hs-test: use consistent naming convention

Exported indentifiers in Go start with capital letters. Only few fields
in hs-test, which are being unmarshaled from yaml are required to be
exported. Every other field name or method name should start with
lower-case letter, to be consistent with this naming convention.

Type: test
Signed-off-by: Maros Ondrejicka <mondreji@cisco.com>
Change-Id: I7eab0eef9fd08a7890c77b6ce1aeb3fa4b80f3cd
diff --git a/extras/hs-test/linux_iperf_test.go b/extras/hs-test/linux_iperf_test.go
index 954b54e..04556a8 100644
--- a/extras/hs-test/linux_iperf_test.go
+++ b/extras/hs-test/linux_iperf_test.go
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 		stopServerCh <- struct{}{}
-	go StartServerApp(srvCh, stopServerCh, nil)
+	go startServerApp(srvCh, stopServerCh, nil)
 	err := <-srvCh
 	s.log("server running")
-	ipAddress := s.netInterfaces[tapInterfaceName].IP4AddressString()
-	go StartClientApp(ipAddress, nil, clnCh, clnRes)
+	ipAddress := s.netInterfaces[tapInterfaceName].ip4AddressString()
+	go startClientApp(ipAddress, nil, clnCh, clnRes)
 	s.log("client running")
 	err = <-clnCh