packetforge: add option to show spec and mask only

In some cases with Generic FLow, it is only required to show the pattern
of spec and mask, but no need to add the flow. Therefore, add an option
in packetforge so that users can show spec and mask only.

Type: improvement

Signed-off-by: Ting Xu <>
Change-Id: I7b3040689eb82d0b58924712ee6fc9cfa0a42fa1
diff --git a/extras/packetforge/ b/extras/packetforge/
index fbbdec5..3d4e4b6 100644
--- a/extras/packetforge/
+++ b/extras/packetforge/
@@ -29,66 +29,6 @@
 API_FILE_SUFFIX = "*.api.json"
-def Main(argv):
-    file_flag = False
-    operation = None
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(
-            argv,
-            "hf:p:a:i:I:",
-            [
-                "help=",
-                "add",
-                "del",
-                "file=",
-                "pattern=",
-                "actions=",
-                "interface=",
-                "flow-index=",
-            ],
-        )
-    except getopt.GetoptError:
-        print(
-            " --add|del -f <file> -p <pattern> -a <actions> -i <interface> -I <flow-index>"
-        )
-        sys.exit()
-    for opt, arg in opts:
-        if opt == "-h":
-            print(
-                " --add|del -f <file> -p <pattern> -a <actions> -i <interface> -I <flow-index>"
-            )
-            sys.exit()
-        elif opt == "--add":
-            operation = "add"
-        elif opt == "--del":
-            operation = "del"
-        elif opt in ("-f", "--file"):
-            actions = ""
-            json_file = arg
-            file_flag = True
-        elif opt in ("-p", "--pattern") and not file_flag:
-            pattern = arg
-        elif opt in ("-a", "--actions"):
-            actions = arg
-        elif opt in ("-i", "--interface"):
-            iface = arg
-        elif opt in ("-I", "--flow-index"):
-            flow_index = arg
-    if operation == None:
-        print("Error: Please choose the operation: add or del")
-        sys.exit()
-    if operation == "add":
-        if not file_flag:
-            result = packetforge.Forge(pattern, actions, False)
-        else:
-            result = packetforge.Forge(json_file, actions, True)
-        return result, int(iface), operation, None
-    elif operation == "del":
-        return None, int(iface), operation, int(flow_index)
 def load_json_api_files(suffix=API_FILE_SUFFIX):
     jsonfiles = []
     json_dir = VPP_JSON_DIR
@@ -113,16 +53,91 @@
     return vpp
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def Main(argv):
+    file_flag = False
+    operation = None
+    actions = ""
+    iface = ""
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(
+            argv,
+            "hf:p:a:i:I:",
+            [
+                "help",
+                "add",
+                "del",
+                "show",
+                "file=",
+                "pattern=",
+                "actions=",
+                "interface=",
+                "flow-index=",
+            ],
+        )
+    except getopt.GetoptError:
+        print(
+            " --add|del|show -f <file> -p <pattern> -a <actions> -i <interface> -I <flow-index>"
+        )
+        sys.exit()
+    for opt, arg in opts:
+        if opt == "-h":
+            print(
+                " --add|del|show -f <file> -p <pattern> -a <actions> -i <interface> -I <flow-index>"
+            )
+            sys.exit()
+        elif opt == "--add":
+            operation = "add"
+        elif opt == "--del":
+            operation = "del"
+        elif opt == "--show":
+            operation = "show"
+        elif opt in ("-f", "--file"):
+            json_file = arg
+            file_flag = True
+        elif opt in ("-p", "--pattern") and not file_flag:
+            pattern = arg
+        elif opt in ("-a", "--actions"):
+            actions = arg
+        elif opt in ("-i", "--interface"):
+            iface = arg
+        elif opt in ("-I", "--flow-index"):
+            flow_index = arg
+    if operation == None:
+        print("Error: Please choose the operation: add or del")
+        sys.exit()
+    if operation == "show":
+        if not file_flag:
+            result = packetforge.Forge(pattern, actions, False, True)
+        else:
+            result = packetforge.Forge(json_file, actions, True, True)
+        return result, None, operation, None, None
     # Python API need json definitions to interpret messages
     vpp = connect_vpp(load_json_api_files())
-    print(vpp.api.show_version())
-    # Parse the arguments
-    my_flow, iface, operation, del_flow_index = Main(sys.argv[1:])
     # set inteface states
-    vpp.api.sw_interface_set_flags(sw_if_index=iface, flags=1)
+    vpp.api.sw_interface_set_flags(sw_if_index=int(iface), flags=1)
+    if operation == "add":
+        if not file_flag:
+            result = packetforge.Forge(pattern, actions, False, False)
+        else:
+            result = packetforge.Forge(json_file, actions, True, False)
+        return result, int(iface), operation, None, vpp
+    elif operation == "del":
+        return None, int(iface), operation, int(flow_index), vpp
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Parse the arguments
+    my_flow, iface, operation, del_flow_index, vpp = Main(sys.argv[1:])
+    # if operation is show, just show spec and mask, then exit
+    if operation == "show":
+        print(my_flow)
+        sys.exit()
     if operation == "add":
         # add flow
@@ -155,3 +170,4 @@
 # command example:
 # python --add -p "mac()/ipv4(src=,dst=" -a "redirect-to-queue 3" -i 1
 # python --del -i 1 -I 0
+# python --show -p "mac()/ipv4(src=,dst="