misc: vpptop makefile target
Type: feature
Added make target to install VPPTop - real-time
viewer of VPP metrics.
New targets in /extras/vpptop/Makefile:
* make start - starts the installed VPPTop binary
* make install - does the installation using the local VPP API
* make cleanup - removes the VPPTop local directory
* make help - prints the VPPTop help info
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Lavor <vlavor@cisco.com>
Change-Id: I1b93eaf67214e1fe0567d43409763882caea6416
diff --git a/extras/vpptop/vpptop.sh b/extras/vpptop/vpptop.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d07942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/vpptop/vpptop.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# A simple script that installs VPPTop utility including
+# all requirements. The binary API is built from the local
+# vpp data. 'make install-dep' is recommended to call first.
+set -eo pipefail
+SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/../../
+[ -z "${GOROOT}" ] && GOROOT="${HOME}/.go"
+[ -z "${GOPATH}" ] && GOPATH="${HOME}/go"
+function dep_install() {
+ echo "Installing VPPTop dependencies"
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get install git wget curl -y
+# Install latest GO version
+function go_install() {
+ local TMP="/tmp"
+ # Search for existing golang installation
+ echo "Looking for pre-installed GO.."
+ local installed_ver installed_ver_fmt
+ if [[ -f "${GOROOT}/bin/go" ]]; then
+ installed_ver=$(cd ${GOROOT}/bin && ./go version)
+ installed_ver_fmt=${installed_ver#"go version go"}
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
+ echo "Found installed version ${installed_ver_fmt}"
+ return
+ fi
+ # install golang when missing
+ echo ".. none was found. Installing the latest one"
+ mkdir -p "${GOROOT}"
+ mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/"{src,pkg,bin}
+ wget "https://dl.google.com/go/$(curl https://golang.org/VERSION?m=text).linux-amd64.tar.gz" -O "${TMP}/go.tar.gz"
+ tar -C "$GOROOT" --strip-components=1 -xzf "${TMP}/go.tar.gz"
+ rm -f "${TMP}/go.tar.gz"
+ # export for current session so the VPPTop can be installed
+ export GOROOT=${GOROOT}
+ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
+ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
+ cat << EOF
+Installed $(go version)
+Note: following variables were exported for the current session:
+Both were added to PATH
+# Install GoVPP binary API generator. GoLang required
+# to be installed in version 1.13 or higher
+function install_binapi_gen() {
+ echo "Installing GoVPP binary API generator"
+ export GO111MODULE=on
+ # master required for latest VPPTop
+ if [[ ! -f "${GOROOT}/bin/go" ]]; then
+ echo "GO is not installed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd ${GOROOT}/bin && ./go get git.fd.io/govpp.git/cmd/binapi-generator@master
+ local installed_ver installed_ver_fmt
+ installed_ver=$(cd ${GOPATH}/bin && ./binapi-generator -version)
+ installed_ver_fmt=${installed_ver#"govpp "}
+ echo "Binary API generator ${installed_ver_fmt} installed"
+# Generate binary API files in the VPPTop directory using
+# the local VPP sources
+function generate_binary_api() {
+ # note: build-root dir is planned to be removed, update the path by then
+ local api_dir=${VPP_DIR}/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/share/vpp/api
+ local out_dir=${BUILD_DIR}/vpptop/stats/local/binapi
+ if [[ ! -f "${GOPATH}/bin/binapi-generator" ]]; then
+ install_binapi_gen
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${BUILD_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "VPPTop directory does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ elif [ ! -d "${out_dir}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${out_dir}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${api_dir}" ]; then
+ echo "JSON API files missing, call 'make json-api-files' first"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Generating API"
+ cd ${GOPATH}/bin && ./binapi-generator --output-dir="${out_dir}" -input-dir="${api_dir}" \
+ "${api_dir}"/plugins/dhcp.api.json \
+ "${api_dir}"/core/interface.api.json \
+ "${api_dir}"/core/ip.api.json \
+ "${api_dir}"/core/vpe.api.json
+# Retrieve VPPTop repository
+function get_vpptop() {
+ echo "Fetching VPPTop"
+ if [ ! -d "${BUILD_DIR}/vpptop" ]; then
+ mkdir "${BUILD_DIR}"
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" && git clone https://github.com/PANTHEONtech/vpptop.git
+ else
+ echo "VPPTop directory already exists"
+ fi
+# Resolve VPPTop dependencies and install the binary
+function vpptop_install() {
+ get_vpptop
+ generate_binary_api
+ echo "Installing VPPTop"
+ if [ ! -d "${BUILD_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "VPPTop directory does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ gopath=${GOROOT}/bin/go
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}"/vpptop && go mod download
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}"/vpptop && make install
+ if [[ ! -x "$(command -v vpptop)" ]] && [[ ! -f "${GOPATH}/bin/vpptop" ]] ; then
+ echo "VPPTop was not successfully installed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -x "$(command -v vpptop)" ]] ; then
+ echo "VPPTop was installed to ${GOPATH}/bin/vpptop"
+ fi
+ cat << EOF
+$(vpptop --help)
+Following binaries were installed:
+# Starts the vpptop binary
+function vpptop_start() {
+ if [[ -f "${GOPATH}/bin/vpptop" ]] ; then
+ cd ${GOPATH}/bin && ./vpptop
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "VPPTop is not installed, use 'make vpptop-install' first"
+# Remove VPPTop repository from extras
+function cleanup() {
+ echo "Cleaning up VPPTop"
+ rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}"
+# Show available commands
+function help() {
+ cat <<__EOF__
+ VPPTop installer
+ Run 'make install-dep' before the installation
+ <install>:
+ Installs VPPTop requirements (latest GO, GoVPP binary API generator),
+ retrieves VPPTop repository, generates binary API and installs the
+ VPPTop binary.
+ <cleanup>:
+ Removes VPPTop repository
+ <start>:
+ Runs vpptop binary
+# Resolve chosen option and call appropriate functions
+function resolve_option() {
+ local option=$1
+ case ${option} in
+ "start")
+ vpptop_start
+ ;;
+ "install")
+ dep_install
+ go_install
+ vpptop_install
+ ;;
+ "cleanup")
+ cleanup
+ ;;
+ "help")
+ help
+ ;;
+ *) echo invalid option ;;
+ esac
+if [[ -n ${OPT_ARG} ]]; then
+ resolve_option "${OPT_ARG}"
+ PS3="--> "
+ options=("install" "cleanup" "help")
+ select option in "${options[@]}"; do
+ resolve_option "${option}"
+ break
+ done