ACL plugin 1.2

L3 path support, L2+L3 unified processing node, skip IPv6 EH support.

Change-Id: Iac37a466ba1c035e5c2997b03c0743bfec5c9a08
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <>
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346825f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""ACL IRB Test Case HLD:
+    - L2 MAC learning enabled in l2bd
+    - 2 routed interfaces untagged, bvi (Bridge Virtual Interface)
+    - 2 bridged interfaces in l2bd with bvi
+    - sending ip4 eth pkts between routed interfaces
+        - 2 routed interfaces
+        - 2 bridged interfaces
+    - 64B, 512B, 1518B, 9200B (ether_size)
+    - burst of pkts per interface
+        - 257pkts per burst
+        - routed pkts hitting different FIB entries
+        - bridged pkts hitting different MAC entries
+    - all packets received correctly
+import unittest
+from socket import inet_pton, AF_INET, AF_INET6
+from random import choice
+from pprint import pprint
+from scapy.packet import Raw
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
+from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, ICMP, TCP
+from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6Unknown, ICMPv6EchoRequest
+from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6EchoReply, IPv6ExtHdrRouting
+from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
+import time
+class TestIpIrb(VppTestCase):
+    """IRB Test Case"""
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        """
+        #. Create BD with MAC learning enabled and put interfaces to this BD.
+        #. Configure IPv4 addresses on loopback interface and routed interface.
+        #. Configure MAC address binding to IPv4 neighbors on loop0.
+        #. Configure MAC address on pg2.
+        #. Loopback BVI interface has remote hosts, one half of hosts are
+           behind pg0 second behind pg1.
+        """
+        super(TestIpIrb, cls).setUpClass()
+        cls.pg_if_packet_sizes = [64, 512, 1518, 9018]  # packet sizes
+        cls.bd_id = 10
+        cls.remote_hosts_count = 250
+        # create 3 pg interfaces, 1 loopback interface
+        cls.create_pg_interfaces(range(3))
+        cls.create_loopback_interfaces(range(1))
+        cls.interfaces = list(cls.pg_interfaces)
+        cls.interfaces.extend(cls.lo_interfaces)
+        for i in cls.interfaces:
+            i.admin_up()
+        # Create BD with MAC learning enabled and put interfaces to this BD
+        cls.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge(
+            cls.loop0.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id, bvi=1)
+        cls.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge(
+            cls.pg0.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
+        cls.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge(
+            cls.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
+        # Configure IPv4 addresses on loopback interface and routed interface
+        cls.loop0.config_ip4()
+        cls.loop0.config_ip6()
+        cls.pg2.config_ip4()
+        cls.pg2.config_ip6()
+        # Configure MAC address binding to IPv4 neighbors on loop0
+        cls.loop0.generate_remote_hosts(cls.remote_hosts_count)
+        cls.loop0.configure_ipv4_neighbors()
+        cls.loop0.configure_ipv6_neighbors()
+        # configure MAC address on pg2
+        cls.pg2.resolve_arp()
+        cls.pg2.resolve_ndp()
+        cls.WITHOUT_EH = False
+        cls.WITH_EH = True
+        # Loopback BVI interface has remote hosts, one half of hosts are behind
+        # pg0 second behind pg1
+        half = cls.remote_hosts_count // 2
+        cls.pg0.remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[:half]
+        cls.pg1.remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[half:]
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Run standard test teardown and log ``show l2patch``,
+        ``show l2fib verbose``,``show bridge-domain <bd_id> detail``,
+        ``show ip arp``.
+        """
+        super(TestIpIrb, self).tearDown()
+        if not self.vpp_dead:
+  "show l2patch"))
+  "show classify tables"))
+  "show vlib graph"))
+  "show l2fib verbose"))
+  "show bridge-domain %s detail" %
+                                           self.bd_id))
+  "show ip arp"))
+  "show ip6 neighbors"))
+  "show acl-plugin sessions"))
+    def api_acl_add_replace(self, acl_index, r, count, tag="",
+                            expected_retval=0):
+        """Add/replace an ACL
+        :param int acl_index: ACL index to replace, 4294967295 to create new.
+        :param acl_rule r: ACL rules array.
+        :param str tag: symbolic tag (description) for this ACL.
+        :param int count: number of rules.
+        """
+        return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_add_replace,
+                             {'acl_index': acl_index,
+                              'r': r,
+                              'count': count,
+                              'tag': tag
+                              }, expected_retval=expected_retval)
+    def api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(self, sw_if_index, count, n_input, acls,
+                                       expected_retval=0):
+        return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_interface_set_acl_list,
+                             {'sw_if_index': sw_if_index,
+                              'count': count,
+                              'n_input': n_input,
+                              'acls': acls
+                              }, expected_retval=expected_retval)
+    def api_acl_dump(self, acl_index, expected_retval=0):
+        return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_dump,
+                             {'acl_index': acl_index},
+                             expected_retval=expected_retval)
+    def create_stream(self, src_ip_if, dst_ip_if, reverse, packet_sizes,
+                      is_ip6, expect_blocked, expect_established,
+                      add_extension_header):
+        pkts = []
+        rules = []
+        permit_rules = []
+        permit_and_reflect_rules = []
+        total_packet_count = 8
+        for i in range(0, total_packet_count):
+            modulo = (i//2) % 2
+            can_reflect_this_packet = (modulo == 0)
+            is_permit = i % 2
+            remote_dst_index = i % len(dst_ip_if.remote_hosts)
+            remote_dst_host = dst_ip_if.remote_hosts[remote_dst_index]
+            if is_permit == 1:
+                info = self.create_packet_info(src_ip_if, dst_ip_if)
+                payload = self.info_to_payload(info)
+            else:
+                to_be_blocked = False
+                if (expect_blocked and not expect_established):
+                    to_be_blocked = True
+                if (not can_reflect_this_packet):
+                    to_be_blocked = True
+                if to_be_blocked:
+                    payload = "to be blocked"
+                else:
+                    info = self.create_packet_info(src_ip_if, dst_ip_if)
+                    payload = self.info_to_payload(info)
+            if reverse:
+                dst_mac = 'de:ad:00:00:00:00'
+                src_mac = remote_dst_host._mac
+                dst_ip6 = src_ip_if.remote_ip6
+                src_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
+                dst_ip4 = src_ip_if.remote_ip4
+                src_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
+                dst_l4 = 1234 + i
+                src_l4 = 4321 + i
+            else:
+                dst_mac = src_ip_if.local_mac
+                src_mac = src_ip_if.remote_mac
+                src_ip6 = src_ip_if.remote_ip6
+                dst_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
+                src_ip4 = src_ip_if.remote_ip4
+                dst_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
+                src_l4 = 1234 + i
+                dst_l4 = 4321 + i
+            # default ULP should be something we do not use in tests
+            ulp_l4 = TCP(sport=src_l4, dport=dst_l4)
+            # potentially a chain of protocols leading to ULP
+            ulp = ulp_l4
+            if can_reflect_this_packet:
+                if is_ip6:
+                    ulp_l4 = UDP(sport=src_l4, dport=dst_l4)
+                    if add_extension_header:
+                        # prepend some extension headers
+                        ulp = (IPv6ExtHdrRouting() / IPv6ExtHdrRouting() /
+                               IPv6ExtHdrRouting() / ulp_l4)
+                        # uncomment below to test invalid ones
+                        # ulp = IPv6ExtHdrRouting(len = 200) / ulp_l4
+                    else:
+                        ulp = ulp_l4
+                    p = (Ether(dst=dst_mac, src=src_mac) /
+                         IPv6(src=src_ip6, dst=dst_ip6) /
+                         ulp /
+                         Raw(payload))
+                else:
+                    ulp_l4 = UDP(sport=src_l4, dport=dst_l4)
+                    # IPv4 does not allow extension headers
+                    ulp = ulp_l4
+                    p = (Ether(dst=dst_mac, src=src_mac) /
+                         IP(src=src_ip4, dst=dst_ip4) /
+                         ulp /
+                         Raw(payload))
+            elif modulo == 1:
+                if is_ip6:
+                    ulp_l4 = ICMPv6Unknown(type=128 + (i % 2), code=i % 2)
+                    ulp = ulp_l4
+                    p = (Ether(dst=dst_mac, src=src_mac) /
+                         IPv6(src=src_ip6, dst=dst_ip6) /
+                         ulp /
+                         Raw(payload))
+                else:
+                    ulp_l4 = ICMP(type=8 + (i % 2), code=i % 2)
+                    ulp = ulp_l4
+                    p = (Ether(dst=dst_mac, src=src_mac) /
+                         IP(src=src_ip4, dst=dst_ip4) /
+                         ulp /
+                         Raw(payload))
+            if i % 2 == 1:
+       = p.copy()
+            size = packet_sizes[(i // 2) % len(packet_sizes)]
+            self.extend_packet(p, size)
+            pkts.append(p)
+            rule_family = AF_INET6 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else AF_INET
+            rule_prefix_len = 128 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else 32
+            rule_l3_layer = IPv6 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else IP
+            if p.haslayer(UDP):
+                rule_l4_sport = p[UDP].sport
+                rule_l4_dport = p[UDP].dport
+            else:
+                if p.haslayer(ICMP):
+                    rule_l4_sport = p[ICMP].type
+                    rule_l4_dport = p[ICMP].code
+                else:
+                    rule_l4_sport = p[ICMPv6Unknown].type
+                    rule_l4_dport = p[ICMPv6Unknown].code
+            if p.haslayer(IPv6):
+                rule_l4_proto = ulp_l4.overload_fields[IPv6]['nh']
+            else:
+                rule_l4_proto = p[IP].proto
+            new_rule = {
+                        'is_permit': is_permit,
+                        'is_ipv6': p.haslayer(IPv6),
+                        'src_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
+                                                 p[rule_l3_layer].src),
+                        'src_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
+                        'dst_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
+                                                 p[rule_l3_layer].dst),
+                        'dst_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
+                        'srcport_or_icmptype_first': rule_l4_sport,
+                        'srcport_or_icmptype_last': rule_l4_sport,
+                        'dstport_or_icmpcode_first': rule_l4_dport,
+                        'dstport_or_icmpcode_last': rule_l4_dport,
+                        'proto': rule_l4_proto,
+                       }
+            rules.append(new_rule)
+            new_rule_permit = new_rule.copy()
+            new_rule_permit['is_permit'] = 1
+            permit_rules.append(new_rule_permit)
+            new_rule_permit_and_reflect = new_rule.copy()
+            if can_reflect_this_packet:
+                new_rule_permit_and_reflect['is_permit'] = 2
+            else:
+                new_rule_permit_and_reflect['is_permit'] = is_permit
+            permit_and_reflect_rules.append(new_rule_permit_and_reflect)
+        return {'stream': pkts,
+                'rules': rules,
+                'permit_rules': permit_rules,
+                'permit_and_reflect_rules': permit_and_reflect_rules}
+    def verify_capture(self, dst_ip_if, src_ip_if, capture, reverse):
+        last_info = dict()
+        for i in self.interfaces:
+            last_info[i.sw_if_index] = None
+        dst_ip_sw_if_index = dst_ip_if.sw_if_index
+        return
+        for packet in capture:
+            l3 = IP if packet.haslayer(IP) else IPv6
+            ip = packet[l3]
+            if packet.haslayer(UDP):
+                l4 = UDP
+            else:
+                if packet.haslayer(ICMP):
+                    l4 = ICMP
+                else:
+                    l4 = ICMPv6Unknown
+            # Scapy IPv6 stuff is too smart for its own good.
+            # So we do this and coerce the ICMP into unknown type
+            if packet.haslayer(UDP):
+                data = str(packet[UDP][Raw])
+            else:
+                if l3 == IP:
+                    data = str(ICMP(str(packet[l3].payload))[Raw])
+                else:
+                    data = str(ICMPv6Unknown(str(packet[l3].payload)).msgbody)
+            udp_or_icmp = packet[l3].payload
+            payload_info = self.payload_to_info(data)
+            packet_index = payload_info.index
+            self.assertEqual(payload_info.dst, dst_ip_sw_if_index)
+            next_info = self.get_next_packet_info_for_interface2(
+                payload_info.src, dst_ip_sw_if_index,
+                last_info[payload_info.src])
+            last_info[payload_info.src] = next_info
+            self.assertTrue(next_info is not None)
+            self.assertEqual(packet_index, next_info.index)
+            saved_packet =
+            self.assertTrue(next_info is not None)
+            # MAC: src, dst
+            if not reverse:
+                self.assertEqual(packet.src, dst_ip_if.local_mac)
+                host = dst_ip_if.host_by_mac(packet.dst)
+            # IP: src, dst
+            # self.assertEqual(ip.src, src_ip_if.remote_ip4)
+            if saved_packet is not None:
+                self.assertEqual(ip.src, saved_packet[l3].src)
+                self.assertEqual(ip.dst, saved_packet[l3].dst)
+                if l4 == UDP:
+                    self.assertEqual(, saved_packet[l4].sport)
+                    self.assertEqual(udp_or_icmp.dport, saved_packet[l4].dport)
+            else:
+                print("Saved packet is none")
+            # self.assertEqual(ip.dst, host.ip4)
+            # UDP:
+    def create_acls_for_a_stream(self, stream_dict,
+                                 test_l2_action, is_reflect):
+        r = stream_dict['rules']
+        r_permit = stream_dict['permit_rules']
+        r_permit_reflect = stream_dict['permit_and_reflect_rules']
+        r_action = r_permit_reflect if is_reflect else r
+        reply = self.api_acl_add_replace(acl_index=4294967295, r=r_action,
+                                         count=len(r_action), tag="action acl")
+        action_acl_index = reply.acl_index
+        reply = self.api_acl_add_replace(acl_index=4294967295, r=r_permit,
+                                         count=len(r_permit), tag="permit acl")
+        permit_acl_index = reply.acl_index
+        return {'L2': action_acl_index if test_l2_action else permit_acl_index,
+                'L3': permit_acl_index if test_l2_action else action_acl_index,
+                'permit': permit_acl_index, 'action': action_acl_index}
+    def apply_acl_ip46_x_to_y(self, bridged_to_routed, test_l2_deny,
+                              is_ip6, is_reflect, add_eh):
+        """ Apply the ACLs
+        """
+        self.reset_packet_infos()
+        stream_dict = self.create_stream(
+                                         self.pg2, self.loop0,
+                                         bridged_to_routed,
+                                         self.pg_if_packet_sizes, is_ip6,
+                                         not is_reflect, False, add_eh)
+        stream = stream_dict['stream']
+        acl_idx = self.create_acls_for_a_stream(stream_dict, test_l2_deny,
+                                                is_reflect)
+        n_input_l3 = 0 if bridged_to_routed else 1
+        n_input_l2 = 1 if bridged_to_routed else 0
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg2.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=1,
+                                            n_input=n_input_l3,
+                                            acls=[acl_idx['L3']])
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg0.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=1,
+                                            n_input=n_input_l2,
+                                            acls=[acl_idx['L2']])
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=1,
+                                            n_input=n_input_l2,
+                                            acls=[acl_idx['L2']])
+    def apply_acl_ip46_both_directions_reflect(self,
+                                               primary_is_bridged_to_routed,
+                                               reflect_on_l2, is_ip6, add_eh):
+        primary_is_routed_to_bridged = not primary_is_bridged_to_routed
+        self.reset_packet_infos()
+        stream_dict_fwd = self.create_stream(self.pg2, self.loop0,
+                                             primary_is_bridged_to_routed,
+                                             self.pg_if_packet_sizes, is_ip6,
+                                             False, False, add_eh)
+        acl_idx_fwd = self.create_acls_for_a_stream(stream_dict_fwd,
+                                                    reflect_on_l2, True)
+        stream_dict_rev = self.create_stream(self.pg2, self.loop0,
+                                             not primary_is_bridged_to_routed,
+                                             self.pg_if_packet_sizes, is_ip6,
+                                             True, True, add_eh)
+        # We want the primary action to be "deny" rather than reflect
+        acl_idx_rev = self.create_acls_for_a_stream(stream_dict_rev,
+                                                    reflect_on_l2, False)
+        if primary_is_bridged_to_routed:
+            inbound_l2_acl = acl_idx_fwd['L2']
+        else:
+            inbound_l2_acl = acl_idx_rev['L2']
+        if primary_is_routed_to_bridged:
+            outbound_l2_acl = acl_idx_fwd['L2']
+        else:
+            outbound_l2_acl = acl_idx_rev['L2']
+        if primary_is_routed_to_bridged:
+            inbound_l3_acl = acl_idx_fwd['L3']
+        else:
+            inbound_l3_acl = acl_idx_rev['L3']
+        if primary_is_bridged_to_routed:
+            outbound_l3_acl = acl_idx_fwd['L3']
+        else:
+            outbound_l3_acl = acl_idx_rev['L3']
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg2.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=2,
+                                            n_input=1,
+                                            acls=[inbound_l3_acl,
+                                                  outbound_l3_acl])
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg0.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=2,
+                                            n_input=1,
+                                            acls=[inbound_l2_acl,
+                                                  outbound_l2_acl])
+        self.api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index,
+                                            count=2,
+                                            n_input=1,
+                                            acls=[inbound_l2_acl,
+                                                  outbound_l2_acl])
+    def apply_acl_ip46_routed_to_bridged(self, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                         is_reflect, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_x_to_y(False, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                   is_reflect, add_eh)
+    def apply_acl_ip46_bridged_to_routed(self, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                         is_reflect, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_x_to_y(True, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                   is_reflect, add_eh)
+    def run_traffic_ip46_x_to_y(self, bridged_to_routed,
+                                test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                is_reflect, is_established, add_eh):
+        self.reset_packet_infos()
+        stream_dict = self.create_stream(self.pg2, self.loop0,
+                                         bridged_to_routed,
+                                         self.pg_if_packet_sizes, is_ip6,
+                                         not is_reflect, is_established,
+                                         add_eh)
+        stream = stream_dict['stream']
+        tx_if = self.pg0 if bridged_to_routed else self.pg2
+        rx_if = self.pg2 if bridged_to_routed else self.pg0
+        tx_if.add_stream(stream)
+        self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces)
+        self.pg_start()
+        packet_count = self.get_packet_count_for_if_idx(self.loop0.sw_if_index)
+        rcvd1 = rx_if.get_capture(packet_count)
+        self.verify_capture(self.loop0, self.pg2, rcvd1, bridged_to_routed)
+    def run_traffic_ip46_routed_to_bridged(self, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                           is_reflect, is_established, add_eh):
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_x_to_y(False, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                     is_reflect, is_established, add_eh)
+    def run_traffic_ip46_bridged_to_routed(self, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                           is_reflect, is_established, add_eh):
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_x_to_y(True, test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                     is_reflect, is_established, add_eh)
+    def run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(self, test_l2_deny,
+                                        is_ip6, is_reflect, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_routed_to_bridged(test_l2_deny,
+                                              is_ip6, is_reflect, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_routed_to_bridged(test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                                is_reflect, False, add_eh)
+    def run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(self, test_l2_deny,
+                                        is_ip6, is_reflect, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_bridged_to_routed(test_l2_deny,
+                                              is_ip6, is_reflect, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_bridged_to_routed(test_l2_deny, is_ip6,
+                                                is_reflect, False, add_eh)
+    def run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(self, test_l2_action,
+                                                 is_ip6, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_both_directions_reflect(False, test_l2_action,
+                                                    is_ip6, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_routed_to_bridged(test_l2_action, is_ip6,
+                                                True, False, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_bridged_to_routed(test_l2_action, is_ip6,
+                                                False, True, add_eh)
+    def run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(self, test_l2_action,
+                                                 is_ip6, add_eh):
+        self.apply_acl_ip46_both_directions_reflect(True, test_l2_action,
+                                                    is_ip6, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_bridged_to_routed(test_l2_action, is_ip6,
+                                                True, False, add_eh)
+        self.run_traffic_ip46_routed_to_bridged(test_l2_action, is_ip6,
+                                                False, True, add_eh)
+    def test_0000_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL plugin prepare"""
+        if not self.vpp_dead:
+            cmd = "set acl-plugin session timeout udp idle 2000"
+            # uncomment to not skip past the routing header
+            # and watch the EH tests fail
+            #
+            #    "set acl-plugin skip-ipv6-extension-header 43 0"))
+            # uncomment to test the session limit (stateful tests will fail)
+            #
+            #    "set acl-plugin session table max-entries 1"))
+            # new datapath is the default, but just in case
+            #
+            #    "set acl-plugin l2-datapath new"))
+            # If you want to see some tests fail, uncomment the next line
+            #
+            #    "set acl-plugin l2-datapath old"))
+    def test_0001_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0002_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0003_ip4_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(True, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0004_ip4_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(False, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0005_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0006_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0007_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(True, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0008_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(False, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    # Stateful ACL tests
+    def test_0101_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(True, True,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0102_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(True, True,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0103_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(True, False,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0104_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(True, False,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0111_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(False, True,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0112_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(False, True,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0113_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(False, False,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_0114_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(False, False,
+                                                      self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    # A block of tests with extension headers
+    def test_1001_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH routed -> bridged, L2 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1002_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH routed -> bridged, L3 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1005_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH bridged -> routed, L2 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1006_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH bridged -> routed, L3 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1101_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH routed -> bridged, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(True, True,
+                                                      self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1102_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH bridged -> routed, L2 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(True, True,
+                                                      self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1111_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH routed -> bridged, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged_and_back(False, True,
+                                                      self.WITH_EH)
+    def test_1112_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6+EH bridged -> routed, L3 ACL permit+reflect"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed_and_back(False, True,
+                                                      self.WITH_EH)
+    # Old datapath group
+    def test_8900_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL plugin set old L2 datapath"""
+        if not self.vpp_dead:
+            cmd = "set acl-plugin l2-datapath old"
+    def test_8901_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8902_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8903_ip4_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L2 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(True, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8904_ip4_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 routed -> bridged, L3 ACL deny"""
+        self.run_test_ip46_routed_to_bridged(False, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8905_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(True, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8906_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv6 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(False, True, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8907_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L2 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(True, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+    def test_8908_ip6_irb_1(self):
+        """ ACL IPv4 bridged -> routed, L3 ACL deny """
+        self.run_test_ip46_bridged_to_routed(False, False, False,
+                                             self.WITHOUT_EH)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner)