Automatic testcases selection for 'auto' tier

This change request adds a new test tire named 'auto' for healthcheck testsuite
along with functionality to generate testcases.yaml for this tire containing testscases
only of the ONAP components which are currently enabled in the setup.

Signed-off-by: eprasad <>
Change-Id: I98ef342571fd437a55ee378da9380dd6a6198415
diff --git a/playbooks/roles/run-tests/tasks/healthcheck.yaml b/playbooks/roles/run-tests/tasks/healthcheck.yaml
index 34df2ff..736f6d2 100644
--- a/playbooks/roles/run-tests/tasks/healthcheck.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/roles/run-tests/tasks/healthcheck.yaml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 - name: Save healthcheck testsuite output on jumphost
-    content: healthcheck_log.stdout_lines
+    content: "{{ healthcheck_log.stdout }}"
     dest: "{{ test_cache }}/xtesting/{{ test_type }}/results/xtesting.log"
 - name: Determine the test verdict