This setup will run libmemif ICMP responder example app in container. Install docker engine. Useful link: Docker documentation.
Pull image:
# docker pull ligato/libmemif-sample-service
Now you should be able to see ligato/libmemif-sample-service image on your local machine (IMAGE ID in this README may be outdated):
# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ligato/libmemif-sample-service latest 32ecc2f9d013 About a minute ago 468MB ...
Run container:
# docker run -it --rm --name icmp-responder --hostname icmp-responder --privileged -v "/run/vpp/:/run/vpp/" ligato/libmemif-sample-service
Example application will start in debug mode. Output should look like this:
ICMP_Responder:add_epoll_fd:204: fd 0 added to epoll MEMIF_DEBUG:src/main.c:memif_init:383: app name: ICMP_Responder ICMP_Responder:add_epoll_fd:204: fd 4 added to epoll LIBMEMIF EXAMPLE APP: ICMP_Responder (debug) ============================== libmemif version: 1.0 (debug) memif version: 256 commands: help - prints this help exit - exit app conn <index> - create memif (slave-mode) del <index> - delete memif show - show connection details ip-set <index> <ip-addr> - set interface ip address rx-mode <index> <qid> <polling|interrupt> - set queue rx mode
Continue with Example setup which contains instructions on how to set up conenction between icmpr-epoll example app and VPP-memif.