Add some useful scripts

Change-Id: Ic7ae9b43020ab4d26214bfab71b19ee259771c52
Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <>
diff --git a/build-root/scripts/lsnet b/build-root/scripts/lsnet
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed590e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-root/scripts/lsnet
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+echo "PCI Address  MAC address       Device Name    Driver     State    Speed      Port Type"
+echo "============ ================= ============== ========== ======== ========== ===================="
+for f in /sys/class/net/*; do
+	dev=$(basename ${f})
+	if [ -e $f/device ] ; then
+		dev=$(basename ${f})
+		pci_addr=$(basename $(readlink $f/device))
+		mac=$(cat $f/address)
+		driver=$(basename $(readlink $f/device/driver))
+		oper=$(cat $f/operstate)
+		speed=$(sudo ethtool $dev | grep Speed | cut -d" " -f2)
+		port=$(ethtool $dev 2> /dev/null | sed -ne 's/.*Port: \(.*\)/\1/p')
+		printf "%-12s %-14s %-14s %-10s %-8s %-10s %-20s\n" $pci_addr $mac $dev $driver $oper $speed "$port"
+		# ethtool $dev | grep Port:
+	fi
diff --git a/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind b/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3a0c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+uio_drivers="igb_uio uio_pci_generic vfio-pci"
+function bind_drv() {
+	addr=$1
+	modalias=$(cat $selection/modalias)
+	native_drv=$(modprobe -R $modalias)
+	array=()
+	for drv in $native_drv $uio_drivers; do
+		if [ -e /sys/bus/pci/drivers/$drv ]; then
+			echo driver $drv
+			drv_desc=$(modinfo $drv | grep description: | sed -e 's/.*:[[:space:]]\+//' )
+			array+=("${drv}")
+			array+=("${drv_desc}")
+		fi
+	done
+	dialog --backtitle "PCI NIC Bind Utility" \
+		--clear \
+		--menu "Select kernel driver" 18 100 12 \
+		"${array[@]}" 2> $tmpfile
+        retval=$?
+	selection=$(cat $tmpfile)
+	rm $tmpfile
+	if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	vd=$(cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/${addr}/vendor /sys/bus/pci/devices/${addr}/device)
+	echo $addr | tee /sys/bus/pci/devices/${addr}/driver/unbind > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+	echo $vd | tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/${selection}/new_id > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+	echo $addr | tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/${selection}/bind > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+function find_pci_slot() {
+	addr=$1
+	 [ ! "$(ls -A /sys/bus/pci/slots )" ] && echo "No PCI slot data" && return
+	for slot in $(find /sys/bus/pci/slots/* -maxdepth 0 -exec basename {} \;); do
+		slot_addr=$(cat /sys/bus/pci/slots/$slot/address)
+		if [[ "${addr}" == *"${slot_addr}"* ]]; then
+			echo "PCI slot: ${slot}"
+			return
+		fi
+	done
+	echo "Unknown PCI slot"
+! type -ap dialog > /dev/null && echo "Please install dialog (apt-get install dialog)" && exit
+if [ $USER != "root" ] ; then
+echo "Restarting script with sudo..."
+	sudo $0 ${*}
+	exit
+cd /sys/bus/pci/devices
+while true; do
+	array=()
+	for addr in *; do
+		class=$(cat ${addr}/class)
+		if [ "$class" = "0x020000" ]; then
+			name=$(lspci -s $addr | sed -e 's/.*: //')
+			if [ -e "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$addr/driver" ]; then
+				drv=$(basename $(readlink -f /sys/bus/pci/devices/$addr/driver))
+			else
+				drv=" "
+			fi
+			slot=$(find_pci_slot ${addr})
+			array+=("${addr}")
+			array+=("${drv}|${name}")
+			array+=("${slot}")
+		fi
+	done
+	dialog --backtitle "PCI NIC Bind Utility" \
+		--item-help \
+		--clear \
+		--column-separator '|' \
+		--menu "Select NIC" 18 100 12 \
+		"${array[@]}" 2> $tmpfile
+	retval=$?
+	selection=$(cat $tmpfile)
+	rm $tmpfile
+	if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then
+		exit
+	fi
+	bind_drv $selection
diff --git a/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind-to-kernel b/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind-to-kernel
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d8559e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-root/scripts/pci-nic-bind-to-kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Bind all unused PCI devices bound to uio drivers
+# back to default kernel driver
+if [ $USER != "root" ] ; then
+	echo "Restarting script with sudo..."
+	sudo $0 ${*}
+	exit
+for f in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/{igb_uio,uio_pci_generic,vfio-pci}/*; do
+	[ -e ${f}/config ] || continue
+	fuser -s ${f}/config  && continue
+	echo 1 > ${f}/remove
+	removed=y
+[ -n ${removed} ] && echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan