Add newline after the node entry

Somehow ansible/jinja2 will remove the newline and put all
nodes in one line after adding {% endif %}

(1) Jinja2 in python does not have the same problem
ver: 2.11.1
(2) ansible 2.9.6 can reproduce the problem
BUT if a newline or a SPACE is added after {% endif %}
everything will work as expected.

Tested with the following:
{% for idx in [1,2,3,4,5] %}
{{ idx }} ansible_host={{ idx }} {% if idx %2 == 0 %} neutron_external_interface={{idx}} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Expected output is:
1 ansible_host=1
2 ansible_host=2  neutron_external_interface=2
3 ansible_host=3
4 ansible_host=4  neutron_external_interface=4
5 ansible_host=5

Change-Id: I2ff076e7bc99c3cebac0c6a07485960949e2fc77
1 file changed