Reformat basic e2e jjb name to conform with old triggers and remove ghprb related parameters

Change-Id: I8ca1e5eae70e3732c559036b7cbbc92d5ca91a44
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_basic_tests.yml b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_basic_tests.yml
index b01423f..05f89af 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_basic_tests.yml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_basic_tests.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 - job-template:
     id: capm3_e2e_basic_tests
-    name: '{job_prefix}-{proj}-{capm3_target_branch}-e2e-basic-test-{image_os}'
-    description: "CAPM3 {capm3_version} e2e basic integration tests for {org}/{repo} on {image_os}."
+    name: '{job_prefix}-{image_os}-e2e-basic-test-{capm3_target_branch}'
+    description: "CAPM3 {capm3_version} e2e basic integration tests on {image_os}."
     project-type: pipeline
     defaults: global
     disabled: False
@@ -42,11 +42,9 @@
         description: 'Used by Prow when triggering jobs'
     - string:
         name: REPO_OWNER
-        default: '{org}'
         description: 'Project github repo org name'
     - string:
         name: REPO_NAME
-        default: '{repo}'
         description: 'Project github repo name'
     - string:
         name: PULL_BASE_REF
@@ -61,26 +59,6 @@
         description: 'Pull request number'
     # End of Prow parameters
     - string:
-        name: PROJECT_REPO_ORG
-        default: '{org}'
-        description: 'Project github repo org name'
-    - string:
-        name: PROJECT_REPO_NAME
-        default: '{repo}'
-        description: 'Project github repo name'
-    - string:
-        name: ghprbActualCommit
-        default: 'main'
-        description: 'CI Repo branch for triggering manual build'
-    - string:
-        name: ghprbAuthorRepoGitUrl
-        default: '{org}/{repo}.git'
-        description: 'CI Repo URL for triggering manual build'
-    - string:
-        name: ghprbTargetBranch
-        default: 'main'
-        description: 'Target branch of the PR'
-    - string:
         name: IMAGE_OS
         default: '{image_os}'
         description: 'Distribution to use for the target host as well as source and target cluster. Can be ubuntu or centos'
@@ -119,29 +97,9 @@
         num-to-keep: 300
         artifact-days-to-keep: -1
         artifact-num-to-keep: -1
-    - github:
-        url:{org}/{repo}
-    triggers:
-    - github-pull-request:
-        admin-list:
-          - '{ci_github_admin_user}'
-        org-list: "{ci_github_whitelist_org}"
-        cron: 'H/5 * * * *'
-        auth-id: "{ci_ghprb_auth_id}"
-        trigger-phrase: '.*?/test-{image_os}-e2e-basic-{capm3_target_branch}.*?'
-        skip-build-phrase: '/skip-test'
-        only-trigger-phrase: True
-        github-hooks: True
-        permit-all: False
-        auto-close-on-fail: False
-        allow-whitelist-orgs-as-admins: True
-        white-list-target-branches: "{target_branches}"
-        status-context: "test-{image_os}-e2e-basic-{capm3_target_branch}"
-        success-status: "Passed"
-        failure-status: "Failed"
-        error-status: "Error"
-        cancel-builds-on-update: True
+    triggers: []
       - git:
@@ -156,3 +114,28 @@
           shallow-clone: False
       script-path: "jenkins/jobs/prow_integration_tests.pipeline"
       lightweight-checkout: False
+- project:
+    name: "capm3-basic"
+    image_os:
+    - ubuntu
+    - centos
+    jobs:
+    - capm3_e2e_basic_tests:
+        capm3_target_branch:
+        - main:
+            capi_version: v1beta1
+            capm3_version: v1beta1
+            capm3_release_branch: main
+            bmo_release_branch: main
+            target_branches:
+            - 'main'
+        - release-1-6:
+            capi_version: v1beta1
+            capm3_version: v1beta1
+            capm3_release_branch: release-1.6
+            bmo_release_branch: release-0.5
+            target_branches:
+            - 'main'
+            - 'release-1.6'
+            - 'release-0.5'
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/projects.yml b/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
index f2d76d2..e13a6b3 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
@@ -385,24 +385,6 @@
             - 'main'
             - 'release-1.4'
             - 'release-0.3'
-    - capm3_e2e_basic_tests:
-        capm3_target_branch:
-        - main:
-            capi_version: v1beta1
-            capm3_version: v1beta1
-            capm3_release_branch: main
-            bmo_release_branch: main
-            target_branches:
-            - 'main'
-        - release-1-6:
-            capi_version: v1beta1
-            capm3_version: v1beta1
-            capm3_release_branch: release-1.6
-            bmo_release_branch: release-0.5
-            target_branches:
-            - 'main'
-            - 'release-1.6'
-            - 'release-0.5'
     - capm3_e2e_feature_tests:
         - main: