tree: 9b210ae9606029a3f401104ddd79b261238fded9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app/
  2. cert/
  3. .gitignore
  5. Dockerfile
  7. svc-app.yaml
  8. tiller-serviceaccount.yaml


The rapp manger can be executed in python on the local machine see CMD1. A kube cluster need to be running and accessable by kubectrl Or the rapp manager can be installed in the kube cluster - service and deployment, see CMD2 and CMD3.

In both cases, rest is used

CMD1 Run in python

python3 app/ $PWD

CMD2 Build rapp manger container

docker build --build-arg -t rappman .

CMD3 Apply rapp manger in kube

kubectl apply -f svc-app.yaml

CMD4 Delete rapp manger in kube

kubectl delete -f svc-app.yaml


The host and port in the below url examples is for local python execution. For running towards a local kube cluster, a Function test config should running or at least the kubeproxy as configured by a function test script. All curl cmds need to specify the proxy --proxy http://localhost:<proxy-port and localhost:2222 shall be replaced with rapp-man.nonrtric:9970.

curl http://localhost:2222/chartsjson list of charts
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2222/charts/<chart-name> -F "chart=@<filename1>.tgz" -F "values=@<filename1>.yaml"Upload char and overridde, at least one file need to be given. Multiple uploads are possible
curl http://localhost:2222/charts/<chart-name>/statusjson structure of status, filenames etc
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:2222/charts/<chart-name>?action=install&namespace=<namespace>' Install a chart in a namespace. If the chart is already installed, a helm upgrade is attempted
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:2222/charts/<chart-name>?action=uninstall'Uninstall an previously installed chart
curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:2222/charts/<chart-name>'Deletes a chart. The chart cannot currently be installed