vhost_user: Add test for interface states and events

Change-Id: I2c330945bb0b07f649f574a055bfbea455e5d0b3
Signed-off-by: Juraj Sloboda <jsloboda@cisco.com>
diff --git a/test/test_vhost.py b/test/test_vhost.py
index 9ee92a9..469fada 100644
--- a/test/test_vhost.py
+++ b/test/test_vhost.py
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(TesVhostInterface, self).tearDown()
+        if not self.vpp_dead:
+            if_dump = self.vapi.sw_interface_vhost_user_dump()
+            for ifc in if_dump:
+                self.vapi.delete_vhost_user_if(ifc.sw_if_index)
     def test_vhost(self):
         """ Vhost User add/delete interface test """
         self.logger.info("Vhost User add interfaces")
@@ -70,5 +77,40 @@
         if_dump = self.vapi.sw_interface_vhost_user_dump()
+    def test_vhost_interface_state(self):
+        """ Vhost User interface states and events test """
+        self.vapi.want_interface_events()
+        # clear outstanding events
+        # (like delete interface events from other tests)
+        self.vapi.collect_events()
+        vhost_if = VppVhostInterface(self, sock_filename='/tmp/sock1')
+        # create vhost interface
+        vhost_if.add_vpp_config()
+        self.sleep(0.1)
+        events = self.vapi.collect_events()
+        # creating interface doesn't currently create events
+        self.assert_equal(len(events), 0, "number of events")
+        vhost_if.admin_up()
+        vhost_if.assert_interface_state(1, 0, expect_event=True)
+        vhost_if.admin_down()
+        vhost_if.assert_interface_state(0, 0, expect_event=True)
+        # delete vhost interface
+        vhost_if.remove_vpp_config()
+        event = self.vapi.wait_for_event(timeout=1)
+        self.assert_equal(event.sw_if_index, vhost_if.sw_if_index,
+                          "sw_if_index")
+        self.assert_equal(event.deleted, 1, "deleted flag")
+        # verify there are no more events
+        events = self.vapi.collect_events()
+        self.assert_equal(len(events), 0, "number of events")
 if __name__ == '__main__':