blob: fbb0f27cc3470983656f402a3b7be66d455b3165 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
import sys
import argparse
import keyword
import logging
import binascii
import os
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 5), \
"Not supported Python version: {}".format(sys.version)
log = logging.getLogger('vppapigen')
# Ensure we don't leave temporary files around
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
# VPP API language
# Global dictionary of new types (including enums)
global_types = {}
seen_imports = {}
def global_type_add(name, obj):
'''Add new type to the dictionary of types '''
type_name = 'vl_api_' + name + '_t'
if type_name in global_types:
raise KeyError("Attempted redefinition of {!r} with {!r}.".format(
name, obj))
global_types[type_name] = obj
# All your trace are belong to us!
def exception_handler(exception_type, exception, traceback):
print("%s: %s" % (exception_type.__name__, exception))
# Lexer
class VPPAPILexer(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
reserved = {
'service': 'SERVICE',
'rpc': 'RPC',
'returns': 'RETURNS',
'null': 'NULL',
'stream': 'STREAM',
'events': 'EVENTS',
'define': 'DEFINE',
'typedef': 'TYPEDEF',
'enum': 'ENUM',
'typeonly': 'TYPEONLY',
'manual_print': 'MANUAL_PRINT',
'manual_endian': 'MANUAL_ENDIAN',
'dont_trace': 'DONT_TRACE',
'autoreply': 'AUTOREPLY',
'option': 'OPTION',
'u8': 'U8',
'u16': 'U16',
'u32': 'U32',
'u64': 'U64',
'i8': 'I8',
'i16': 'I16',
'i32': 'I32',
'i64': 'I64',
'f64': 'F64',
'bool': 'BOOL',
'string': 'STRING',
'import': 'IMPORT',
'true': 'TRUE',
'false': 'FALSE',
'union': 'UNION',
tokens = ['STRING_LITERAL',
'ID', 'NUM'] + list(reserved.values())
t_ignore_LINE_COMMENT = '//.*'
def t_FALSE(self, t):
t.value = False
return t
def t_TRUE(self, t):
t.value = True
return t
def t_NUM(self, t):
base = 16 if t.value.startswith('0x') else 10
if '.' in t.value:
t.value = float(t.value)
t.value = int(t.value, base)
return t
def t_ID(self, t):
# Check for reserved words
t.type = VPPAPILexer.reserved.get(t.value, 'ID')
return t
# C string
def t_STRING_LITERAL(self, t):
t.value = str(t.value).replace("\"", "")
return t
# C or C++ comment (ignore)
def t_comment(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
# Error handling rule
def t_error(self, t):
raise ParseError("Illegal character '{}' ({})"
"in {}: line {}".format(t.value[0],
# Define a rule so we can track line numbers
def t_newline(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
literals = ":{}[];=.,"
# A string containing ignored characters (spaces and tabs)
t_ignore = ' \t'
def vla_is_last_check(name, block):
vla = False
for i, b in enumerate(block):
if isinstance(b, Array) and b.vla:
vla = True
if i + 1 < len(block):
raise ValueError(
'VLA field "{}" must be the last field in message "{}"'
.format(b.fieldname, name))
elif b.fieldtype.startswith('vl_api_'):
if global_types[b.fieldtype].vla:
vla = True
if i + 1 < len(block):
raise ValueError(
'VLA field "{}" must be the last '
'field in message "{}"'
.format(b.fieldname, name))
elif b.fieldtype == 'string' and b.length == 0:
vla = True
if i + 1 < len(block):
raise ValueError(
'VLA field "{}" must be the last '
'field in message "{}"'
.format(b.fieldname, name))
return vla
class Service():
def __init__(self, caller, reply, events=None, stream_message=None, stream=False):
self.caller = caller
self.reply = reply = stream
self.stream_message = stream_message = [] if events is None else events
class Typedef():
def __init__(self, name, flags, block): = name
self.flags = flags
self.block = block
self.crc = str(block).encode()
self.manual_print = False
self.manual_endian = False
for f in flags:
if f == 'manual_print':
self.manual_print = True
elif f == 'manual_endian':
self.manual_endian = True
global_type_add(name, self)
self.vla = vla_is_last_check(name, block)
def __repr__(self):
return + str(self.flags) + str(self.block)
class Using():
def __init__(self, name, flags, alias): = name
self.vla = False
self.block = []
self.manual_print = True
self.manual_endian = True
self.manual_print = False
self.manual_endian = False
for f in flags:
if f == 'manual_print':
self.manual_print = True
elif f == 'manual_endian':
self.manual_endian = True
if isinstance(alias, Array):
a = {'type': alias.fieldtype,
'length': alias.length}
a = {'type': alias.fieldtype}
self.alias = a
# Should have been:
# self.crc = str(alias).encode()
# but to be backwards compatible use the block ([])
self.crc = str(self.block).encode()
global_type_add(name, self)
def __repr__(self):
return + str(self.alias)
class Union():
def __init__(self, name, flags, block):
self.type = 'Union'
self.manual_print = False
self.manual_endian = False = name
for f in flags:
if f == 'manual_print':
self.manual_print = True
elif f == 'manual_endian':
self.manual_endian = True
self.block = block
self.crc = str(block).encode()
self.vla = vla_is_last_check(name, block)
global_type_add(name, self)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.block)
class Define():
def __init__(self, name, flags, block): = name
self.flags = flags
self.block = block
self.dont_trace = False
self.manual_print = False
self.manual_endian = False
self.autoreply = False
self.singular = False
self.options = {}
for f in flags:
if f == 'dont_trace':
self.dont_trace = True
elif f == 'manual_print':
self.manual_print = True
elif f == 'manual_endian':
self.manual_endian = True
elif f == 'autoreply':
self.autoreply = True
remove = []
for b in block:
if isinstance(b, Option):
if b[1] == 'singular' and b[2] == 'true':
self.singular = True
self.options[b.option] = b.value
block = [x for x in block if x not in remove]
self.block = block
self.vla = vla_is_last_check(name, block)
self.crc = str(block).encode()
def __repr__(self):
return + str(self.flags) + str(self.block)
class Enum():
def __init__(self, name, block, enumtype='u32'): = name
self.enumtype = enumtype
self.vla = False
count = 0
block2 = []
block3 = []
bc_set = False
for b in block:
if 'value' in b:
count = b['value']
count += 1
block2.append([b['id'], count])
if b['option']['backwards_compatible']:
bc_set = True
except KeyError:
block3.append([b['id'], count])
if bc_set:
raise ValueError("Backward compatible enum must be last {!r} {!r}"
.format(name, b['id']))
self.block = block2
self.crc = str(block3).encode()
global_type_add(name, self)
def __repr__(self):
return + str(self.block)
class Import():
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if args[0] not in seen_imports:
instance = super().__new__(cls)
instance._initialized = False
seen_imports[args[0]] = instance
return seen_imports[args[0]]
def __init__(self, filename, revision):
if self._initialized:
self.filename = filename
# Deal with imports
parser = VPPAPI(filename=filename, revision=revision)
dirlist = dirlist_get()
f = filename
for dir in dirlist:
f = os.path.join(dir, filename)
if os.path.exists(f):
self.result = parser.parse_filename(f, None)
self._initialized = True
def __repr__(self):
return self.filename
class Option():
def __init__(self, option, value=None):
self.type = 'Option'
self.option = option
self.value = value
self.crc = str(option).encode()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.option)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.option[index]
class Array():
def __init__(self, fieldtype, name, length, modern_vla=False):
self.type = 'Array'
self.fieldtype = fieldtype
self.fieldname = name
self.modern_vla = modern_vla
if type(length) is str:
self.lengthfield = length
self.length = 0
self.vla = True
self.length = length
self.lengthfield = None
self.vla = False
def __repr__(self):
return str([self.fieldtype, self.fieldname, self.length,
class Field():
def __init__(self, fieldtype, name, limit=None):
self.type = 'Field'
self.fieldtype = fieldtype
if self.fieldtype == 'string':
raise ValueError("The string type {!r} is an "
"array type ".format(name))
if name in keyword.kwlist:
raise ValueError("Fieldname {!r} is a python keyword and is not "
"accessible via the python API. ".format(name))
self.fieldname = name
self.limit = limit
def __repr__(self):
return str([self.fieldtype, self.fieldname])
class Coord(object):
""" Coordinates of a syntactic element. Consists of:
- File name
- Line number
- (optional) column number, for the Lexer
__slots__ = ('file', 'line', 'column', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self, file, line, column=None):
self.file = file
self.line = line
self.column = column
def __str__(self):
str = "%s:%s" % (self.file, self.line)
if self.column:
str += ":%s" % self.column
return str
class ParseError(Exception):
# Grammar rules
class VPPAPIParser(object):
tokens = VPPAPILexer.tokens
def __init__(self, filename, logger, revision=None):
self.filename = filename
self.logger = logger
self.fields = []
self.revision = revision
def _parse_error(self, msg, coord):
raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
def _parse_warning(self, msg, coord):
if self.logger:
self.logger.warning("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))
def _coord(self, lineno, column=None):
return Coord(
line=lineno, column=column)
def _token_coord(self, p, token_idx):
""" Returns the coordinates for the YaccProduction object 'p' indexed
with 'token_idx'. The coordinate includes the 'lineno' and
'column'. Both follow the lex semantic, starting from 1.
last_cr = p.lexer.lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos(token_idx))
if last_cr < 0:
last_cr = -1
column = (p.lexpos(token_idx) - (last_cr))
return self._coord(p.lineno(token_idx), column)
def p_slist(self, p):
'''slist : stmt
| slist stmt'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_stmt(self, p):
'''stmt : define
| typedef
| option
| import
| enum
| union
| service'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_import(self, p):
'''import : IMPORT STRING_LITERAL ';' '''
p[0] = Import(p[2], revision=self.revision)
def p_service(self, p):
'''service : SERVICE '{' service_statements '}' ';' '''
p[0] = p[3]
def p_service_statements(self, p):
'''service_statements : service_statement
| service_statements service_statement'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_service_statement(self, p):
'''service_statement : RPC ID RETURNS NULL ';'
| RPC ID RETURNS ID EVENTS event_list ';' '''
if p[2] == p[4]:
# Verify that caller and reply differ
'Reply ID ({}) should not be equal to Caller ID'.format(p[2]),
self._token_coord(p, 1))
if len(p) == 8:
p[0] = Service(p[2], p[4], p[6])
elif len(p) == 7:
p[0] = Service(p[2], p[5], stream=True)
p[0] = Service(p[2], p[4])
def p_service_statement2(self, p):
'''service_statement : RPC ID RETURNS ID STREAM ID ';' '''
p[0] = Service(p[2], p[4], stream_message=p[6], stream=True)
def p_event_list(self, p):
'''event_list : events
| event_list events '''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_event(self, p):
'''events : ID
| ID ',' '''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_enum(self, p):
'''enum : ENUM ID '{' enum_statements '}' ';' '''
p[0] = Enum(p[2], p[4])
def p_enum_type(self, p):
''' enum : ENUM ID ':' enum_size '{' enum_statements '}' ';' '''
if len(p) == 9:
p[0] = Enum(p[2], p[6], enumtype=p[4])
p[0] = Enum(p[2], p[4])
def p_enum_size(self, p):
''' enum_size : U8
| U16
| U32 '''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_define(self, p):
'''define : DEFINE ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
self.fields = []
p[0] = Define(p[2], [], p[4])
def p_define_flist(self, p):
'''define : flist DEFINE ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
# Legacy typedef
if 'typeonly' in p[1]:
self._parse_error('legacy typedef. use typedef: {} {}[{}];'
.format(p[1], p[2], p[4]),
self._token_coord(p, 1))
p[0] = Define(p[3], p[1], p[5])
def p_flist(self, p):
'''flist : flag
| flist flag'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_flag(self, p):
'''flag : MANUAL_PRINT
if len(p) == 1:
p[0] = p[1]
def p_typedef(self, p):
'''typedef : TYPEDEF ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
p[0] = Typedef(p[2], [], p[4])
def p_typedef_flist(self, p):
'''typedef : flist TYPEDEF ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
p[0] = Typedef(p[3], p[1], p[5])
def p_typedef_alias(self, p):
'''typedef : TYPEDEF declaration '''
p[0] = Using(p[2].fieldname, [], p[2])
def p_typedef_alias_flist(self, p):
'''typedef : flist TYPEDEF declaration '''
p[0] = Using(p[3].fieldname, p[1], p[3])
def p_block_statements_opt(self, p):
'''block_statements_opt : block_statements '''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_block_statements(self, p):
'''block_statements : block_statement
| block_statements block_statement'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_block_statement(self, p):
'''block_statement : declaration
| option '''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_enum_statements(self, p):
'''enum_statements : enum_statement
| enum_statements enum_statement'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_enum_statement(self, p):
'''enum_statement : ID '=' NUM ','
| ID ','
| ID '[' field_options ']' ','
| ID '=' NUM '[' field_options ']' ',' '''
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = {'id': p[1]}
elif len(p) == 5:
p[0] = {'id': p[1], 'value': p[3]}
elif len(p) == 6:
p[0] = {'id': p[1], 'option': p[3]}
elif len(p) == 8:
p[0] = {'id': p[1], 'value': p[3], 'option': p[5]}
self._parse_error('ERROR', self._token_coord(p, 1))
def p_field_options(self, p):
'''field_options : field_option
| field_options field_option'''
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = {**p[1], **p[2]}
def p_field_option(self, p):
'''field_option : ID
| ID '=' assignee ','
| ID '=' assignee
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = {p[1]: None}
p[0] = {p[1]: p[3]}
def p_declaration(self, p):
'''declaration : type_specifier ID ';'
| type_specifier ID '[' field_options ']' ';' '''
if len(p) == 7:
p[0] = Field(p[1], p[2], p[4])
elif len(p) == 4:
p[0] = Field(p[1], p[2])
self._parse_error('ERROR', self._token_coord(p, 1))
def p_declaration_array_vla(self, p):
'''declaration : type_specifier ID '[' ']' ';' '''
p[0] = Array(p[1], p[2], 0, modern_vla=True)
def p_declaration_array(self, p):
'''declaration : type_specifier ID '[' NUM ']' ';'
| type_specifier ID '[' ID ']' ';' '''
if len(p) != 7:
return self._parse_error(
'array: %s' % p.value,
# Make this error later
if type(p[4]) is int and p[4] == 0:
# XXX: Line number is wrong
self._parse_warning('Old Style VLA: {} {}[{}];'
.format(p[1], p[2], p[4]),
self._token_coord(p, 1))
if type(p[4]) is str and p[4] not in self.fields:
# Verify that length field exists
self._parse_error('Missing length field: {} {}[{}];'
.format(p[1], p[2], p[4]),
self._token_coord(p, 1))
p[0] = Array(p[1], p[2], p[4])
def p_option(self, p):
'''option : OPTION ID '=' assignee ';'
| OPTION ID ';' '''
if len(p) == 4:
p[0] = Option(p[2])
p[0] = Option(p[2], p[4])
def p_assignee(self, p):
'''assignee : NUM
p[0] = p[1]
def p_type_specifier(self, p):
'''type_specifier : U8
| U16
| U32
| U64
| I8
| I16
| I32
| I64
| F64
p[0] = p[1]
# Do a second pass later to verify that user defined types are defined
def p_typedef_specifier(self, p):
'''type_specifier : ID '''
if p[1] not in global_types:
self._parse_error('Undefined type: {}'.format(p[1]),
self._token_coord(p, 1))
p[0] = p[1]
def p_union(self, p):
'''union : UNION ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
p[0] = Union(p[2], [], p[4])
def p_union_flist(self, p):
'''union : flist UNION ID '{' block_statements_opt '}' ';' '''
p[0] = Union(p[3], p[1], p[5])
# Error rule for syntax errors
def p_error(self, p):
if p:
'before: %s' % p.value,
self._parse_error('At end of input', self.filename)
class VPPAPI(object):
def __init__(self, debug=False, filename='', logger=None, revision=None):
self.lexer = lex.lex(module=VPPAPILexer(filename), debug=debug)
self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=VPPAPIParser(filename, logger,
write_tables=False, debug=debug)
self.logger = logger
self.revision = revision
self.filename = filename
def parse_string(self, code, debug=0, lineno=1):
self.lexer.lineno = lineno
return self.parser.parse(code, lexer=self.lexer, debug=debug)
def parse_fd(self, fd, debug=0):
data =
return self.parse_string(data, debug=debug)
def parse_filename(self, filename, debug=0):
if self.revision:
git_show = 'git show {}:{}'.format(self.revision, filename)
proc = Popen(git_show.split(), stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
data, errs = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
print('File not found: {}:{}'.format(self.revision,
filename), file=sys.stderr)
return self.parse_string(data, debug=debug)
except Exception as e:
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd:
return self.parse_fd(fd, None)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('File not found: {}'.format(filename), file=sys.stderr)
def autoreply_block(self, name, parent):
block = [Field('u32', 'context'),
Field('i32', 'retval')]
# inherhit the parent's options
for k, v in parent.options.items():
block.append(Option(k, v))
return Define(name + '_reply', [], block)
def process(self, objs):
s = {}
s['Option'] = {}
s['Define'] = []
s['Service'] = []
s['types'] = []
s['Import'] = []
crc = 0
for o in objs:
tname = o.__class__.__name__
crc = binascii.crc32(o.crc, crc) & 0xffffffff
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(o, Define):
if o.autoreply:
s[tname].append(self.autoreply_block(, o))
elif isinstance(o, Option):
s[tname][o.option] = o.value
elif type(o) is list:
for o2 in o:
if isinstance(o2, Service):
elif (isinstance(o, Enum) or
isinstance(o, Typedef) or
isinstance(o, Using) or
isinstance(o, Union)):
if tname not in s:
raise ValueError('Unknown class type: {} {}'
.format(tname, o))
msgs = { d for d in s['Define']}
svcs = {s.caller: s for s in s['Service']}
replies = {s.reply: s for s in s['Service']}
seen_services = {}
s['file_crc'] = crc
for service in svcs:
if service not in msgs:
raise ValueError(
'Service definition refers to unknown message'
' definition: {}'.format(service))
if svcs[service].reply != 'null' and \
svcs[service].reply not in msgs:
raise ValueError('Service definition refers to unknown message'
' definition in reply: {}'
if service in replies:
raise ValueError('Service definition refers to message'
' marked as reply: {}'.format(service))
for event in svcs[service].events:
if event not in msgs:
raise ValueError('Service definition refers to unknown '
'event: {} in message: {}'
.format(event, service))
seen_services[event] = True
# Create services implicitly
for d in msgs:
if d in seen_services:
if msgs[d].singular is True:
if d.endswith('_reply'):
if d[:-6] in svcs:
if d[:-6] not in msgs:
raise ValueError('{} missing calling message'
if d.endswith('_dump'):
if d in svcs:
if d[:-5]+'_details' in msgs:
s['Service'].append(Service(d, d[:-5]+'_details',
raise ValueError('{} missing details message'
if d.endswith('_details'):
if d[:-8]+'_get' in msgs:
if d[:-8]+'_get' in svcs:
raise ValueError('{} should be in a stream service'
if d[:-8]+'_dump' in msgs:
raise ValueError('{} missing dump or get message'
if d in svcs:
if d+'_reply' in msgs:
s['Service'].append(Service(d, d+'_reply'))
raise ValueError(
'{} missing reply message ({}) or service definition'
.format(d, d+'_reply'))
return s
def process_imports(self, objs, in_import, result):
imported_objs = []
for o in objs:
# Only allow the following object types from imported file
if in_import and not (isinstance(o, Enum) or
isinstance(o, Union) or
isinstance(o, Typedef) or
isinstance(o, Import) or
isinstance(o, Using)):
if isinstance(o, Import):
result = self.process_imports(o.result, True, result)
return result
# Add message ids to each message.
def add_msg_id(s):
for o in s:
o.block.insert(0, Field('u16', '_vl_msg_id'))
return s
dirlist = []
def dirlist_add(dirs):
global dirlist
if dirs:
dirlist = dirlist + dirs
def dirlist_get():
return dirlist
def foldup_blocks(block, crc):
for b in block:
# Look up CRC in user defined types
if b.fieldtype.startswith('vl_api_'):
# Recursively
t = global_types[b.fieldtype]
crc = binascii.crc32(t.crc, crc) & 0xffffffff
crc = foldup_blocks(t.block, crc)
except AttributeError:
return crc
# keep the CRCs of the existing types of messages compatible with the
# old "erroneous" way of calculating the CRC. For that - make a pointed
# adjustment of the CRC function.
# This is the purpose of the first element of the per-message dictionary.
# The second element is there to avoid weakening the duplicate-detecting
# properties of crc32. This way, if the new way of calculating the CRC
# happens to collide with the old (buggy) way - we will still get
# a different result and fail the comparison.
fixup_crc_dict = {
"abf_policy_add_del": { 0xc6131197: 0xee66f93e },
"abf_policy_details": { 0xb7487fa4: 0x6769e504 },
"acl_add_replace": { 0xee5c2f18: 0x1cabdeab },
"acl_details": { 0x95babae0: 0x7a97f21c },
"macip_acl_add": { 0xce6fbad0: 0xd648fd0a },
"macip_acl_add_replace": { 0x2a461dd4: 0xe34402a7 },
"macip_acl_details": { 0x27135b59: 0x57c7482f },
"dhcp_proxy_config": { 0x4058a689: 0x6767230e },
"dhcp_client_config": { 0x1af013ea: 0x959b80a3 },
"dhcp_compl_event": { 0x554a44e5: 0xe908fd1d },
"dhcp_client_details": { 0x3c5cd28a: 0xacd82f5a },
"dhcp_proxy_details": { 0xdcbaf540: 0xce16f044 },
"dhcp6_send_client_message": { 0xf8222476: 0xf6f14ef0 },
"dhcp6_pd_send_client_message": { 0x3739fd8d: 0x64badb8 },
"dhcp6_reply_event": { 0x85b7b17e: 0x9f3af9e5 },
"dhcp6_pd_reply_event": { 0x5e878029: 0xcb3e462b },
"ip6_add_del_address_using_prefix": { 0x3982f30a: 0x9b3d11e0 },
"gbp_bridge_domain_add": { 0x918e8c01: 0x8454bfdf },
"gbp_bridge_domain_details": { 0x51d51be9: 0x2acd15f9 },
"gbp_route_domain_add": { 0x204c79e1: 0x2d0afe38 },
"gbp_route_domain_details": { 0xa78bfbca: 0x8ab11375 },
"gbp_endpoint_add": { 0x7b3af7de: 0x9ce16d5a },
"gbp_endpoint_details": { 0x8dd8fbd3: 0x8aecb60 },
"gbp_endpoint_group_add": { 0x301ddf15: 0x8e0f4054 },
"gbp_endpoint_group_details": { 0xab71d723: 0x8f38292c },
"gbp_subnet_add_del": { 0xa8803c80: 0x888aca35 },
"gbp_subnet_details": { 0xcbc5ca18: 0x4ed84156 },
"gbp_contract_add_del": { 0xaa8d652d: 0x553e275b },
"gbp_contract_details": { 0x65dec325: 0x2a18db6e },
"gbp_ext_itf_add_del": { 0x7606d0e1: 0x12ed5700 },
"gbp_ext_itf_details": { 0x519c3d3c: 0x408a45c0 },
"gtpu_add_del_tunnel": { 0xca983a2b: 0x9a9c0426 },
"gtpu_tunnel_update_tteid": { 0x79f33816: 0x8a2db108 },
"gtpu_tunnel_details": { 0x27f434ae: 0x4535cf95 },
"igmp_listen": { 0x19a49f1e: 0x3f93a51a },
"igmp_details": { 0x38f09929: 0x52f12a89 },
"igmp_event": { 0x85fe93ec: 0xd7696eaf },
"igmp_group_prefix_set": { 0x5b14a5ce: 0xd4f20ac5 },
"igmp_group_prefix_details": { 0x259ccd81: 0xc3b3c526 },
"ikev2_set_responder": { 0xb9aa4d4e: 0xf0d3dc80 },
"vxlan_gpe_ioam_export_enable_disable": { 0xd4c76d3a: 0xe4d4ebfa },
"ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable": { 0xd4c76d3a: 0xe4d4ebfa },
"vxlan_gpe_ioam_vni_enable": { 0xfbb5fb1: 0x997161fb },
"vxlan_gpe_ioam_vni_disable": { 0xfbb5fb1: 0x997161fb },
"vxlan_gpe_ioam_transit_enable": { 0x3d3ec657: 0x553f5b7b },
"vxlan_gpe_ioam_transit_disable": { 0x3d3ec657: 0x553f5b7b },
"udp_ping_add_del": { 0xfa2628fc: 0xc692b188 },
"l3xc_update": { 0xe96aabdf: 0x787b1d3 },
"l3xc_details": { 0xbc5bf852: 0xd4f69627 },
"sw_interface_lacp_details": { 0xd9a83d2f: 0x745ae0ba },
"lb_conf": { 0x56cd3261: 0x22ddb739 },
"lb_add_del_vip": { 0x6fa569c7: 0xd15b7ddc },
"lb_add_del_as": { 0x35d72500: 0x78628987 },
"lb_vip_dump": { 0x56110cb7: 0xc7bcb124 },
"lb_vip_details": { 0x1329ec9b: 0x8f39bed },
"lb_as_details": { 0x8d24c29e: 0x9c39f60e },
"mactime_add_del_range": { 0xcb56e877: 0x101858ef },
"mactime_details": { 0xda25b13a: 0x44921c06 },
"map_add_domain": { 0x249f195c: 0x7a5a18c9 },
"map_domain_details": { 0x796edb50: 0xfc1859dd },
"map_param_add_del_pre_resolve": { 0xdae5af03: 0x17008c66 },
"map_param_get_reply": { 0x26272c90: 0x28092156 },
"memif_details": { 0xda34feb9: 0xd0382c4c },
"dslite_add_del_pool_addr_range": { 0xde2a5b02: 0xc448457a },
"dslite_set_aftr_addr": { 0x78b50fdf: 0x1e955f8d },
"dslite_get_aftr_addr_reply": { 0x8e23608e: 0x38e30db1 },
"dslite_set_b4_addr": { 0x78b50fdf: 0x1e955f8d },
"dslite_get_b4_addr_reply": { 0x8e23608e: 0x38e30db1 },
"nat44_add_del_address_range": { 0x6f2b8055: 0xd4c7568c },
"nat44_address_details": { 0xd1beac1: 0x45410ac4 },
"nat44_add_del_static_mapping": { 0x5ae5f03e: 0xe165e83b },
"nat44_static_mapping_details": { 0x6cb40b2: 0x1a433ef7 },
"nat44_add_del_identity_mapping": { 0x2faaa22: 0x8e12743f },
"nat44_identity_mapping_details": { 0x2a52a030: 0x36d21351 },
"nat44_add_del_interface_addr": { 0x4aed50c0: 0xfc835325 },
"nat44_interface_addr_details": { 0xe4aca9ca: 0x3e687514 },
"nat44_user_session_details": { 0x2cf6e16d: 0x1965fd69 },
"nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping": { 0x4f68ee9d: 0x53b24611 },
"nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local": { 0x7ca47547: 0x2910a151 },
"nat44_lb_static_mapping_details": { 0xed5ce876: 0x2267b9e8 },
"nat44_del_session": { 0x15a5bf8c: 0x4c49c387 },
"nat_det_add_del_map": { 0x1150a190: 0x112fde05 },
"nat_det_map_details": { 0xad91dc83: 0x88000ee1 },
"nat_det_close_session_out": { 0xf6b259d1: 0xc1b6cbfb },
"nat_det_close_session_in": { 0x3c68e073: 0xa10ef64 },
"nat64_add_del_pool_addr_range": { 0xa3b944e3: 0x21234ef3 },
"nat64_add_del_static_bib": { 0x1c404de5: 0x90fae58a },
"nat64_bib_details": { 0x43bc3ddf: 0x62c8541d },
"nat64_st_details": { 0xdd3361ed: 0xc770d620 },
"nat66_add_del_static_mapping": { 0x3ed88f71: 0xfb64e50b },
"nat66_static_mapping_details": { 0xdf39654b: 0x5c568448 },
"nsh_add_del_map": { 0xa0f42b0: 0x898d857d },
"nsh_map_details": { 0x2fefcf49: 0xb34ac8a1 },
"nsim_cross_connect_enable_disable": { 0x9c3ead86: 0x16f70bdf },
"pppoe_add_del_session": { 0xf6fd759e: 0x46ace853 },
"pppoe_session_details": { 0x4b8e8a4a: 0x332bc742 },
"stn_add_del_rule": { 0x224c6edd: 0x53f751e6 },
"stn_rules_details": { 0xa51935a6: 0xb0f6606c },
"svs_route_add_del": { 0xe49bc63c: 0xd39e31fc },
"svs_details": { 0x6282cd55: 0xb8523d64 },
"vmxnet3_details": { 0x6a1a5498: 0x829ba055 },
"vrrp_vr_add_del": { 0xc5cf15aa: 0x6dc4b881 },
"vrrp_vr_details": { 0x46edcebd: 0x412fa71 },
"vrrp_vr_set_peers": { 0x20bec71f: 0xbaa2e52b },
"vrrp_vr_peer_details": { 0x3d99c108: 0xabd9145e },
"vrrp_vr_track_if_add_del": { 0xd67df299: 0x337f4ba4 },
"vrrp_vr_track_if_details": { 0x73c36f81: 0x99bcca9c },
"proxy_arp_add_del": { 0x1823c3e7: 0x85486cbd },
"proxy_arp_details": { 0x5b948673: 0x9228c150 },
"bfd_udp_get_echo_source_reply": { 0xe3d736a1: 0x1e00cfce },
"bfd_udp_add": { 0x939cd26a: 0x7a6d1185 },
"bfd_udp_mod": { 0x913df085: 0x783a3ff6 },
"bfd_udp_del": { 0xdcb13a89: 0x8096514d },
"bfd_udp_session_details": { 0x9fb2f2d: 0x60653c02 },
"bfd_udp_session_set_flags": { 0x4b4bdfd: 0xcf313851 },
"bfd_udp_auth_activate": { 0x21fd1bdb: 0x493ee0ec },
"bfd_udp_auth_deactivate": { 0x9a05e2e0: 0x99978c32 },
"bier_route_add_del": { 0xfd02f3ea: 0xf29edca0 },
"bier_route_details": { 0x4008caee: 0x39ee6a56 },
"bier_disp_entry_add_del": { 0x9eb80cb4: 0x648323eb },
"bier_disp_entry_details": { 0x84c218f1: 0xe5b039a9 },
"bond_create": { 0xf1dbd4ff: 0x48883c7e },
"bond_enslave": { 0xe7d14948: 0x76ecfa7 },
"sw_interface_bond_details": { 0xbb7c929b: 0xf5ef2106 },
"pipe_create_reply": { 0xb7ce310c: 0xd4c2c2b3 },
"pipe_details": { 0xc52b799d: 0x43ac107a },
"tap_create_v2": { 0x2d0d6570: 0x445835fd },
"sw_interface_tap_v2_details": { 0x1e2b2a47: 0xe53c16de },
"sw_interface_vhost_user_details": { 0xcee1e53: 0x98530df1 },
"virtio_pci_create": { 0x1944f8db: 0xa9f1370c },
"sw_interface_virtio_pci_details": { 0x6ca9c167: 0x16187f3a },
"p2p_ethernet_add": { 0x36a1a6dc: 0xeeb8e717 },
"p2p_ethernet_del": { 0x62f81c8c: 0xb62c386 },
"geneve_add_del_tunnel": { 0x99445831: 0x976693b5 },
"geneve_tunnel_details": { 0x6b16eb24: 0xe27e2748 },
"gre_tunnel_add_del": { 0xa27d7f17: 0x6efc9c22 },
"gre_tunnel_details": { 0x24435433: 0x3bfbf1 },
"sw_interface_set_flags": { 0xf5aec1b8: 0x6a2b491a },
"sw_interface_event": { 0x2d3d95a7: 0xf709f78d },
"sw_interface_details": { 0x6c221fc7: 0x17b69fa2 },
"sw_interface_add_del_address": { 0x5463d73b: 0x5803d5c4 },
"sw_interface_set_unnumbered": { 0x154a6439: 0x938ef33b },
"sw_interface_set_mac_address": { 0xc536e7eb: 0x6aca746a },
"sw_interface_set_rx_mode": { 0xb04d1cfe: 0x780f5cee },
"sw_interface_rx_placement_details": { 0x9e44a7ce: 0xf6d7d024 },
"create_subif": { 0x790ca755: 0xcb371063 },
"ip_neighbor_add_del": { 0x607c257: 0x105518b6 },
"ip_neighbor_dump": { 0xd817a484: 0xcd831298 },
"ip_neighbor_details": { 0xe29d79f0: 0x870e80b9 },
"want_ip_neighbor_events": { 0x73e70a86: 0x1a312870 },
"ip_neighbor_event": { 0xbdb092b2: 0x83933131 },
"ip_route_add_del": { 0xb8ecfe0d: 0xc1ff832d },
"ip_route_details": { 0xbda8f315: 0xd1ffaae1 },
"ip_route_lookup": { 0x710d6471: 0xe2986185 },
"ip_route_lookup_reply": { 0x5d8febcb: 0xae99de8e },
"ip_mroute_add_del": { 0x85d762f3: 0xf6627d17 },
"ip_mroute_details": { 0x99341a45: 0xc1cb4b44 },
"ip_address_details": { 0xee29b797: 0xb1199745 },
"ip_unnumbered_details": { 0xcc59bd42: 0xaa12a483 },
"mfib_signal_details": { 0x6f4a4cfb: 0x64398a9a },
"ip_punt_redirect": { 0x6580f635: 0xa9a5592c },
"ip_punt_redirect_details": { 0x2cef63e7: 0x3924f5d3 },
"ip_container_proxy_add_del": { 0x7df1dff1: 0x91189f40 },
"ip_container_proxy_details": { 0xa8085523: 0xee460e8 },
"ip_source_and_port_range_check_add_del": { 0x92a067e3: 0x8bfc76f2 },
"sw_interface_ip6_set_link_local_address": { 0x1c10f15f: 0x2931d9fa },
"ip_reassembly_enable_disable": { 0xeb77968d: 0x885c85a6 },
"set_punt": { 0xaa83d523: 0x83799618 },
"punt_socket_register": { 0x95268cbf: 0xc8cd10fa },
"punt_socket_details": { 0xde575080: 0x1de0ce75 },
"punt_socket_deregister": { 0x98fc9102: 0x98a444f4 },
"sw_interface_ip6nd_ra_prefix": { 0x82cc1b28: 0xe098785f },
"ip6nd_proxy_add_del": { 0xc2e4a686: 0x3fdf6659 },
"ip6nd_proxy_details": { 0x30b9ff4a: 0xd35be8ff },
"ip6_ra_event": { 0x364c1c5: 0x47e8cfbe },
"set_ipfix_exporter": { 0x5530c8a0: 0x69284e07 },
"ipfix_exporter_details": { 0xdedbfe4: 0x11e07413 },
"ipip_add_tunnel": { 0x2ac399f5: 0xa9decfcd },
"ipip_6rd_add_tunnel": { 0xb9ec1863: 0x56e93cc0 },
"ipip_tunnel_details": { 0xd31cb34e: 0x53236d75 },
"ipsec_spd_entry_add_del": { 0x338b7411: 0x9f384b8d },
"ipsec_spd_details": { 0x5813d7a2: 0xf2222790 },
"ipsec_sad_entry_add_del": { 0xab64b5c6: 0xb8def364 },
"ipsec_tunnel_protect_update": { 0x30d5f133: 0x143f155d },
"ipsec_tunnel_protect_del": { 0xcd239930: 0xddd2ba36 },
"ipsec_tunnel_protect_details": { 0x21663a50: 0xac6c823b },
"ipsec_tunnel_if_add_del": { 0x20e353fa: 0x2b135e68 },
"ipsec_sa_details": { 0x345d14a7: 0xb30c7f41 },
"l2_xconnect_details": { 0x472b6b67: 0xc8aa6b37 },
"l2_fib_table_details": { 0xa44ef6b8: 0xe8d2fc72 },
"l2fib_add_del": { 0xeddda487: 0xf29d796c },
"l2_macs_event": { 0x44b8fd64: 0x2eadfc8b },
"bridge_domain_details": { 0xfa506fd: 0x979f549d },
"l2_interface_pbb_tag_rewrite": { 0x38e802a8: 0x612efa5a },
"l2_patch_add_del": { 0xa1f6a6f3: 0x522f3445 },
"sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect": { 0x4fa28a85: 0x1aaa2dbb },
"sw_interface_set_l2_bridge": { 0xd0678b13: 0x2e483cd0 },
"bd_ip_mac_add_del": { 0x257c869: 0x5f2b84e2 },
"bd_ip_mac_details": { 0x545af86a: 0xa52f8044 },
"l2_arp_term_event": { 0x6963e07a: 0x85ff71ea },
"l2tpv3_create_tunnel": { 0x15bed0c2: 0x596892cb },
"sw_if_l2tpv3_tunnel_details": { 0x50b88993: 0x1dab5c7e },
"lisp_add_del_local_eid": { 0x4e5a83a2: 0x21f573bd },
"lisp_add_del_map_server": { 0xce19e32d: 0x6598ea7c },
"lisp_add_del_map_resolver": { 0xce19e32d: 0x6598ea7c },
"lisp_use_petr": { 0xd87dbad9: 0x9e141831 },
"show_lisp_use_petr_reply": { 0x22b9a4b0: 0xdcad8a81 },
"lisp_add_del_remote_mapping": { 0x6d5c789e: 0xfae8ed77 },
"lisp_add_del_adjacency": { 0x2ce0e6f6: 0xcf5edb61 },
"lisp_locator_details": { 0x2c620ffe: 0xc0c4c2a7 },
"lisp_eid_table_details": { 0x1c29f792: 0x4bc32e3a },
"lisp_eid_table_dump": { 0x629468b5: 0xb959b73b },
"lisp_adjacencies_get_reply": { 0x807257bf: 0x3f97bcdd },
"lisp_map_resolver_details": { 0x3e78fc57: 0x82a09deb },
"lisp_map_server_details": { 0x3e78fc57: 0x82a09deb },
"one_add_del_local_eid": { 0x4e5a83a2: 0x21f573bd },
"one_add_del_map_server": { 0xce19e32d: 0x6598ea7c },
"one_add_del_map_resolver": { 0xce19e32d: 0x6598ea7c },
"one_use_petr": { 0xd87dbad9: 0x9e141831 },
"show_one_use_petr_reply": { 0x84a03528: 0x10e744a6 },
"one_add_del_remote_mapping": { 0x6d5c789e: 0xfae8ed77 },
"one_add_del_l2_arp_entry": { 0x1aa5e8b3: 0x33209078 },
"one_l2_arp_entries_get_reply": { 0xb0dd200f: 0xb0a47bbe },
"one_add_del_ndp_entry": { 0xf8a287c: 0xd1629a2f },
"one_ndp_entries_get_reply": { 0x70719b1a: 0xbd34161 },
"one_add_del_adjacency": { 0x9e830312: 0xe48e7afe },
"one_locator_details": { 0x2c620ffe: 0xc0c4c2a7 },
"one_eid_table_details": { 0x1c29f792: 0x4bc32e3a },
"one_eid_table_dump": { 0xbd190269: 0x95151038 },
"one_adjacencies_get_reply": { 0x85bab89: 0xa8ed89a5 },
"one_map_resolver_details": { 0x3e78fc57: 0x82a09deb },
"one_map_server_details": { 0x3e78fc57: 0x82a09deb },
"one_stats_details": { 0x2eb74678: 0xff6ef238 },
"gpe_add_del_fwd_entry": { 0xf0847644: 0xde6df50f },
"gpe_fwd_entries_get_reply": { 0xc4844876: 0xf9f53f1b },
"gpe_fwd_entry_path_details": { 0x483df51a: 0xee80b19a },
"gpe_add_del_native_fwd_rpath": { 0x43fc8b54: 0x812da2f2 },
"gpe_native_fwd_rpaths_get_reply": { 0x7a1ca5a2: 0x79d54eb9 },
"sw_interface_set_lldp": { 0x57afbcd4: 0xd646ae0f },
"mpls_ip_bind_unbind": { 0xc7533b32: 0x48249a27 },
"mpls_tunnel_add_del": { 0x44350ac1: 0xe57ce61d },
"mpls_tunnel_details": { 0x57118ae3: 0xf3c0928e },
"mpls_route_add_del": { 0x8e1d1e07: 0x343cff54 },
"mpls_route_details": { 0x9b5043dc: 0xd0ac384c },
"policer_add_del": { 0x2b31dd38: 0xcb948f6e },
"policer_details": { 0x72d0e248: 0xa43f781a },
"qos_store_enable_disable": { 0xf3abcc8b: 0x3507235e },
"qos_store_details": { 0x3ee0aad7: 0x38a6d48 },
"qos_record_enable_disable": { 0x2f1a4a38: 0x25b33f88 },
"qos_record_details": { 0xa425d4d3: 0x4956ccdd },
"session_rule_add_del": { 0xe4895422: 0xe31f9443 },
"session_rules_details": { 0x28d71830: 0x304b91f0 },
"sw_interface_span_enable_disable": { 0x23ddd96b: 0xacc8fea1 },
"sw_interface_span_details": { 0x8a20e79f: 0x55643fc },
"sr_mpls_steering_add_del": { 0x64acff63: 0x7d1b0a0b },
"sr_mpls_policy_assign_endpoint_color": { 0xe7eb978: 0x5e1c5c13 },
"sr_localsid_add_del": { 0x5a36c324: 0x26fa3309 },
"sr_policy_add": { 0x44ac92e8: 0xec79ee6a },
"sr_policy_mod": { 0xb97bb56e: 0xe531a102 },
"sr_steering_add_del": { 0xe46b0a0f: 0x3711dace },
"sr_localsids_details": { 0x2e9221b9: 0x6a6c0265 },
"sr_policies_details": { 0xdb6ff2a1: 0x7ec2d93 },
"sr_steering_pol_details": { 0xd41258c9: 0x1c1ee786 },
"syslog_set_sender": { 0xb8011d0b: 0xbb641285 },
"syslog_get_sender_reply": { 0x424cfa4e: 0xd3da60ac },
"tcp_configure_src_addresses": { 0x67eede0d: 0x4b02b946 },
"teib_entry_add_del": { 0x8016cfd2: 0x5aa0a538 },
"teib_details": { 0x981ee1a1: 0xe3b6a503 },
"udp_encap_add": { 0xf74a60b1: 0x61d5fc48 },
"udp_encap_details": { 0x8cfb9c76: 0x87c82821 },
"vxlan_gbp_tunnel_add_del": { 0x6c743427: 0x8c819166 },
"vxlan_gbp_tunnel_details": { 0x66e94a89: 0x1da24016 },
"vxlan_gpe_add_del_tunnel": { 0xa645b2b0: 0x7c6da6ae },
"vxlan_gpe_tunnel_details": { 0x968fc8b: 0x57712346 },
"vxlan_add_del_tunnel": { 0xc09dc80: 0xa35dc8f5 },
"vxlan_tunnel_details": { 0xc3916cb1: 0xe782f70f },
"vxlan_offload_rx": { 0x9cc95087: 0x89a1564b },
"log_details": { 0x3d61cc0: 0x255827a1 },
def foldup_crcs(s):
for f in s:
f.crc = foldup_blocks(f.block,
binascii.crc32(f.crc) & 0xffffffff)
# fixup the CRCs to make the fix seamless
if in fixup_crc_dict:
if f.crc in fixup_crc_dict.get(
f.crc = fixup_crc_dict.get(
# Main
def main():
if sys.version_info < (3, 5,):
log.exception('vppapigen requires a supported version of python. '
'Please use version 3.5 or greater. '
'Using {}'.format(sys.version))
return 1
cliparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VPP API generator')
cliparser.add_argument('--pluginpath', default=""),
cliparser.add_argument('--includedir', action='append'),
cliparser.add_argument('--outputdir', action='store'),
cliparser.add_argument('--output', nargs='?',
type=argparse.FileType('w', encoding='UTF-8'),
cliparser.add_argument('output_module', nargs='?', default='C')
cliparser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
cliparser.add_argument('--show-name', nargs=1)
help="Git revision to use for opening files")
args = cliparser.parse_args()
if not args.debug:
sys.excepthook = exception_handler
# Filename
if args.show_name:
filename = args.show_name[0]
elif args.input:
filename = args.input
filename = ''
if args.debug:
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.WARNING)
parser = VPPAPI(debug=args.debug, filename=filename, logger=log,
if not args.input:
parsed_objects = parser.parse_fd(sys.stdin, log)
parsed_objects = parser.parse_filename(args.input, log)
except ParseError as e:
print('Parse error: ', e, file=sys.stderr)
# Build a list of objects. Hash of lists.
result = []
if args.output_module == 'C':
s = parser.process(parsed_objects)
result = parser.process_imports(parsed_objects, False, result)
s = parser.process(result)
# Add msg_id field
s['Define'] = add_msg_id(s['Define'])
# Fold up CRCs
# Debug
if args.debug:
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, stream=sys.stderr)
for t in s['Define']:
pp.pprint([, t.flags, t.block])
for t in s['types']:
pp.pprint([, t.block])
# Generate representation
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
# Default path
pluginpath = ''
if not args.pluginpath:
cand = []
cand.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
for c in cand:
c += '/'
if os.path.isfile('{}vppapigen_{}.py'
.format(c, args.output_module.lower())):
pluginpath = c
pluginpath = args.pluginpath + '/'
if pluginpath == '':
log.exception('Output plugin not found')
return 1
module_path = '{}vppapigen_{}.py'.format(pluginpath,
plugin = SourceFileLoader(args.output_module,
except Exception as err:
log.exception('Error importing output plugin: {}, {}'
.format(module_path, err))
return 1
result =, filename, s)
if result:
print(result, file=args.output)
log.exception('Running plugin failed: {} {}'
.format(filename, result))
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':