Jenkins Multijob to build and archive UDS Artifacts (docker images, source repositories, .war files etc.) and pushe to Artifactory. Can accept multiple project source repositories for instances where repositories depend on each other in order to build. Intended for use within Aegis. Link To Jira Ticket
Job parameters include;
PROJECTS - Nordix Gerrit projects to build and archive (e.g. project1, project2)
BRANCHES - Project branches to pull from (e.g. project1branch, project2branch)
PROJECT_DIRECTORIES - Directories names to place projects
PROJECT_VERSIONS - SHA commit ids/versions of PROJECTS source repositories to checkout e.g. 6d3ab..., d96ba... Allows for building from specific versions of a source or can also be left blank to pull latest source.
GIT_BASE_HTTPS - Base HTTPS URL of repository to clone from
MVN_VERSION - Maven version to build with
MVN_URL - Download URL for Maven
MVN - Path to mvn executable
MVN_PARAMS - Maven build parameters
MVN_SETTINGS_XML_VERSION - SHA commit id/version for the ONAP oparent repository to checkout. Used for retrieving the ONAP Maven settings.xml file for the Maven build process. Can be left blank to pull the latest version.
ARTIFACTORY_URL - Artifactory URL to push to
POM_LOCATION - Path to repository pom.xml parsed for version number used within archive filenames (e.g. uds.version)
GREP_PARAMS - Parameters for grep command used for parsing pom file for version number used within archive filenames
ARCHIVENAME - Name to be given to archive holding the repositories pushed to Artifactory
ARTIFACTORY_REPO_ARCHIVE_PATH - Artifactory repository and path to push repository archive to
REPO_ARCHIVE_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY - Workspace directory to hold repository artifacts
DOCKER_IMAGES - Docker image names to archive and push to Artifactory
ARTIFACTORY_DOCKER_IMAGES_PATH - Artifactory repository and path to push docker images to
DOCKER_IMAGE_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY - Workspace directory to hold docker image artifacts
ARTIFACT_PATHS - Artifact file paths that should be pushed to Artifactory, can contain wildcards
ARTIFACTORY_ARTIFACT_PATH - Artifactory repository and path to push artifacts to e.g. .war .jar files
ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY - Workspace directory to hold artifacts
Jenkins Job requires the following packages installed on the Jenkins slave