Install JJB and shell scripts for offline installation

Change-Id: I9cd16a1bbc1932244d7fa5bd216e3116703623cb
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef477dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/build/jjb/1_build_stack_creation.yaml b/build/jjb/1_build_stack_creation.yaml
index f2f39d7..9272065 100644
--- a/build/jjb/1_build_stack_creation.yaml
+++ b/build/jjb/1_build_stack_creation.yaml
@@ -11,36 +11,64 @@
           default: 'onap_offline_heat.tmpl'
           description: 'Name of the heat template file'
       - string:
+          name: 'openstack_rc'
+          default: 'openstack.rc'
+          description: 'Openstack RC file'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          description: 'Name of Openstack user'
+      - password:
+          name: 'openstack_pwd'
+          description: 'Openstack password'
+      - string:
           name: 'openstack_build_stack_name'
           default: 'onap_offline_auto_build'
           description: 'Name of ONAP Offline build stack'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_image'
-          default: 'est-centos7-1901'
           description: 'Openstack Image name for Offline Build VM'
       - string:
-          name: 'openstack_flavour'
-          default: '24C-128GB-400GB'
-          description: 'Openstack Flavour name for Offline Build VM'
+          name: 'openstack_flavor'
+          description: 'Openstack Flavor name for Offline Build VM'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_auth_url'
+          description: 'Openstack authentication URL'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user_domain'
+          description: 'Openstack user domain name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_project_domain'
+          description: 'Openstack project domain'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_region_name'
+          description: 'Openstack region name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_project_name'
+          description: 'Openstack project name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_tenant_name'
+          description: 'Openstack tenant name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_auth_version'
+          description: 'Openstack auth version'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_identity_api_version'
+          default: '3'
+          description: 'Openstack identity API version'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_network'
-          default: 'onapnet-internal1'
           description: 'Openstack Network name'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_security_group'
-          default: 'internal-sg-onap-offline'
           description: 'Openstack Security Group'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_ssh_key'
-          default: 'offline_install_key'
           description: 'Openstack SSH Key'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_net_id'
-          default: '11bc9b32-b581-48f7-a713-27deabcb6f1e'
           description: 'Openstack Network ID'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_net_subnet'
-          default: 'onapnet-internal1-subnet-ipv4'
           description: 'Openstack SubNetwork ID'
       - string:
           name: 'openstack_volume'
@@ -61,11 +89,11 @@
       - shell: git clone "${offline_install_git_repo}" "${WORKSPACE}/."
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - build-name-setter:
           template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
           macro: true
diff --git a/build/jjb/2_build_preparation.yaml b/build/jjb/2_build_preparation.yaml
index d3ca970..96a19ce 100644
--- a/build/jjb/2_build_preparation.yaml
+++ b/build/jjb/2_build_preparation.yaml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
           template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
           macro: true
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - timestamps
     node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/build/jjb/3_build_download_artifacts.yaml b/build/jjb/3_build_download_artifacts.yaml
index e74ebe3..af4814c 100644
--- a/build/jjb/3_build_download_artifacts.yaml
+++ b/build/jjb/3_build_download_artifacts.yaml
@@ -25,6 +25,14 @@
           default: '/tmp/resources'
           description: 'Directory of resources'
       - string:
+          name: 'source_registry'
+          default: ''
+          description: 'Source registry'
+      - string:
+          name: 'target_registry'
+          default: ''
+          description: 'Target registry'
+      - string:
           name: 'ssh_key'
           default: ''
           description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM'
@@ -42,7 +50,7 @@
           template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
           macro: true
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - timestamps
     node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/build/jjb/4_build_nexus.yaml b/build/jjb/4_build_nexus.yaml
index bae4d05..469856b 100644
--- a/build/jjb/4_build_nexus.yaml
+++ b/build/jjb/4_build_nexus.yaml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
           template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
           macro: true
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - timestamps
     node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/build/jjb/5_build_create_tarballs.yaml b/build/jjb/5_build_create_tarballs.yaml
index 3cf013a..c76bb85 100644
--- a/build/jjb/5_build_create_tarballs.yaml
+++ b/build/jjb/5_build_create_tarballs.yaml
@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@
           template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
           macro: true
       - shell:
-          !include-raw: ${offline_install_git_repo}/build/scripts/
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/
       - timestamps
-    publishers:
-      - workspace-cleanup
     node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index d8c3e02..d6a2f0c
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Create OpenStack heat environment file
+# Create OpenStack heat environment file
 cat <<EOF > ${heat_environment}
   instance_name: ${openstack_build_stack_name}_instance
   image_name: ${openstack_image}
-  flavor_name: ${openstack_flavour}
+  flavor_name: ${openstack_flavor}
   #network_name: ${openstack_network}
   key: ${openstack_ssh_key}
   public_net_id: ${openstack_net_id}
@@ -14,3 +14,17 @@
   volume_name: ${openstack_volume}
   volume_size: ${openstack_volume_size}
+# Create OpenStack RC file
+cat <<OPENSTACK > ${openstack_rc}
+export OS_USERNAME=${openstack_user}
+export OS_PASSWORD=${openstack_pwd}
+export OS_AUTH_URL=${openstack_auth_url}
+export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=${openstack_user_domain}
+export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=${openstack_project_domain}
+export OS_REGION_NAME=${openstack_region_name}
+export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${openstack_project_name}
+export OS_TENANT_NAME=${openstack_tenant_name}
+export OS_AUTH_VERSION=${openstack_auth_version}
+export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=${openstack_identity_api_version}
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index c199779..1af8f4a
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -63,11 +63,7 @@
       - port: { get_resource: VMwithvolume_0_private_port }
       user_data_format: RAW
-      user_data:
-        str_replace:
-          params:
-             __mount_dir__: "aa"
-          template: |
+      user_data: |
             set -e
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index edac5b9..118fe0f
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -26,7 +26,3 @@
 echo ${build_node_ip} > ${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt
 cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt"
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 87ac182..041c41d
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -97,6 +97,3 @@
   echo "Failed to install: $RESULT"
   exit -1
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1602477..f9c99a8
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 ### Setting up variables used in this script ###
 build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
 ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
 ${ssh_cmd} "${clone_oom_cmd}"
@@ -188,6 +189,9 @@
+###TODO There is a script created in the offline installer to check rpms and create repo, but at the moment it is not usable, thus it is done manually###
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo /tmp/onap-offline/build/ -d $(pwd)"
 ### RPM's for CentOS were changed, thus we need to remake the rpm.list file ###
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c  \"cat << EOF > ${build_dir}/data_lists/onap_rpm.list
 #Renewed list of rpms
@@ -219,15 +223,22 @@
 ###Since we cannot login as root, and scripts presume you are a root user,need to set up correctly to be able to use helm ###
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ --http ${data_list_dir}/infra_bin_utils.list ${resources_dir}/downloads"
-${ssh_cmd} "sudo tar -xf ${resources_dir}/downloads/ linux-amd64/helm"
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo tar -xf ${resources_dir}/downloads/*.tar.gz linux-amd64/helm"
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm"
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i -e '/secure_path/ s[=.*[&:/usr/local/bin[' /etc/sudoers"
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i ${sed_cmd} ${build_dir}/creating_data/"
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/creating_data/ /tmp/oom/kubernetes/onap &>/dev/null"
+###*******Commands to incorporate Online PART 1*******###
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo curl -o ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_online.list"
+#scp -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${WORKSPACE}/build/scripts/ ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}:${onap_offline_dir}/
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo $(onap_offline_dir}/ -l onap_docker_images_online.list -d ${onap_docker_images_dir}"
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i '/${target_registry}\/onap/d' ${data_list_dir}/onap_docker_images.list"
 ###Download Scripts run step by step instead of using a wrapper script###
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ \
 --docker ${data_list_dir}/infra_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_infra \
+--docker ${data_list_dir}/k8s_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus \
 --docker ${data_list_dir}/rke_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus \
 --docker ${data_list_dir}/onap_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus"
@@ -237,6 +248,7 @@
     ${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i '/\/onap\/multicloud\/framework-artifactbroker:1.4.2/d' ${build_dir}/data_lists/onap_docker_images.list"
 	${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ \
 	--docker ${data_list_dir}/infra_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_infra \
+	--docker ${data_list_dir}/k8s_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus \
 	--docker ${data_list_dir}/rke_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus \
 	--docker ${data_list_dir}/onap_docker_images.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus"
 	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -245,28 +257,25 @@
-${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ --git ${data_list_dir}/onap_git_repos.list ${resources_dir}/git-repo"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	echo "Error downloading git repos"
-  exit -1
-${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ --npm ${data_list_dir}/onap_npm.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/npm_tar"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	echo "Error downloading npm files"
-  exit -1
 ${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ --rpm ${data_list_dir}/onap_rpm.list ${resources_dir}/pkg/rhel"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 	echo "Error downloading rpm files"
   exit -1
-${ssh_cmd} "sudo ${build_dir}/download/ --pypi ${data_list_dir}/onap_pip_packages.list ${resources_dir}/offline_data/pypi"
+###Need to create repo, as that is used in the deployment stage###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo createrepo /tmp/resources/pkg/rhel"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	echo "Error downloading pypi files"
-  exit -1
+    echo "Error creating repo"
+    exit -1
+###*******Commands to incorporate Online PART 2 ( TO BE LEFT COMMENTED OUT FOR NIGHTLY PURPOSES ) *******###
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c \"cat ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_online.list | sed 's/#sha256.*//' > ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_work.list\""
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i 's/\/onap\/online-install\//\//' ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_work.list"
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c \"cat ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_work.list | sort >> ${data_list_dir}/onap_docker_images.list\""
+###SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED ANYMORE IF WE ARE DROPPING THE 4 DIGIT TAG, but will be kept just in case###
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i 's/\.[0-9]*$//' ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_work.list"
+#${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i 's/\.[0-9]*[[:blank:]]$//' ${onap_offline_dir}/onap_docker_images_work.list"
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 23a9ee9..f8e162a
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -36,6 +36,3 @@
   exit -1
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 7982d22..2724086
--- a/build/scripts/
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -53,6 +53,3 @@
   echo "There is a custom package";
   ${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c \"mv /tmp/data/sw_packagecustom.tar /tmp/data/sw_package.tar\"";
diff --git a/build/scripts/ b/build/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe4ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python2.7
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+# Parse command line arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('-d', dest='directory', help='Directory location to store ONAP docker images')
+parser.add_argument('-l', dest='docker_images_list', help='List of ONAP docker images')
+parser.add_argument('-s', dest='source_registry', default=os.path.join("", "onap", "online-install"),
+                    help='Source registry')
+parser.add_argument('-t', dest='target_registry', default="", help='Source registry')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+def get_image_list_variables(image_list):
+    variable_pattern = re.compile("^# @.*=(.*)$")
+    nordix_promotion_id = None
+    onap_integration_repo_sha = None
+    onap_oom_repo_sha = None
+    onap_offline_installer_repo_sha = None
+    with open(image_list) as f:
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            if line.startswith("# @NORDIX_PROMOTION_ID"):
+                matches = re.match(variable_pattern, line)
+                nordix_promotion_id =
+            elif line.startswith("# @ONAP_INTEGRATION_REPO_SHA"):
+                matches = re.match(variable_pattern, line)
+                onap_integration_repo_sha =
+            elif line.startswith("# @ONAP_OOM_REPO_SHA"):
+                matches = re.match(variable_pattern, line)
+                onap_oom_repo_sha =
+            elif line.startswith("# @ONAP_OFFLINE_INSTALLER_REPO_SHA"):
+                matches = re.match(variable_pattern, line)
+                onap_offline_installer_repo_sha =
+    print("NORDIX_PROMOTION_ID: {nordix_promo}\nONAP_INTEGRATION_REPO_SHA: {onap_int_repo}".format(
+        nordix_promo=nordix_promotion_id, onap_int_repo=onap_integration_repo_sha))
+    print("ONAP_OOM_REPO_SHA: {onap_oom_repo}\nONAP_OFFLINE_INSTALLER_REPO_SHA: {onap_offline_inst_repo}".format(
+        onap_oom_repo=onap_oom_repo_sha, onap_offline_inst_repo=onap_offline_installer_repo_sha))
+    return nordix_promotion_id, onap_integration_repo_sha, onap_oom_repo_sha, onap_offline_installer_repo_sha
+def get_image_tokens(image_list):
+    tokens = []
+    with open(image_list) as f:
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            if not line.startswith("#"):
+                pattern = re.compile("^(.*):([0-9.]*)\\s#(.*)$")
+                matches = re.match(pattern, line)
+                tokens.append(matches.groups())
+    return tokens
+def docker_save_images(tokens, directory, source, target):
+    if not os.path.exists(directory):
+        os.makedirs(directory)
+    for token in tokens:
+        docker_pull(token)
+        docker_tag(token, source, target)
+        docker_save(token, directory, source, target)
+        docker_remove_image(token)
+def docker_save(token, directory, source_reg, target_reg):
+    image, version, sha = token
+    print("Saving docker image: {image} (Version: {version})".format(image=image, version=version))
+    image_target = "{dir}{sep}{image}_{tag}.tar".format(dir=directory, sep=os.path.sep, image=image.replace(
+        source_reg, target_reg).replace(os.path.sep, "_").replace(":", "_"), tag=version)
+    if not os.path.exists(image_target):
+        try:
+            subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'save', '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=version), '-o',
+                                     image_target])
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            print("Error saving docker file ({file}): {error}".format(file=image_target, error=e.message))
+def docker_tag(token, source_reg, target_reg):
+    image, version, sha = token
+    target_image = image.replace(source_reg, target_reg)
+    print("Tagging docker image...\n\t/Source: {image} (SHA: {sha}, Version: {version}\n\tTarget: {target})".format(
+        image=image, sha=sha, version=version, target=target_image))
+    try:
+        subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'tag', '{image}@{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=sha),
+                                 '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=target_image, tag=version)])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        print("Error tagging docker image ({image}): {error}".format(image=image, error=e.message))
+def docker_remove_image(token):
+    image, version, sha = token
+    print("Removing docker image: {image}:{version})".format(image=image, version=version))
+    try:
+        subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'rmi', '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=version)])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        print("Error tagging docker image ({image}): {error}".format(image=image, error=e.message))
+def docker_pull(token):
+    image, version, sha = token
+    print("Pulling docker image: {image} (Version: {version})".format(image=image, version=version))
+    try:
+        subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'pull', '{image}:{tag}'.format(image=image, tag=version)])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        print("Error pulling docker image ({image}): {error}".format(image=image, error=e.message))
+nordix_promotion_id, onap_integration_repo_sha, onap_oom_repo_sha, onap_offline_installer_repo_sha = \
+    get_image_list_variables(args.docker_images_list)
+image_tokens = get_image_tokens(args.docker_images_list)
+docker_save_images(image_tokens,, args.source_registry, args.target_registry)
diff --git a/install/jjb/1_install_stack_creation.yaml b/install/jjb/1_install_stack_creation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85809e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/1_install_stack_creation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.1_onap_offline_install_stack_creation'
+    description: 'This job creates a stack of 4 VMs and a volume for the infra node'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'heat_environment'
+          default: 'onap_offline_heat.env'
+          description: 'Name of the heat environment file'
+      - string:
+          name: 'heat_template'
+          default: 'onap_offline_heat.tmpl'
+          description: 'Name of the heat template file'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_deploy_stack_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_stack'
+          description: 'Name of ONAP Offline deploy stack'
+      - string:
+          name: 'instance_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_instance'
+          description: 'Name of ONAP offline deploy instance'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_image'
+          description: 'Openstack Image name - Tested on Centos7 (1901)'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_flavor'
+          description: 'Openstack Flavor name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_network'
+          description: 'Openstack Network name'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_ssh_key'
+          description: 'Openstack SSH Key'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_net_id'
+          description: 'Openstack Network ID'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_net_subnet'
+          description: 'Openstack SubNetwork ID'
+      - string:
+          name: 'offline_install_git_repo'
+          default: ''
+          description: 'Location of Offline Install script gerrit repository'
+      - string:
+          name: 'timeout'
+          default: 30
+          description: 'Default timeout'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell: git clone "${offline_install_git_repo}" "${WORKSPACE}/."
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/jjb/2_install_preparation.yaml b/install/jjb/2_install_preparation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b25f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/2_install_preparation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.2_onap_offline_install_preparation'
+    description: 'This job deletes the existing offline installer directory (/tmp/package/onap-offline-installer)<br>
+    on the Build Server and re-extracts it to the same location.<br>
+    The reason for this is in case a new build has been created since the previous extraction.'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'instance_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_instance'
+          description: 'Prefix name of the offline deploy instances'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          default: 'centos'
+          description: 'User of the VM, used when sshing'
+      - string:
+          name: 'ssh_key'
+          description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM (Will need to specify once we know the details in Nordix)'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/jjb/3_install_configure_yaml.yaml b/install/jjb/3_install_configure_yaml.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c77fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/3_install_configure_yaml.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.3_onap_offline_install_configure_yaml'
+    description: 'This job concentrates on configuring the application_configuration.yml file and the hosts.yml file <br>
+    Firstly the app_config file and the hosts file are copied into the application directory <br>
+    The ONAP version and the resources directory gets updated inside the app_config.yml file <br>
+    The hosts file is then configured, this involves correcting the IP addresses and adding 3 kubernetes nodes to make up a 4 node cluster.'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'instance_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_instance'
+          description: 'Name of the instance in the Cloud'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_deploy_stack_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_stack'
+          description: 'Name of the installation stack in the Cloud'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          default: 'centos'
+          description: 'User of the VM, used when SSHing'
+      - string:
+          name: 'ssh_key'
+          description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/jjb/4_install_copy_ssh_keys.yaml b/install/jjb/4_install_copy_ssh_keys.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5182353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/4_install_copy_ssh_keys.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.4_onap_offline_install_copy_ssh_keys'
+    description: 'Need to set up passwordless SSHing in order to run the ansible playbooks <br>
+    This job achieves that by creating a key in build VM and copying it over to the infra and worker VMs'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'instance_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_instance'
+          description: 'This will need to be changed in nordix'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_deploy_stack_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_stack'
+          description: 'Name of the installation stack in the Cloud'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          default: 'centos'
+          description: 'User of the VM, used when SSHing'
+      - string:
+          name: 'ssh_key'
+          description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/jjb/5_install_deploy_onap.yaml b/install/jjb/5_install_deploy_onap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f2c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/5_install_deploy_onap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.5_onap_offline_install_deploy'
+    description: 'This job deploys ONAP across the 4 node cluster <br>
+    The installation is done via the ansible playbooks.'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          default: 'centos'
+          description: 'User of the VM, used when SSHing'
+      - string:
+          name: 'ssh_key'
+          description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM (Will need to specify once we know the details in Nordix)'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/jjb/6_install_healthcheck_artifactory.yaml b/install/jjb/6_install_healthcheck_artifactory.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c3d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/jjb/6_install_healthcheck_artifactory.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+- job:
+    name: '2.6_onap_offline_install_healthcheck_push_to_artifactory'
+    description: 'This job runs a healthcheck on the deployed onap after sleeping for a period of time, making sure onap is given enough time to be up.<br>
+    The healthcheck results are recorded and if they show a sufficiently healthy deployment we push the tar balls that we created in the build server'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+          name: 'artifactory_push_dir'
+          default: ''
+          description: 'Then you need to add relating /package.tar in the script <br>
+                  The directory should be changed, depending if you are pushing Dublin,El Alto or latest'
+      - string:
+          name: 'instance_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_instance'
+          description: 'Instance name prefix'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_deploy_stack_name'
+          default: 'onap_offline_deploy_stack'
+          description: 'Name of the installation stack in the Cloud'
+      - string:
+          name: 'openstack_user'
+          default: 'centos'
+          description: 'User of the VM, used when SSHing'
+      - string:
+          name: 'ssh_key'
+          description: 'Key used to ssh onto the VM (Will need to specify once we know the details in Nordix)'
+    builders:
+      - build-name-setter:
+          template: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
+          macro: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw: ${WORKSPACE}/install/scripts/
+    wrappers:
+      - timestamps
+      - credentials-binding:
+          - username-password-separated:
+              credential-id: nordixinfra-jjb-creds
+              username: NORDIX_ARM_USERNAME
+              password: NORDIX_ARM_TOKEN 
+    publishers:
+      - workspace-cleanup
+    node: 'city-jumphost-onap-ubuntu1804'
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b69a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Create OpenStack heat environment file
+cat <<EOF > ${heat_environment}
+  image_name: ${openstack_image}
+  flavor_name: ${openstack_flavor}
+  key: ${openstack_ssh_key}
+  network_id: ${openstack_net_id}
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c37c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Create OpenStack heat template file
+cat <<EOF > ${heat_template}
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+    Template to create multiple instances.
+  image_name:
+    type: string
+    description: Image used for servers
+  key:
+    type: string
+    description: Name of SSH key to connect to the servers
+  network_id:
+    type: string
+    description: ID of Network
+  flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor used by the servers
+    constraints:
+      - custom_constraint: nova.flavor
+  volume_name:
+    type: string
+    default: onap_offline_infra_volume
+  volume_size:
+    type: number
+    default: 150
+  instance_1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_name }
+      name: "${instance_name}_infra_node"
+      image: { get_param: image_name }
+      key_name: { get_param: key }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: network_id }
+      user_data_format: RAW
+      user_data: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            set -e
+            while [ ! -e /dev/vdb ]; do echo Waiting for volume /dev/sdb to attach; sleep 1; done
+            echo "Partitions not formated, format it as ext4"
+            # yes /dev/disk/by-id/, partprobe and hdparm show it is there, but no it is is not ready
+            sleep 1
+            mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb
+            file -sL /dev/disk/by-id/*
+            mkdir -pv /opt
+            # mount on reboot
+            echo "/dev/vdb /opt ext4 defaults,nofail 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+            # mount now
+            mount /opt
+  cinder_volume:
+    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: volume_name }
+      size: { get_param: volume_size }
+  volume_attachment:
+    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment
+    properties:
+      volume_id: { get_resource: cinder_volume }
+      instance_uuid: { get_resource: instance_1 }
+      mountpoint: /dev/vdb
+  instance_2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: "${instance_name}_worker_1"
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_name }
+      key_name: { get_param: key }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: network_id }
+  instance_3:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: "${instance_name}_worker_2"
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_name }
+      key_name: { get_param: key }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: network_id }
+  instance_4:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: "${instance_name}_worker_3"
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_name }
+      key_name: { get_param: key }
+      networks:
+        - network: { get_param: network_id }
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fefed5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -x
+### Deletes a stack if it exists already ###
+openstack stack show -c id "${openstack_deploy_stack_name}" && openstack stack delete -y --wait "${openstack_deploy_stack_name}"
+sleep "${timeout}"
+### Creates a stack with 4 VMs and a volume for infra VM ###
+openstack stack create -f yaml -e "${heat_environment}" -t "${heat_template}" --wait "${openstack_deploy_stack_name}"
+sleep "${timeout}"
+deploy_node_ips=$(openstack server list -c Name -c Networks -f value --name ${openstack_deploy_stack_name} | awk '{print $NF}')
+echo "========================================"
+echo "deploy node ips: ${deploy_node_ips}"
+echo "========================================"
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb64bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+set -x
+### Setting up variables used in the script ###
+build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
+infra_node_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_infra_node -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
+### Pinging Infra server to see if its up ###
+for n in $(seq 1 40); do
+  timeout 1 ping -c 1 "${infra_node_ip}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
+    echo "Successful Ping"
+  	n=40
+    break
+  else
+    echo "Failed to connect to "${infra_node_ip}" - Retrying in 10 seconds..."
+    if [[ n -eq 40 ]]; then
+      exit -1
+    else
+      sleep 10
+    fi
+  fi
+### Removing the offline installer directory in case there was something already there and creating the directory anew ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo rm -rf ${installer_dir}"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Error cleaning up ${installer_dir}"
+  exit -1
+sleep 5
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo mkdir ${installer_dir}"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Failed to create installer directory"
+  exit -1
+sleep 5
+### Untar the software package into the offline installer directory ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo tar -C ${installer_dir} -xf /tmp/data/sw_package.tar"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Possible custom package, retrying untarring a custom software package"
+  ${ssh_cmd} "sudo tar -C ${installer_dir} -xf /tmp/data/sw_packagecustom.tar"
+  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Failed to create installer directory"
+  exit -1
+  fi
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384c6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+### Fetching ip adresses ###
+build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
+infra_node_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_infra_node -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_1_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_1 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_2_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_2 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_3_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_3 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+### Setting variables used in this shell ###
+ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
+### Copying app config file ###
+${ssh_cmd} "if [[ -f ${application_yaml} ]];then sudo rm -f ${application_yaml}; fi; sudo cp /tmp/onap-offline/config/application_configuration.yml ${installer_dir}/ansible/application/"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Error moving app_yaml file: ${application_yaml}"
+  exit -1
+### Updating onap version in app config file ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i 's/offline.*resources\.tar/resources_package\.tar/' ${application_yaml}"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Error updating file: ${application_yaml}"
+  exit -1
+### Updating resouces dir in app config file ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo sed -i 's/\/data/\/tmp\/data\//g' ${application_yaml}"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Error updating file: ${application_yaml}"
+  exit -1
+### Need to add /usr/local/bin path to infra node for the installation in order to use helm and kubectl ###
+ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${infra_node_ip} "sudo sed -i -e '/secure_path/ s[=.*[&:/usr/local/bin[' /etc/sudoers"
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo rm -f ${installer_dir}/ansible/application/hosts.yml"
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo touch ${installer_dir}/ansible/application/hosts.yml"
+### Create new hosts file (if more worker nodes are to be added the jobs need to be changed according ot the amount of worker nodes) ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c  \"echo '
+# This group contains hosts with all resources (binaries, packages, etc.)
+# in tarball.
+  vars:
+    # this key is supposed to be generated during setup.yml playbook execution
+    # change it just when you have better one working for all nodes
+    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /root/.ssh/offline_ssh_key
+    ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
+  children:
+    resources:
+      hosts:
+        resource-host:
+          ansible_host: \"${build_node_ip}\"
+    # This is group of hosts where nexus, nginx, dns and all other required
+    # services are running.
+    infrastructure:
+      hosts:
+        infrastructure-server:
+          ansible_host: \"${infra_node_ip}\"
+          #IP used for communication between infra and kubernetes nodes, must be specified.
+          cluster_ip: \"${infra_node_ip}\"
+    # This is group of hosts which are/will be part of Kubernetes cluster.
+    kubernetes:
+      children:
+        # This is a group of hosts containing kubernetes worker nodes.
+        kubernetes-node:
+          hosts:
+            kubernetes-node-1:
+              ansible_host: \"${worker_1_ip}\"
+              cluster_ip: \"${worker_1_ip}\"
+            kubernetes-node-2:
+              ansible_host: \"${worker_2_ip}\"
+              cluster_ip: \"${worker_2_ip}\"
+            kubernetes-node-3:
+              ansible_host: \"${worker_3_ip}\"
+              cluster_ip: \"${worker_3_ip}\"
+        # Group of hosts containing etcd cluster nodes.
+        # Defaults to infra.
+        kubernetes-etcd:
+          hosts:
+            infrastructure-server
+        # This is a group of hosts that are to be used as kubernetes control plane nodes.
+        # This means they host kubernetes api server, controller manager and scheduler.
+        # This example uses infra for this purpose, however note that any
+        # other host could be used including kubernetes nodes.
+        # cluster_ip needs to be set for hosts used as control planes.
+        kubernetes-control-plane:
+          hosts:
+            infrastructure-server
+    nfs-server:
+      hosts:
+        kubernetes-node-1
+' > ${installer_dir}/ansible/application/hosts.yml\"
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c354e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+###Fetching build node ip###
+build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
+###Set Variables###
+ssh_cmd_build_node="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
+ssh_cmd_node="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}"
+### Fetching ip adresses ###
+infra_node_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_infra_node -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_1_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_1 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_2_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_2 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+worker_3_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_worker_3 -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+### Generating ssh keys to create correct ./ssh paths and authorized_keys file ###
+for node in ${infra_node_ip} ${worker_1_ip} ${worker_2_ip} ${worker_3_ip}; do
+	${ssh_cmd_node}@${node} "sudo test -f ${authorized_keys}" || ${ssh_cmd_node}@${node} "sudo bash -c \"ssh-keygen -N \\\"\\\" -f ${identity_key} \""
+### Generate_ssh key on the build node ###
+${ssh_cmd_build_node} "sudo test -f ${remote_key}.pub" || ${ssh_cmd_build_node} "sudo bash -c \"ssh-keygen -N \\\"\\\" -f ${remote_key} \""
+### Get remote key ###
+key_value=$(${ssh_cmd_build_node} "sudo cat ${remote_key}.pub")
+### Add key to build authorized_keys file ###
+${ssh_cmd_build_node} "sudo bash -c \"echo '${key_value}' >> ${authorized_keys} \""
+### Add the key to Infra and Worker VM's authorized_keys file ###
+for node in ${infra_node_ip} ${worker_1_ip} ${worker_2_ip} ${worker_3_ip}; do
+	${ssh_cmd_node}@${node} "sudo bash -c \"echo '${key_value}' >> ${authorized_keys} \""
+### Run the ssh setup.yml ###
+${ssh_cmd_build_node} "sudo ${installer_dir}/ -i application/hosts.yml setup.yml"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Error: Failed to configure SSH Keys"
+  exit -1
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51f96ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+set -x
+build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
+ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
+playbook_cmd="sudo ${source_dir}/ -i ${hosts} -e @${application_yaml} ${site}"
+${ssh_cmd} "${playbook_cmd}"
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+  #Currently offline installer deletes all repos, yet the oom introduced a need for another repo, thus need to add it and run the script again
+  ${ssh_cmd} "sudo helm repo add google_api"
+  ${ssh_cmd} "sudo cp -R /tmp/onap-offline/patches/onap-patch-role ${source_dir}/roles/"
+  ${ssh_cmd} "sudo cp /tmp/onap-offline/patches/onap.patch ${source_dir}/application/onap.patch"
+  ${ssh_cmd} "${playbook_cmd}"
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo "Failed to install ONAP"
+    exit -1
+  fi
diff --git a/install/scripts/ b/install/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa85bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+### Fetching ip adresses ###
+infra_node_ip=$(openstack server show ${instance_name}_infra_node -f value -c addresses | cut -d' ' -f2 )
+build_node_ip=$(cat "${WORKSPACE}/build_node_ip.txt")
+### Setting up variables used in this script ###
+build_ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${build_node_ip}"
+ssh_cmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${infra_node_ip}"
+### Cat-ing a script to run healthcheck and push to artifactory ###
+cat <<EOF>
+### Script to run the healthcheck and artifactory ###
+number_of_failed_tests=\$(grep '| FAIL |' /opt/onap/results.txt | grep -v "Testsuites" | grep -c .)
+number_of_successful_tests=\$(grep '| PASS |' /opt/onap/results.txt | grep -v "Testsuites" | grep -c .)
+total_number_of_tests=\$((\$number_of_failed_tests + \$number_of_successful_tests))
+echo "Total Number of Tests \$total_number_of_tests"
+percentage_of_passing=$(python -c "s=float($number_of_successful_tests); t=float($total_number_of_tests); print(s/t*100)")
+echo "***********************************************************"
+echo "Percentage of tests passing \$percentage_of_passing %"
+echo "************************************************************"
+echo "*******************************************************"
+echo "90 is currently the cutoff, this may change and other factors such as essential pods may also come to be a feature over time"
+echo "*******************************************************"
+is_percentage_over_cutoff=$(python -c "print($percentage_of_passing<=90)")
+if [[ \$is_percentage_over_cutoff -eq 1 ]]; then
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+    echo "There is less than 90% health, exiting"
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+    exit 1
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+    echo "ONAP healthy enough, will proceed pushing tar files to artifactory"
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+	exit 0
+### Need to sleep to make sure that pods are up after helm deploy finishes running, some pods may still be in init phase ###
+### At least one DCAE component seems to take longer than 10 minutes to be up ###
+sleep 900
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo bash -c \"/opt/onap/helm_charts/robot/ onap health > /opt/onap/results.txt\"" || echo "Health check has failed"
+### Removing the script in case it existed before hand and then copying it over and running it ###
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo rm -f /opt/onap/"
+scp -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${ssh_key} ${openstack_user}@${infra_node_ip}:
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo mv /opt/onap/"
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo chmod +x /opt/onap/"
+${ssh_cmd} "sudo /opt/onap/"
+if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+    echo "******Pushing the software tar file*******"
+    ${build_ssh_cmd} "for i in {1..3}; do curl -u ${NORDIX_ARM_USERNAME}:${NORDIX_ARM_TOKEN} -T /tmp/data/sw_package.tar \"${artifactory_push_dir}/sw_package.tar\" && break || sleep 15; done"
+    echo "******Pushing the resources tar file*******"
+    ${build_ssh_cmd} "for i in {1..3}; do curl -u ${NORDIX_ARM_USERNAME}:${NORDIX_ARM_TOKEN} -T /tmp/data/resources_package.tar \"${artifactory_push_dir}/resources_package.tar\" && break || sleep 15; done"
+    echo "*****The healthcheck did not meet the requirements and tar files will not be pushed to artifactory*****"
+	exit -1
diff --git a/project.yaml b/project.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc241f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+- job:
+    name: ONAP Build Tarball and Installation Job
+      description: 'This is a multijob that kicks off all the jobs to create the tarballs install the tarballs healthcheck them and push them to artifactory sequentially'
+      project-type: multijob
+      node: ONAP
+      wrappers:
+        - timestamps
+      builders:
+        - multijob:
+            name: Building The Tarball
+            condition: SUCCESSFUL
+            execution-type: SEQUENTIALLY
+            projects:
+              - name: 1.1_onap_offline_build_stack_creation
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 1.2_onap_offline_build_preparation
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 1.3_onap_offline_build_download_artifacts
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 1.4_onap_offline_build_nexus
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 1.5_onap_offline_build_create_packages
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+        - multijob:
+            name: ONAP Installation and Push to Artifactory
+            condition: SUCCESSFUL
+            execution-type: SEQUENTIALLY
+            projects:
+              - name: 2.1_onap_offline_install_stack_creation
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 2.2_onap_offline_install_preparation
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 2.3_onap_offline_install_configure_yaml
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 2.4_onap_offline_install_copy_ssh_keys
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 2.5_onap_offline_install_deploy
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
+                current-parameters: true
+                node-parameters: true
+              - name: 2.6_onap_offline_install_healthcheck_push_to_artifactory
+                kill-phase-on: FAILURE
+                abort-all-job: true
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