VPPAPIGEN: Run tool directly from source tree.

This ensures that tool changes do not require re-bootstrap.
Disabled generation of temporary files (gentab / .pyc) to avoid polluting the source tree.

Change-Id: I4d6bc035fbb46550fa8f4e99f4091eef90e2d86c
Signed-off-by: Ole Troan <ot@cisco.com>
diff --git a/src/suffix-rules.mk b/src/suffix-rules.mk
index 495d828..8b1ab83 100644
--- a/src/suffix-rules.mk
+++ b/src/suffix-rules.mk
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
 # Shared suffix rules
 # Please do not set "SUFFIXES = .api.h .api" here
-%.api.h: %.api @VPPAPIGEN@
+VPPAPIGEN = $(top_srcdir)/tools/vppapigen/vppapigen
+%.api.h: %.api
 	@echo "  APIGEN  " $@ ;				                     \
 	mkdir -p `dirname $@` ;						     \
-	@VPPAPIGEN@ --includedir $(top_srcdir) --input $< --output $@
+	$(VPPAPIGEN) --includedir $(top_srcdir) --input $< --output $@
 %.api.json: %.api
 	@echo "  JSON API" $@ ;						     \
 	mkdir -p `dirname $@` ;						     \
-	@VPPAPIGEN@ --includedir $(top_srcdir) --input $< JSON --output $@
+	$(VPPAPIGEN) --includedir $(top_srcdir) --input $< JSON --output $@