tree: a6c3a0230d2a75b3a5cafb89e2a98693d1ff1364 [path history] [tgz]
  1. roles/
  2. install.yml

Nordix ONAP app

This playboox is to allow for the online install of ONAP. In future it should also support the offline install of ONAP.

ONAP is installed using the OOM project from ONAP which gives two pluging to helm for "deploy" and "undeploy". OOM also contains a set of helm charts that allows all the components of ONAP to be installed. This app install expects to find these charts in a preexisting helm repo.

Different profiles of ONAP can be deployed that have different sets of ONAP features. Which profile is deployed can be selected in apps/onap/kubespray/playbooks/roles/install/vars/online-deployment.yaml by setting the attribute

  • profilename: "sdc"

what is conatined in the profile can be seen in the files apps/onap/kubespray/playbooks/roles/install/templates/-profile.yaml.j2


  • k8scluster < 16.0 (in future to support 16.0+)
  • rook-ceph
  • helm (with abilty to add in the two plugins mentioned)

A senario needs to be created for the Nordix Infra Engine simailar to the one below.

k8-calico-onap: scm: git src: version: master provisioners: - bifrost - heat installers: kubespray: role: scenarios/k8-calico-nofeature/kubespray/role/k8-calico-nofeature distros: - ubuntu1804 curated_apps: - ceph - prometheus - onap

and then the install can be done with

./engine/engine/ -c -r heat -u -s k8-calico-nofeature -e <heat-environment.yaml>