Fixed the tox errors for ansible-lint, shellcheck, yamllint

Change-Id: Ibf024b44b2a82c7248877fbc2f022b7fd15e882a
diff --git a/playbooks/roles/prepare-testframework-offline/tasks/prepare-xtesting-healthcheck.yaml b/playbooks/roles/prepare-testframework-offline/tasks/prepare-xtesting-healthcheck.yaml
index 60cb734..f62662b 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/prepare-testframework-offline/tasks/prepare-xtesting-healthcheck.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/roles/prepare-testframework-offline/tasks/prepare-xtesting-healthcheck.yaml
@@ -54,20 +54,26 @@
   become: true
 - name: Get the list of ONAP componants installed and enabled in the setup
-  shell: "helm ls --deployed --namespace onap -c --output yaml | grep Name: |  sed 's/.* //g' | awk -F '-' '{print $2}' | egrep -v '{{ healthcheck_test_ignore_list }}' | awk /./  | sed -e 's/^/- health-/'" # noqa 204
+  shell: |
+    set -o pipefail && \
+    helm ls --deployed --namespace onap -c --output yaml | grep Name: |  sed 's/.* //g' | awk -F '-' '{print $2}' | egrep -v '{{ healthcheck_test_ignore_list }}' | awk /./  | sed -e 's/^/- health-/' # noqa 204
+  args:
+    executable: "/bin/bash"
+  changed_when: false
   register: onap_enabled_services
 - name: Generate testcases.yaml file
     src: healthcheck-testcases.yaml.j2
     dest: "{{ testfw_configdir }}/testcases.yaml"
-- name: Create file 
+- name: Create file
     dest: "{{ testfw_configdir }}/"
     content: |
-      run_tests -t ${TAG}  || true 
+      run_tests -t ${TAG}  || true
 - name: Delete existing {{ healthcheck_cm_testcases }}
@@ -84,19 +90,31 @@
     api_version: v1
     state: absent
     namespace: onap
 - name: Create  ConfigMap - {{ healthcheck_cm_testcases }}
-  shell: kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} create configmap {{ healthcheck_cm_testcases }} --from-file "{{ testfw_configdir }}/testcases.yaml"
+  shell: |
+    kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} create configmap {{ healthcheck_cm_testcases }} --from-file "{{ testfw_configdir }}/testcases.yaml"
+  args:
+    executable: "/bin/bash"
+  changed_when: false
 - name: Create ConfigMap - {{ healthcheck_cm_run }}
-  shell: kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} create configmap {{ healthcheck_cm_run }} --from-file "{{ testfw_configdir }}/"
+  shell: |
+    kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} create configmap {{ healthcheck_cm_run }} --from-file "{{ testfw_configdir }}/"
+  args:
+    executable: "/bin/bash"
+  changed_when: false
 # eprasad: there is bug in ansible k8s module, removing a job doest not remove pods assisated with it hence using shell here.
 - name: Delete healthcheck job
-  shell: "kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} delete job xtesting-onap-{{ healthcheck_test_tier }}"
-  ignore_errors: yes
+  shell: |
+    "kubectl -n {{ onap_namespace }} delete job xtesting-onap-{{ healthcheck_test_tier }}"
+  args:
+    executable: "/bin/bash"
+  changed_when: false
+  ignore_errors: yes  # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
 - name: Construct and save healthcheck testsuite deployment to file