Metal3: Fix BMO e2e jobs

- Fix github URL
- Change trigger phrase, name, status context to have dashes instead of
- Separate periodic and pull jobs to make it easy to filter.

Change-Id: I351f2cf51610a7109ace317d878226f370cbf6ce
diff --git a/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml b/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml
index b431b95..e8e8cd4 100644
--- a/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml
+++ b/jjb/metal3/baremetal-operator/jjb-bmo-e2e.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,40 @@
 - project:
-    name: baremetal-operator
+    name: bmo
+    # Default "type" of job is "pull", as in pull request
+    # and the default trigger is then also for PR comments.
+    type: pull
+    triggers:
+    # Trigger the job based on comments on a GH pull request.
+    - github-pull-request:
+        admin-list:
+        - "{ci_github_admin_user}"
+        org-list: "{ci_github_whitelist_org}"
+        auth-id: "{ci_ghprb_auth_id}"
+        trigger-phrase: '((.|\n)*\s)?/{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test(\s(.|\n)*)?'
+        skip-build-phrase: '/skip-test'
+        only-trigger-phrase: True
+        github-hooks: True
+        permit-all: False
+        auto-close-on-fail: False
+        allow-whitelist-orgs-as-admins: True
+        white-list-target-branches:
+        - 'main'
+        status-context: "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test"
+        success-status: "Passed"
+        failure-status: "Failed"
+        error-status: "Error"
+        cancel-builds-on-update: True
-    - "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
+    - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}"
+    - "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}":
+        type: periodic
+        triggers:
+        # Run at 02:45 (UTC) every day
+        - timed: "45 2 * * *"
 - job-template:
-    name: "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
+    name: "{job_prefix}-{name}-e2e-test-{type}"
     project-type: pipeline
     defaults: global
     disabled: False
@@ -18,30 +47,9 @@
         artifact-days-to-keep: -1
         artifact-num-to-keep: -1
     - github:
-        url:
+        url:
-    triggers:
-    # Run at 02:45 (UTC) every day
-    - timed: "45 2 * * *"
-    - github-pull-request:
-        admin-list:
-        - "{ci_github_admin_user}"
-        org-list: "{ci_github_whitelist_org}"
-        auth-id: "{ci_ghprb_auth_id}"
-        trigger-phrase: '((.|\n)*\s)?/{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests(\s(.|\n)*)?'
-        skip-build-phrase: '/skip-test'
-        only-trigger-phrase: True
-        github-hooks: True
-        permit-all: False
-        auto-close-on-fail: False
-        allow-whitelist-orgs-as-admins: True
-        white-list-target-branches:
-        - 'main'
-        status-context: "{job_prefix}_{name}_e2e_tests"
-        success-status: "Passed"
-        failure-status: "Failed"
-        error-status: "Error"
-        cancel-builds-on-update: True
+    triggers: "{triggers}"