Utility to Import external RSA pem key into TPM

Duplicate tool - Takes RSA private key in
pem format as input and generates
TPM structured buffers as expected by tpm Import

Import tool - Takes input buffers from
Duplicate tool and results in pub/priv blobs
which can be used to load the key in tpm
storage heirarchy's as child to primary key

Change-Id: I0af6676895ce0cc22c70e5546908e905b78bb71e
Issue-ID: AAF-207
Signed-off-by: Arun kumar Sekar <arunkumarsit@gmail.com>
diff --git a/tpm-util/duplicate/tpm_duplication_aux.c b/tpm-util/duplicate/tpm_duplication_aux.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2baf3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpm-util/duplicate/tpm_duplication_aux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *     limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Author: Arun Kumar Sekar
+#include "tpm_duplication_aux.h"
+#include "marshal.h"
+#define AES_SIZE 16;
+void print2b(char* msg, TPM2B * toprint){
+	print_buff(msg, toprint->size, toprint->buffer);
+	BYTE buff[1024],
+		*runner = buff+2;
+	int size = 1024;
+	UINT16 sizeField = TPMT_PUBLIC_Marshal(source, &runner, &size);
+	runner = buff;
+	UINT16_Marshal(&sizeField, &runner, &size);
+	runner = buff;
+	size = sizeof(TPM2B_PUBLIC);
+	TPM2B_PUBLIC_Unmarshal(target, &runner, &size, 1);
+	BYTE buff[1024]={0},
+		*runner = buff+2;
+	INT32 size = 1024;
+	UINT16 sizeField = TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(source, &runner, &size);
+	runner = buff;
+	UINT16_Marshal(&sizeField, &runner, &size);
+	runner = buff;
+	size = sizeof(TPM2B_SENSITIVE);
+	TPM2B_SENSITIVE_Unmarshal(target, &runner, &size);
+	BYTE buffer[1024], *runner = buffer;
+	int size = 1024;
+	TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(&(source->t.sensitiveArea), &runner, &size);
+	runner = buffer;
+	size = sizeof(*target);
+	TPMT_SENSITIVE_Unmarshal(target, &runner, &size);
+	BYTE buffer[1024], *runner = buffer;
+	int size = 1024;
+	TPMT_PUBLIC_Marshal(&(source->t.publicArea), &runner, &size);
+	runner = buffer;
+	size = sizeof(*target);
+	TPMT_PUBLIC_Unmarshal(target, &runner, &size, 1);
+TPM2B_NAME * GetName(TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, TPM2B_PUBLIC *obj, TPM2B_NAME *outName)
+	int size_in =1024;
+	BYTE buff[1024] = {0};
+	BYTE* runner = buff;
+	UINT16 toHashSize = TPM2B_PUBLIC_Marshal(obj, &runner, &size_in) ;
+	runner = outName->b.buffer;
+	size_in = 2;
+	outName->b.size =  TPM_ALG_ID_Marshal(&hashAlg, &runner , &size_in) + 32;
+	SHA256(buff+2, toHashSize-2, runner);
+	return outName;
+void CreateDuplicationBlob2B(
+		//IN
+		TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA *protector,
+		TPM2B_PUBLIC * public2B,
+		TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *plainSymSeed, TPMI_YES_NO generateInSymSeed,
+		TPM2B_DATA *encryptionKey, TPMI_YES_NO generateEncryptionKey,
+		//OUT
+		TPM2B_PRIVATE *outDuplicate,
+	TPMT_PUBLIC publicPortion;
+	TPM2B_PUBLIC_TO_TPMT(public2B, &publicPortion);
+	TPM2B_SENSITIVE_TO_TPMT(sens2B, &sens);
+	CreateDuplicationBlob(protector, &publicPortion, &sens, plainSymSeed, generateInSymSeed, encryptionKey, generateEncryptionKey, outDuplicate, encSymSeed);
+void CreateSwDataObject2B(
+		BYTE* auth, UINT16 authSize,
+		RSA * rsaKey,
+		BYTE * policyDigest, UINT16 policyDigestSize,
+		TPM2B_PUBLIC * outPublic2B, 
+        TPM2B_SENSITIVE *outSens2B)
+	TPMT_PUBLIC publicPortion;
+	CreateSwDataObject(auth, authSize, rsaKey, NULL, 0, policyDigest, policyDigestSize, &publicPortion, &sens);
+	TPMT_PUBLIC_TO_TPM2B(&publicPortion, outPublic2B);
+	TPMT_SENSITIVE_TO_TPM2B(&sens, outSens2B);
+void CreateDuplicationBlob(
+		//IN
+		TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA *protector,
+		TPMT_PUBLIC * publicPortion,
+		TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *plainSymSeed, TPMI_YES_NO generateInSymSeed,
+		TPM2B_DATA *encryptionKey, TPMI_YES_NO generateEncryptionKey,
+		//OUT
+		TPM2B_PRIVATE *outDuplicate,
+	memset((void*)outDuplicate, 0, sizeof(TPM2B_PRIVATE));
+	memset((void*)encSymSeed, 0, sizeof(TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET));
+	TPM2B_SYM_KEY outerWrapper;
+	TPM2B NULL_2B = {0};
+	TPM2B_NAME swkName = {{0}};
+	TPM2B_PUBLIC public2B = {{0}};
+	TPM2B_SENSITIVE sens2B = {{0}};
+	INT32 size_in = 0;
+	TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER encSensitive = {{0}};
+	if(generateInSymSeed)
+	{
+		RAND_bytes(plainSymSeed->b.buffer, 16);
+		plainSymSeed->b.size = 16;
+	}
+	if(generateEncryptionKey)
+	{
+		RAND_bytes(encryptionKey->b.buffer, 16);
+		encryptionKey->b.size = 16;
+	}
+	// Preparing marshaled publicPortion:
+	TPMT_PUBLIC_TO_TPM2B(publicPortion, &public2B);
+	// calculating name:
+	GetName(TPM_ALG_SHA256, &(public2B), &swkName);
+	// preparing marshaled sensitive:
+	TPMT_SENSITIVE_TO_TPM2B(sens, &sens2B);
+	//preparing encSensitive
+	{
+		UINT16 tempUint16;
+		TPM2B_SYM_KEY IV = {0};
+		IV.b.size = 16;
+		TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER innerData = {0};
+		BYTE innerIntegrity[34] = {0}, toHash[1024] = {0};
+		size_in = 1024;
+		BYTE* runner = toHash;
+		UINT16_Marshal(&(sens2B.b.size), &runner, &size_in);
+		TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sens, &runner, &size_in);
+		memcpy(runner, swkName.b.buffer, swkName.b.size );
+		runner += swkName.b.size;
+		SHA256(toHash, runner - toHash, innerIntegrity+2);
+		runner = innerIntegrity;
+		tempUint16 = 32;
+		UINT16_Marshal(&tempUint16, &runner, &size_in);
+		memcpy(innerData.b.buffer, innerIntegrity, 34);
+		runner = innerData.b.buffer + 34;
+		size_in = 1024;
+		UINT16_Marshal(&(sens2B.b.size), &runner, &size_in);
+		TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sens, &runner, &size_in);
+		innerData.b.size = sens2B.b.size + 36;
+		AES_128_CFB_enc_dec(&(innerData.b), &(encSensitive.b), &(encryptionKey->b), &(IV.b), NULL, 1);
+	}
+	// outer integrity
+	{
+		TPM2B_SYM_KEY IV = {{0}};
+		TPM2B_DIGEST hmacKey = {{0}};
+		TPM2B_DIGEST outerHmac = {{0}};
+		TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER dupSensitive = {{0}};
+		TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER dataToHmac = {{0}};
+		BYTE * runner = NULL;
+		IV.b.size = 16;
+		KDFa(TPM_ALG_SHA256, &(plainSymSeed->b), "STORAGE", &(swkName.b), &NULL_2B, 128 , (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER*) &outerWrapper);
+		AES_128_CFB_enc_dec(&(encSensitive.b), &(dupSensitive.b), &(outerWrapper.b), &(IV.b), NULL, 1);
+		KDFa(TPM_ALG_SHA256,  &(plainSymSeed->b), "INTEGRITY", &NULL_2B, &NULL_2B, 32*8,(TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER*) &(hmacKey.b));
+		memcpy(dataToHmac.b.buffer, dupSensitive.b.buffer, dupSensitive.b.size);
+		memcpy(dataToHmac.b.buffer + dupSensitive.b.size, swkName.b.buffer, swkName.b.size);
+		dataToHmac.b.size = dupSensitive.b.size + swkName.b.size;
+		HMAC(EVP_sha256(), hmacKey.b.buffer, hmacKey.b.size, dataToHmac.b.buffer, dataToHmac.b.size,
+				outerHmac.b.buffer, (UINT32*) &size_in);
+		outerHmac.b.size = size_in;
+		runner = outDuplicate->b.buffer;
+		size_in = sizeof(*outDuplicate) - 2;
+		outDuplicate->b.size = TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&outerHmac, &runner, &size_in);
+		memcpy(runner, dupSensitive.b.buffer, dupSensitive.b.size);
+		outDuplicate->b.size += dupSensitive.b.size;
+	}
+	// Encrypting seed with RSA pub:
+	TPM2B_DATA encodingParams = {{0}};
+	encodingParams.b.size = 10;
+	memcpy(encodingParams.b.buffer, "DUPLICATE", 10);
+	RSA_OAEP_Enc((TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA*)plainSymSeed, (TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA*)encSymSeed, protector, &encodingParams);
+void rsaKeyTobn( const RSA* rsaKey,
+                const BIGNUM** n,
+                const BIGNUM** e,
+                const BIGNUM** d,
+                const BIGNUM** p,
+                const BIGNUM** q
+                )
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000
+    if (n != NULL) 
+    {
+        *n = rsaKey->n;
+        *e = rsaKey->e;
+        *d = rsaKey->d;
+    }
+    if (p != NULL) 
+    {
+        *p = rsaKey->p;
+        *q = rsaKey->q;
+    }
+    if (n != NULL) 
+    {
+        RSA_get0_key(rsaKey, n, e, d);
+    }
+    if (p != NULL) 
+    {
+        RSA_get0_factors(rsaKey, p, q);
+    }
+int rsabnTobin( const BIGNUM** n,
+                const BIGNUM** e,
+                const BIGNUM** p,
+                uint8_t** n_bytes, int* n_size,
+                uint8_t** e_bytes, int* e_size,
+                uint8_t** p_bytes, int* p_size
+                )
+    int rc=-1;
+    if(n_size != NULL)
+    {
+        *n_size = BN_num_bytes(*n);
+    }
+    if( (n_bytes != NULL) && (*n_size > 0) )
+    {
+        *n_bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(*n_size);
+        BN_bn2bin(*n, *n_bytes); 
+        rc = 0;
+    }
+    if(e_size != NULL)
+    {
+        *e_size = BN_num_bytes(*e);
+    }
+    if( (e_bytes != NULL) && (*e_size > 0) )
+    {
+        *e_bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(*e_size);
+        BN_bn2bin(*e, *e_bytes); 
+        rc = 0;
+    }
+    if(p_size != NULL)
+    {
+        *p_size = BN_num_bytes(*p);
+    }
+    if( (p_bytes != NULL) && (*p_size > 0) )
+    {
+        *p_bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(*p_size);
+        BN_bn2bin(*p, *p_bytes); 
+        rc = 0;
+    }
+    return rc;
+void CreateSwDataObject(
+		BYTE* auth, UINT16 authSize,
+		RSA * rsaKey,
+		BYTE * dataToSeal, UINT16 dataSize,
+		BYTE * policyDigest, UINT16 policyDigestSize,
+		TPMT_PUBLIC * outPublic, 
+        TPMT_SENSITIVE *outSens)
+	TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER hash_buffer;
+	BYTE seed[32] = {0};
+    if(rsaKey != NULL)
+    {
+    /* Asymmetric key (RSA) creation */
+        const BIGNUM    *n;
+        const BIGNUM    *e;
+        const BIGNUM    *d;
+        const BIGNUM    *p;
+        const BIGNUM    *q;
+        uint8_t* n_bytes; int n_size;
+        uint8_t* e_bytes; int e_size;
+        uint8_t* p_bytes; int p_size;
+        rsaKeyTobn(rsaKey, &n, &e, &d, &p, &q);
+        rsabnTobin( &n, &e, &p,
+                &n_bytes, &n_size,
+                &e_bytes, &e_size,
+                &p_bytes, &p_size
+                );
+        /* Fill TPM Sensitive data */
+        outSens->sensitiveType = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+        outSens->authValue.b.size = authSize;
+        memcpy(outSens->authValue.b.buffer, auth, authSize);
+        outSens->seedValue.b.size = 32;
+        memcpy(outSens->seedValue.b.buffer, seed, 32);
+        outSens->sensitive.bits.b.size = p_size;
+        memcpy(outSens->sensitive.bits.b.buffer, p_bytes, p_size);
+        /* Fill TPM Public portion */
+        outPublic->type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+        outPublic->nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+        outPublic->objectAttributes.val = 0;
+        //outPublic->objectAttributes.val |= TPMA_OBJECT_RESTRICTED;
+        outPublic->objectAttributes.val |= TPMA_OBJECT_USERWITHAUTH;
+        outPublic->objectAttributes.val |= TPMA_OBJECT_SIGN;
+        outPublic->authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+        /* Table 182 - Definition of TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS Union <IN/OUT, S> */
+        outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+        outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+        //outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.details.rsassa.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+        outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = BYTES_TO_BITS(n_size);;
+        printf("outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits: %d \n", outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits);
+        unsigned long tmp_val = 0;  // Need to use this temp variable?
+        memcpy(&tmp_val, e_bytes, e_size);
+        outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = tmp_val;
+        printf("outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.exponent: 0x%x \n", outPublic->parameters.rsaDetail.exponent);
+        outPublic->unique.rsa.t.size = n_size;
+        memcpy(outPublic->unique.rsa.t.buffer, n_bytes, n_size);
+        printf("outPublic->unique.rsa.t.size: %d \n", outPublic->unique.rsa.t.size);
+        if(( policyDigestSize > 0) && (policyDigest != NULL) )
+        {
+            memcpy(outPublic->authPolicy.b.buffer, policyDigest, policyDigestSize);
+            outPublic->authPolicy.b.size = policyDigestSize;
+        }
+    }
+    else if( (dataToSeal != NULL) && (dataSize > 0) )
+    {
+    /* Symmetric Key Creation */
+        outSens->authValue.b.size = authSize;
+        memcpy(outSens->authValue.b.buffer, auth, authSize);
+        outSens->seedValue.b.size = 32;
+        memcpy(outSens->seedValue.b.buffer, seed, 32);
+        outSens->sensitive.bits.b.size = dataSize;
+        memcpy(outSens->sensitive.bits.b.buffer, dataToSeal, dataSize);
+        outSens->sensitiveType = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+        outPublic->objectAttributes.val = 0;
+        outPublic->objectAttributes.adminWithPolicy = 1;
+        outPublic->nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+        memcpy(outPublic->unique.keyedHash.b.buffer, dataToSeal, dataSize);
+        outPublic->unique.keyedHash.b.size = dataSize;
+        if(( policyDigestSize > 0) && (policyDigest != NULL) )
+        {
+            memcpy(outPublic->authPolicy.b.buffer, policyDigest, policyDigestSize);
+            outPublic->authPolicy.b.size = policyDigestSize;
+        }
+        outPublic->type = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+        outPublic->nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+        outPublic->parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+        outPublic->parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.details.hmac.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+        memcpy(hash_buffer.b.buffer, seed, 32);
+        memcpy(hash_buffer.b.buffer+32, dataToSeal, dataSize);
+        SHA256(hash_buffer.b.buffer, 32+dataSize, outPublic->unique.keyedHash.b.buffer);
+        outPublic->unique.keyedHash.b.size = 32;
+    }
+TSS2_RC swKeyDuplicate(
+      /* IN */
+      RSA* rsaKey, TPM2B_PUBLIC* parentKeyPublicPortion, UINT8* policyDigest, int digestSize,
+      /* OUT */ 
+      TPM2B_DATA* encryptionKey, TPM2B_PUBLIC *swKeyPublic, TPM2B_PRIVATE *swKeyPrivate,  TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *encSymSeed)
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    UINT8 auth[0];
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE swKeySens;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET plainSymSeed = {{0}};
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA protectorRsaPub = {{0}};
+    INIT_SIMPLE_TPM2B_SIZE(*swKeyPublic);
+    // Fill the protector data
+    memcpy(protectorRsaPub.b.buffer, parentKeyPublicPortion->t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.buffer, parentKeyPublicPortion->t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size);
+    protectorRsaPub.b.size = parentKeyPublicPortion->t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size;
+    // Fill Symmetric seed
+    plainSymSeed.b.size =  encryptionKey->b.size = 16;
+    encSymSeed->b.size = 16;
+    // Create SW Data Object Public and Sensitive portions
+    CreateSwDataObject2B(auth, 0, rsaKey, policyDigest, digestSize, swKeyPublic, &swKeySens);
+    // Create Duplication blob needed for Import
+    CreateDuplicationBlob2B( &protectorRsaPub, swKeyPublic, &swKeySens, &plainSymSeed, 0, encryptionKey, 1, swKeyPrivate, encSymSeed);
+	return rval;