Armada: Add heat and horizon to manifest

installer-type: kubespray
deploy-scenario: armada-nofeature-noha

Change-Id: I42754e7d5c053af8cc0e6316c348e3ccc435119a
diff --git a/scenarios/armada-nofeature-noha/kubespray/role/armada-nofeature-noha/files/armada-manifest.yaml b/scenarios/armada-nofeature-noha/kubespray/role/armada-nofeature-noha/files/armada-manifest.yaml
index e3ed62a..2fed26e 100644
--- a/scenarios/armada-nofeature-noha/kubespray/role/armada-nofeature-noha/files/armada-manifest.yaml
+++ b/scenarios/armada-nofeature-noha/kubespray/role/armada-nofeature-noha/files/armada-manifest.yaml
@@ -316,6 +316,106 @@
     reference: master
   - helm-toolkit
+schema: armada/Chart/v1
+  schema: metadata/Document/v1
+  name: heat
+  chart_name: heat
+  release: heat
+  namespace: openstack
+  wait:
+    timeout: 3600
+    labels:
+      release_group: armada-heat
+  install:
+    no_hooks: false
+  upgrade:
+    no_hooks: false
+    pre:
+      delete:
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: bootstrap
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: db-init
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: db-sync
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: ks-user
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: ks-service
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: ks-endpoints
+      - type: job
+        labels:
+          application: heat
+          component: trusts
+  values:
+    endpoints:
+      oslo_messaging:
+        statefulset:
+          name: armada-rabbitmq-rabbitmq
+  source:
+    type: git
+    location:
+    subpath: heat
+    reference: master
+  dependencies:
+  - helm-toolkit
+schema: armada/Chart/v1
+  schema: metadata/Document/v1
+  name: horizon
+  chart_name: horizon
+  release: horizon
+  namespace: openstack
+  wait:
+    timeout: 3600
+    labels:
+      release_group: armada-horizon
+  install:
+    no_hooks: false
+  upgrade:
+    no_hooks: false
+    pre:
+      delete:
+      - name: horizon-db-init
+        type: job
+        labels:
+          application: horizon
+          component: db-init
+      - type: job
+        name: horizon-db-sync
+        labels:
+          application: horizon
+          component: db-sync
+  values:
+    endpoints:
+      oslo_messaging:
+        statefulset:
+          name: armada-rabbitmq-rabbitmq
+  source:
+    type: git
+    location:
+    subpath: horizon
+    reference: master
+  dependencies:
+  - helm-toolkit
 # GroupCharts starts from here.
 schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1
@@ -351,6 +451,26 @@
   sequenced: True
     - glance
+schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1
+  schema: metadata/Document/v1
+  name: openstack-heat
+  description: "Deploying openstack heat"
+  sequenced: True
+  chart_group:
+    - heat
+schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1
+  schema: metadata/Document/v1
+  name: openstack-horizon
+  description: "Deploying openstack heat"
+  sequenced: True
+  chart_group:
+    - horizon
 # Armada Manifest starts from here.
 schema: armada/Manifest/v1
@@ -363,3 +483,5 @@
     - openstack-infra-services
     - openstack-keystone
     - openstack-glance
+    - openstack-heat
+    - openstack-horizon