bugfix: Correct the network configuration order

Today we remove all the old configuration files,
write the new configuration files and bring the interface
down and up. In this way dhclient process will be left over
for the interfaces that are changed from dhcp to static or manual,
as the ifdown command does not know the interface was configured
as dhcp.

Correct order of the configuration is to bring down the interface,
update the configuration file and then bring it up.

The issue in dhcp client is suspected to be connected with the dns
instability issue in some lab as the dhcp client is keeping receiving
dns information which caused the dns manager restarts all the time.

Change-Id: I78ba7b8e9d0ac3785d87a8cd794a77b94a599755
diff --git a/playbooks/roles/configure-targethosts/tasks/configure-network-ubuntu16.yml b/playbooks/roles/configure-targethosts/tasks/configure-network-ubuntu16.yml
index 18ca7ef..8b2d69f 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/configure-targethosts/tasks/configure-network-ubuntu16.yml
+++ b/playbooks/roles/configure-targethosts/tasks/configure-network-ubuntu16.yml
@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@
     name: 8021q
     state: present
-- name: Ensure interfaces.d folder is empty
+# TODO: we need to look into how to configure with netplan for ubuntu 18
+# For ubuntu 16.04, the way of not cleaning up the interfaces.d directory has small
+# risk if the directory has other configuration files named other than the interfaces
+# that we are configuring. Practically we do not have this issue today.
+- name: Ensure interfaces.d folder exists
     state: "{{ item }}"
     path: "/etc/network/interfaces.d"
-    - absent
     - directory
 - name: Ensure /etc/interfaces can source additional files
@@ -45,10 +48,18 @@
       source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg
     dest: "/etc/network/interfaces"
-- name: Configure networking for host
+- name: Ensures /tmp/network_itf directory exists and empty
+  file:
+    state: "{{ item }}"
+    path: "/tmp/network_itf"
+  with_items:
+    - absent
+    - directory
+- name: Prepare the networking configuration on the host
     src: "{{ distribution }}.interface.j2"
-    dest: "/etc/network/interfaces.d/{{ item.name }}.cfg"
+    dest: "/tmp/network_itf/{{ item.name }}.cfg"
     - { name: "{{ admin_if }}", vlan_id: "{{ (admin_vlan == 'native') | ternary(omit, admin_vlan) }}", nw: "{{ admin_nw }}", ip: "{{ admin_ip }}", gw: "{{ admin_gw }}"}
     - { name: "{{ public_if }}", vlan_id: "{{ (public_vlan == 'native') | ternary(omit, public_vlan) }}", nw: "{{ public_nw }}", ip: "{{ public_ip }}", gw: "{{ public_gw }}"}
@@ -57,8 +68,8 @@
     label: "{{ item.name }}"
-- name: Restart network service
-  shell: "/sbin/ip addr flush dev {{ item }} && /sbin/ifdown -a && /sbin/ifup -a"
+- name: Configure and restart the network service
+  shell: "/sbin/ip addr flush dev {{ item }} && /sbin/ifdown {{ item }} && cp /tmp/network_itf/{{ item }}.cfg /etc/network/interfaces.d/ && /sbin/ifup {{ item }}"
   async: 15
   poll: 0
@@ -72,10 +83,11 @@
     path: /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
     regexp: "^#?DNS=.*$"
     line: "DNS={{ idf.net_config.public.dns | join(' ')}}"
+  when: idf.net_config.public.dns is defined
 - name: Restart systemd-resolved service
-    name: "systemd-resolved"
+    name: systemd-resolved
     state: restarted
 # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab: