Metal3: Add BMO e2e job
The metal3 folder is getting hard to navigate so I added a subfolder for
Change-Id: Ic140d0034dfa2860c4429024d07af5b6bd3de14e
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml b/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b431b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+- project:
+ name: baremetal-operator
+ jobs:
+ - "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
+- job-template:
+ name: "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ defaults: global
+ disabled: False
+ concurrent: True
+ properties:
+ - build-discarder:
+ days-to-keep: 30
+ num-to-keep: 300
+ artifact-days-to-keep: -1
+ artifact-num-to-keep: -1
+ - github:
+ url:
+ triggers:
+ # Run at 02:45 (UTC) every day
+ - timed: "45 2 * * *"
+ - github-pull-request:
+ admin-list:
+ - "{ci_github_admin_user}"
+ org-list: "{ci_github_whitelist_org}"
+ auth-id: "{ci_ghprb_auth_id}"
+ trigger-phrase: '((.|\n)*\s)?/{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests(\s(.|\n)*)?'
+ skip-build-phrase: '/skip-test'
+ only-trigger-phrase: True
+ github-hooks: True
+ permit-all: False
+ auto-close-on-fail: False
+ allow-whitelist-orgs-as-admins: True
+ white-list-target-branches:
+ - 'main'
+ status-context: "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
+ success-status: "Passed"
+ failure-status: "Failed"
+ error-status: "Error"
+ cancel-builds-on-update: True
+ pipeline-scm:
+ scm:
+ - git:
+ url: "{ci_github_repo}"
+ credentials-id: "{ci_github_jenkins_credentials_id}"
+ branches:
+ - "{branch|main}"
+ name: 'origin'
+ refspec: "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
+ wipe-workspace: True
+ honor-refspec: True
+ shallow-clone: False
+ script-path: "jenkins/jobs/bmo_e2e_tests.pipeline"
+ lightweight-checkout: False