AAF default config update and fixes

Update AAF default conf to :
- fix typo in default identity file
- add default email addresses to all pre defined users, as this was creating issues for some clients when trying to decode certs (missing Sponsor email for RFC822Name in generated certificates see JIRA : PORTAL-893).
- updated portal roles: portal does sync roles with AAF but was using another identity (aaf_admin), this has been changed in portal to use its X509 artifacts when doing REST queries to AAF, hence adding more roles to portal user to support its functions.

Issue-ID: PORTAL-875
Issue-ID: PORTAL-893
Signed-off-by: ChrisC <christophe.closset@intl.att.com>
Change-Id: I5afa2769a4ec33c1ea2f4da2f5b6e0b4938ea88f
3 files changed