tests: make tests less make dependent

Implement command line argument parsing instead of passing arguments via
environment variables. Add script for running tests without having to
invoke make. Deprecate running tests via make.

Type: improvement
Change-Id: I2e3054a61a2ae25d460e9be00be7d7705fbf943e
Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <ksekera@cisco.com>
Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <dwallacelf@gmail.com>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fb5bd1d..def06a3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -262,7 +262,6 @@
 	@echo "                            startup.conf file is present"
 	@echo " GDB=<path>               - gdb binary to use for debugging"
 	@echo " PLATFORM=<name>          - target platform. default is vpp"
-	@echo " TEST=<filter>            - apply filter to test set, see test-help"
 	@echo " DPDK_CONFIG=<conf>       - add specified dpdk config commands to"
 	@echo "                            autogenerated startup.conf"
 	@echo "                            (e.g. \"no-pci\" )"
@@ -413,7 +412,6 @@
 rebuild-release: wipe-release build-release
 export TEST_DIR ?= $(WS_ROOT)/test
-export RND_SEED ?= $(shell python3 -c 'import time; print(time.time())')
 define test
 	$(if $(filter-out $(2),retest),make -C $(BR) PLATFORM=vpp TAG=$(1) vpp-install,)
@@ -427,6 +425,7 @@
 	  OS_ID=$(OS_ID) \
+	  TAG=$(1) \
@@ -444,12 +443,12 @@
 .PHONY: test-all
-	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes)
+	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=1)
 	$(call test,vpp,test)
 .PHONY: test-all-debug
-	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes)
+	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=1)
 	$(call test,vpp_debug,test)
 .PHONY: papi-wipe
@@ -496,7 +495,7 @@
 .PHONY: test-cov
-	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes)
+	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=1)
 	$(call test,vpp_gcov,cov)
 .PHONY: test-wipe-cov
@@ -529,12 +528,12 @@
 .PHONY: retest-all
-	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes)
+	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=1)
 	$(call test,vpp,retest)
 .PHONY: retest-all-debug
-	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes)
+	$(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=1)
 	$(call test,vpp_debug,retest)
 .PHONY: test-start-vpp-in-gdb
diff --git a/docs/developer/build-run-debug/testing_vpp.rst b/docs/developer/build-run-debug/testing_vpp.rst
index ca9a09e..28ddb21 100644
--- a/docs/developer/build-run-debug/testing_vpp.rst
+++ b/docs/developer/build-run-debug/testing_vpp.rst
@@ -43,98 +43,85 @@
-     $ make test-help
-      test                   - build and run (basic) functional tests
-      test-debug             - build and run (basic) functional tests (debug build)
-      test-all               - build and run functional and extended tests
-      test-all-debug         - build and run functional and extended tests (debug build)
-      retest                 - run functional tests
-      retest-debug           - run functional tests (debug build)
-      retest-all             - run functional and extended tests
-      retest-all-debug       - run functional and extended tests (debug build)
-      test-cov               - generate code coverage report for test framework
-      test-gcov                      - build and run functional tests (gcov build)
-      test-wipe              - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests
-      test-wipe-cov          - wipe code coverage report for test framework
-      test-wipe-doc          - wipe documentation for test framework
-      test-wipe-papi         - rebuild vpp_papi sources
-      test-wipe-all          - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests, docs, and coverage
-      test-shell             - enter shell with test environment
-      test-shell-debug       - enter shell with test environment (debug build)
-      test-checkstyle        - check PEP8 compliance for test framework
-      test-refresh-deps      - refresh the Python dependencies for the tests
+    $ make test-help
+    Running tests:
-     Arguments controlling test runs:
-      V=[0|1|2]              - set test verbosity level
-                               0=ERROR, 1=INFO, 2=DEBUG
-      TEST_JOBS=[<n>|auto]   - use at most <n> parallel python processes for test execution, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: 1)
-      MAX_VPP_CPUS=[<n>|auto]- use at most <n> cpus for running vpp main and worker threads, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: auto)
-      CACHE_OUTPUT=[0|1]     - cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block after test finishes (default: 1)
-      FAILFAST=[0|1]         - fail fast if 1, complete all tests if 0
-      TIMEOUT=<timeout>      - fail test suite if any single test takes longer than <timeout> (in seconds) to finish (default: 600)
-      RETRIES=<n>            - retry failed tests <n> times
-      DEBUG=<type>           - set VPP debugging kind
-         DEBUG=core          - detect coredump and load it in gdb on crash
-         DEBUG=gdb           - allow easy debugging by printing VPP PID
-                               and waiting for user input before running
-                               and tearing down a testcase
-         DEBUG=gdbserver     - run gdb inside a gdb server, otherwise
-                               same as above
-         DEBUG=attach        - attach test case to already running vpp in gdb (see test-start-vpp-in-gdb)
+     test                   - build and run (basic) functional tests
+     test-debug             - build and run (basic) functional tests (debug build)
+     test-all               - build and run functional and extended tests
+     test-all-debug         - build and run functional and extended tests (debug build)
+     retest                 - run functional tests
+     retest-debug           - run functional tests (debug build)
+     retest-all             - run functional and extended tests
+     retest-all-debug       - run functional and extended tests (debug build)
+     test-cov               - generate code coverage report for test framework
+     test-gcov                      - build and run functional tests (gcov build)
+     test-wipe              - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests
+     test-wipe-cov          - wipe code coverage report for test framework
+     test-wipe-papi         - rebuild vpp_papi sources
+     test-wipe-all          - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests, and coverage
+     test-shell             - enter shell with test environment
+     test-shell-debug       - enter shell with test environment (debug build)
+     test-checkstyle        - check PEP8 compliance for test framework
+     test-refresh-deps      - refresh the Python dependencies for the tests
-      STEP=[yes|no]          - ease debugging by stepping through a testcase
-      SANITY=[yes|no]        - perform sanity import of vpp-api/sanity vpp run before running tests (default: yes)
-      EXTENDED_TESTS=[1|y]   - used by '[re]test-all' & '[re]test-all-debug' to run extended tests
-      TEST=<filter>          - filter the set of tests:
-         by file-name        - only run tests from specified file, e.g. TEST=test_bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py
-         by file-suffix      - same as file-name, but 'test_' is omitted e.g. TEST=bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py
-         by wildcard         - wildcard filter is <file>.<class>.<test function>, each can be replaced by '*'
-                               e.g. TEST='test_bfd.*.*' is equivalent to above example of filter by file-name
-                                    TEST='bfd.*.*' is equivalent to above example of filter by file-suffix
-                                    TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.*' selects all tests from test_bfd.py which are part of BFDAPITestCase class
-                                    TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd' selects a single test named test_add_bfd from test_bfd.py/BFDAPITestCase
-                                    TEST='*.*.test_add_bfd' selects all test functions named test_add_bfd from all files/classes
+    Arguments controlling test runs:
-      VARIANT=<variant>      - specify which march node variant to unit test
-                               e.g. VARIANT=skx test the skx march variants
-                               e.g. VARIANT=icl test the icl march variants
+     V=[0|1|2]              - set test verbosity level
+                              0=ERROR, 1=INFO, 2=DEBUG
+     TEST_JOBS=[<n>|auto]   - use at most <n> parallel python processes for test execution, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: 1)
+     MAX_VPP_CPUS=[<n>|auto]- use at most <n> cpus for running vpp main and worker threads, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: auto)
+     CACHE_OUTPUT=[0|n|no]  - disable cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block after test finishes (default: yes)
+     FAILFAST=[1|y|yes]     - fail fast if 1, otherwise complete all tests
+     TIMEOUT=<timeout>      - fail test suite if any single test takes longer than <timeout> (in seconds) to finish (default: 600)
+     RETRIES=<n>            - retry failed tests <n> times
+     DEBUG=<type>           - set VPP debugging kind
+        DEBUG=core          - detect coredump and load it in gdb on crash
+        DEBUG=gdb           - allow easy debugging by printing VPP PID
+                              and waiting for user input before running
+                              and tearing down a testcase
+        DEBUG=gdbserver     - run gdb inside a gdb server, otherwise
+                              same as above
+        DEBUG=attach        - attach test case to already running vpp in gdb (see test-start-vpp-in-gdb)
+     STEP=[1|y|yes]         - enable stepping through a testcase (for testcase debugging)
+     SANITY=[0|n|no]        - disable sanity import of vpp-api/sanity vpp run before running tests
+     EXTENDED_TESTS=[1|y|yes] - run extended tests
+     TEST=<filter>          - filter the set of tests:
+        by file-name        - only run tests from specified file, e.g. TEST=test_bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py
+        by file-suffix      - same as file-name, but 'test_' is omitted e.g. TEST=bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py
+        by wildcard         - wildcard filter is <file>.<class>.<test function>, each can be replaced by '*'
+                              e.g. TEST='test_bfd.*.*' is equivalent to above example of filter by file-name
+                                   TEST='bfd.*.*' is equivalent to above example of filter by file-suffix
+                                   TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.*' selects all tests from test_bfd.py which are part of BFDAPITestCase class
+                                   TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd' selects a single test named test_add_bfd from test_bfd.py/BFDAPITestCase
+                                   TEST='*.*.test_add_bfd' selects all test functions named test_add_bfd from all files/classes
+     VARIANT=<variant>      - specify which march node variant to unit test
+                              e.g. VARIANT=skx test the skx march variants
+                              e.g. VARIANT=icl test the icl march variants
+     COREDUMP_SIZE=<size>   - pass <size> as unix { coredump-size <size> } argument to vpp
+                              e.g. COREDUMP_SIZE=4g
+                                   COREDUMP_SIZE=unlimited
+     COREDUMP_COMPRESS=[1|y|yes] - compress core files if not debugging them
+     EXTERN_TESTS=<path>    - path to out-of-tree test_<name>.py files containing test cases
+     EXTERN_PLUGINS=<path>  - path to out-of-tree plugins to be loaded by vpp under test
+     EXTERN_COV_DIR=<path>  - path to out-of-tree prefix, where source, object and .gcda files can be found for coverage report
+     PROFILE=[1|y|yes]      - enable profiling of test framework via cProfile module
+     PROFILE_SORT_BY=opt    - sort profiling report by opt - consult cProfile documentation for possible values (default: cumtime)
+     PROFILE_OUTPUT=file    - output profiling info to file - use absolute path (default: stdout)
+     TEST_DEBUG=[1|y|yes]   - enable debugging of the test framework itself (expert)
+     API_FUZZ=[1|y|yes]     - enable VPP api fuzz testing
+     RND_SEED=<seed>        - Seed RND with given seed
-      COREDUMP_SIZE=<size>   - pass <size> as unix { coredump-size <size> } argument to vpp
-                               e.g. COREDUMP_SIZE=4g
-                                    COREDUMP_SIZE=unlimited
-      COREDUMP_COMPRESS=1    - compress core files if not debugging them
-      EXTERN_TESTS=<path>    - path to out-of-tree test_<name>.py files containing test cases
-      EXTERN_PLUGINS=<path>  - path to out-of-tree plugins to be loaded by vpp under test
-      EXTERN_COV_DIR=<path>  - path to out-of-tree prefix, where source, object and .gcda files can be found for coverage report
+    Starting VPP in GDB for use with DEBUG=attach:
-      PROFILE=1              - enable profiling of test framework via cProfile module
-      PROFILE_SORT_BY=opt    - sort profiling report by opt - consult cProfile documentation for possible values (default: cumtime)
-      PROFILE_OUTPUT=file    - output profiling info to file - use absolute path (default: stdout)
+     test-start-vpp-in-gdb       - start VPP in gdb (release)
+     test-start-vpp-debug-in-gdb - start VPP in gdb (debug)
-      TEST_DEBUG=1           - turn on debugging of the test framework itself (expert)
+    Creating test code coverage report:
-      SKIP_AARCH64=1         - skip tests that are failing on the ARM platorm in FD.io CI
+     test-cov               - generate code coverage report for test framework
+     test-wipe-cov          - wipe code coverage report for test framework
-      RND_SEED=seed          - Seed RND with given seed
+    Verifying code-style:
-     Starting VPP in GDB for use with DEBUG=attach:
-      test-start-vpp-in-gdb       - start VPP in gdb (release)
-      test-start-vpp-debug-in-gdb - start VPP in gdb (debug)
-     Arguments controlling VPP in GDB runs:
-      VPP_IN_GDB_TMP_DIR     - specify directory to run VPP IN (default: /tmp/unittest-attach-gdb)
-      VPP_IN_GDB_NO_RMDIR=0  - don't remove existing tmp dir but fail instead
-      VPP_IN_GDB_CMDLINE=1   - add 'interactive' to VPP arguments to run with command line
-     Creating test documentation
-      test-doc               - generate documentation for test framework
-      test-wipe-doc          - wipe documentation for test framework
-     Creating test code coverage report
-      test-cov               - generate code coverage report for test framework
-      test-wipe-cov          - wipe code coverage report for test framework
-     Verifying code-style
-      test-checkstyle        - check PEP8 compliance
+     test-checkstyle        - check PEP8 compliance
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index 207333f..e1238fb 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -50,21 +50,10 @@
 ifeq ($(PROFILE),1)
-ifeq ($(FAILFAST),1)
-ifneq ($(EXTERN_TESTS),)
 ifeq ($(TEST_DEBUG),1)
@@ -79,6 +68,10 @@
+ifeq ($(V),)
 PYTHON_VERSION=$(shell $(PYTHON_INTERP) -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info.major)')
 # Keep in sync with requirements.txt
@@ -150,32 +143,119 @@
-define retest-func
 .PHONY: sanity
-ifeq ($(SANITY),no)
-SANITY_IMPORT_VPP_PAPI_CMD=source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python3 sanity_import_vpp_papi.py
-SANITY_RUN_VPP_CMD=source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python3 sanity_run_vpp.py
 ifndef TEST_JOBS
 else ifeq ($(FORCE_FOREGROUND),0)
-else ifeq ($(TEST_JOBS),auto)
-else ifeq ($(TEST_JOBS),1)
+else ifneq ($(findstring $(TEST_JOBS),1 auto),)
+ifneq ($(DEBUG),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(SANITY),0 n no),)
+SANITY_IMPORT_VPP_PAPI_CMD=source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && $(PYTHON_INTERP) sanity_import_vpp_papi.py
+ifneq ($(findstring $(FAILFAST),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(EXTENDED_TESTS),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(EXTERN_TESTS),)
+ARG3=--test-src-dir $(EXTERN_TESTS)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(FORCE_FOREGROUND),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(COREDUMP_COMPRESS),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(STEP),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(TESTS_GCOV),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(EXTERN_PLUGINS),)
+ifneq ($(DEBUG),)
+ifneq ($(COREDUMP_SIZE),)
+ifneq ($(VARIANT),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(CACHE_OUTPUT),0 n no),)
+ifneq ($(MAX_VPP_CPUS),)
+ifneq ($(TIMEOUT),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(TEST_DEBUG),1 y yes),)
+ifneq ($(findstring $(API_FUZZ),1 y yes),)
+EXTRA_ARGS=$(ARG0) $(ARG1) $(ARG2) $(ARG3) $(ARG4) $(ARG5) $(ARG6) $(ARG7) $(ARG8) $(ARG9) $(ARG10) $(ARG11) $(ARG12) $(ARG13) $(ARG14) $(ARG15) $(ARG16)
+RUN_TESTS_ARGS=--failed-dir=$(FAILED_DIR) --verbose=$(V) --jobs=$(TEST_JOBS) --filter=$(TEST) --retries=$(RETRIES) --venv-dir=$(VENV_PATH) --vpp-ws-dir=$(WS_ROOT) --vpp-tag=$(TAG) --rnd-seed=$(RND_SEED) --vpp-worker-count="$(VPP_WORKER_COUNT)" --keep-pcaps --python-opts=$(PYTHON_OPTS) $(PLUGIN_PATH_ARGS) $(TEST_PLUGIN_PATH_ARGS) $(EXTRA_ARGS)
+define retest-func
+@scripts/run.sh $(RUN_TESTS_ARGS) || env FAILED_DIR=$(FAILED_DIR) COMPRESS_FAILED_TEST_LOGS=$(COMPRESS_FAILED_TEST_LOGS) scripts/compress_failed.sh
 sanity: test-dep
 	@bash -c "test $(PARALLEL_ILLEGAL) -eq 0 ||\
 	    (echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\
@@ -190,11 +270,6 @@
 		 echo \"* 2. execute debugger:   gdb python -ex 'run sanity_import_vpp_papi.py'\" &&\
 	         echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\
-	@bash -c "$(SANITY_RUN_VPP_CMD) ||\
-		(echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\
-		 echo \"* Sanity check failed, cannot run vpp\" &&\
-	         echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\
-		 false)"
 $(FAILED_DIR): reset
 	@mkdir -p $@
@@ -218,13 +293,12 @@
 		echo RND_SEED=$(RND_SEED);\
-		echo VPP_BIN=$(VPP_BIN);\
-                echo EXTERN_COV_DIR=$(EXTERN_COV_DIR);\
+        echo EXTERN_COV_DIR=$(EXTERN_COV_DIR);\
 		echo '***';\
 		exec </dev/tty" | bash -i
@@ -286,9 +360,7 @@
 .PHONY: start-gdb
 start-gdb: sanity
-	$(eval VPP_IN_GDB=1)
-	$(call retest-func)
+	@bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python3 -c 'from debug import start_vpp_in_gdb; start_vpp_in_gdb()' $(RUN_TESTS_ARGS)"
 .PHONY: checkstyle
 checkstyle: $(PIP_INSTALL_DONE)
@@ -328,12 +400,13 @@
 	@echo " test-refresh-deps      - refresh the Python dependencies for the tests"
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Arguments controlling test runs:"
+	@echo ""
 	@echo " V=[0|1|2]              - set test verbosity level"
 	@echo "                          0=ERROR, 1=INFO, 2=DEBUG"
 	@echo " TEST_JOBS=[<n>|auto]   - use at most <n> parallel python processes for test execution, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: 1)"
 	@echo " MAX_VPP_CPUS=[<n>|auto]- use at most <n> cpus for running vpp main and worker threads, if auto, set to number of available cpus (default: auto)"
-	@echo " CACHE_OUTPUT=[0|1]     - cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block after test finishes (default: 1)"
-	@echo " FAILFAST=[0|1]         - fail fast if 1, complete all tests if 0"
+	@echo " CACHE_OUTPUT=[0|n|no]  - disable cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block after test finishes (default: yes)"
+	@echo " FAILFAST=[1|y|yes]     - fail fast if 1, otherwise complete all tests"
 	@echo " TIMEOUT=<timeout>      - fail test suite if any single test takes longer than <timeout> (in seconds) to finish (default: 600)"
 	@echo " RETRIES=<n>            - retry failed tests <n> times"
 	@echo " DEBUG=<type>           - set VPP debugging kind"
@@ -344,10 +417,9 @@
 	@echo "    DEBUG=gdbserver     - run gdb inside a gdb server, otherwise"
 	@echo "                          same as above"
 	@echo "    DEBUG=attach        - attach test case to already running vpp in gdb (see test-start-vpp-in-gdb)"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo " STEP=[yes|no]          - ease debugging by stepping through a testcase"
-	@echo " SANITY=[yes|no]        - perform sanity import of vpp-api/sanity vpp run before running tests (default: yes)"
-	@echo " EXTENDED_TESTS=[1|y]   - used by '[re]test-all' & '[re]test-all-debug' to run extended tests"
+	@echo " STEP=[1|y|yes]         - enable stepping through a testcase (for testcase debugging)"
+	@echo " SANITY=[0|n|no]        - disable sanity import of vpp-api/sanity vpp run before running tests"
+	@echo " EXTENDED_TESTS=[1|y|yes] - run extended tests"
 	@echo " TEST=<filter>          - filter the set of tests:"
 	@echo "    by file-name        - only run tests from specified file, e.g. TEST=test_bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py"
 	@echo "    by file-suffix      - same as file-name, but 'test_' is omitted e.g. TEST=bfd selects all tests from test_bfd.py"
@@ -357,44 +429,34 @@
 	@echo "                               TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.*' selects all tests from test_bfd.py which are part of BFDAPITestCase class"
 	@echo "                               TEST='bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd' selects a single test named test_add_bfd from test_bfd.py/BFDAPITestCase"
 	@echo "                               TEST='*.*.test_add_bfd' selects all test functions named test_add_bfd from all files/classes"
-	@echo ""
 	@echo " VARIANT=<variant>      - specify which march node variant to unit test"
 	@echo "                          e.g. VARIANT=skx test the skx march variants"
 	@echo "                          e.g. VARIANT=icl test the icl march variants"
-	@echo ""
 	@echo " COREDUMP_SIZE=<size>   - pass <size> as unix { coredump-size <size> } argument to vpp"
 	@echo "                          e.g. COREDUMP_SIZE=4g"
 	@echo "                               COREDUMP_SIZE=unlimited"
-	@echo " COREDUMP_COMPRESS=1    - compress core files if not debugging them"
+	@echo " COREDUMP_COMPRESS=[1|y|yes] - compress core files if not debugging them"
 	@echo " EXTERN_TESTS=<path>    - path to out-of-tree test_<name>.py files containing test cases"
 	@echo " EXTERN_PLUGINS=<path>  - path to out-of-tree plugins to be loaded by vpp under test"
 	@echo " EXTERN_COV_DIR=<path>  - path to out-of-tree prefix, where source, object and .gcda files can be found for coverage report"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo " PROFILE=1              - enable profiling of test framework via cProfile module"
+	@echo " PROFILE=[1|y|yes]      - enable profiling of test framework via cProfile module"
 	@echo " PROFILE_SORT_BY=opt    - sort profiling report by opt - consult cProfile documentation for possible values (default: cumtime)"
 	@echo " PROFILE_OUTPUT=file    - output profiling info to file - use absolute path (default: stdout)"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo " TEST_DEBUG=1           - turn on debugging of the test framework itself (expert)"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo " SKIP_AARCH64=1         - skip tests that are failing on the ARM platorm in FD.io CI"
-	@echo ""
-	@echo " RND_SEED=seed          - Seed RND with given seed"
+	@echo " TEST_DEBUG=[1|y|yes]   - enable debugging of the test framework itself (expert)"
+	@echo " API_FUZZ=[1|y|yes]     - enable VPP api fuzz testing"
+	@echo " RND_SEED=<seed>        - Seed RND with given seed"
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Starting VPP in GDB for use with DEBUG=attach:"
 	@echo ""
 	@echo " test-start-vpp-in-gdb       - start VPP in gdb (release)"
 	@echo " test-start-vpp-debug-in-gdb - start VPP in gdb (debug)"
 	@echo ""
-	@echo "Arguments controlling VPP in GDB runs:"
-	@echo " "
-	@echo " VPP_IN_GDB_TMP_DIR     - specify directory to run VPP IN (default: /tmp/unittest-attach-gdb)"
-	@echo " VPP_IN_GDB_NO_RMDIR=0  - don't remove existing tmp dir but fail instead"
-	@echo " VPP_IN_GDB_CMDLINE=1   - add 'interactive' to VPP arguments to run with command line"
+	@echo "Creating test code coverage report:"
 	@echo ""
-	@echo "Creating test code coverage report"
 	@echo " test-cov               - generate code coverage report for test framework"
 	@echo " test-wipe-cov          - wipe code coverage report for test framework"
 	@echo ""
-	@echo "Verifying code-style"
+	@echo "Verifying code-style:"
+	@echo ""
 	@echo " test-checkstyle        - check PEP8 compliance"
 	@echo ""
diff --git a/test/config.py b/test/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91973f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import psutil
+import textwrap
+import time
+def positive_int_or_default(default):
+    def positive_integer(v):
+        if v is None or v == "":
+            return default
+        return int(v)
+    return positive_integer
+def positive_int_or_auto(v):
+    if v is None or v in ("", "auto"):
+        return "auto"
+    if int(v) <= 0:
+        raise ValueError("value must be positive or auto")
+    return int(v)
+def int_or_auto(v):
+    if v is None or v in ("", "auto"):
+        return "auto"
+    if int(v) < 0:
+        raise ValueError("value must be positive or auto")
+    return int(v)
+def int_choice_or_default(options, default):
+    assert default in options
+    def choice(v):
+        if v is None or v == "":
+            return default
+        if int(v) in options:
+            return int(v)
+        raise ValueError("invalid choice")
+    return choice
+def worker_config(v):
+    if v is None or v == "":
+        return 0
+    if v.startswith("workers "):
+        return(int(v.split(" ")[1]))
+    return int(v)
+def directory(v):
+    if not os.path.isdir(v):
+        raise ValueError(f"provided path '{v}' doesn't exist "
+                         "or is not a directory")
+    return v
+def directory_verify_or_create(v):
+    if not os.path.isdir(v):
+        os.mkdir(v)
+    return v
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="VPP unit tests",
+                                 formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument("--failfast", action="store_true",
+                    help="stop running tests on first failure")
+parser.add_argument("--test-src-dir", action="append", type=directory,
+                    help="directory containing test files "
+                    "(may be specified multiple times) "
+                    "(VPP_WS_DIR/test is added automatically to the set)")
+default_verbose = 0
+parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store", default=default_verbose,
+                    type=int_choice_or_default((0, 1, 2), default_verbose),
+                    help="verbosity setting - 0 - least verbose, "
+                    "2 - most verbose (default: 0)")
+default_test_run_timeout = 600
+parser.add_argument("--timeout", action="store",
+                    type=positive_int_or_default(default_test_run_timeout),
+                    default=default_test_run_timeout,
+                    metavar="TEST_RUN_TIMEOUT",
+                    help="test run timeout in seconds - per test "
+                    f"(default: {default_test_run_timeout})")
+parser.add_argument("--failed-dir", action="store", type=directory,
+                    help="directory containing failed tests")
+filter_help_string = """\
+expression consists of 3 string selectors separated by '.' separators:
+    <file>.<class>.<function>
+- selectors restrict which files/classes/functions are run
+- selector can be replaced with '*' or omitted entirely if not needed
+- <file> selector is automatically prepended with 'test_' if required
+- '.' separators are required only if selector(s) follow(s)
+1. all of the following expressions are equivalent and will select
+   all test classes and functions from test_bfd.py:
+   'test_bfd' 'bfd' 'test_bfd..' 'bfd.' 'bfd.*.*' 'test_bfd.*.*'
+2. 'bfd.BFDAPITestCase' selects all tests from test_bfd.py,
+   which are part of BFDAPITestCase class
+3. 'bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd' selects a single test named
+   test_add_bfd from test_bfd.py/BFDAPITestCase
+4. '.*.test_add_bfd' selects all test functions named test_add_bfd
+   from all files/classes
+parser.add_argument("--filter", action="store",
+                    metavar="FILTER_EXPRESSION", help=filter_help_string)
+default_retries = 0
+parser.add_argument("--retries", action="store", default=default_retries,
+                    type=positive_int_or_default(default_retries),
+                    help="retry failed tests RETRIES times")
+parser.add_argument("--step", action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="enable stepping through tests")
+debug_help_string = """\
+attach     - attach to already running vpp
+core       - detect coredump and load core in gdb on crash
+gdb        - print VPP PID and pause allowing attaching gdb
+gdbserver  - same as above, but run gdb in gdbserver
+parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store",
+                    choices=["attach", "core", "gdb", "gdbserver"],
+                    help=debug_help_string)
+parser.add_argument("--debug-framework", action="store_true",
+                    help="enable internal test framework debugging")
+parser.add_argument("--compress-core", action="store_true",
+                    help="compress core files if not debugging them")
+parser.add_argument("--extended", action="store_true",
+                    help="run extended tests")
+parser.add_argument("--sanity", action="store_true",
+                    help="perform sanity vpp run before running tests")
+parser.add_argument("--force-foreground", action="store_true",
+                    help="force running in foreground - don't fork")
+parser.add_argument("--jobs", action="store", type=positive_int_or_auto,
+                    default="auto", help="maximum concurrent test jobs")
+parser.add_argument("--venv-dir", action="store",
+                    type=directory, help="path to virtual environment")
+default_rnd_seed = time.time()
+parser.add_argument("--rnd-seed", action="store", default=default_rnd_seed,
+                    type=positive_int_or_default(default_rnd_seed),
+                    help="random generator seed (default: current time)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-worker-count", action="store", type=worker_config,
+                    default=0, help="number of vpp workers")
+parser.add_argument("--gcov", action="store_true",
+                    default=False, help="running gcov tests")
+parser.add_argument("--cache-vpp-output", action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block "
+                    "after test finishes")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-ws-dir", action="store", required=True,
+                    type=directory, help="vpp workspace directory")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-tag", action="store", default="vpp_debug",
+                    metavar="VPP_TAG", required=True,
+                    help="vpp tag (e.g. vpp, vpp_debug, vpp_gcov)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp", action="store", help="path to vpp binary "
+                    "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-install-dir", type=directory,
+                    action="store", help="path to vpp install directory"
+                    "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-build-dir", action="store", type=directory,
+                    help="vpp build directory"
+                    "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory,
+                    help="directory containing vpp plugins"
+                    "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)")
+parser.add_argument("--vpp-test-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory,
+                    help="directory containing vpp api test plugins"
+                    "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)")
+parser.add_argument("--extern-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory,
+                    default=[], help="directory containing external plugins")
+parser.add_argument("--coredump-size", action="store", default="unlimited",
+                    help="specify vpp coredump size")
+parser.add_argument("--max-vpp-cpus", action="store", type=int_or_auto,
+                    default=0, help="max cpus used by vpp")
+variant_help_string = """\
+specify which march node variant to unit test
+  e.g. --variant=skx - test the skx march variants
+  e.g. --variant=icl - test the icl march variants
+parser.add_argument("--variant", action="store", help=variant_help_string)
+parser.add_argument("--api-fuzz", action="store", default=None,
+                    help="specify api fuzzing parameters")
+parser.add_argument("--wipe-tmp-dir", action="store_true", default=True,
+                    help="remove test tmp directory before running test")
+parser.add_argument("--tmp-dir", action="store", default="/tmp",
+                    type=directory_verify_or_create,
+                    help="directory where to store test temporary directories")
+parser.add_argument("--log-dir", action="store",
+                    type=directory_verify_or_create,
+                    help="directory where to store directories "
+                    "containing log files (default: --tmp-dir)")
+default_keep_pcaps = False
+parser.add_argument("--keep-pcaps", action="store_true",
+                    default=default_keep_pcaps,
+                    help="if set, keep all pcap files from a test run"
+                    f" (default: {default_keep_pcaps})")
+config = parser.parse_args()
+ws = config.vpp_ws_dir
+br = f"{ws}/build-root"
+tag = config.vpp_tag
+if config.vpp_install_dir is None:
+    config.vpp_install_dir = f"{br}/install-{tag}-native"
+if config.vpp is None:
+    config.vpp = f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/bin/vpp"
+if config.vpp_build_dir is None:
+    config.vpp_build_dir = f"{br}/build-{tag}-native"
+libs = ["lib", "lib64"]
+if config.vpp_plugin_dir is None:
+    config.vpp_plugin_dir = [
+        f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/{lib}/vpp_plugins" for lib in libs]
+if config.vpp_test_plugin_dir is None:
+    config.vpp_test_plugin_dir = [
+        f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/{lib}/vpp_api_test_plugins"
+        for lib in libs]
+test_dirs = [f"{ws}/test"]
+if config.test_src_dir is not None:
+    test_dirs.extend(config.test_src_dir)
+config.test_src_dir = test_dirs
+if config.venv_dir is None:
+    config.venv_dir = f"{ws}/test/venv"
+available_cpus = psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()
+num_cpus = len(available_cpus)
+if config.max_vpp_cpus == 'auto':
+    max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus
+elif config.max_vpp_cpus > 0:
+    max_vpp_cpus = min(config.max_vpp_cpus, num_cpus)
+    max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print("Provided arguments:")
+    for i in config.__dict__:
+        print(f"  {i} is {config.__dict__[i]}")
diff --git a/test/cpu_config.py b/test/cpu_config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e5d1a..0000000
--- a/test/cpu_config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import psutil
-available_cpus = psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()
-num_cpus = len(available_cpus)
-max_vpp_cpus = os.getenv("MAX_VPP_CPUS", "auto").lower()
-if max_vpp_cpus == "auto":
-    max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus
-    try:
-        max_vpp_cpus = int(max_vpp_cpus)
-    except ValueError as e:
-        raise ValueError("Invalid MAX_VPP_CPUS value specified, valid "
-                         "values are a positive integer or 'auto'") from e
-    if max_vpp_cpus <= 0:
-        raise ValueError("Invalid MAX_VPP_CPUS value specified, valid "
-                         "values are a positive integer or 'auto'")
-    if max_vpp_cpus > num_cpus:
-        max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus
diff --git a/test/debug.py b/test/debug.py
index a911a78..0ab1432 100644
--- a/test/debug.py
+++ b/test/debug.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 from sanity_run_vpp import SanityTestCase
 from shutil import rmtree
-from cpu_config import available_cpus
+from config import available_cpus
 gdb_path = '/usr/bin/gdb'
@@ -33,21 +33,12 @@
     # but any test case class could be used ...
     SanityTestCase.tempdir = SanityTestCase.get_tempdir()
-    if os.path.exists(SanityTestCase.tempdir):
-        if os.getenv("VPP_IN_GDB_NO_RMDIR", "0") in ["1", "y", "yes"]:
-            raise FileExistsError(
-                "Temporary directory exists and removal denied.")
-        print("Removing existing temp dir '%s'." % SanityTestCase.tempdir)
-        rmtree(SanityTestCase.tempdir)
-    print("Creating temp dir '%s'." % SanityTestCase.tempdir)
-    os.mkdir(SanityTestCase.tempdir)
     vpp_cmdline = SanityTestCase.vpp_cmdline
-    if os.getenv("VPP_IN_GDB_CMDLINE", "y").lower() in ["1", "y", "yes"]:
-        print("Hacking cmdline to make VPP interactive.")
-        vpp_cmdline.insert(vpp_cmdline.index("nodaemon"), "interactive")
+    print("Hacking cmdline to make VPP interactive.")
+    vpp_cmdline.insert(vpp_cmdline.index("nodaemon"), "interactive")
     print("VPP cmdline is %s" % " ".join(vpp_cmdline))
     print("Running GDB.")
diff --git a/test/discover_tests.py b/test/discover_tests.py
index 1e581a5..7f05c31 100755
--- a/test/discover_tests.py
+++ b/test/discover_tests.py
@@ -41,18 +41,3 @@
 def print_callback(file_name, cls, method):
     print("%s.%s.%s" % (file_name, cls.__name__, method))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Discover VPP unit tests")
-    parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", action='append', type=str,
-                        help="directory containing test files "
-                             "(may be specified multiple times)")
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.dir is None:
-        args.dir = "."
-    ignore_path = os.getenv("VENV_PATH", "")
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    for d in args.dir:
-        discover_tests(d, print_callback, ignore_path)
diff --git a/test/framework.py b/test/framework.py
index 2c74a03..572207d 100644
--- a/test/framework.py
+++ b/test/framework.py
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 import signal
 import subprocess
 import unittest
-import tempfile
+import re
 import time
 import faulthandler
 import random
 import copy
-import psutil
 import platform
+import shutil
 from collections import deque
 from threading import Thread, Event
 from inspect import getdoc, isclass
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import scapy.compat
 from scapy.packet import Raw, Packet
+from config import config, available_cpus, num_cpus, max_vpp_cpus
 import hook as hookmodule
 from vpp_pg_interface import VppPGInterface
 from vpp_sub_interface import VppSubInterface
@@ -45,7 +46,6 @@
 from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6DestUnreach, ICMPv6EchoRequest
 from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6EchoReply
-from cpu_config import available_cpus, num_cpus, max_vpp_cpus
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -61,27 +61,7 @@
-class BoolEnvironmentVariable(object):
-    def __init__(self, env_var_name, default='n', true_values=None):
-        self.name = env_var_name
-        self.default = default
-        self.true_values = true_values if true_values is not None else \
-            ("y", "yes", "1")
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return os.getenv(self.name, self.default).lower() in self.true_values
-    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
-        __nonzero__ = __bool__
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'BoolEnvironmentVariable(%r, default=%r, true_values=%r)' % \
-               (self.name, self.default, self.true_values)
-debug_framework = BoolEnvironmentVariable('TEST_DEBUG')
-if debug_framework:
+if config.debug_framework:
     import debug_internal
@@ -175,7 +155,7 @@
                     limit = -1
                     stdout_fragment = split[-1]
-                if not testclass.cache_vpp_output:
+                if not config.cache_vpp_output:
                     for line in split[:limit]:
                             "VPP STDOUT: %s" % line.rstrip("\n"))
@@ -193,7 +173,7 @@
                     stderr_fragment = split[-1]
-                if not testclass.cache_vpp_output:
+                if not config.cache_vpp_output:
                     for line in split[:limit]:
                             "VPP STDERR: %s" % line.rstrip("\n"))
@@ -201,13 +181,6 @@
                         # flag will take care of properly terminating the loop
-def _is_skip_aarch64_set():
-    return BoolEnvironmentVariable('SKIP_AARCH64')
-is_skip_aarch64_set = _is_skip_aarch64_set()
 def _is_platform_aarch64():
     return platform.machine() == 'aarch64'
@@ -215,35 +188,6 @@
 is_platform_aarch64 = _is_platform_aarch64()
-def _running_extended_tests():
-    return BoolEnvironmentVariable("EXTENDED_TESTS")
-running_extended_tests = _running_extended_tests()
-def _running_gcov_tests():
-    return BoolEnvironmentVariable("GCOV_TESTS")
-running_gcov_tests = _running_gcov_tests()
-def get_environ_vpp_worker_count():
-    worker_config = os.getenv("VPP_WORKER_CONFIG", None)
-    if worker_config:
-        elems = worker_config.split(" ")
-        if elems[0] != "workers" or len(elems) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Wrong VPP_WORKER_CONFIG == '%s' value." %
-                             worker_config)
-        return int(elems[1])
-    else:
-        return 0
-environ_vpp_worker_count = get_environ_vpp_worker_count()
 class KeepAliveReporter(object):
     Singleton object which reports test start to parent process
@@ -277,7 +221,7 @@
             desc = test.id()
-        self.pipe.send((desc, test.vpp_bin, test.tempdir, test.vpp.pid))
+        self.pipe.send((desc, config.vpp, test.tempdir, test.vpp.pid))
 class TestCaseTag(Enum):
@@ -411,7 +355,7 @@
             if cls.has_tag(TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS):
                 cls.vpp_worker_count = 0
-                cls.vpp_worker_count = environ_vpp_worker_count
+                cls.vpp_worker_count = config.vpp_worker_count
         return cls.vpp_worker_count
@@ -421,42 +365,38 @@
     def setUpConstants(cls):
         """ Set-up the test case class based on environment variables """
-        cls.step = BoolEnvironmentVariable('STEP')
-        # inverted case to handle '' == True
-        c = os.getenv("CACHE_OUTPUT", "1")
-        cls.cache_vpp_output = False if c.lower() in ("n", "no", "0") else True
-        cls.vpp_bin = os.getenv('VPP_BIN', "vpp")
-        extern_plugin_path = os.getenv('EXTERN_PLUGINS')
+        cls.step = config.step
+        cls.plugin_path = ":".join(config.vpp_plugin_dir)
+        cls.test_plugin_path = ":".join(config.vpp_test_plugin_dir)
+        cls.extern_plugin_path = ":".join(config.extern_plugin_dir)
         debug_cli = ""
         if cls.step or cls.debug_gdb or cls.debug_gdbserver:
             debug_cli = "cli-listen localhost:5002"
-        coredump_size = None
-        size = os.getenv("COREDUMP_SIZE")
-        if size is not None:
-            coredump_size = "coredump-size %s" % size
-        if coredump_size is None:
+        size = re.search(r"\d+[gG]", config.coredump_size)
+        if size:
+            coredump_size = f"coredump-size {config.coredump_size}".lower()
+        else:
             coredump_size = "coredump-size unlimited"
-        default_variant = os.getenv("VARIANT")
+        default_variant = config.variant
         if default_variant is not None:
             default_variant = "defaults { %s 100 }" % default_variant
             default_variant = ""
-        api_fuzzing = os.getenv("API_FUZZ")
+        api_fuzzing = config.api_fuzz
         if api_fuzzing is None:
             api_fuzzing = 'off'
         cls.vpp_cmdline = [
-            cls.vpp_bin,
+            config.vpp,
             "unix", "{", "nodaemon", debug_cli, "full-coredump",
             coredump_size, "runtime-dir", cls.tempdir, "}",
             "api-trace", "{", "on", "}",
             "api-segment", "{", "prefix", cls.get_api_segment_prefix(), "}",
             "cpu", "{", "main-core", str(cls.cpus[0]), ]
-        if extern_plugin_path is not None:
+        if cls.extern_plugin_path not in (None, ""):
-                "add-path %s" % extern_plugin_path)
+                "add-path %s" % cls.extern_plugin_path)
         if cls.get_vpp_worker_count():
                 "corelist-workers", ",".join([str(x) for x in cls.cpus[1:]])])
@@ -495,15 +435,14 @@
         print("You can debug VPP using:")
         if cls.debug_gdbserver:
-            print("sudo gdb " + cls.vpp_bin +
-                  " -ex 'target remote localhost:{port}'"
-                  .format(port=cls.gdbserver_port))
+            print(f"sudo gdb {config.vpp} "
+                  f"-ex 'target remote localhost:{cls.gdbserver_port}'")
             print("Now is the time to attach gdb by running the above "
                   "command, set up breakpoints etc., then resume VPP from "
                   "within gdb by issuing the 'continue' command")
             cls.gdbserver_port += 1
         elif cls.debug_gdb:
-            print("sudo gdb " + cls.vpp_bin + " -ex 'attach %s'" % cls.vpp.pid)
+            print(f"sudo gdb {config.vpp} -ex 'attach {cls.vpp.pid}'")
             print("Now is the time to attach gdb by running the above "
                   "command and set up breakpoints etc., then resume VPP from"
                   " within gdb by issuing the 'continue' command")
@@ -585,11 +524,23 @@
     def get_tempdir(cls):
-        if cls.debug_attach:
-            return os.getenv("VPP_IN_GDB_TMP_DIR",
-                             "/tmp/unittest-attach-gdb")
-        else:
-            return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='vpp-unittest-%s-' % cls.__name__)
+        tmpdir = f"{config.tmp_dir}/vpp-unittest-{cls.__name__}"
+        if config.wipe_tmp_dir:
+            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
+        os.mkdir(tmpdir)
+        return tmpdir
+    @classmethod
+    def create_file_handler(cls):
+        if config.log_dir is None:
+            cls.file_handler = FileHandler(f"{cls.tempdir}/log.txt")
+            return
+        logdir = f"{config.log_dir}/vpp-unittest-{cls.__name__}"
+        if config.wipe_tmp_dir:
+            shutil.rmtree(logdir, ignore_errors=True)
+        os.mkdir(logdir)
+        cls.file_handler = FileHandler(f"{logdir}/log.txt")
     def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -599,15 +550,13 @@
         super(VppTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
         cls.logger = get_logger(cls.__name__)
-        seed = os.environ["RND_SEED"]
-        random.seed(seed)
+        random.seed(config.rnd_seed)
         if hasattr(cls, 'parallel_handler'):
             cls.logger.propagate = False
-        d = os.getenv("DEBUG", None)
-        cls.set_debug_flags(d)
+        cls.set_debug_flags(config.debug)
         cls.tempdir = cls.get_tempdir()
-        cls.file_handler = FileHandler("%s/log.txt" % cls.tempdir)
+        cls.create_file_handler()
             Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(message)s',
@@ -617,7 +566,7 @@
         cls.logger.info("Temporary dir is %s, api socket is %s",
                         cls.tempdir, cls.get_api_sock_path())
-        cls.logger.debug("Random seed is %s", seed)
+        cls.logger.debug("Random seed is %s", config.rnd_seed)
         cls._pcaps = []
@@ -636,7 +585,7 @@
             cls.reporter.send_keep_alive(cls, 'setUpClass')
             VppTestResult.current_test_case_info = TestCaseInfo(
-                cls.logger, cls.tempdir, cls.vpp.pid, cls.vpp_bin)
+                cls.logger, cls.tempdir, cls.vpp.pid, config.vpp)
             cls.vpp_stdout_deque = deque()
             cls.vpp_stderr_deque = deque()
             if not cls.debug_attach:
@@ -785,7 +734,7 @@
-        if debug_framework:
+        if config.debug_framework:
     def show_commands_at_teardown(self):
@@ -890,7 +839,7 @@
     def pg_start(cls, trace=True):
         """ Enable the PG, wait till it is done, then clean up """
         for (intf, worker) in cls._old_pcaps:
-            intf.rename_old_pcap_file(intf.get_in_path(worker),
+            intf.handle_old_pcap_file(intf.get_in_path(worker),
         cls._old_pcaps = []
         if trace:
@@ -1439,7 +1388,7 @@
     def symlink_failed(self):
         if self.current_test_case_info:
-                failed_dir = os.getenv('FAILED_DIR')
+                failed_dir = config.failed_dir
                 link_path = os.path.join(
                     '%s-FAILED' %
diff --git a/test/log.py b/test/log.py
index 5fd91c7..9701aec 100644
--- a/test/log.py
+++ b/test/log.py
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 import os
 import logging
+from config import config
 """ @var formatting delimiter consisting of '=' characters """
 double_line_delim = '=' * 78
 """ @var formatting delimiter consisting of '-' characters """
@@ -24,15 +26,12 @@
         if hasattr(record, 'color'):
             message = colorize(message, record.color)
         return message
-    verbose = int(os.getenv("V", 0))
-    verbose = 0
 # 40 = ERROR, 30 = WARNING, 20 = INFO, 10 = DEBUG, 0 = NOTSET (all messages)
-if verbose >= 2:
+if config.verbose >= 2:
     log_level = 10
-elif verbose == 1:
+elif config.verbose == 1:
     log_level = 20
     log_level = 40
@@ -66,6 +65,7 @@
     return logger
 # Static variables to store color formatting strings.
 # These variables (RED, GREEN, YELLOW and LPURPLE) are used to configure
diff --git a/test/run_tests.py b/test/run_tests.py
index 5d091ad..1d194ad 100644
--- a/test/run_tests.py
+++ b/test/run_tests.py
@@ -8,22 +8,24 @@
 import argparse
 import time
 import threading
+import traceback
 import signal
 import re
 from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, get_context
 from multiprocessing.queues import Queue
 from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
 import framework
-from framework import VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests, VppTestCase, \
+from config import config, num_cpus, available_cpus, max_vpp_cpus
+from framework import VppTestRunner, VppTestCase, \
     get_testcase_doc_name, get_test_description, PASS, FAIL, ERROR, SKIP, \
 from debug import spawn_gdb, start_vpp_in_gdb
 from log import get_parallel_logger, double_line_delim, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, \
     colorize, single_line_delim
 from discover_tests import discover_tests
+import sanity_run_vpp
 from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
 from util import check_core_path, get_core_path, is_core_present
-from cpu_config import num_cpus, max_vpp_cpus, available_cpus
 # timeout which controls how long the child has to finish after seeing
 # a core dump in test temporary directory. If this is exceeded, parent assumes
@@ -126,9 +128,9 @@
     VppTestCase.parallel_handler = logger.handlers[0]
     result = VppTestRunner(keep_alive_pipe=keep_alive_pipe,
-                           verbosity=verbose,
+                           verbosity=config.verbose,
-                           failfast=failfast,
+                           failfast=config.failfast,
@@ -241,8 +243,7 @@
     if last_test_temp_dir:
         # Need to create link in case of a timeout or core dump without failure
         lttd = os.path.basename(last_test_temp_dir)
-        failed_dir = os.getenv('FAILED_DIR')
-        link_path = '%s%s-FAILED' % (failed_dir, lttd)
+        link_path = '%s%s-FAILED' % (config.failed_dir, lttd)
         if not os.path.exists(link_path):
             os.symlink(last_test_temp_dir, link_path)
         logger.error("Symlink to failed testcase directory: %s -> %s"
@@ -272,8 +273,7 @@
             except Exception as e:
                 logger.exception("Unexpected error running `file' utility "
                                  "on core-file")
-            logger.error("gdb %s %s" %
-                         (os.getenv('VPP_BIN', 'vpp'), core_path))
+            logger.error(f"gdb {config.vpp_bin} {core_path}")
     if vpp_pid:
         # Copy api post mortem
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
             spawn_gdb(vpp_binary, get_core_path(tempdir))
-        elif compress_core:
+        elif config.compress_core:
             print("Compressing core-file in test directory `%s'" % tempdir)
             os.system("gzip %s" % get_core_path(tempdir))
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     stop_run = False
-    if failfast and not wrapped_testcase_suite.was_successful():
+    if config.failfast and not wrapped_testcase_suite.was_successful():
         stop_run = True
     if not wrapped_testcase_suite.was_successful():
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
                 fail = False
-                if wrapped_testcase_suite.last_heard + test_timeout < \
+                if wrapped_testcase_suite.last_heard + config.timeout < \
                     fail = True
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
-        stdouterr_thread.join(test_timeout)
+        stdouterr_thread.join(config.timeout)
@@ -566,11 +566,8 @@
-test_option = "TEST"
-def parse_test_option():
-    f = os.getenv(test_option, None)
+def parse_test_filter(test_filter):
+    f = test_filter
     filter_file_name = None
     filter_class_name = None
     filter_func_name = None
@@ -807,46 +804,32 @@
     return return_code, results_per_suite.rerun
-def parse_digit_env(env_var, default):
-    value = os.getenv(env_var, default)
-    if value != default:
-        if value.isdigit():
-            value = int(value)
-        else:
-            print('WARNING: unsupported value "%s" for env var "%s",'
-                  'defaulting to %s' % (value, env_var, default))
-            value = default
-    return value
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    verbose = parse_digit_env("V", 0)
+    print(f"Config is: {config}")
-    test_timeout = parse_digit_env("TIMEOUT", 600)  # default = 10 minutes
+    if config.sanity:
+        print("Running sanity test case.")
+        try:
+            rc = sanity_run_vpp.main()
+            if rc != 0:
+                sys.exit(rc)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(traceback.format_exc())
+            print("Couldn't run sanity test case.")
+            sys.exit(-1)
     test_finished_join_timeout = 15
-    retries = parse_digit_env("RETRIES", 0)
+    debug_gdb = config.debug in ["gdb", "gdbserver", "attach"]
+    debug_core = config.debug == "core"
-    debug = os.getenv("DEBUG", "n").lower() in ["gdb", "gdbserver", "attach"]
-    debug_core = os.getenv("DEBUG", "").lower() == "core"
-    compress_core = framework.BoolEnvironmentVariable("CORE_COMPRESS")
-    if os.getenv("VPP_IN_GDB", "n").lower() in ["1", "y", "yes"]:
-        start_vpp_in_gdb()
-        exit()
-    step = framework.BoolEnvironmentVariable("STEP")
-    force_foreground = framework.BoolEnvironmentVariable("FORCE_FOREGROUND")
-    run_interactive = debug or step or force_foreground
+    run_interactive = debug_gdb or config.step or config.force_foreground
     max_concurrent_tests = 0
     print(f"OS reports {num_cpus} available cpu(s).")
-    test_jobs = os.getenv("TEST_JOBS", "1").lower()  # default = 1 process
+    test_jobs = config.jobs
     if test_jobs == 'auto':
         if run_interactive:
             max_concurrent_tests = 1
@@ -856,15 +839,7 @@
             print(f"Running at most {max_concurrent_tests} python test "
                   "processes concurrently.")
-        try:
-            test_jobs = int(test_jobs)
-        except ValueError as e:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid TEST_JOBS value specified, valid "
-                             "values are a positive integer or 'auto'") from e
-        if test_jobs <= 0:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid TEST_JOBS value specified, valid "
-                             "values are a positive integer or 'auto'")
-        max_concurrent_tests = int(test_jobs)
+        max_concurrent_tests = test_jobs
         print(f"Running at most {max_concurrent_tests} python test processes "
               "concurrently as set by 'TEST_JOBS'.")
@@ -876,27 +851,20 @@
             'STEP is set) in parallel (TEST_JOBS is more than 1) is not '
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="VPP unit tests")
-    parser.add_argument("-f", "--failfast", action='store_true',
-                        help="fast failure flag")
-    parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", action='append', type=str,
-                        help="directory containing test files "
-                             "(may be specified multiple times)")
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    failfast = args.failfast
     descriptions = True
     print("Running tests using custom test runner.")
-    filter_file, filter_class, filter_func = parse_test_option()
+    filter_file, filter_class, filter_func = \
+        parse_test_filter(config.filter)
-    print("Active filters: file=%s, class=%s, function=%s" % (
+    print("Selected filters: file=%s, class=%s, function=%s" % (
         filter_file, filter_class, filter_func))
     filter_cb = FilterByTestOption(filter_file, filter_class, filter_func)
-    ignore_path = os.getenv("VENV_PATH", None)
+    ignore_path = config.venv_dir
     cb = SplitToSuitesCallback(filter_cb)
-    for d in args.dir:
+    for d in config.test_src_dir:
         print("Adding tests from directory tree %s" % d)
         discover_tests(d, cb, ignore_path)
@@ -925,10 +893,10 @@
     print("%s out of %s tests match specified filters" % (
         tests_amount, tests_amount + cb.filtered.countTestCases()))
-    if not running_extended_tests:
+    if not config.extended:
         print("Not running extended tests (some tests will be skipped)")
-    attempts = retries + 1
+    attempts = config.retries + 1
     if attempts > 1:
         print("Perform %s attempts to pass the suite..." % attempts)
@@ -945,8 +913,8 @@
                 cpu_shortage = True
-        result = VppTestRunner(verbosity=verbose,
-                               failfast=failfast,
+        result = VppTestRunner(verbosity=config.verbose,
+                               failfast=config.failfast,
         was_successful = result.wasSuccessful()
         if not was_successful:
diff --git a/test/sanity_run_vpp.py b/test/sanity_run_vpp.py
index 4b21de1..b923c79 100644
--- a/test/sanity_run_vpp.py
+++ b/test/sanity_run_vpp.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def main():
     rc = 0
     tc = SanityTestCase
     x, y = Pipe()
@@ -46,5 +46,8 @@
         print('Sanity test case passed.')
         print('Sanity test case failed.')
+    return rc
-    sys.exit(rc)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/test/scripts/run.sh b/test/scripts/run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..544a536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+for i in "$@"
+case $i in
+	--venv-dir=*)
+		venv_dir="${i#*=}"
+		if [ -d $venv_dir ]
+		then
+			venv_dir=$(cd $venv_dir; pwd)
+		else
+			echo "ERROR: '$venv_dir' is not a directory"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		items="$items --venv-dir=\"$venv_dir\""
+		;;
+	--vpp-ws-dir=*)
+		ws_dir="${i#*=}"
+		if [ -d $ws_dir ]
+		then
+			ws_dir=$(cd $ws_dir; pwd)
+		else
+			echo "ERROR: '$ws_dir' is not a directory"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		items="$items --vpp-ws-dir=\"$ws_dir\""
+		;;
+	--force-foreground)
+		ff="1"
+		items="$items \"$i\""
+		;;
+	--vpp-tag=*)
+		tag="${i#*=}"
+		items="$items \"$i\""
+		;;
+	--python-opts=*)
+		python_opts="${i#*=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		# unknown option - skip
+		items="$items \"$i\""
+		;;
+if [ -z "$ws_dir" ]
+	ws_dir=$(pwd)
+	echo "Argument --vpp-ws-dir not specified, defaulting to '$ws_dir'"
+	extra_args="$extra_args --vpp-ws-dir=$ws_dir"
+if [ -z "$venv_dir" ]
+	venv_dir="$ws_dir/test/venv"
+	echo "Argument --venv-path not specified, defaulting to '$venv_dir'"
+	extra_args="$extra_args --venv-dir=$venv_dir"
+if [ -z "$tag" ]
+	tag="vpp_debug"
+	echo "Argument --vpp-tag not specified, defaulting to '$tag'"
+	extra_args="$extra_args --vpp-tag=$tag"
+eval set -- $items
+$ws_dir/test/scripts/setsid_wrapper.sh $ws_dir/test/scripts/run_in_venv_with_cleanup.sh $ff $venv_dir/bin/activate python3 $python_opts $ws_dir/test/run_tests.py $extra_args $*
diff --git a/test/scripts/setsid_wrapper.sh b/test/scripts/setsid_wrapper.sh
index 6d63426..030c3b0 100755
--- a/test/scripts/setsid_wrapper.sh
+++ b/test/scripts/setsid_wrapper.sh
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-if [[ "$1" == "1" ]]
+if [[ "$force_foreground" == "1" ]]
-	setsid scripts/run_in_venv_with_cleanup.sh $*
+	setsid $cmd $force_foreground $*
-	setsid scripts/run_in_venv_with_cleanup.sh $* &
+	setsid $cmd $force_foreground $* &
 	trap "echo setsid_wrapper.sh: got signal, killing child pid ${pid}; kill ${pid}; sleep .1;" SIGINT SIGTERM
 	wait ${pid}
diff --git a/test/test_acl_plugin_conns.py b/test/test_acl_plugin_conns.py
index c7941fa..cbf0ab3 100644
--- a/test/test_acl_plugin_conns.py
+++ b/test/test_acl_plugin_conns.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 """ ACL plugin extended stateful tests """
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.packet import Raw
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, TCP
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@
         return new_rule
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class ACLPluginConnTestCase(VppTestCase):
     """ ACL plugin connection-oriented extended testcases """
diff --git a/test/test_acl_plugin_macip.py b/test/test_acl_plugin_macip.py
index 5edd7b0..5353c16 100644
--- a/test/test_acl_plugin_macip.py
+++ b/test/test_acl_plugin_macip.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
 from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_lo_interface import VppLoInterface
 from vpp_l2 import L2_PORT_TYPE
 from vpp_sub_interface import L2_VTR_OP, VppSubInterface, VppDot1QSubint, \
diff --git a/test/test_adl.py b/test/test_adl.py
index 4a996fc..0463e25 100644
--- a/test/test_adl.py
+++ b/test/test_adl.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_gcov_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
diff --git a/test/test_bfd.py b/test/test_bfd.py
index 174db3e..d1c7b92 100644
--- a/test/test_bfd.py
+++ b/test/test_bfd.py
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, GRE
 from scapy.packet import Raw
+from config import config
 from bfd import VppBFDAuthKey, BFD, BFDAuthType, VppBFDUDPSession, \
     BFDDiagCode, BFDState, BFD_vpp_echo
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from framework import tag_run_solo
 from util import ppp
 from vpp_ip import DpoProto
@@ -1122,7 +1123,7 @@
                          "Poll bit set in BFD packet")
     # returning inconsistent results requiring retries in per-patch tests
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_poll_response(self):
         """ test correct response to control frame with poll bit set """
@@ -1950,7 +1951,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class BFDTunTestCase(VppTestCase):
     """ BFD over GRE tunnel """
diff --git a/test/test_bier.py b/test/test_bier.py
index 2f649bb..7dd6a30 100644
--- a/test/test_bier.py
+++ b/test/test_bier.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip import DpoProto
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, \
     VppMplsTable, VppIpMRoute, VppMRoutePath, VppIpTable, \
@@ -183,22 +184,22 @@
         for nhr in nh_routes:
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_midpoint_1024(self):
         """BIER midpoint BSL:1024"""
         self.bier_midpoint(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_1024, 128, 1024)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_midpoint_512(self):
         """BIER midpoint BSL:512"""
         self.bier_midpoint(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_512, 64, 512)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_midpoint_256(self):
         """BIER midpoint BSL:256"""
         self.bier_midpoint(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256, 32, 256)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_midpoint_128(self):
         """BIER midpoint BSL:128"""
         self.bier_midpoint(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_128, 16, 128)
@@ -674,22 +675,22 @@
         self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].src, "")
         self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].dst, "")
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_e2e_1024(self):
         """ BIER end-to-end BSL:1024"""
         self.bier_e2e(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_1024, 128, 1024)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_e2e_512(self):
         """ BIER end-to-end BSL:512"""
         self.bier_e2e(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_512, 64, 512)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_e2e_256(self):
         """ BIER end-to-end BSL:256"""
         self.bier_e2e(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256, 32, 256)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_bier_e2e_128(self):
         """ BIER end-to-end BSL:128"""
         self.bier_e2e(BIERLength.BIER_LEN_128, 16, 128)
diff --git a/test/test_bihash.py b/test/test_bihash.py
index 2949d66..32eb4ff 100644
--- a/test/test_bihash.py
+++ b/test/test_bihash.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_gcov_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
             self.assertNotIn('failed', error)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.gcov, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_bihash_coverage(self):
         """ Improve Code Coverage """
diff --git a/test/test_container.py b/test/test_container.py
index 4748053..739aaaf 100644
--- a/test/test_container.py
+++ b/test/test_container.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 """ Container integration tests """
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.packet import Raw
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, TCP
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class ContainerIntegrationTestCase(VppTestCase):
     """ Container integration extended testcases """
diff --git a/test/test_det44.py b/test/test_det44.py
index d022cd5..f137e76 100644
--- a/test/test_det44.py
+++ b/test/test_det44.py
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 import struct
 import unittest
 import scapy.compat
-from framework import VppTestCase, running_extended_tests
+from time import sleep
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase
 from ipfix import IPFIX, Set, Template, Data, IPFIXDecoder
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
 from scapy.layers.inet import IPerror, UDPerror
@@ -603,7 +605,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(0, dms[0].ses_num)
     # TODO: ipfix needs to be separated from NAT base plugin
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_session_limit_per_user(self):
         """ Deterministic NAT maximum sessions per user limit """
         self.vapi.det44_add_del_map(is_add=1, in_addr=self.pg0.remote_ip4,
diff --git a/test/test_dhcp.py b/test/test_dhcp.py
index e17b004..a3b410c 100644
--- a/test/test_dhcp.py
+++ b/test/test_dhcp.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import struct
 import six
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from framework import tag_run_solo
 from vpp_neighbor import VppNeighbor
 from vpp_ip_route import find_route, VppIpTable
diff --git a/test/test_dslite.py b/test/test_dslite.py
index 2b4f4aa..8f5995e 100644
--- a/test/test_dslite.py
+++ b/test/test_dslite.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import random
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 import scapy.compat
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
diff --git a/test/test_flowprobe.py b/test/test_flowprobe.py
index a7a09fc..5bafd39 100644
--- a/test/test_flowprobe.py
+++ b/test/test_flowprobe.py
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP
 from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
+from config import config
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from framework import tag_run_solo
 from vpp_object import VppObject
 from vpp_pg_interface import CaptureTimeoutError
@@ -827,7 +828,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class DisableIPFIX(MethodHolder):
     """Disable IPFIX"""
@@ -875,7 +876,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class ReenableIPFIX(MethodHolder):
     """Re-enable IPFIX"""
@@ -943,7 +944,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class DisableFP(MethodHolder):
     """Disable Flowprobe feature"""
@@ -990,7 +991,7 @@
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class ReenableFP(MethodHolder):
     """Re-enable Flowprobe feature"""
diff --git a/test/test_igmp.py b/test/test_igmp.py
index 8053bc3..f99bdb2 100644
--- a/test/test_igmp.py
+++ b/test/test_igmp.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from scapy.contrib.igmpv3 import IGMPv3, IGMPv3gr, IGMPv3mq, IGMPv3mr
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_igmp import find_igmp_state, IGMP_FILTER, IgmpRecord, IGMP_MODE, \
     IgmpSG, VppHostState, wait_for_igmp_event
 from vpp_ip_route import find_mroute, VppIpTable
diff --git a/test/test_ikev2.py b/test/test_ikev2.py
index 438a674..58a7ec3 100644
--- a/test/test_ikev2.py
+++ b/test/test_ikev2.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, ip_address
 import unittest
+from config import config
 from scapy.layers.ipsec import ESP
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
@@ -1380,7 +1381,7 @@
         if 'auth' in params and params['auth'] == 'rsa-sig':
             auth_method = 'rsa-sig'
-            work_dir = os.getenv('BR') + '/../src/plugins/ikev2/test/certs/'
+            work_dir = f"{config.vpp_ws_dir}/src/plugins/ikev2/test/certs/"
                     key_file=work_dir + params['server-key'])
diff --git a/test/test_ipfix_export.py b/test/test_ipfix_export.py
index 7718f42..be7476e 100644
--- a/test/test_ipfix_export.py
+++ b/test/test_ipfix_export.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import time
 import re
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase
 from vpp_object import VppObject
 from vpp_pg_interface import CaptureTimeoutError
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
diff --git a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit.py b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit.py
index 434a292..9174059 100644
--- a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit.py
+++ b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from util import Host, ppp
diff --git a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_bdenabled.py b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_bdenabled.py
index 503a7d8..fdbc350 100644
--- a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_bdenabled.py
+++ b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_bdenabled.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from util import Host, ppp
diff --git a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_enabled.py b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_enabled.py
index b323af6..906ae14 100644
--- a/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_enabled.py
+++ b/test/test_l2bd_learnlimit_enabled.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from util import Host, ppp
diff --git a/test/test_l2bd_multi_instance.py b/test/test_l2bd_multi_instance.py
index b51bb5e..c4692d6 100644
--- a/test/test_l2bd_multi_instance.py
+++ b/test/test_l2bd_multi_instance.py
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from util import Host, ppp
diff --git a/test/test_mactime.py b/test/test_mactime.py
index 85ded33..1eaeeb5 100644
--- a/test/test_mactime.py
+++ b/test/test_mactime.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_gcov_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
         self.assertNotIn('FAILED', error)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.gcov, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_mactime_unittest(self):
         """ Mactime Plugin Code Coverage Test """
         cmds = ["loopback create",
diff --git a/test/test_memif.py b/test/test_memif.py
index bf1c10a..26e44f2 100644
--- a/test/test_memif.py
+++ b/test/test_memif.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, ICMP
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from framework import tag_run_solo
 from remote_test import RemoteClass, RemoteVppTestCase
 from vpp_memif import remove_all_memif_vpp_config, \
diff --git a/test/test_mpcap.py b/test/test_mpcap.py
index d77b543..bfa4385 100644
--- a/test/test_mpcap.py
+++ b/test/test_mpcap.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
 import os
diff --git a/test/test_nat64.py b/test/test_nat64.py
index ccd81ef..c51adac 100644
--- a/test/test_nat64.py
+++ b/test/test_nat64.py
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
 from io import BytesIO
 import scapy.compat
+from config import config
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from ipfix import IPFIX, Set, Template, Data, IPFIXDecoder
 from scapy.data import IP_PROTOS
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
@@ -1647,7 +1648,7 @@
         addresses = self.vapi.nat64_pool_addr_dump()
         self.assertEqual(0, len(addresses))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ipfix_max_bibs_sessions(self):
         """ IPFIX logging maximum session and BIB entries exceeded """
         max_bibs = 1280
diff --git a/test/test_nat66.py b/test/test_nat66.py
index e323621..02b2882 100644
--- a/test/test_nat66.py
+++ b/test/test_nat66.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from io import BytesIO
 import scapy.compat
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from ipfix import IPFIX, Set, Template, Data, IPFIXDecoder
 from scapy.all import bind_layers, Packet, ByteEnumField, ShortField, \
     IPField, IntField, LongField, XByteField, FlagsField, FieldLenField, \
diff --git a/test/test_offload.py b/test/test_offload.py
index 9f6aec6..ae5a5b3 100644
--- a/test/test_offload.py
+++ b/test/test_offload.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_gcov_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
diff --git a/test/test_pcap.py b/test/test_pcap.py
index c058c54..5bfac52 100644
--- a/test/test_pcap.py
+++ b/test/test_pcap.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import os
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_gcov_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
diff --git a/test/test_quic.py b/test/test_quic.py
index ea367c0..339557d 100644
--- a/test/test_quic.py
+++ b/test/test_quic.py
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 import os
 import subprocess
 import signal
+from config import config
 from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests, \
-    Worker
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, Worker
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
     """ QUIC Test Application Worker """
     process = None
-    def __init__(self, build_dir, appname, executable_args, logger, role,
+    def __init__(self, appname, executable_args, logger, role,
                  testcase, env=None, *args, **kwargs):
         if env is None:
             env = {}
-        app = "%s/bin/%s" % (build_dir, appname)
+        app = f"{config.vpp_build_dir}/vpp/bin/{appname}"
         self.args = [app] + executable_args
         self.role = role
         self.wait_for_gdb = 'wait-for-gdb'
@@ -57,11 +57,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(QUICTestCase, self).setUp()
-        var = "VPP_BUILD_DIR"
-        self.build_dir = os.getenv(var, None)
-        if self.build_dir is None:
-            raise Exception("Environment variable `%s' not set" % var)
-        self.vppDebug = 'vpp_debug' in self.build_dir
+        self.vppDebug = 'vpp_debug' in config.vpp_build_dir
         self.uri = "quic://%s/1234" % self.loop0.local_ip4
@@ -218,7 +214,6 @@
     def server(self, *args):
         _args = self.server_echo_test_args + list(args)
         self.worker_server = QUICAppWorker(
-            self.build_dir,
@@ -230,7 +225,6 @@
     def client(self, *args):
         _args = self.client_echo_test_args + list(args)
         self.worker_client = QUICAppWorker(
-            self.build_dir,
@@ -291,7 +285,7 @@
     test_bytes = ''
     timeout = 60
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_quic_ext_transfer_big(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, big stream"""
         self.server("TX=0", "RX=2G")
@@ -302,7 +296,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtQcloseRxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Qclose Rx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_qclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, rx close"""
@@ -314,7 +308,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtQcloseTxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Qclose Tx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_qclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, tx close"""
@@ -327,7 +321,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtEarlyQcloseRxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Early Qclose Rx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_early_qclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, early rx close"""
@@ -340,7 +334,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtEarlyQcloseTxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Early Qclose Tx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_early_qclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, early tx close"""
@@ -353,7 +347,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtScloseRxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Sclose Rx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_sclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, rx stream close"""
@@ -365,7 +359,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtScloseTxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Sclose Tx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_sclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, tx stream close"""
@@ -377,7 +371,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtEarlyScloseRxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Early Sclose Rx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_early_sclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, early rx stream close"""
@@ -390,7 +384,7 @@
 class QUICEchoExtEarlyScloseTxTestCase(QUICEchoExtTestCase):
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Early Sclose Tx Test Case"""
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_early_sclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external transfer, early tx stream close"""
@@ -420,7 +414,7 @@
     test_bytes = ''
     timeout = 60
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_quic_ext_transfer_server_stream_big(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, big stream"""
         self.server("TX=2G", "RX=0")
@@ -432,7 +426,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Qclose Rx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_qclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, rx close"""
@@ -445,7 +439,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Qclose Tx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_qclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, tx close"""
@@ -459,7 +453,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Early Qclose Rx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_early_qclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, early rx close"""
@@ -473,7 +467,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Early Qclose Tx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_early_qclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, early tx close"""
@@ -487,7 +481,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Sclose Rx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_sclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, rx stream close"""
@@ -500,7 +494,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Sclose Tx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_sclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, tx stream close"""
@@ -513,7 +507,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream Early Sclose Rx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_early_sclose_rx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, early rx stream close"""
@@ -527,7 +521,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo Ext Transfer Server Stream Early Sclose Tx Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_server_stream_early_sclose_tx(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, early tx stream close"""
@@ -541,7 +535,7 @@
     """QUIC Echo External Transfer Server Stream MultiWorker Test Case"""
     quic_setup = "serverstream"
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("testcase under development")
     def test_quic_ext_transfer_server_stream_multi_workers(self):
         """QUIC external server transfer, multi-worker"""
diff --git a/test/test_trace_filter.py b/test/test_trace_filter.py
index a37d4b9..fa0d748 100644
--- a/test/test_trace_filter.py
+++ b/test/test_trace_filter.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
 from scapy.contrib.geneve import GENEVE
diff --git a/test/test_vapi.py b/test/test_vapi.py
index 106c84a..5a04abe 100644
--- a/test/test_vapi.py
+++ b/test/test_vapi.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import unittest
 import os
 import signal
+from config import config
 from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, Worker
@@ -20,11 +21,7 @@
     def test_vapi_c(self):
         """ run C VAPI tests """
-        var = "VPP_BUILD_DIR"
-        build_dir = os.getenv(var, None)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(build_dir,
-                             "Environment variable `%s' not set" % var)
-        executable = f"{build_dir}/bin/vapi_c_test"
+        executable = f"{config.vpp_build_dir}/vpp/bin/vapi_c_test"
         worker = Worker([executable, "vapi client",
                          self.get_api_segment_prefix()], self.logger)
@@ -49,11 +46,7 @@
     def test_vapi_cpp(self):
         """ run C++ VAPI tests """
-        var = "VPP_BUILD_DIR"
-        build_dir = os.getenv(var, None)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(build_dir,
-                             "Environment variable `%s' not set" % var)
-        executable = f"{build_dir}/bin/vapi_cpp_test"
+        executable = f"{config.vpp_build_dir}/vpp/bin/vapi_cpp_test"
         worker = Worker([executable, "vapi client",
                          self.get_api_segment_prefix()], self.logger)
diff --git a/test/test_vcl.py b/test/test_vcl.py
index e40e416..3875114 100644
--- a/test/test_vcl.py
+++ b/test/test_vcl.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 import subprocess
 import signal
 import glob
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests, \
-    Worker
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, Worker
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, FibPathProto
 iperf3 = '/usr/bin/iperf3'
@@ -32,12 +32,10 @@
     class LibraryNotFound(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, build_dir, appname, executable_args, logger, env=None,
+    def __init__(self, appname, executable_args, logger, env=None,
                  role=None, *args, **kwargs):
         self.role = role
-        vpp_install_path = os.getenv('VPP_INSTALL_PATH')
-        vcl_ldpreload_glob = "{}/**/{}".format(vpp_install_path, self.libname)
+        vcl_ldpreload_glob = f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/**/{self.libname}"
         vcl_ldpreload_so = glob.glob(vcl_ldpreload_glob, recursive=True)
         if len(vcl_ldpreload_so) < 1:
@@ -52,10 +50,10 @@
             app = appname
             env.update({'LD_PRELOAD': vcl_ldpreload_so})
         elif "sock" in appname:
-            app = "%s/bin/%s" % (build_dir, appname)
+            app = f"{config.vpp_build_dir}/vpp/bin/{appname}"
             env.update({'LD_PRELOAD': vcl_ldpreload_so})
-            app = "%s/bin/%s" % (build_dir, appname)
+            app = f"{config.vpp_build_dir}/vpp/bin/{appname}"
         self.args = [app] + executable_args
         super(VCLAppWorker, self).__init__(self.args, logger, env,
                                            *args, **kwargs)
@@ -77,11 +75,7 @@
         super(VCLTestCase, cls).tearDownClass()
     def setUp(self):
-        var = "VPP_BUILD_DIR"
-        self.build_dir = os.getenv(var, None)
-        if self.build_dir is None:
-            raise EnvironmentError("Environment variable `%s' not set" % var)
-        self.vppDebug = 'vpp_debug' in self.build_dir
+        self.vppDebug = 'vpp_debug' in config.vpp_install_dir
         self.server_addr = ""
         self.server_port = "22000"
         self.server_args = [self.server_port]
@@ -132,13 +126,13 @@
         self.vcl_app_env = {'VCL_APP_SCOPE_LOCAL': "true"}
         self.update_vcl_app_env("", "", self.sapi_server_sock)
-        worker_server = VCLAppWorker(self.build_dir, server_app, server_args,
+        worker_server = VCLAppWorker(server_app, server_args,
                                      self.logger, self.vcl_app_env, "server")
         self.update_vcl_app_env("", "", self.sapi_client_sock)
-        worker_client = VCLAppWorker(self.build_dir, client_app, client_args,
+        worker_client = VCLAppWorker(client_app, client_args,
                                      self.logger, self.vcl_app_env, "client")
@@ -240,13 +234,13 @@
         self.vcl_app_env = {'VCL_APP_SCOPE_GLOBAL': "true"}
         self.update_vcl_app_env("1", "1234", self.sapi_server_sock)
-        worker_server = VCLAppWorker(self.build_dir, server_app, server_args,
+        worker_server = VCLAppWorker(server_app, server_args,
                                      self.logger, self.vcl_app_env, "server")
         self.update_vcl_app_env("2", "5678", self.sapi_client_sock)
-        worker_client = VCLAppWorker(self.build_dir, client_app, client_args,
+        worker_client = VCLAppWorker(client_app, client_args,
                                      self.logger, self.vcl_app_env, "client")
@@ -328,14 +322,13 @@
         self.logger.debug(self.vapi.cli("show session verbose 2"))
         self.logger.debug(self.vapi.cli("show app mq"))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ldp_cut_thru_echo(self):
         """ run LDP cut thru echo test """
         self.cut_thru_test("sock_test_server", self.server_args,
                            "sock_test_client", self.client_echo_test_args)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(_have_iperf3, "'%s' not found, Skipping.")
     def test_ldp_cut_thru_iperf3(self):
         """ run LDP cut thru iperf3 test """
@@ -343,7 +336,7 @@
         self.cut_thru_test(iperf3, self.server_iperf3_args,
                            iperf3, self.client_iperf3_args)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ldp_cut_thru_uni_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run LDP cut thru uni-directional (multiple sockets) test """
@@ -352,7 +345,7 @@
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("sock test apps need to be improved")
     def test_ldp_cut_thru_bi_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run LDP cut thru bi-directional (multiple sockets) test """
@@ -569,7 +562,7 @@
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_vcl_thru_host_stack_quic_uni_dir(self):
         """ run VCL thru host stack uni-directional QUIC test """
@@ -867,6 +860,7 @@
         super(LDPIpv6CutThruTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ldp_ipv6_cut_thru_echo(self):
         """ run LDP IPv6 cut thru echo test """
@@ -876,7 +870,6 @@
     @unittest.skipUnless(_have_iperf3, "'%s' not found, Skipping.")
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ldp_ipv6_cut_thru_iperf3(self):
         """ run LDP IPv6 cut thru iperf3 test """
@@ -884,7 +877,7 @@
         self.cut_thru_test(iperf3, self.server_ipv6_iperf3_args,
                            iperf3, self.client_ipv6_iperf3_args)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_ldp_ipv6_cut_thru_uni_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run LDP IPv6 cut thru uni-directional (multiple sockets) test """
@@ -893,7 +886,7 @@
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     @unittest.skip("sock test apps need to be improved")
     def test_ldp_ipv6_cut_thru_bi_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run LDP IPv6 cut thru bi-directional (multiple sockets) test """
@@ -955,7 +948,7 @@
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_vcl_ipv6_cut_thru_uni_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run VCL IPv6 cut thru uni-directional (multiple sockets) test """
@@ -964,7 +957,7 @@
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+    @unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
     def test_vcl_ipv6_cut_thru_bi_dir_nsock(self):
         """ run VCL IPv6 cut thru bi-directional (multiple sockets) test """
diff --git a/test/test_vlib.py b/test/test_vlib.py
index 31fb729..1d5a3eb 100644
--- a/test/test_vlib.py
+++ b/test/test_vlib.py
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 import pexpect
 import time
 import signal
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
-from framework import running_gcov_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.gcov, "part of code coverage tests")
 class TestVlib(VppTestCase):
     """ Vlib Unit Test Cases """
     vpp_worker_count = 1
@@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
     def tearDown(self):
         super(TestVlib, self).tearDown()
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_vlib_main_unittest(self):
         """ Vlib main.c Code Coverage Test """
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
                     self.logger.info(cmd + " FAIL retval " + str(r.retval))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_vlib_node_cli_unittest(self):
         """ Vlib node_cli.c Code Coverage Test """
@@ -113,7 +112,6 @@
                     self.logger.info(cmd + " FAIL retval " + str(r.retval))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_vlib_buffer_c_unittest(self):
         """ Vlib buffer.c Code Coverage Test """
@@ -169,7 +167,6 @@
                     self.logger.info(cmd + " FAIL retval " + str(r.retval))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_vlib_format_unittest(self):
         """ Vlib format.c Code Coverage Test """
@@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
                     self.logger.info(cmd + " FAIL retval " + str(r.retval))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(running_gcov_tests, "part of code coverage tests")
     def test_vlib_main_unittest(self):
         """ Private Binary API Segment Test (takes 70 seconds) """
diff --git a/test/test_vppinfra.py b/test/test_vppinfra.py
index 8b6ec96..36cd55b 100644
--- a/test/test_vppinfra.py
+++ b/test/test_vppinfra.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
-from framework import running_gcov_tests
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 class TestVppinfra(VppTestCase):
diff --git a/test/test_vrrp.py b/test/test_vrrp.py
index 241ca0d..1f28cf3 100644
--- a/test/test_vrrp.py
+++ b/test/test_vrrp.py
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 from scapy.contrib.igmpv3 import IGMPv3, IGMPv3mr, IGMPv3gr
 from scapy.layers.vrrp import IPPROTO_VRRP, VRRPv3
 from scapy.utils6 import in6_getnsma, in6_getnsmac
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from util import ip6_normalize
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
         return pkt
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class TestVRRP4(VppTestCase):
     """ IPv4 VRRP Test Case """
@@ -748,7 +749,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(rx[VRRPv3].addrlist, [vip])
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class TestVRRP6(VppTestCase):
     """ IPv6 VRRP Test Case """
diff --git a/test/test_vxlan_gpe.py b/test/test_vxlan_gpe.py
index 28c31cc..828b5fc 100644
--- a/test/test_vxlan_gpe.py
+++ b/test/test_vxlan_gpe.py
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 import socket
 from util import ip4_range
 import unittest
-from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
+from config import config
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
 from template_bd import BridgeDomain
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
 from vpp_ip import INVALID_INDEX
-@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests")
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.extended, "part of extended tests")
 class TestVxlanGpe(BridgeDomain, VppTestCase):
     """ VXLAN-GPE Test Case """
diff --git a/test/vpp_papi_provider.py b/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
index 1c5b6c5..c0e88f8 100644
--- a/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
+++ b/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 from collections import deque
 import queue
 from six import moves, iteritems
+from config import config
 from vpp_papi import VPPApiClient, mac_pton
 from hook import Hook
 from vpp_ip_route import MPLS_IETF_MAX_LABEL, MPLS_LABEL_INVALID
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
         # install_dir is a class attribute. We need to set it before
         # calling the constructor.
-        VPPApiClient.apidir = os.getenv('VPP_INSTALL_PATH')
+        VPPApiClient.apidir = config.vpp_install_dir
         self.vpp = VPPApiClient(logger=test_class.logger,
diff --git a/test/vpp_pg_interface.py b/test/vpp_pg_interface.py
index 567b81d..01f10fc 100644
--- a/test/vpp_pg_interface.py
+++ b/test/vpp_pg_interface.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import time
 from traceback import format_exc, format_stack
+from config import config
 import scapy.compat
 from scapy.utils import wrpcap, rdpcap, PcapReader
 from scapy.plist import PacketList
@@ -133,9 +134,20 @@
         self._cap_name = "pcap%u-sw_if_index-%s" % (
             self.pg_index, self.sw_if_index)
-    def rename_old_pcap_file(self, path, counter):
+    def handle_old_pcap_file(self, path, counter):
         filename = os.path.basename(path)
+        if not config.keep_pcaps:
+            try:
+                self.test.logger.debug(f"Removing {path}")
+                os.remove(path)
+            except OSError:
+                self.test.logger.debug(f"OSError: Could not remove {path}")
+            return
+        # keep
             if os.path.isfile(path):
                 name = "%s/history.[timestamp:%f].[%s-counter:%04d].%s" % \
@@ -143,8 +155,7 @@
-                self.test.logger.debug("Renaming %s->%s" %
-                                       (path, name))
+                self.test.logger.debug("Renaming %s->%s" % (path, name))
                 os.rename(path, name)
         except OSError:
             self.test.logger.debug("OSError: Could not rename %s %s" %
@@ -157,7 +168,7 @@
         # disable the capture to flush the capture
-        self.rename_old_pcap_file(self.out_path, self.out_history_counter)
+        self.handle_old_pcap_file(self.out_path, self.out_history_counter)
         # FIXME this should be an API, but no such exists atm
         self._pcap_reader = None