blob: c411f930df50afdb885cc21fe42d75c15f98c28c [file] [log] [blame]
as XX@NS
# TC_Wild.10.0.POS Validate NS ok
expect 200
ns list name com.att.test.TC_Wild.@[]
# TC_Wild.10.1.POS Create Namespace with valid IDs and Responsible Parties
expect 201
ns create com.att.TC_Wild.@[] @[]
# TC_Wild.10.10.POS Create a clean MechID
expect 201
user cred add m99999@@[] aNewPass8
set m99999@@[]
as XX@NS
# TC_Wild.10.11.POS Create role and assign MechID to
expect 201
role create com.att.TC_Wild.@[].service m99999@@[]