Initial commit - add readme file

Change-Id: I11f1bc802e823127afc2cbdf61cecf0a7db11c8a
Issue-Id: AAI-46
Signed-off-by: Edwin Lawrance <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e41e13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# ONAP aai/babel
+## Introduction
+Babel is a microservice in the AAI project that can be used by clients that work with TOSCA CSAR files.
+It parses the TOSCA CSAR to generate xml files from a set of yaml files found in the TOSCA CSAR file.
+## Compiling Babel
+Babel service can be compiled easily using maven command `mvn clean install`  
+The compiled results will be the following artifacts in the "target" folder:
+* babel_v{major-version}.zip
+* babel_v{major-version}
+* babel-{version}.jar
+* babel-{version}-client.jar
+* babel-{version}
+* Dockerfile
+Maven will install the following artifacts in the local repository:
+* babel-{version}.jar
+* babel-{version}-client.jar
+* babel-{version} 
+Create the docker image:
+docker build -t aai/babel target
+## Babel Client
+The project will build a client jar that can be used by clients when using the Babel service.   
+The client jar contains two objects that are used in the Babel service API.
+BabelRequest is used to supply the inputs into the Babel service.
+BabelArtifact is the response artifact in the list of artifacts returned from the Babel service.
+### Deploying The Micro Service 
+Push the Docker image that you have built to your Docker repository and pull it down to the location that you will be running Babel from.
+**Create the following directories on the host machine:**
+    ./logs
+    ./opt/app/babel/appconfig
+    ./opt/app/babel/appconfig/auth
+You will be mounting these as data volumes when you start the Docker container.  For examples of the files required in these directories, see the aai/test/config repository (
+**Populate these directories as follows:**
+##### Contents of /opt/app/babel/appconfig
+The following file must be present in this directory on the host machine:
+The purpose of this configuration directory is to maintain configuration files specific to authentication/authorization for the _Babel_ service.
+The following files must be present in this directory on the host machine:
+    auth.policy.file=/auth/auth_policy.json
+    auth.authentication.disable=false
+_artifact-generator.properties_ <br />
+Contains model invariants ids used by SDC artifact generator library
+##### Contents of /opt/app/babel/appconfig/auth 
+Create a policy file defining the roles and users that will be allowed to access _Babel_ service.  This is a JSON format file which will look something like the following example:
+     {
+         "roles": [
+             {
+                 "name": "admin",
+                 "functions": [
+                     {
+                         "name": "search", "methods": [ { "name": "GET" },{ "name": "DELETE" }, { "name": "PUT" }, { "name": "POST" } ]
+                     }
+                 ],
+                 "users": [
+                    {
+                         "username": "CN=babeladmin, OU=My Organization Unit, O=, L=Sometown, ST=SomeProvince, C=CA"
+                     }    
+                 ]
+             }
+         ]
+     }
+ _tomcatkeystore_
+Create a keystore with this name containing whatever CA certificates that you want your instance of the _Babel_ service to accept for HTTPS traffic.
+## Dependency Information
+To include the Babel service client jar in your project add the following maven dependency to your project's pom:
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.onap.aai</groupId>
+			<artifactId>babel</artifactId>
+			<version>*</version>
+			<classifier>client</classifier>
+		</dependency>