tree: 672c93d6857c3bd79ed40e2c749b5ba391475568 [path history] [tgz]
  1. certs/
  2. charts/
  3. utils/
  4. auth.yaml
  5. chartmuseum.yaml
  6. Dockerfile_rhi
  7. Dockerfile_rhw
  8. Dockerfile_rim
  9. Dockerfile_rkm
  10. Dockerfile_rra
  11. Dockerfile_rri
  12. Dockerfile_rrji
  13. Dockerfile_rrjp
  14. Dockerfile_rrp
  15. Dockerfile_rrxi
  16. Dockerfile_rrxp
  17. elastic-8.1.2.yaml
  18. fluentd.yaml
  19. go.mod
  20. go.sum
  22. IstioOperator.yaml
  23. keycloak.yaml
  24. kibana-8.1.2.yaml
  25. postgres.yaml
  26. rapps-hello-world.go
  27. rapps-helm-installer.go
  28. rapps-helm-installer.yaml
  29. rapps-helm-uninstaller.go
  30. rapps-istio-mgr.go
  31. rapps-istio-mgr.yaml
  32. rapps-keycloak-mgr.go
  33. rapps-keycloak-mgr.yaml
  34. rapps-rapp-auth-provider.go
  35. rapps-rapp-invoker.go
  36. rapps-rapp-jwt-invoker.go
  37. rapps-rapp-jwt-provider.go
  38. rapps-rapp-provider.go
  39. rapps-rapp-x509-invoker.go
  40. rapps-rapp-x509-provider.go

This collection of files represent rapp service exposure prototyping in O-RAN. Prerequisites: Istio should be installed on your cluster with the demo profile. Please refer to the istio documentation for more information. The deployments have been implemented and tested using minikube. To replicate these test you will need to setup the various host path referenced in the yaml files on your own machine.

chartmuseum.yaml: path: /var/chartmuseum/charts elastic-8.1.2.yaml: path: "/var/elasticsearch/data" elastic-8.1.2.yaml: path: /var/elasticsearch/config/certs fluentd.yaml: path: /var/log fluentd.yaml: path: /var/lib/docker/containers fluentd.yaml: path: /var/elasticsearch/config/certs/ca keycloak.yaml: path: /auth/realms/master keycloak.yaml: path: /var/keycloak/certs keycloak.yaml: path: /var/keycloak/deployments/authz-js-policies.jar kibana-8.1.2.yaml: path: /var/elasticsearch/config/certs/ca postgres.yaml: path: "/var/keycloak/data2" postgres.yaml: path: /tmp rapps-keycloak-mgr.yaml: path: /var/rapps/certs

or change them to match your own setup.

The keycloak admin password will also need to be changed to match your own (rapps-keycloak-mgr.go: client.LoginAdmin)

client_secret field in the shell scripts should be changed to match the secret for you keycloak client.

All go programs need to be built prior to running the Dockerfiles

Image references in the yaml files/helm charts should be changed to match your own tagged images.

You will need to package your charts and copy them to the /var/chartmuseum/charts directory before starting.

To start the management pods run: Once these pods are up and running run: curl http://:/install?chart= to install your rapp This will setup keycloak, istio and deploy your chart.

Note: x509 rapps require some manual steps prior to deployment.

To uninstall run: curl http://:/uninstall?chart= To stop the management pods run: