Make e2e integration runnable on releases

Change-Id: I1f8d7c25a578db82ab54af137e050ffc48682561
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_integration_tests.yml b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_integration_tests.yml
index adf4ced..a913c72 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_integration_tests.yml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_e2e_integration_tests.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 - job-template:
     id: capm3_e2e_integration_tests
-    name: '{job_prefix}_{proj}_e2e_integration_test_{image_os}'
-    description: "CAPM3 e2e integration tests for {org}/{repo} on {image_os}."
+    name: '{job_prefix}_{proj}_{capm3_target_branch}_e2e_integration_test_{image_os}'
+    description: "CAPM3 {capm3_version} e2e integration tests for {org}/{repo} on {image_os}."
     project-type: pipeline
     defaults: global
     disabled: False
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@
         description: 'Distribution to use for the target host as well as source and target cluster. Can be ubuntu or centos'
     - string:
         name: capm3_release_branch
-        default: 'main'
+        default: '{capm3_release_branch}'
         description: 'The target branch of CAPM3 to be used for this test'
     - string:
         name: CAPI_VERSION
-        default: 'v1beta1'
+        default: '{capi_version}'
         description: 'Cluster API version. E.g. v1beta1.'
     - string:
         name: CAPM3_VERSION
-        default: 'v1beta1'
+        default: '{capm3_version}'
         description: 'Cluster API provider Metal3 version. E.g. v1beta1.'
     - string:
         name: TARGET_NODE_MEMORY
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
         org-list: "{ci_github_whitelist_org}"
         cron: 'H/5 * * * *'
         auth-id: "{ci_ghprb_auth_id}"
-        trigger-phrase: '((.|\n)*\s)?/test-{image_os}-e2e-integration-main(\s(.|\n)*)?'
+        trigger-phrase: '((.|\n)*\s)?/test-{image_os}-e2e-integration-{capm3_target_branch}(\s(.|\n)*)?'
         skip-build-phrase: '/skip-test'
         only-trigger-phrase: True
         github-hooks: True
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
         allow-whitelist-orgs-as-admins: True
           - 'main'
-        status-context: "test-{image_os}-e2e-integration-main"
+        status-context: "test-{image_os}-e2e-integration-{capm3_target_branch}"
         success-status: "Passed"
         failure-status: "Failed"
         error-status: "Error"
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests.yml b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests.yml
index b358892..13fa3c7 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests.yml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/job_capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 - job-template:
     id: capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests
-    name: '{job_prefix}_daily_main_e2e_integration_test_{image_os}'
-    description: "CAPM3 main e2e integration tests for {repo[org]}/{repo[name]} on {image_os}."
+    name: '{job_prefix}_daily_{capm3_target_branch}_e2e_integration_test_{image_os}'
+    description: "CAPM3 {capm3_version} e2e integration tests for {repo[org]}/{repo[name]} on {image_os}."
     project-type: pipeline
     defaults: global
     disabled: False
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@
         description: 'Distribution to use for the target host as well as source and target cluster. Can be ubuntu or centos'
     - string:
         name: capm3_release_branch
-        default: 'main'
+        default: '{capm3_release_branch}'
         description: 'The target branch of CAPM3 to be used for this test'
     - string:
         name: CAPI_VERSION
-        default: 'v1beta1'
+        default: '{capi_version}'
         description: 'Cluster API version. E.g. v1beta1.'
     - string:
         name: CAPM3_VERSION
-        default: 'v1beta1'
+        default: '{capm3_version}'
         description: 'Cluster API provider Metal3 version. E.g. v1beta1.'
     - string:
         name: TARGET_NODE_MEMORY
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/projects.yml b/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
index 83490d9..b1cd4d9 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/projects.yml
@@ -327,9 +327,37 @@
             - image_os: centos
       - capm3_e2e_integration_tests:
+          capm3_target_branch:
+            - main:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: main
+                target_branches:
+                  - 'main'
+            - release-1-4:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: release-1.4
+                target_branches:
+                  - 'main'
+                  - 'release-1.4'
       - parallel_capm3_e2e_feature_tests:
       - capm3_e2e_feature_tests:
       - keep_capm3_e2e_integration_tests:
+          capm3_target_branch:
+            - main:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: main
+                target_branches:
+                  - 'main'
+            - release-1-4:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: release-1.4
+                target_branches:
+                  - 'main'
+                  - 'release-1.4'
       - keep_capm3_e2e_feature_tests:
       - keep_capm3_e2e_upgrade_tests:
@@ -356,6 +384,17 @@
             - image_os: ubuntu
       - capm3_main_e2e_integration_tests:
+          capm3_target_branch:
+            - main:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: main
+                schedule: "H 4 * * *"
+            - release-1-4:
+                capi_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_version: v1beta1
+                capm3_release_branch: release-1.4
+                schedule: "30 4 * * *"
       - capm3_main_e2e_feature_tests:
             - main: