Kickstart Cassandra, read logs

Issue-ID: AAF-282
Change-Id: Ide0899177a02c78318b09a196872776b62a3f5fd
Signed-off-by: Instrumental <>
diff --git a/auth/auth-cass/docker/ b/auth/auth-cass/docker/
index 0418fa8..f0c4194 100644
--- a/auth/auth-cass/docker/
+++ b/auth/auth-cass/docker/
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
 if [ "`docker ps -a | grep aaf_cass`" == "" ]; then
   docker run --name aaf_cass  -d cassandra:3.11
   echo "aaf_cass Starting"
   echo "Check for running Docker Container aaf_cass, then run again."
+  # we have to exit here so that the calling script can load CQL files
+  for CNT in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
+     if [ "`docker container logs aaf_cass | grep 'listening for CQL clients'`" == "" ]; then
+	 	echo "Sleep 10"
+        sleep 10
+     else 
+	 	YESCQL="yes"
+     	break
+     fi
+  done
+if [ "$YESCQL" == "" ]; then
+  echo "CQL Never started... exiting"
+  exit
 docker exec aaf_cass mkdir -p /opt/app/cass_init
 docker cp "../src/main/cql/." aaf_cass:/opt/app/cass_init
@@ -20,9 +37,6 @@
 echo "The following will give you a temporary identity with which to start working, or emergency"
 echo " cqlsh -u root -p root -f temp_identity.cql"
 echo "Sleeping for 20 seconds"
-sleep 20
-echo "Do a repair, to ensure Cassandra is actually running yet"
-docker exec -it aaf_cass bash -c 'nodetool repair'
 echo "Create Keyspaces and Tables"
 docker exec -it aaf_cass bash -c '\