Luajit API and some examples

Change-Id: Ia140c4750f06870c40b7058c4afb2e20ca633a49
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <>
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5f8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This is a small experiment to have a wrapper CLI which can call both API functions as well as debug CLI.
+To facilitate tab completion and help, the API call names are broken up with spaces replacing the underscores.
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/lua-cli.lua b/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/lua-cli.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad5045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/cli/lua-cli.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+-- Experimental prototype CLI using API to VPP, with tab completion
+-- Written by Andrew Yourtchenko ( 2010,2016
+vpp = require "vpp-lapi"
+local dotdotdot = "..."
+-- First the "readline" routine
+readln = {
+split = function(str, pat)
+  local t = {}  -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
+  local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
+  local last_end = 1
+  if str then
+    local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
+    while s do
+      if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
+        table.insert(t,cap)
+      end
+      last_end = e+1
+      s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
+    end
+    if last_end <= #str then
+      cap = str:sub(last_end)
+      table.insert(t, cap)
+    end
+  end
+  return t
+reader = function()
+  local rl = {}
+  rl.init = function()
+    os.execute("stty -icanon min 1 -echo")
+    rl.rawmode = true
+  end
+  rl.done = function()
+    os.execute("stty icanon echo")
+    rl.rawmode = false
+  end
+  rl.prompt = ">"
+  rl.history = { "" }
+  rl.history_index = 1
+  rl.history_length = 1
+  rl.hide_cmd = function()
+    local bs = string.char(8) .. " " .. string.char(8)
+    for i = 1, #rl.command do
+      io.stdout:write(bs)
+    end
+  end
+  rl.show_cmd = function()
+    if rl.command then
+      io.stdout:write(rl.command)
+    end
+  end
+  rl.store_history = function(cmd)
+    if cmd == "" then
+      return
+    end
+    rl.history[rl.history_length] = cmd
+    rl.history_length = rl.history_length + 1
+    rl.history_index = rl.history_length
+    rl.history[rl.history_length] = ""
+  end
+  rl.readln = function()
+    local done = false
+    local need_prompt = true
+    rl.command = ""
+    if not rl.rawmode then
+      rl.init()
+    end
+    while not done do
+      if need_prompt then
+        io.stdout:write(rl.prompt)
+	io.stdout:write(rl.command)
+        need_prompt = false
+      end
+      local ch = io.stdin:read(1)
+      if ch:byte(1) == 27 then
+        -- CONTROL
+        local ch2 = io.stdin:read(1)
+        -- arrows
+        if ch2:byte(1) == 91 then
+          local ch3 = io.stdin:read(1)
+          local b = ch3:byte(1)
+          if b == 65 then
+            ch = "UP"
+          elseif b == 66 then
+            ch = "DOWN"
+          elseif b == 67 then
+            ch = "RIGHT"
+          elseif b == 68 then
+            ch = "LEFT"
+          end
+          -- print("Byte: " .. ch3:byte(1))
+          -- if ch3:byte(1)
+        end
+      end
+      if ch == "?" then
+        io.stdout:write(ch)
+        io.stdout:write("\n")
+        if then
+        end
+        need_prompt = true
+      elseif ch == "\t" then
+        if rl.tab_complete then
+          rl.tab_complete(rl)
+        end
+        io.stdout:write("\n")
+        need_prompt = true
+      elseif ch == "\n" then
+        io.stdout:write(ch)
+        done = true
+      elseif ch == "\004" then
+        io.stdout:write("\n")
+        rl.command = nil
+	done = true
+      elseif ch == string.char(127) then
+        if rl.command ~= "" then
+          io.stdout:write(string.char(8) .. " " .. string.char(8))
+          rl.command = string.sub(rl.command, 1, -2)
+        end
+      elseif #ch > 1 then
+        -- control char
+        if ch == "UP" then
+          rl.hide_cmd()
+          if rl.history_index == #rl.history then
+            rl.history[rl.history_index] = rl.command
+          end
+          if rl.history_index > 1 then
+            rl.history_index = rl.history_index - 1
+            rl.command = rl.history[rl.history_index]
+          end
+          rl.show_cmd()
+        elseif ch == "DOWN" then
+          rl.hide_cmd()
+          if rl.history_index < rl.history_length then
+            rl.history_index = rl.history_index + 1
+            rl.command = rl.history[rl.history_index]
+          end
+          rl.show_cmd()
+        end
+      else
+        io.stdout:write(ch)
+        rl.command = rl.command .. ch
+      end
+    end
+    if rl.command then
+      rl.store_history(rl.command)
+    end
+    return rl.command
+  end
+  return rl
+r = reader()
+local done = false
+while not done do
+  local cmd = r.readln()
+  print("Command: " .. tostring(cmd))
+  if not cmd or cmd == "quit" then
+    done = true
+  end
+--------- MDS show tech parser
+local print_section = nil
+local list_sections = false
+local curr_section = "---"
+local curr_parser = nil
+-- by default operate in batch mode
+local batch_mode = true
+local db = {}
+local device = {}
+device.output = {}
+local seen_section = {}
+function start_collection(name)
+  device = {}
+  seen_section = {}
+function print_error(errmsg)
+  print("@#$:" .. errmsg)
+function keys(tbl)
+  local t = {}
+  for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+    table.insert(t, k)
+  end
+  return t
+function tset (parent, ...)
+  -- print ('set', ...)
+  local len = select ('#', ...)
+  local key, value = select (len-1, ...)
+  local cutpoint, cutkey
+  for i=1,len-2 do
+    local key = select (i, ...)
+    local child = parent[key]
+    if value == nil then
+      if child == nil then  return
+      elseif next (child, next (child)) then  cutpoint = nil  cutkey = nil
+      elseif cutpoint == nil then  cutpoint = parent  cutkey = key  end
+    elseif child == nil then  child = {}  parent[key] = child  end
+    parent = child
+    end
+  if value == nil and cutpoint then  cutpoint[cutkey] = nil
+  else  parent[key] = value  return value  end
+  end
+function tget (parent, ...)
+  local len = select ('#', ...)
+  for i=1,len do
+    parent = parent[select (i, ...)]
+    if parent == nil then  break  end
+    end
+  return parent
+  end
+local pager_lines = 23
+local pager_printed = 0
+local pager_skipping = false
+local pager_filter_pipe = nil
+function pager_reset()
+  pager_printed = 0
+  pager_skipping = false
+  if pager_filter_pipe then
+    pager_filter_pipe:close()
+    pager_filter_pipe = nil
+  end
+function print_more()
+  io.stdout:write(" --More-- ")
+function print_nomore()
+  local bs = string.char(8)
+  local bs10 = bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs ..  bs
+  io.stdout:write(bs10 .. "          " .. bs10)
+function print_line(txt)
+  if pager_filter_pipe then
+    pager_filter_pipe:write(txt .. "\n")
+    return
+  end
+  if pager_printed >= pager_lines then
+    print_more()
+    local ch = io.stdin:read(1)
+    if ch == " " then
+      pager_printed = 0
+    elseif ch == "\n" then
+      pager_printed = pager_printed - 1
+    elseif ch == "q" then
+      pager_printed = 0
+      pager_skipping = true
+    end
+    print_nomore()
+  end
+  if not pager_skipping then
+    print(txt)
+    pager_printed = pager_printed + 1
+  else
+    -- skip printing
+  end
+function paged_write(text)
+  local t = readln.split(text, "[\n]")
+  if string.sub(text, -1) == "\n" then
+    table.insert(t, "")
+  end
+  for i, v in ipairs(t) do
+    if i < #t then
+      print_line(v)
+    else
+      if pager_filter_pipe then
+        pager_filter_pipe:write(v)
+      else
+        io.stdout:write(v)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function get_choices(tbl, key)
+  local res = {}
+  for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+    if string.sub(k, 1, #key) == key then
+      table.insert(res, k)
+    elseif 0 < #key and dotdotdot == k then
+      table.insert(res, k)
+    end
+  end
+  return res
+function get_exact_choice(choices, val)
+  local exact_idx = nil
+  local substr_idx = nil
+  local substr_seen = false
+  if #choices == 1 then
+    if choices[1] == dotdotdot then
+      return 1
+    elseif string.sub(choices[1], 1, #val) == val then
+      return 1
+    else
+      return nil
+    end
+  else
+    for i, v in ipairs(choices) do
+      if v == val then
+        exact_idx = i
+        substr_seen = true
+      elseif choices[i] ~= dotdotdot and string.sub(choices[i], 1, #val) == val then
+        if substr_seen then
+          substr_idx = nil
+        else
+          substr_idx = i
+          substr_seen = true
+        end
+      elseif choices[i] == dotdotdot then
+        if substr_seen then
+          substr_idx = nil
+        else
+          substr_idx = i
+          substr_seen = true
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return exact_idx or substr_idx
+function device_cli_help(rl)
+  local key = readln.split(rl.command, "[ ]+")
+  local tree = rl.tree
+  local keylen = #key
+  local fullcmd = ""
+  local error = false
+  local terse = true
+  if ((#rl.command >= 1) and (string.sub(rl.command, -1) == " ")) or (#rl.command == 0) then
+    table.insert(key, "")
+    terse = false
+  end
+  for i, v in ipairs(key) do
+    local choices = get_choices(tree, v)
+    local idx = get_exact_choice(choices, v)
+    if idx then
+      local choice = choices[idx]
+      tree = tree[choice]
+      fullcmd = fullcmd .. choice .. " "
+    else
+      if i < #key then
+        error = true
+      end
+    end
+    if i == #key and not error then
+      for j, w in ipairs(choices) do
+        if terse then
+          paged_write(w .. "\t")
+        else
+          paged_write("  " .. w .. "\n")
+        end
+      end
+      paged_write("\n")
+      if terse then
+        paged_write(" \n")
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  pager_reset()
+function device_cli_tab_complete(rl)
+  local key = readln.split(rl.command, "[ ]+")
+  local tree = rl.tree
+  local keylen = #key
+  local fullcmd = ""
+  local error = false
+  for i, v in ipairs(key) do
+    local choices = get_choices(tree, v)
+    local idx = get_exact_choice(choices, v)
+    if idx and choices[idx] ~= dotdotdot then
+      local choice = choices[idx]
+      tree = tree[choice]
+      -- print("level " .. i .. " '" .. choice .. "'")
+      fullcmd = fullcmd .. choice .. " "
+    else
+      -- print("level " .. i .. " : " .. table.concat(choices, " ") .. " ")
+      error = true
+    end
+  end
+  if not error then
+    rl.command = fullcmd
+  else
+    -- print("\n\nerror\n")
+  end
+  pager_reset()
+function device_cli_exec(rl)
+  local cmd_nopipe = rl.command
+  local cmd_pipe = nil
+  local pipe1, pipe2 = string.find(rl.command, "[|]")
+  if pipe1 then
+    cmd_nopipe = string.sub(rl.command, 1, pipe1-1)
+    cmd_pipe = string.sub(rl.command, pipe2+1, -1)
+  end
+  local key = readln.split(cmd_nopipe .. " <cr>", "[ ]+")
+  local tree = rl.tree
+  local keylen = #key
+  local fullcmd = ""
+  local error = false
+  local func = nil
+  if cmd_pipe then
+    pager_filter_pipe = io.popen(cmd_pipe, "w")
+  end
+  rl.choices = {}
+  for i, v in ipairs(key) do
+    local choices = get_choices(tree, v)
+    local idx = get_exact_choice(choices, v)
+    if idx then
+      local choice = choices[idx]
+      if i == #key then
+        func = tree[choice]
+      else
+        if choice == dotdotdot then
+          -- keep the tree the same, update the choice value to match the input string
+          choices[idx] = v
+          choice = v
+        else
+          tree = tree[choice]
+        end
+      end
+      -- print("level " .. i .. " '" .. choice .. "'")
+      table.insert(rl.choices, choice)
+    else
+      -- print("level " .. i .. " : " .. table.concat(choices, " ") .. " ")
+      error = true
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
+  return func
+function populate_tree(commands)
+  local tree = {}
+  for k, v in pairs(commands) do
+    local key = readln.split(k .. " <cr>", "[ ]+")
+    local xtree = tree
+    for i, kk in ipairs(key) do
+      if i == 1 and kk == "sh" then
+        kk = "show"
+      end
+      if i == #key then
+        if type(v) == "function" then
+          xtree[kk] = v
+        else
+          xtree[kk] = function(rl) paged_write(table.concat(v, "\n") .. "\n") end
+        end
+      else
+        if not xtree[kk] then
+          xtree[kk] = {}
+        end
+        xtree = xtree[kk]
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return tree
+function trim (s)
+  return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+function init_vpp(vpp)
+  local root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+  local pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+  vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+  vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+  vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+  vpp:connect("lua_cli")
+function run_cli(vpp, cli)
+  local reply = vpp:api_call("cli_inband", { cmd = cli })
+  if reply and #reply == 1 then
+    local rep = reply[1]
+    if 0 == rep.retval then
+      return rep.reply
+    else
+      return "XXXXXLUACLI: API RETVAL ERROR : " .. tostring(rep.retval)
+    end
+  else
+    return "XXXXXLUACLI ERROR, RAW REPLY: " .. vpp.dump(reply)
+  end
+function toprintablestring(s)
+  if type(s) == "string" then
+    return "\n"..vpp.hex_dump(s)
+  else
+    return tostring(s)
+  end
+function interactive_cli(r)
+  while not done do
+    pager_reset()
+    local cmd = r.readln()
+    if not cmd then
+      done = true
+    elseif cmd == "quit" or cmd == "exit" then
+      done = true
+    else
+      local func = device_cli_exec(r)
+      if func then
+	func(r)
+      else
+	if trim(cmd) == "" then
+	else
+	  for i = 1, #r.prompt do
+	    paged_write(" ")
+	  end
+	  paged_write("^\n% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.\n\n")
+	end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+device = {}
+device.output = {}
+cmds_str = run_cli(vpp, "?")
+vpp_cmds = readln.split(cmds_str, "\n")
+vpp_clis = {}
+for linenum, line in ipairs(vpp_cmds) do
+  local m,h = string.match(line, "^  (.-)  (.*)$")
+  if m and #m > 0 then
+    table.insert(vpp_clis, m)
+    device.output["vpp debug cli " .. m] = function(rl)
+      -- print("ARBITRARY CLI" .. vpp.dump(rl.choices))
+      print("LUACLI command: " .. table.concat(rl.choices, " "))
+      local sub = {}
+      --
+      for i=4, #rl.choices -1 do
+        table.insert(sub, rl.choices[i])
+      end
+      local cli = table.concat(sub, " ")
+      print("Running CLI: " .. tostring(cli))
+      paged_write(run_cli(vpp, cli))
+    end
+    device.output["vpp debug cli " .. m .. " " .. dotdotdot] = function(rl)
+      print("ARGH")
+    end
+    local ret = run_cli(vpp, "help " .. m)
+    device.output["help vpp debug cli " .. m] = { ret }
+  end
+for linenum, line in ipairs(vpp_clis) do
+  -- print(line, ret)
+for msgnum, msgname in ipairs(vpp.msg_number_to_name) do
+  local cli, numspaces = string.gsub(msgname, "_", " ")
+  device.output["call " .. cli .. " " .. dotdotdot] = function(rl)
+    print("ARGH")
+  end
+  device.output["call " .. cli] = function(rl)
+    print("LUACLI command: " .. table.concat(rl.choices, " "))
+    print("Running API: " .. msgname) -- vpp.dump(rl.choices))
+    local out = {}
+    local args = {}
+    local ntaken = 0
+    local argname = ""
+    for i=(1+1+numspaces+1), #rl.choices-1 do
+      -- print(i, rl.choices[i])
+      if ntaken > 0 then
+        ntaken = ntaken -1
+      else
+        local fieldname = rl.choices[i]
+        local field = vpp.msg_name_to_fields[msgname][fieldname]
+        if field then
+          local s = rl.choices[i+1]
+          s=s:gsub("\\x(%x%x)",function (x) return string.char(tonumber(x,16)) end)
+          args[fieldname] = s
+          ntaken = 1
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    -- print("ARGS: ", vpp.dump(args))
+    local ret = vpp:api_call(msgname, args)
+    for i, reply in ipairs(ret) do
+      table.insert(out, "=================== Entry #" .. tostring(i))
+      for k, v in pairs(reply) do
+        table.insert(out, "   " .. tostring(k) .. " : " .. toprintablestring(v))
+      end
+    end
+    -- paged_write(vpp.dump(ret) .. "\n\n")
+    paged_write(table.concat(out, "\n").."\n\n")
+  end
+  device.output["call " .. cli .. " help"] = function(rl)
+    local out = {}
+    for k, v in pairs(vpp.msg_name_to_fields[msgname]) do
+      table.insert(out, tostring(k) .. " : " .. v["ctype"] .. " ; " .. tostring(vpp.dump(v)) )
+    end
+    -- paged_write(vpp.dump(vpp.msg_name_to_fields[msgname]) .. "\n\n")
+    paged_write(table.concat(out, "\n").."\n\n")
+  end
+-- vpp.msg_name_to_number = {}
+local r = readln.reader()
+local done = false
+r.prompt = "VPP(luaCLI)#"
+ = device_cli_help
+r.tab_complete = device_cli_tab_complete
+print("===== CLI view, use ^D to end =====")
+r.tree = populate_tree(device.output)
+-- readln.pretty("xxxx", r.tree)
+for idx, an_arg in ipairs(arg) do
+  local fname = an_arg
+  if fname == "-i" then
+    pager_lines = 23
+    interactive_cli(r)
+  else
+    pager_lines = 100000000
+    for line in io.lines(fname) do
+      r.command = line
+      local func = device_cli_exec(r)
+      if func then
+	func(r)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+if #arg == 0 then
+  print("You should specify '-i' as an argument for the interactive session,")
+  print("but with no other sources of commands, we start interactive session now anyway")
+   interactive_cli(r)
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-acl-plugin.lua b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-acl-plugin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca01f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-acl-plugin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+vpp = require "vpp-lapi"
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/plugins/acl-plugin/acl/acl.api", "acl")
+-- api calls
+reply = vpp:api_call("show_version")
+print("Version: ", reply[1].version)
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 230 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 8 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 15 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 2, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 } } })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 0 })
+acl_index_to_delete = reply[1].acl_index
+print("Deleting " .. tostring(acl_index_to_delete))
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = acl_index_to_delete })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+for ri, rv in ipairs(reply) do 
+  print("Reply message #" .. tostring(ri))
+  print(vpp.dump(rv))
+  for ai, av in ipairs(rv.r) do
+    print("ACL rule #" .. tostring(ai) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(av))
+  end
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-classifier.lua b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-classifier.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3fa45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-classifier.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+local vpp = require "vpp-lapi"
+local bit = require("bit")
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+-- api calls
+print("Calling API to add a new classifier table")
+reply = vpp:api_call("classify_add_del_table", {
+  context = 43,
+  memory_size = bit.lshift(2, 20),
+  client_index = 42,
+  is_add = 1,
+  nbuckets = 32,
+  skip_n_vectors = 0,
+  match_n_vectors = 1,
+  mask = "\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255" .. "\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255"
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-cli.lua b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-cli.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..656feae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/example-cli.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+vpp = require "vpp-lapi"
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+-- api calls
+reply = vpp:api_call("show_version")
+print("Version: ", reply[1].version)
+reply = vpp:api_call("cli_inband", { cmd = "show vers" }) 
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d37250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+LUTE: Lua Unit Test Environment
+This is a small helper utility to automate some simple tests
+that one might need to do.
+Think of it as a hybrid of a screen and expect who
+also took some habits from HTML inline code.
+It is quite probably useless for building anything serious,
+but practice shows it is quite efficient at allowing
+convenient temporary quick tests, and for something
+that was written over a course of a couple of evenings it
+is quite a nice little helper tool.
+It allows do launch and drive multiple shell sessions,
+and by virtue of having been written in Lua, it of course
+also allows to add the business logic using the Lua code.
+If you launch the lute without parameters, it gives you
+the interactive shell to execute the commands in.
+If you launch it with an argument, it will attempt to
+read and execute the commands from the file.
+shell FOO
+  spawn a shell in a new PTY under the label FOO.
+run FOO bar
+  Send "bar" keystrokes followed by "ENTER" to the session FOO
+  Special case: "break" word on its own gets translated into ^C being sent.
+cd FOO
+  "change domain" into session FOO. All subsequent inputs will go,
+  line-buffered, into the session FOO. To jump back up, use ^D (Control-D),
+  or within the file, use ^D^D^D (caret D caret D caret D on its own line)
+expect FOO blablabla
+  Pause further interpretation of the batch mode until you see "blablabla"
+  in the output of session FOO, or until timeout happens.
+sleep N
+  Sleep an integer N seconds, if you are in batch mode.
+echo blabla
+  Echo the remainder of the line to standard output.
+For Lua code, there is a pre-existing pseudo-session called "lua",
+which accepts "run lua" command which does what you would expect
+(evaluate the rest of the string in Lua context - being the same
+as lute itself). Also you can do "cd lua" and get into a
+multiline-enabled interpreter shell.
+This way for the VPP case you can automate some of the things in your routine
+that you would have to have done manually, and test drive API as well
+as use the realistic native OS components to create the environment around it.
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/lute.lua b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/lute.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b9924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/lute.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+version = 1
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+-- LUTE: Lua Unit Test Environment
+-- AKA what happens when screen tries to marry with lua and expect,
+-- but escapes mid-ceremony.
+-- comments: @ayourtch
+ffi = require("ffi")
+vpp = {}
+function vpp.dump(o)
+   if type(o) == 'table' then
+      local s = '{ '
+      for k,v in pairs(o) do
+         if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
+         s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. vpp.dump(v) .. ','
+      end
+      return s .. '} '
+   else
+      return tostring(o)
+   end
+int posix_openpt(int flags);
+int grantpt(int fd);
+int unlockpt(int fd);
+char *ptsname(int fd);
+typedef long pid_t;
+typedef long ssize_t;
+typedef long size_t;
+typedef int nfds_t;
+typedef long time_t;
+typedef long suseconds_t;
+pid_t fork(void);
+pid_t setsid(void);
+int close(int fd);
+int open(char *pathname, int flags);
+int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
+ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
+ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
+struct pollfd {
+               int   fd;         /* file descriptor */
+               short events;     /* requested events */
+               short revents;    /* returned events */
+           };
+int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout);
+struct timeval {
+               time_t      tv_sec;     /* seconds */
+               suseconds_t tv_usec;    /* microseconds */
+           };
+int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
+int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst);
+void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
+void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n);
+void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
+void *memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen,
+        const void *needle, size_t needlelen);
+local O_RDWR = 2
+function os_time()
+  local tv ="struct timeval[1]")
+  local ret = ffi.C.gettimeofday(tv, nil)
+  return tonumber(tv[0].tv_sec) + (tonumber(tv[0].tv_usec)/1000000.0)
+function sleep(n)
+  local when_wakeup = os_time() + n
+  while os_time() <= when_wakeup do
+    ffi.C.poll(nil, 0, 10)
+  end
+function c_str(text_in)
+  local text = text_in 
+  local c_str ="char[?]", #text+1)
+  ffi.copy(c_str, text)
+  return c_str
+function ip46(addr_text)
+  local out ="char [200]")
+  local AF_INET6 = 10
+  local AF_INET = 2
+  local is_ip6 = ffi.C.inet_pton(AF_INET6, c_str(addr_text), out)
+  if is_ip6 == 1 then
+    return ffi.string(out, 16), true
+  end
+  local is_ip4 = ffi.C.inet_pton(AF_INET, c_str(addr_text), out)
+  if is_ip4 then
+    return (string.rep("4", 12).. ffi.string(out, 4)), false
+  end
+function pty_master_open()
+  local fd = ffi.C.posix_openpt(O_RDWR)
+  ffi.C.grantpt(fd)
+  ffi.C.unlockpt(fd)
+  local p = ffi.C.ptsname(fd)
+  print("PTS:" .. ffi.string(p))
+  return fd, ffi.string(p)
+function pty_run(cmd)
+  local master_fd, pts_name = pty_master_open()
+  local child_pid = ffi.C.fork()
+  if (child_pid == -1) then
+    print("Error fork()ing")
+    return -1
+  end 
+  if child_pid ~= 0 then
+    -- print("Parent")
+    return master_fd, child_pid
+  end
+  -- print("Child")
+  if (ffi.C.setsid() == -1) then
+    print("Child error setsid")
+    os.exit(-1)
+  end
+  ffi.C.close(master_fd)
+  local slave_fd =, O_RDWR)
+  if slave_fd == -1 then
+    print("Child can not open slave fd")
+    os.exit(-2)
+  end
+  ffi.C.dup2(slave_fd, 0)
+  ffi.C.dup2(slave_fd, 1)
+  ffi.C.dup2(slave_fd, 2)
+  os.execute(cmd)
+function readch()
+  local buf ="char[1]")
+  local nread=, buf, 1)
+  -- print("\nREADCH : " .. string.char(buf[0]))
+  return string.char(buf[0])
+function stdout_write(str)
+  ffi.C.write(1, c_str(str), #str)
+readln = {
+split = function(str, pat)
+  local t = {}  -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
+  local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
+  local last_end = 1
+  if str then
+    local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
+    while s do
+      if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
+        table.insert(t,cap)
+      end
+      last_end = e+1
+      s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
+    end
+    if last_end <= #str then
+      cap = str:sub(last_end)
+      table.insert(t, cap)
+    end
+  end
+  return t
+reader = function()
+  local rl = {}
+  rl.init = function()
+    os.execute("stty -icanon min 1 -echo")
+    rl.rawmode = true
+  end
+  rl.done = function()
+    os.execute("stty icanon echo")
+    rl.rawmode = false
+  end
+  rl.prompt = ">"
+  rl.history = { "" }
+  rl.history_index = 1
+  rl.history_length = 1
+  rl.hide_cmd = function()
+    local bs = string.char(8) .. " " .. string.char(8)
+    for i = 1, #rl.command do
+      stdout_write(bs)
+    end
+  end
+  rl.show_cmd = function()
+    if rl.command then
+      stdout_write(rl.command)
+    end
+  end
+  rl.store_history = function(cmd)
+    if cmd == "" then
+      return
+    end
+    rl.history[rl.history_length] = cmd
+    rl.history_length = rl.history_length + 1
+    rl.history_index = rl.history_length
+    rl.history[rl.history_length] = ""
+  end
+  rl.readln = function(stdin_select_fn, batch_cmd, batch_when, batch_expect)
+    local done = false
+    local need_prompt = true
+    rl.command = ""
+    if not rl.rawmode then
+      rl.init()
+    end
+    while not done do
+      local indent_value = #rl.prompt + #rl.command
+      if need_prompt then
+        stdout_write(rl.prompt)
+        stdout_write(rl.command)
+        need_prompt = false
+      end
+      if type(stdin_select_fn) == "function" then
+        while not stdin_select_fn(indent_value, batch_cmd, batch_when, batch_expect) do
+          stdout_write(rl.prompt)
+          stdout_write(rl.command)
+          indent_value = #rl.prompt + #rl.command
+        end
+        if batch_cmd and ((os_time() > batch_when) or (batch_expect and expect_success(batch_expect, buf, 0))) then
+          stdout_write("\n" .. rl.prompt .. batch_cmd .. "\n")
+          if batch_expect then
+            expect_done(batch_expect)
+          end
+          return batch_cmd, batch_expect
+        end
+      end
+      local ch = readch()
+      if ch:byte(1) == 27 then
+        -- CONTROL
+        local ch2 = readch()
+        -- arrows
+        if ch2:byte(1) == 91 then
+          local ch3 = readch()
+          local b = ch3:byte(1)
+          if b == 65 then
+            ch = "UP"
+          elseif b == 66 then
+            ch = "DOWN"
+          elseif b == 67 then
+            ch = "RIGHT"
+          elseif b == 68 then
+            ch = "LEFT"
+          end
+          -- print("Byte: " .. ch3:byte(1))
+          -- if ch3:byte(1)
+        end
+      end
+      if ch == "?" then
+        stdout_write(ch)
+        stdout_write("\n")
+        if then
+        end
+        need_prompt = true
+      elseif ch == "\t" then
+        if rl.tab_complete then
+          rl.tab_complete(rl)
+        end
+        stdout_write("\n")
+        need_prompt = true
+      elseif ch == "\n" then
+        stdout_write(ch)
+        done = true
+      elseif ch == "\004" then
+        stdout_write("\n")
+        rl.command = nil
+        done = true
+      elseif ch == string.char(127) then
+        if rl.command ~= "" then
+          stdout_write(string.char(8) .. " " .. string.char(8))
+          rl.command = string.sub(rl.command, 1, -2)
+        end
+      elseif #ch > 1 then
+        -- control char
+        if ch == "UP" then
+          rl.hide_cmd()
+          if rl.history_index == #rl.history then
+            rl.history[rl.history_index] = rl.command
+          end
+          if rl.history_index > 1 then
+            rl.history_index = rl.history_index - 1
+            rl.command = rl.history[rl.history_index]
+          end
+          rl.show_cmd()
+        elseif ch == "DOWN" then
+          rl.hide_cmd()
+          if rl.history_index < rl.history_length then
+            rl.history_index = rl.history_index + 1
+            rl.command = rl.history[rl.history_index]
+          end
+          rl.show_cmd()
+        end
+      else
+        stdout_write(ch)
+        rl.command = rl.command .. ch
+      end
+    end
+    if rl.command then
+      rl.store_history(rl.command)
+    end
+    return rl.command
+  end
+  return rl
+local select_fds = {}
+local sessions = {}
+local line_erased = false
+function erase_line(indent)
+  if not line_erased then
+    line_erased = true
+    stdout_write(string.rep(string.char(8), indent)..string.rep(" ", indent)..string.rep(string.char(8), indent))
+  end
+function do_select_stdin(indent, batch_cmd, batch_when, batch_expect)
+  while true do
+    local nfds = 1+#select_fds
+    local pfds ="struct pollfd[?]", nfds)
+    pfds[0].fd = 0;
+    pfds[0].events = 1;
+    pfds[0].revents = 0;
+    for i = 1,#select_fds do
+      pfds[i].fd = select_fds[i].fd
+      pfds[i].events = 1
+      pfds[i].revents = 0
+    end
+    if batch_cmd and ((os_time() > batch_when) or (batch_expect and expect_success(batch_expect, buf, 0))) then
+      return true
+    end
+    while ffi.C.poll(pfds, nfds, 10) == 0 do
+      if batch_cmd and ((os_time() > batch_when) or (batch_expect and expect_success(batch_expect, buf, 0))) then
+        return true
+      end
+      if line_erased then
+        line_erased = false
+        return false
+      end
+    end
+    if pfds[0].revents == 1 then
+      return true
+    end
+    for i = 1,#select_fds do
+      if(pfds[i].revents > 0) then
+        if pfds[i].fd ~= select_fds[i].fd then
+          print("File descriptors unequal", pfds[i].fd, select_fds[i].fd)
+        end
+        select_fds[i].cb(select_fds[i], pfds[i].revents, indent)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+local buf ="char [32768]")
+function session_stdout_write(prefix, data)
+  data = prefix .. data:gsub("\n", "\n"..prefix):gsub("\n"..prefix.."$", "\n")
+  stdout_write(data)
+function expect_success(sok, buf, nread)
+  local expect_buf_sz = ffi.sizeof(sok.expect_buf) - 128
+  local expect_buf_avail = expect_buf_sz - sok.expect_buf_idx
+  -- print("EXPECT_SUCCESS: nread ".. tostring(nread).. " expect_buf_idx: " .. tostring(sok.expect_buf_idx) .. " expect_buf_avail: " .. tostring(expect_buf_avail) )
+  if expect_buf_avail < 0 then
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  if expect_buf_avail < nread then
+    if (nread >= ffi.sizeof(sok.expect_buf)) then
+      print("Read too large of a chunk to fit into expect buffer")
+      return nil
+    end
+    local delta = nread - expect_buf_avail
+    ffi.C.memmove(sok.expect_buf, sok.expect_buf + delta, expect_buf_sz - delta)
+    sok.expect_buf_idx = sok.expect_buf_idx - delta
+    expect_buf_avail = nread 
+  end
+  if sok.expect_buf_idx + nread > expect_buf_sz then
+    print("ERROR, I have just overrun the buffer !")
+    os.exit(1)
+  end
+  ffi.C.memcpy(sok.expect_buf + sok.expect_buf_idx, buf, nread)
+  sok.expect_buf_idx = sok.expect_buf_idx + nread
+  if sok.expect_str == nil then
+    return true
+  end
+  local match_p = ffi.C.memmem(sok.expect_buf, sok.expect_buf_idx, sok.expect_str, sok.expect_str_len)
+  if match_p ~= nil then
+    return true
+  end
+  return false
+function expect_done(sok)
+  local expect_buf_sz = ffi.sizeof(sok.expect_buf) - 128
+  if not sok.expect_str then 
+    return false
+  end
+  local match_p = ffi.C.memmem(sok.expect_buf, sok.expect_buf_idx, sok.expect_str, sok.expect_str_len)
+  if match_p ~= nil then
+    if sok.expect_cb then
+      sok.expect_cb(sok)
+    end
+    local match_idx = ffi.cast("char *", match_p) - ffi.cast("char *", sok.expect_buf)
+    ffi.C.memmove(sok.expect_buf, ffi.cast("char *", match_p) + sok.expect_str_len, expect_buf_sz - match_idx - sok.expect_str_len)
+    sok.expect_buf_idx = match_idx + sok.expect_str_len
+    sok.expect_success = true
+    sok.expect_str = nil
+    sok.expect_str_len = 0
+    return true
+  end
+function slave_events(sok, revents, indent)
+  local fd = sok.fd
+  local nread =, buf, ffi.sizeof(buf)-128)
+  local idx = nread - 1
+  while idx >= 0 and buf[idx] ~= 10 do
+    idx = idx - 1
+  end
+  if idx >= 0 then
+    erase_line(indent)
+    session_stdout_write(sok.prefix, sok.buf .. ffi.string(buf, idx+1))
+    sok.buf = ""
+  end
+  sok.buf = sok.buf .. ffi.string(buf+idx+1, nread-idx-1)
+  -- print("\nRead: " .. tostring(nread))
+  -- stdout_write(ffi.string(buf, nread))
+  if expect_success(sok, buf, nread) then
+    return true
+  end
+  return false
+function start_session(name)
+  local mfd, cpid = pty_run("/bin/bash")
+  local sok =  { ["fd"] = mfd, ["cb"] = slave_events, ["buf"] = "", ["prefix"] = name .. ":", ["expect_buf"] ="char [165536]"), ["expect_buf_idx"] = 0, ["expect_str"] = nil }
+  table.insert(select_fds, sok)
+  sessions[name] = sok
+function command_transform(exe)
+  if exe == "break" then
+    exe = string.char(3)
+  end
+  return exe
+function session_write(a_session, a_str)
+  if has_session(a_session) then
+    return tonumber(ffi.C.write(sessions[a_session].fd, c_str(a_str), #a_str))
+  else
+    return 0
+  end
+function session_exec(a_session, a_cmd)
+  local exe = command_transform(a_cmd) .. "\n"
+  session_write(a_session, exe)
+function session_cmd(ui, a_session, a_cmd)
+  if not has_session(a_session) then
+    stdout_write("ERR: No such session '" .. tostring(a_session) .. "'\n")
+    return nil
+  end
+  if a_session == "lua" then
+    local func, msg = loadstring(ui.lua_acc .. a_cmd)
+    -- stdout_write("LOADSTR: " .. vpp.dump({ ret, msg }) .. "\n")
+    if not func and string.match(msg, "<eof>") then
+      if a_session ~= ui.in_session then
+         stdout_write("ERR LOADSTR: " .. tostring(msg) .. "\n")
+         return nil
+      end
+      ui.lua_acc = ui.lua_acc .. a_cmd  .. "\n"
+      return true
+    end
+    ui.lua_acc = ""
+    local ret, msg = pcall(func)
+    if ret then
+      return true
+    else
+      stdout_write("ERR: " .. msg .. "\n") 
+      return nil
+    end
+  else
+    session_exec(a_session, a_cmd)
+    if ui.session_cmd_delay then
+      return { "delay", ui.session_cmd_delay }
+    end
+    return true
+  end
+function has_session(a_session)
+  if a_session == "lua" then
+    return true
+  end
+  return (sessions[a_session] ~= nil)
+function command_match(list, input, output)
+  for i, v in ipairs(list) do
+    local m = {}
+    m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7], m[8], m[9] = string.match(input, v[1])
+    -- print("MATCH: ", vpp.dump(m))
+    if m[1] then
+       output["result"] = m
+       output["result_index"] = i
+       return m
+    end 
+  end
+  return nil
+function cmd_spawn_shell(ui, a_arg)
+  start_session(a_arg[1])
+  return true
+function cmd_run_cmd(ui, a_arg)
+  local a_sess = a_arg[1]
+  local a_cmd = a_arg[2]
+  return session_cmd(ui, a_sess, a_cmd)
+function cmd_cd(ui, a_arg)
+  local a_sess = a_arg[1]
+  if has_session(a_sess) then
+    ui.in_session = a_sess
+    return true
+  else
+    stdout_write("ERR: Unknown session '".. tostring(a_sess) .. "'\n")
+    return nil
+  end
+function cmd_sleep(ui, a_arg)
+  return { "delay", tonumber(a_arg[1]) }
+function cmd_expect(ui, a_arg)
+  local a_sess = a_arg[1]
+  local a_expect = a_arg[2]
+  local sok = sessions[a_sess]
+  if not sok then
+    stdout_write("ERR: unknown session '" .. tostring(a_sess) .. "'\n")
+    return nil
+  end
+  sok.expect_str = c_str(a_expect)
+  sok.expect_str_len = #a_expect
+  return { "expect", a_sess }
+function cmd_info(ui, a_arg)
+  local a_sess = a_arg[1]
+  local sok = sessions[a_sess]
+  if not sok then
+    stdout_write("ERR: unknown session '" .. tostring(a_sess) .. "'\n")
+    return nil
+  end
+  print("Info for session " .. tostring(a_sess) .. "\n")
+  print("Expect buffer index: " .. tostring(sok.expect_buf_idx))
+  print("Expect buffer: '" .. tostring(ffi.string(sok.expect_buf, sok.expect_buf_idx)) .. "'\n")
+  if sok.expect_str then
+    print("Expect string: '" .. tostring(ffi.string(sok.expect_str, sok.expect_str_len)) .. "'\n")
+  else
+    print("Expect string not set\n")
+  end
+function cmd_echo(ui, a_arg)
+  local a_data = a_arg[1]
+  print("ECHO: " .. tostring(a_data))
+main_command_table = {
+  { "^shell ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$", cmd_spawn_shell },
+  { "^run ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) (.+)$", cmd_run_cmd },
+  { "^cd ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$", cmd_cd  },
+  { "^sleep ([0-9]+)$", cmd_sleep },
+  { "^expect ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) (.-)$", cmd_expect },
+  { "^info ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$", cmd_info },
+  { "^echo (.-)$", cmd_echo }
+function ui_set_prompt(ui)
+  if ui.in_session then 
+    if ui.in_session == "lua" then
+      if #ui.lua_acc > 0 then
+        ui.r.prompt = ui.in_session .. ">>"
+      else
+        ui.r.prompt = ui.in_session .. ">"
+      end 
+    else
+      ui.r.prompt = ui.in_session .. "> "
+    end
+  else
+    ui.r.prompt = "> "
+  end
+  return ui.r.prompt
+function ui_run_command(ui, cmd)
+  -- stdout_write("Command: " .. tostring(cmd) .. "\n")
+  local ret = false
+  if ui.in_session then
+    if cmd then
+      if cmd == "^D^D^D" then
+        ui.in_session = nil
+        ret = true
+      else
+        ret = session_cmd(ui, ui.in_session, cmd)
+      end
+    else
+      ui.in_session = nil
+      ret = true
+    end
+  else  
+    if cmd then
+      local out = {}
+      if cmd == "" then
+        ret = true
+      end
+      if command_match(main_command_table, cmd, out) then
+        local i = out.result_index
+        local m = out.result
+        if main_command_table[i][2] then
+          ret = main_command_table[i][2](ui, m)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if not cmd or cmd == "quit" then
+      return "quit"
+    end
+  end
+  return ret
+local ui = {}
+ui.in_session = nil
+ui.r = readln.reader() 
+ui.lua_acc = ""
+ui.session_cmd_delay = 0.3
+local lines = ""
+local done = false
+-- a helper function which always returns nil
+local no_next_line = function() return nil end
+-- a function which returns the next batch line
+local next_line = no_next_line
+local batchfile = arg[1]
+if batchfile then
+  local f = io.lines(batchfile)
+  next_line = function() 
+    local line = f()
+    if line then 
+      return line
+    else 
+      next_line = no_next_line
+      session_stdout_write(batchfile .. ":", "End of batch\n")
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
+local batch_when = 0
+local batch_expect = nil
+while not done do
+  local prompt = ui_set_prompt(ui)
+  local batch_cmd = next_line() 
+  local cmd, expect_sok = ui.r.readln(do_select_stdin, batch_cmd, batch_when, batch_expect)
+  if expect_sok and not expect_success(expect_sok, buf, 0) then
+    if not cmd_ret and next_line ~= no_next_line then
+      print("ERR: expect timeout\n")
+      next_line = no_next_line
+    end
+  else 
+    local cmd_ret = ui_run_command(ui, cmd)
+    if not cmd_ret and next_line ~= no_next_line then
+      print("ERR: Error during batch execution\n")
+      next_line = no_next_line
+    end
+    if cmd_ret  == "quit" then
+      done = true
+    end
+    batch_expect = nil
+    batch_when = 0
+    if type(cmd_ret) == "table" then
+      if cmd_ret[1] == "delay" then
+	batch_when = os_time() + tonumber(cmd_ret[2])
+      end
+      if cmd_ret[1] == "expect" then
+	batch_expect = sessions[cmd_ret[2]]
+	batch_when = os_time() + 15
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-noacl.lute b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-noacl.lute
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24d04b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-noacl.lute
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+shell vppbuild
+run vppbuild stty -echo
+run vppbuild sudo -u ubuntu -i bash -c "(cd vpp && make plugins && echo ALLGOOD)"
+expect vppbuild ALLGOOD
+shell s0
+shell s1
+shell s2
+cd s1
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd s2
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd lua
+function session_get_bash_pid(s)
+  if not has_session(s) then
+    return nil
+  end
+  local fname = "/tmp/lute-"..s.."-pid.txt"
+  session_exec(s, "echo $$ >" .. fname)
+  -- it's a dirty hack but it's quick
+  sleep(0.5)
+  local pid = io.lines(fname)()
+  print("Got pid for " .. s .. " : " .. tostring(pid))
+  return(tonumber(pid))
+function session_connect_with(s0, s1)
+  -- local pid0 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s0))
+  local pid1 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s1))
+  local eth_options = { "rx", "tx",  "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso", "gro", "lro", "rxvlan", "txvlan", "rxhash" }
+  local this_end = s0 .. "_" .. s1
+  local other_end = s1 .. "_" .. s0
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link add name " .. this_end .. " type veth peer name " .. other_end)
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. this_end .. " up promisc on")
+  for i, option in ipairs(eth_options) do
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. this_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. other_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+  end
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. other_end .. " up promisc on netns /proc/" .. pid1 .. "/ns/net")
+  sleep(0.5)
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s1")
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s2")
+cd s1
+ip -6 addr add dev s1_s0 2001:db8:1::1/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s1_s0
+ip link set dev s1_s0 up promisc on
+cd s2
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::2/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::3/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::4/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:1
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:2
+ip link set dev s2_s0 up promisc on
+run s1 ip addr
+run s2 ip addr
+shell VPP
+cd VPP
+cd /home/ubuntu/vpp
+make debug 
+expect VPP DBGvpp#
+cd lua
+-- Initialization of the Lua environment for talking to VPP
+vpp = require("vpp-lapi")
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/plugins/acl-plugin/acl/acl.api", "acl")
+cd lua
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s1", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s1 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s2", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s2 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+ifaces = { vpp_if_to_s1, vpp_if_to_s2 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+bd_id = 42
+reply = vpp:api_call("bridge_domain_add_del", { bd_id = bd_id, flood = 1, uu_flood = 1, forward = 1, learn = 1, arp_term = 0, is_add = 1 })
+for i, v in ipairs(ifaces) do
+  reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_l2_bridge", { rx_sw_if_index = v, bd_id = bd_id, shg = 0, bvi = 0, enable = 1 } )
+  print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+cd lua
+--- ACL testing
+--[[ temporary comment out
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 230 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 8 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 15 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 2, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 } } })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 0 })
+acl_index_to_delete = reply[1].acl_index
+print("Deleting " .. tostring(acl_index_to_delete))
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = acl_index_to_delete })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+for ri, rv in ipairs(reply) do
+  print("Reply message #" .. tostring(ri))
+  print(vpp.dump(rv))
+  for ai, av in ipairs(rv.r) do
+    print("ACL rule #" .. tostring(ai) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(av))
+  end
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 4294967295 })
+]] -- end of comment out
+---- Should be nothing ^^
+r = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::3"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8::"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32  },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32},
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32 },
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 5, r = r })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_in
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+--reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+-- print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 2
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 3
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 4
+cd lua
+r1 = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::4"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, count = 3, r = r1 })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 1
+run lua print("ALL GOOD!")
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-old.lute b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-old.lute
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edebf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl-old.lute
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+shell vppbuild
+run vppbuild stty -echo
+run vppbuild sudo -u ubuntu -i bash -c "(cd vpp && make plugins && echo ALLGOOD)"
+expect vppbuild ALLGOOD
+shell s0
+shell s1
+shell s2
+cd s1
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd s2
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd lua
+function session_get_bash_pid(s)
+  if not has_session(s) then
+    return nil
+  end
+  local fname = "/tmp/lute-"..s.."-pid.txt"
+  session_exec(s, "echo $$ >" .. fname)
+  -- it's a dirty hack but it's quick
+  sleep(0.5)
+  local pid = io.lines(fname)()
+  print("Got pid for " .. s .. " : " .. tostring(pid))
+  return(tonumber(pid))
+function session_connect_with(s0, s1)
+  -- local pid0 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s0))
+  local pid1 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s1))
+  local eth_options = { "rx", "tx",  "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso", "gro", "lro", "rxvlan", "txvlan", "rxhash" }
+  local this_end = s0 .. "_" .. s1
+  local other_end = s1 .. "_" .. s0
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link add name " .. this_end .. " type veth peer name " .. other_end)
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. this_end .. " up promisc on")
+  for i, option in ipairs(eth_options) do
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. this_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. other_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+  end
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. other_end .. " up promisc on netns /proc/" .. pid1 .. "/ns/net")
+  sleep(0.5)
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s1")
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s2")
+cd s1
+ip -6 addr add dev s1_s0 2001:db8:1::1/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s1_s0
+ip link set dev s1_s0 up promisc on
+cd s2
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::2/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::3/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::4/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:1
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:2
+ip link set dev s2_s0 up promisc on
+run s1 ip addr
+run s2 ip addr
+shell VPP
+cd VPP
+cd /home/ubuntu/vpp
+make debug 
+expect VPP DBGvpp#
+cd lua
+-- Initialization of the Lua environment for talking to VPP
+vpp = require("vpp-lapi")
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/plugins/acl-plugin/acl/acl.api", "acl")
+cd lua
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s1", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s1 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s2", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s2 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+ifaces = { vpp_if_to_s1, vpp_if_to_s2 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+bd_id = 42
+reply = vpp:api_call("bridge_domain_add_del", { bd_id = bd_id, flood = 1, uu_flood = 1, forward = 1, learn = 1, arp_term = 0, is_add = 1 })
+for i, v in ipairs(ifaces) do
+  reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_l2_bridge", { rx_sw_if_index = v, bd_id = bd_id, shg = 0, bvi = 0, enable = 1 } )
+  print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+cd lua
+--- ACL testing
+--[[ temporary comment out
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 230 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 8 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 15 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 2, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 } } })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 0 })
+acl_index_to_delete = reply[1].acl_index
+print("Deleting " .. tostring(acl_index_to_delete))
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = acl_index_to_delete })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+for ri, rv in ipairs(reply) do
+  print("Reply message #" .. tostring(ri))
+  print(vpp.dump(rv))
+  for ai, av in ipairs(rv.r) do
+    print("ACL rule #" .. tostring(ai) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(av))
+  end
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 4294967295 })
+]] -- end of comment out
+---- Should be nothing ^^
+r = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::3"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8::"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32  },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32},
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32 },
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 5, r = r })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_in
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+--reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+-- print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 2
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 3
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 4
+cd lua
+r1 = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::4"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = r1 })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 1
+run lua print("ALL GOOD!")
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl.lute b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl.lute
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7e7423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script-inout-acl.lute
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+shell vppbuild
+run vppbuild stty -echo
+run vppbuild sudo -u ubuntu -i bash -c "(cd vpp && make plugins && echo ALLGOOD)"
+expect vppbuild ALLGOOD
+shell s0
+shell s1
+shell s2
+cd s1
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd s2
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd lua
+function session_get_bash_pid(s)
+  if not has_session(s) then
+    return nil
+  end
+  local fname = "/tmp/lute-"..s.."-pid.txt"
+  session_exec(s, "echo $$ >" .. fname)
+  -- it's a dirty hack but it's quick
+  sleep(0.5)
+  local pid = io.lines(fname)()
+  print("Got pid for " .. s .. " : " .. tostring(pid))
+  return(tonumber(pid))
+function session_connect_with(s0, s1)
+  -- local pid0 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s0))
+  local pid1 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s1))
+  local eth_options = { "rx", "tx",  "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso", "gro", "lro", "rxvlan", "txvlan", "rxhash" }
+  local this_end = s0 .. "_" .. s1
+  local other_end = s1 .. "_" .. s0
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link add name " .. this_end .. " type veth peer name " .. other_end)
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. this_end .. " up promisc on")
+  for i, option in ipairs(eth_options) do
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. this_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. other_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+  end
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. other_end .. " up promisc on netns /proc/" .. pid1 .. "/ns/net")
+  sleep(0.5)
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s1")
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s2")
+cd s1
+ip -6 addr add dev s1_s0 2001:db8:1::1/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s1_s0
+ip link set dev s1_s0 up promisc on
+cd s2
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::2/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::3/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::4/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:1
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:2
+ip link set dev s2_s0 up promisc on
+run s1 ip addr
+run s2 ip addr
+shell VPP
+cd VPP
+cd /home/ubuntu/vpp
+make debug 
+expect VPP DBGvpp#
+cd lua
+-- Initialization of the Lua environment for talking to VPP
+vpp = require("vpp-lapi")
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/plugins/acl-plugin/acl/acl.api", "acl")
+cd lua
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s1", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s1 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s2", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s2 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+ifaces = { vpp_if_to_s1, vpp_if_to_s2 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+bd_id = 42
+reply = vpp:api_call("bridge_domain_add_del", { bd_id = bd_id, flood = 1, uu_flood = 1, forward = 1, learn = 1, arp_term = 0, is_add = 1 })
+for i, v in ipairs(ifaces) do
+  reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_l2_bridge", { rx_sw_if_index = v, bd_id = bd_id, shg = 0, bvi = 0, enable = 1 } )
+  print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+cd lua
+--- ACL testing
+--[[ temporary comment out
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 230 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 8 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 15 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 2, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 } } })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 0 })
+acl_index_to_delete = reply[1].acl_index
+print("Deleting " .. tostring(acl_index_to_delete))
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = acl_index_to_delete })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+for ri, rv in ipairs(reply) do
+  print("Reply message #" .. tostring(ri))
+  print(vpp.dump(rv))
+  for ai, av in ipairs(rv.r) do
+    print("ACL rule #" .. tostring(ai) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(av))
+  end
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 4294967295 })
+]] -- end of comment out
+---- Should be nothing ^^
+r = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::3"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8::"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32  },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32},
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32 },
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 5, r = r })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_in
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+--reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+-- print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 2
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 3
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 4
+cd lua
+r1 = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::4"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add_replace", { context = 42, acl_index = -1, count = 3, r = r1 })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 0
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace 
+expect VPP match: inacl 0 rule 1
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 1
+run lua print("ALL GOOD!")
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script.lute b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script.lute
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3dd90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/script.lute
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+shell s1
+expect s1 $
+run s1 echo testing123
+expect s1 $
+run s1 echo done
diff --git a/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/sessions-acl.lute b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/sessions-acl.lute
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac237ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpp-api/lua/examples/lute/sessions-acl.lute
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+run lua -- collectgarbage("stop")
+shell vppbuild
+run vppbuild stty -echo
+run vppbuild sudo -u ubuntu -i bash -c "(cd vpp && make plugins && echo ALLGOOD)"
+expect vppbuild ALLGOOD
+shell s0
+shell s1
+shell s2
+cd s1
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd s2
+unshare -n /bin/bash
+/sbin/ifconfig -a
+cd lua
+function session_get_bash_pid(s)
+  if not has_session(s) then
+    return nil
+  end
+  local fname = "/tmp/lute-"..s.."-pid.txt"
+  session_exec(s, "echo $$ >" .. fname)
+  -- it's a dirty hack but it's quick
+  sleep(0.5)
+  local pid = io.lines(fname)()
+  print("Got pid for " .. s .. " : " .. tostring(pid))
+  return(tonumber(pid))
+function session_connect_with(s0, s1)
+  -- local pid0 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s0))
+  local pid1 = tostring(session_get_bash_pid(s1))
+  local eth_options = { "rx", "tx",  "sg", "tso", "ufo", "gso", "gro", "lro", "rxvlan", "txvlan", "rxhash" }
+  local this_end = s0 .. "_" .. s1
+  local other_end = s1 .. "_" .. s0
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link add name " .. this_end .. " type veth peer name " .. other_end)
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. this_end .. " up promisc on")
+  for i, option in ipairs(eth_options) do
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. this_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+    session_exec(s0, "/sbin/ethtool --offload " .. other_end .. " " .. option .. " off")
+  end
+  session_exec(s0, "ip link set dev " .. other_end .. " up promisc on netns /proc/" .. pid1 .. "/ns/net")
+  sleep(0.5)
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s1")
+run lua session_connect_with("s0", "s2")
+cd s1
+ip -6 addr add dev s1_s0 2001:db8:1::1/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s1_s0
+ip link set dev s1_s0 up promisc on
+cd s2
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::2/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::3/64
+ip -6 addr add dev s2_s0 2001:db8:1::4/64
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:1
+ip -4 addr add dev s2_s0:2
+ip link set dev s2_s0 up promisc on
+run s1 ip addr
+run s2 ip addr
+shell VPP
+cd VPP
+cd /home/ubuntu/vpp
+make debug 
+expect VPP DBGvpp#
+cd lua
+-- Initialization of the Lua environment for talking to VPP
+vpp = require("vpp-lapi")
+root_dir = "/home/ubuntu/vpp"
+pneum_path = root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp-api/lib64/"
+vpp:init({ pneum_path = pneum_path })
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vlib-api/vlibmemory/memclnt.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api")
+vpp:consume_api(root_dir .. "/plugins/acl-plugin/acl/acl.api", "acl")
+cd lua
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s1", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s1 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("af_packet_create", { host_if_name = "s0_s2", hw_addr = "AAAAAA" })
+vpp_if_to_s2 = reply[1].sw_if_index
+ifaces = { vpp_if_to_s1, vpp_if_to_s2 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_flags", { sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, admin_up_down = 1, link_up_down = 1 })
+bd_id = 42
+reply = vpp:api_call("bridge_domain_add_del", { bd_id = bd_id, flood = 1, uu_flood = 1, forward = 1, learn = 1, arp_term = 0, is_add = 1 })
+for i, v in ipairs(ifaces) do
+  reply = vpp:api_call("sw_interface_set_l2_bridge", { rx_sw_if_index = v, bd_id = bd_id, shg = 0, bvi = 0, enable = 1 } )
+  print(vpp.dump(reply))
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping -c 3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::2
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::3
+expect s1 packet loss
+run s1 ping6 -c 3 2001:db8:1::4
+expect s1 packet loss
+cd lua
+--- ACL testing
+--[[ temporary comment out
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 230 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 8 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = 15 })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 2, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 } } })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 0 })
+acl_index_to_delete = reply[1].acl_index
+print("Deleting " .. tostring(acl_index_to_delete))
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = acl_index_to_delete })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+for ri, rv in ipairs(reply) do
+  print("Reply message #" .. tostring(ri))
+  print(vpp.dump(rv))
+  for ai, av in ipairs(rv.r) do
+    print("ACL rule #" .. tostring(ai) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(av))
+  end
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_del", { context = 42, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 0})
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_dump", { context = 42, sw_if_index = 4294967295 })
+]] -- end of comment out
+---- Should be nothing ^^
+r = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::3"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8::"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32  },
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32},
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 0, dst_ip_addr = ip46(""), dst_ip_prefix_len = 32 },
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 5, r = r })
+interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = { { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1 }, { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 0 } } })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_in
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s1, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = interface_acl_in })
+r1 = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::2"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 1, src_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::1"), src_ip_prefix_len = 128, dst_ip_addr = ip46("2001:db8:1::4"), dst_ip_prefix_len = 128 },
+  { is_permit = 2, is_ipv6 = 0 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 3, r = r1 })
+interface_acl_out = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 0, acl_index = interface_acl_out })
+r2 = {
+  { is_permit = 1, is_ipv6 = 1 },
+  { is_permit = 0, is_ipv6 = 0 }
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_add", { context = 42, count = 2, r = r2 })
+second_interface_acl_in = reply[1].acl_index
+reply = vpp:api_call("acl_interface_add_del", { context = 42, sw_if_index = vpp_if_to_s2, is_add = 1, is_input = 1, acl_index = second_interface_acl_in })
+run VPP show classify tables
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s2 nc -v -l -p 22
+run s1 nc 22
+run s1 echo
+sleep 1
+run s1 break
+sleep 1
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 2
+run VPP show classify tables
+run VPP show classify tables
+run VPP clear trace
+run VPP trace add af-packet-input 100
+run s2 nc -v -l -p 22
+run s1 nc 22
+run s1 echo
+sleep 1
+run s1 break
+sleep 1
+run VPP show trace
+expect VPP match: outacl 2 rule 2
+run VPP show classify tables
+run lua print("ALL GOOD!")