docs: add VPP Container Testbench example and lab

Adding a "VPP container testbench" (pair of Docker containers plus
helper scripts to test Linux and VPP interfaces). Will be part of a
larger set of labs/exercises/tutorials. Putting this baseline setup up
for review first to see if the community sees use/value in it. If so,
additional exercises using the testbench will be added gradually.

Type: improvement
Signed-off-by: Matthew Giassa <>
Change-Id: I582310f7355419e907d575f640482ca49cbb282f
diff --git a/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4433edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usecases/vpp_testbench/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# @brief:       Makefile for building the VPP testbench example.
+# @author:      Matthew Giassa.
+# @copyright:   (C) Cisco 2021.
+# Constants and settings.
+# Image names.
+# TODO: semver2 format if we want to publish these to a registry.
+DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG               := vpp-testbench-client
+DOCKER_CLIENT_REL               := local
+DOCKER_SERVER_IMG               := vpp-testbench-server
+DOCKER_SERVER_REL               := local
+# Docker build-time settings (and run-time settings as well).
+DOCKER_HEALTH_PROBE_PORT        := $(shell bash -c ".; host_only_get_docker_health_probe_port")
+# Functions.
+# Cleanup running containers, Docker networks, etc.; from previous runs.
+define cleanup_everything
+	# Terminate the containers.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_kill_testbench_client_container $(DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG_FULL); \
+		host_only_kill_testbench_server_container $(DOCKER_SERVER_IMG_FULL); \
+		"
+	# Cleanup Docker bridge network.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_destroy_docker_networks; \
+		"
+# Launch our containers and connect them to a private Docker network for
+# testing.
+define launch_testbench
+	# Create Docker bridge network.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_create_docker_networks; \
+		"
+	# Launch the containers.
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_run_testbench_client_container $(DOCKER_CLIENT_IMG_FULL); \
+		host_only_run_testbench_server_container $(DOCKER_SERVER_IMG_FULL); \
+		"
+	# Entrypoint scripts will bring up the various links.
+	# Use "docker ps" to check status of containers, see if their health
+	# probes are working as expected (i.e. "health"), etc.
+# Goals.
+# Default goal.
+.PHONY: all
+all: docker
+	@echo Done.
+# Build all docker images.
+.PHONY: docker
+docker: Dockerfile.vpp_testbench Dockerfile.vpp_testbench.dockerignore \
+ \
+	# Client image.
+	DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+			--file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+			--target client_img \
+			.
+	# Server image.
+	DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
+			--file Dockerfile.vpp_testbench \
+			--target server_img \
+			.
+# Execute end-to-end test via containers.
+.PHONY: test
+	# Cleanup anything from previous runs.
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+	# Launch our testbench.
+	$(call launch_testbench)
+	# Final cleanup.
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# For manually cleaning up a test that fails partway through its execution.
+.PHONY: clean
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# For manually launching our testbench for interactive testing.
+.PHONY: start
+	$(call launch_testbench)
+# For manually stopping (and cleaning up) our testbench.
+.PHONY: stop
+	$(call cleanup_everything)
+# Create an interactive shell session connected to the client container (for
+# manual testing). Typically preceded by "make start", and concluded with
+# "make stop" after exiting the shell.
+.PHONY: shell_client
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_shell_client_container; \
+		"
+# Create an interactive shell session connected to the server container (for
+# manual testing). Typically preceded by "make start", and concluded with
+# "make stop" after exiting the shell.
+.PHONY: shell_server
+	bash -c "\
+		.; \
+		host_only_shell_server_container; \
+		"