shell_client
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_shell_client_container; \
+		"
+# Create an interactive shell session connected to the server container (for
+# manual testing). Typically preceded by "make start", and concluded with
+# "make stop" after exiting the shell.
+.PHONY: shell_server
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_shell_server_container; \
+		"
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..432c276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# @brief:       Launcher/entrypoint script plus helper functions for "client
+#               side" container in the VPP testbench.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa <>
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Dependencies.
+# Import common settings for server and client. This is supplied via the
+# Dockerfile build.
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+# Globals.
+# VPP instance socket.
+export VPP_SOCK=/run/vpp/vpp.testbench-client.sock
+# Alias for vppctl that uses the correct socket name.
+export VPPCTL="vppctl -s ${VPP_SOCK}"
+# Our "Docker bridge network". Don't change this value.
+export NET_IF_DOCKER="eth0"
+# Name of link associated with our VXLAN.
+export LINK_VXLAN_LINUX="vxlan-vid-${VXLAN_ID_LINUX}"
+# Function definitions.
+# @brief:   Alias for vppctl (knowing which API socket to use).
+function vc()
+    vppctl -s "${VPP_SOCK}" "${@}"
+# @brief:   Used to initialize/configure the client container once it's up and
+#           running.
+function context_create()
+    set -x
+    echo "Running client. Host: $(hostname)"
+    local mtu
+    # Setup VXLAN overlay.
+    ip link add "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" \
+        type vxlan \
+        id "${VXLAN_ID_LINUX}" \
+        dstport "${VXLAN_PORT}" \
+        local "${CLIENT_BRIDGE_IP_DOCKER}" \
+        group "${MC_VXLAN_ADDR_LINUX}" \
+        dev "${NET_IF_DOCKER}" \
+        ttl 1
+    ip link set "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" up
+    # Get MTU of interface. VXLAN must use a smaller value due to overhead.
+    mtu="$(cat /sys/class/net/${NET_IF_DOCKER}/mtu)"
+    # Decrease VXLAN MTU. This should already be handled for us by iproute2, but
+    # just being cautious.
+    ip link set dev "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" mtu "$((mtu - 50))"
+    # Bring-up VPP and create tap interfaces and VXLAN tunnel.
+    vpp \
+        unix '{' log /tmp/vpp1.log full-coredump cli-listen ${VPP_SOCK} '}' \
+        api-segment '{' prefix vpp1 '}' \
+        api-trace '{' on '}' \
+        dpdk '{' uio-driver uio_pci_generic no-pci '}'
+    # Wait for VPP to come up.
+    while ! ${VPPCTL} show log; do
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    # Bring up the memif interface and assign an IP to it.
+    ${VPPCTL} create interface memif id 0 slave
+    sleep 1
+    ${VPPCTL} set int state memif0/0 up
+    ${VPPCTL} set int ip address memif0/0 "${CLIENT_VPP_MEMIF_IP}/${VPP_MEMIF_NM}"
+    # Create VPP-controlled tap interface bridged to the memif.
+    ${VPPCTL} create tap id 0 host-if-name vpp-tap-0
+    sleep 1
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface state tap0 up
+    ip addr add "${CLIENT_VPP_TAP_IP_MEMIF}/${VPP_TAP_NM}" dev vpp-tap-0
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface l2 bridge tap0          "${VPP_BRIDGE_DOMAIN_TAP}"
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface l2 bridge memif0/0      "${VPP_BRIDGE_DOMAIN_TAP}"
+# @brief:   Used to shutdown/cleanup the client container.
+function context_destroy()
+    # OS will reclaim interfaces and resources when container is terminated.
+    :
+# @brief:   Client worker loop to keep the container alive. Just idles.
+function context_loop()
+    # Sleep indefinitely (to keep container alive for testing).
+    tail -f /dev/null
+# @brief:   Launches a minimalistic web server via netcat. The Dockerfile
+#           associated with this project is configured to treat the web server
+#           replying with "200 OK" as a sort of simple health probe.
+function health_check_init()
+    while true; do
+        echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHOST:$(hostname)\nDATE:$(date)" \
+            | nc -l -p "${DOCKER_HEALTH_PROBE_PORT}" -q 1
+    done
+# @brief:   Main/default entry point.
+function main()
+    # Make sure we always cleanup.
+    trap context_destroy EXIT
+    # Bring up interfaces.
+    context_create
+    # Enable health check responder.
+    health_check_init &
+    # Enter our worker loop.
+    context_loop
+# Script is generally intended to be sourced and individual functions called.
+# If just run as a standalone script, assume it's being used as the entrypoint
+# for a Docker container.
+if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" -ef "$0" ]; then
+    # Being run. Launch main.
+    main "${@}"
+    # Being sourced. Do nothing.
+    :
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..755472a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# @brief:       Launcher/entrypoint script plus helper functions for "server
+#               side" container in the VPP testbench.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa <>
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Dependencies.
+# Import common settings for server and client. This is supplied via the
+# Dockerfile build.
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+# Globals.
+# VPP instance socket.
+export VPP_SOCK=/run/vpp/vpp.testbench-server.sock
+# Alias for vppctl that uses the correct socket name.
+export VPPCTL="vppctl -s ${VPP_SOCK}"
+# Our "Docker bridge network". Don't change this value.
+export NET_IF_DOCKER="eth0"
+# Name of link associated with our VXLAN.
+export LINK_VXLAN_LINUX="vxlan-vid-${VXLAN_ID_LINUX}"
+# Function definitions.
+# @brief:   Alias for vppctl (knowing which API socket to use).
+function vc()
+    vppctl -s "${VPP_SOCK}" "${@}"
+# @brief:   Used to initialize/configure the server container once it's up and
+#           running.
+function context_create()
+    set -x
+    echo "Running server. Host: $(hostname)"
+    local mtu
+    # Setup VXLAN overlay.
+    ip link add "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" \
+        type vxlan \
+        id "${VXLAN_ID_LINUX}" \
+        dstport "${VXLAN_PORT}" \
+        local "${SERVER_BRIDGE_IP_DOCKER}" \
+        group "${MC_VXLAN_ADDR_LINUX}" \
+        dev "${NET_IF_DOCKER}" \
+        ttl 1
+    ip link set "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" up
+    # Get MTU of interface. VXLAN must use a smaller value due to overhead.
+    mtu="$(cat /sys/class/net/${NET_IF_DOCKER}/mtu)"
+    # Decrease VXLAN MTU. This should already be handled for us by iproute2, but
+    # just being cautious.
+    ip link set dev "${LINK_VXLAN_LINUX}" mtu "$((mtu - 50))"
+    # Bring-up VPP and create tap interfaces and VXLAN tunnel.
+    vpp \
+        unix '{' log /tmp/vpp1.log full-coredump cli-listen ${VPP_SOCK} '}' \
+        api-segment '{' prefix vpp1 '}' \
+        api-trace '{' on '}' \
+        dpdk '{' uio-driver uio_pci_generic no-pci '}'
+    # Wait for VPP to come up.
+    while ! ${VPPCTL} show log; do
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    # Bring up the memif interface and assign an IP to it.
+    ${VPPCTL} create interface memif id 0 master
+    sleep 1
+    ${VPPCTL} set int state memif0/0 up
+    ${VPPCTL} set int ip address memif0/0 "${SERVER_VPP_MEMIF_IP}/${VPP_MEMIF_NM}"
+    # Create VPP-controlled tap interface bridged to the memif.
+    ${VPPCTL} create tap id 0 host-if-name vpp-tap-0
+    sleep 1
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface state tap0 up
+    ip addr add "${SERVER_VPP_TAP_IP_MEMIF}/${VPP_TAP_NM}" dev vpp-tap-0
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface l2 bridge tap0          "${VPP_BRIDGE_DOMAIN_TAP}"
+    ${VPPCTL} set interface l2 bridge memif0/0      "${VPP_BRIDGE_DOMAIN_TAP}"
+# @brief:   Used to shutdown/cleanup the server container.
+function context_destroy()
+    # OS will reclaim interfaces and resources when container is terminated.
+    :
+# @brief:   Server worker loop to keep the container alive. Just idles.
+function context_loop()
+    # Sleep indefinitely (to keep container alive for testing).
+    tail -f /dev/null
+# @brief:   Launches a minimalistic web server via netcat. The Dockerfile
+#           associated with this project is configured to treat the web server
+#           replying with "200 OK" as a sort of simple health probe.
+function health_check_init()
+    while true; do
+        echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHOST:$(hostname)\nDATE:$(date)" \
+            | nc -l -p "${DOCKER_HEALTH_PROBE_PORT}" -q 1
+    done
+# @brief:   Launches a minimalistic web server via netcat. This instance is
+#           meant to bind to the Linux VXLAN tunnel we create.
+function web_server_vxlan_linux()
+    while true; do
+        echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHOST:$(hostname)\nDATE:$(date)\nHello from the Linux interface." \
+            | nc -l -s "${SERVER_VXLAN_IP_LINUX}" -p 8000 -q 1
+    done
+# @brief:   Launches a minimalistic web server via netcat. This instance is
+#           meant to bind to the VPP VXLAN tunnel we create.
+function web_server_vpp_tap()
+    while true; do
+        echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHOST:$(hostname)\nDATE:$(date)\nHello from the VPP interface." \
+            | nc -l -s "${SERVER_VPP_TAP_IP_MEMIF}" -p 8000 -q 1
+    done
+# @brief:   Main/default entry point.
+function main()
+    # Make sure we always cleanup.
+    trap context_destroy EXIT
+    # Bring up interfaces.
+    context_create
+    # Enable health check responder.
+    health_check_init &
+    # Bring up test web servers.
+    web_server_vxlan_linux &
+    web_server_vpp_tap &
+    # Enter our worker loop.
+    context_loop
+# Script is generally intended to be sourced and individual functions called.
+# If just run as a standalone script, assume it's being used as the entrypoint
+# for a Docker container.
+if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" -ef "$0" ]; then
+    # Being run. Launch main.
+    main "${@}"
+    # Being sourced. Do nothing.
+    :
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dfb646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# @brief:       Helper functions for the VPP testbench project.
+#               NOTE: functions prefixed with "host_only" are functions
+#               intended to be executed on the host OS, **outside** of the
+#               Docker containers. These are typically functions for bring-up
+#               (i.e. creating the Docker networks, launching/terminating the
+#               Docker containers, etc.). If a function is not prefixed with
+#               "host_only", assume that the function/value/etc. is intended
+#               for use within the Docker containers. We could maybe re-factor
+#               this in the future so "host_only" functions live in a separate
+#               file.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa <>
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Meant to be sourced, not executed directly.
+if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" -ef "$0" ]; then
+    echo "This script is intended to be sourced, not run. Aborting."
+    false
+    exit
+# For tests using the Linux kernel network stack.
+# Health check probe port for all containers.
+# Docker bridge network settings.
+# Overlay IP addresses.
+export MASK_VXLAN_LINUX="24"
+export VXLAN_ID_LINUX="42"
+# IANA (rather than Linux legacy port value).
+export VXLAN_PORT="4789"
+# Docker network we use to bridge containers.
+export DOCKER_NET="vpp-testbench-net"
+# Docker container names for client and server (runtime aliases).
+export DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST="vpp-testbench-client"
+export DOCKER_SERVER_HOST="vpp-testbench-server"
+# Some related variables have to be computed at the last second, so they
+# are not all defined up-front.
+export CLIENT_VPP_NETNS_DST="/var/run/netns/${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST}"
+export SERVER_VPP_NETNS_DST="/var/run/netns/${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST}"
+# VPP options.
+# These can be arbitrarily named.
+export CLIENT_VPP_HOST_IF="vpp1"
+export SERVER_VPP_HOST_IF="vpp2"
+# Putting VPP interfaces on separate subnet from Linux-stack i/f.
+export VPP_MEMIF_NM="24"
+export VPP_TAP_NM="24"
+# Bridge domain ID (for VPP tap + VXLAN interfaces). Arbitrary.
+export VPP_BRIDGE_DOMAIN_TAP="1000"
+# VPP socket path. Make it one level "deeper" than the "/run/vpp" that is used
+# by default, so our containers don't accidentally connect to an instance of
+# VPP running on the host OS (i.e. "/run/vpp/vpp.sock"), and hang the system.
+export VPP_SOCK_PATH="/run/vpp/containers"
+# @brief:       Converts an integer value representation of a VXLAN ID to a
+#               VXLAN IPv4 multicast address (string represenation). This
+#               effectively sets the first octet to "239" and the remaining 3x
+#               octets to the IP-address equivalent of a 24-bit value.
+#               Assumes that it's never supplied an input greater than what a
+#               24-bit unsigned integer can hold.
+function vxlan_id_to_mc_ip()
+    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echo "Sanity failure."
+        false
+        exit
+    fi
+    local id="${1}"
+    local a b c d ret
+    a="239"
+    b="$(((id>>16) & 0xff))"
+    c="$(((id>>8)  & 0xff))"
+    d="$(((id)     & 0xff))"
+    ret="${a}.${b}.${c}.${d}"
+    echo "${ret}"
+    true
+# Multicast address for VXLAN. Treat the lower three octets as the 24-bit
+# representation of the VXLAN ID for ease-of-use (use-case specific, not
+# necessarily an established rule/protocol).
+MC_VXLAN_ADDR_LINUX="$(vxlan_id_to_mc_ip ${VXLAN_ID_LINUX})"
+# @brief:       Get'er function (so makefile can re-use common values from this
+#               script, and propagate them down to the Docker build operations
+#               and logic within the Dockerfile; "DRY").
+function host_only_get_docker_health_probe_port()
+# @brief:       Creates the Docker bridge network used to connect the
+#               client and server testbench containers.
+function host_only_create_docker_networks()
+    # Create network (bridge for VXLAN). Don't touch 172.16/12 subnet, as
+    # Docker uses it by default for its own overlay functionality.
+    docker network create \
+        --driver bridge \
+        --subnet=${BRIDGE_NET_DOCKER} \
+        --gateway=${BRIDGE_GW_DOCKER} \
+        "${DOCKER_NET}"
+# @brief:       Destroys the Docker bridge network for connecting the
+#               containers.
+function host_only_destroy_docker_networks()
+    docker network rm "${DOCKER_NET}" || true
+# @brief:       Bringup/dependency helper for VPP.
+function host_only_create_vpp_deps()
+    # Create area for VPP sockets and mount points, if it doesn't already
+    # exist. Our containers need access to this path so they can see each
+    # others' respective sockets so we can bind them together via memif.
+    sudo mkdir -p "${VPP_SOCK_PATH}"
+# @brief:       Launches the testbench client container.
+function host_only_run_testbench_client_container()
+    # Sanity check.
+    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echo "Sanity failure."
+        false
+        exit
+    fi
+    # Launch container. Mount the local PWD into the container too (so we can
+    # backup results).
+    local image_name="${1}"
+    docker run -d --rm \
+        --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
+        --cap-add=SYS_NICE \
+        --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
+        --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
+        --device=/dev/vfio/vfio:/dev/vfio/vfio \
+        --device=/dev/vhost-net:/dev/vhost-net \
+        --name "${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST}" \
+        --volume="$(pwd):/work:rw" \
+        --volume="${VPP_SOCK_PATH}:/run/vpp:rw" \
+        --network name="${DOCKER_NET},ip=${CLIENT_BRIDGE_IP_DOCKER}" \
+        --workdir=/work \
+        "${image_name}"
+# @brief:       Launches the testbench server container.
+function host_only_run_testbench_server_container()
+    # Sanity check.
+    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+        echo "Sanity failure."
+        false
+        exit
+    fi
+    # Launch container. Mount the local PWD into the container too (so we can
+    # backup results).
+    local image_name="${1}"
+    docker run -d --rm \
+        --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
+        --cap-add=SYS_NICE \
+        --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
+        --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
+        --device=/dev/vfio/vfio:/dev/vfio/vfio \
+        --device=/dev/vhost-net:/dev/vhost-net \
+        --name "${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST}" \
+        --volume="${VPP_SOCK_PATH}:/run/vpp:rw" \
+        --network name="${DOCKER_NET},ip=${SERVER_BRIDGE_IP_DOCKER}" \
+        "${image_name}"
+# @brief:       Terminates the testbench client container.
+function host_only_kill_testbench_client_container()
+    docker kill "${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST}" || true
+    docker rm   "${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST}" || true
+# @brief:       Terminates the testbench server container.
+function host_only_kill_testbench_server_container()
+    docker kill "${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST}" || true
+    docker rm   "${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST}" || true
+# @brief:       Launches an interactive shell in the client container.
+function host_only_shell_client_container()
+    docker exec -it "${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST}" bash --init-file /
+# @brief:       Launches an interactive shell in the server container.
+function host_only_shell_server_container()
+    docker exec -it "${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST}" bash --init-file /
+# @brief:       Determines the network namespace or "netns" associated with a
+#               running Docker container, and then creates a network interface
+#               in the default/host netns, and moves it into the netns
+#               associated with the container.
+function host_only_move_host_interfaces_into_container()
+    # NOTE: this is only necessary if we want to create Linux network
+    # interfaces while working in the default namespace, and then move them
+    # into container network namespaces.
+    # In earlier versions of this code, we did such an operation, but now we
+    # just create the interfaces inside the containers themselves (requires
+    # CAP_NET_ADMIN, or privileged containers, which we avoid). This is left
+    # here as it's occasionally useful for debug purposes (or might become a
+    # mini-lab itself).
+    # Make sure netns path exists.
+    sudo mkdir -p /var/run/netns
+    # Mount container network namespaces so that they are accessible via "ip
+    # netns". Ignore "START_OF_SCRIPT": just used to make
+    # linter-compliant text indentation look nicer.
+    DOCKER_CLIENT_PID=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' ${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST})
+    DOCKER_SERVER_PID=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' ${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST})
+    # Move these interfaces into the namespaces of the containers and assign an
+    # IPv4 address to them.
+    sudo ip link set dev "${CLIENT_VPP_HOST_IF}" netns "${DOCKER_CLIENT_NETNS}"
+    sudo ip link set dev "${SERVER_VPP_HOST_IF}" netns "${DOCKER_SERVER_NETNS}"
+    docker exec ${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST} ip a
+    docker exec ${DOCKER_SERVER_HOST} ip a
+    # Bring up the links and assign IP addresses. This must be done
+    # **after** moving the interfaces to a new netns, as we might have a
+    # hypothetical use case where we assign the same IP to multiple
+    # interfaces, which would be a problem. This collision issue isn't a
+    # problem though if the interfaces are in separate network namespaces
+    # though.