blob: 32ed3489bd35797bafa9dd90715212e8e4c878fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Start the container in bash mode, so it stays up
sh bash
# in another shell, find out your Container name
docker container ls | grep aaf_agent
# copy keystore for this AAF Env
docker container cp -L org.osaaf.aaf.p12 <Your Container>:/opt/app/osaaf/local
# (in Agent Window)
agent encrypt cadi_keystore_password
# If you intend to use Certman to sign certs, it is a "local" CA
# copy Signing Keystore into container
docker container cp -L org.osaaf.aaf.signer.p12 <Your Container>:/opt/app/osaaf/local
# (in Agent Window)
agent encrypt cm_ca.local
# Add in Cassandra Password
agent encrypt cassandra.clusters.password
# Check to make sure all passwords are set
grep "enc:" *.props
# When good, run AAF
# watch logs in Agent Window
cd ../logs
sh taillog