GLOBAL: Update rebase-jobs script to handle git tags

Change-Id: Ieb428d4f7bdf8528aba65c8de467f8c69324c538
diff --git a/jjb/global/ b/jjb/global/
index f124691..4431bf4 100644
--- a/jjb/global/
+++ b/jjb/global/
@@ -25,16 +25,18 @@
     git branch -f --track ${GERRIT_BRANCH} origin/${GERRIT_BRANCH}
-git fetch origin -v
+git fetch origin --tags -v
 echo "-- Adding new remote $NORDIX_REMOTE for sync --"
 git remote add nordix $NORDIX_REMOTE
 git remote -v
 echo "-- Merging changes from Gerrit upstream remote branches to local branch: --"
 for branch in ${REMOTE_BRANCHES}  ; do
-    echo "------ Branch name: ${branch}"
+    echo "--- Branch name: ${branch}"
     git checkout ${branch} -q -f
     git merge origin/${branch} --ff-only --stat
+    echo "------ Pushing changes from branch: ${branch} to Nordix Gerrit"
+    git push nordix -v
+    echo "------ Pushing new tags from branch: ${branch} to Nordix Gerrit"
+    git push nordix --tags -v
-echo "-- Pushing changes to Nordix Gerrit --"
-git push nordix --all -v
 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"