Fixed the tox errors for ansible-lint, shellcheck, yamllint

Change-Id: Ibf024b44b2a82c7248877fbc2f022b7fd15e882a
diff --git a/playbooks/roles/package/tasks/containers.yaml b/playbooks/roles/package/tasks/containers.yaml
index 7352f03..f19491f 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/package/tasks/containers.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/roles/package/tasks/containers.yaml
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
 # NOTE (eprasad): docker_image module doesn't seem to respect become so falling back to command module
 - name: Pull test stack container images
-  command: "docker pull {{ xtesting_image_repo}}/{{ item.value.image_name }}@sha256:{{ item.value.image_version }}"
+  command: "docker pull {{ xtesting_image_repo }}/{{ item.value.image_name }}@sha256:{{ item.value.image_version }}"
   with_dict: "{{ framework[testfw] }}"
   become: true
   changed_when: false
 - name: Add tag to the stack images
   command: |-
-    docker tag "{{ xtesting_image_repo}}/{{ item.value.image_name }}@sha256:{{ item.value.image_version }}"
+    docker tag "{{ xtesting_image_repo }}/{{ item.value.image_name }}@sha256:{{ item.value.image_version }}"
     "onap/{{ item.value.image_name }}:{{ test_stack_version }}"
   with_dict: "{{ framework[testfw] }}"
   become: true